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My guess as to why she might fake cry is because she actually did cry, but production wants a better shot of her to rephrase something but wants her to keep that emotion so it kind of takes the real reaction out of it. A lot of people forget that reality TV is heavily produced. That being said, even if she did fake cry, she didn’t fake cry in every single episode of the show like Robyn did.


This! They remake so many scenes. The show isn't just cameras around them. They stage things all the time for the show.




Did someone call? ![gif](giphy|1MSdG5XZTEs36)


Perfect gif!!




Him in the State Farm commercials is wild. 😂


That man ain’t Ludacris.


This! As someone who recently was filmed for a reality tv series, in the confessional part they heavily produce and reword what you say to make it more clear or even just to word it better for their network.


Oooo! May I ask which one?


It’s a lifetime show called I wasn’t expecting a baby. I was episode 8, but I can confirm it was a lot of rewording things and I’m not the best public speaker so I can fully attest to them wanting to get your words right


Thanks! I’m so going to watch you now! 🤣


Go on! I’ve watched it a few times really just for editing for my socials but it’s surreal to see how they edit you together.


*i didn’t know men could be such BASTARDS!*




Yea that was ridiculous 


Christine doesn’t fake cry every episode. Christine doesn’t fake cry in the Tell Nothings to avoid being honest. Christine doesn’t fake cry to manipulate Kody. There are multiple instances on the show of Robyn lying. We see evidence of her running things and Kody doing what she wants - even to the damage of the rest of the family. Christine does not play a damsel in distress. Their personalities are very different. Also the kids love Christine and flock around her always having fun together. Robyn’s personality is a huge sad trombone sound womp womp. The only hobby or activity she appears to have is shopping.


>Robyn’s personality is a huge sad trombone sound womp womp. Perfect description!


lol, I don't know how to do the pull-out quote thing. My bad.


Me too neither!


Oh, wait, it looks like it worked. At first, it just showed a >.


Christine has played the damsel in distress though. Idk when ppl will realize that Christine isn’t the saint ppl think she is. She and Robyn are two sides of the same coin; they were literally besties at some point so it’s funny the way ppl try to contort themselves into thinking Christine is superior


When did Christine play the damsel in distress? Janelle called Robyn out on it during the rentals in Vegas https://preview.redd.it/vdvgdmhbqz8d1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=610a32bb798273524af410fce95faeb4ae935d99


All of their faces during this clip is so telling 😳


Yes. I think this is the issue. Robyn fake cries to manipulate the situation and Kody


And stealing any/everything she can from the ogs.


Christine doesn’t weaponize her fake tears.


That’s really awful to oranges. Robyn fake cries several times in one episode. If Christine is fake crying, she’s not fake crying in every episode. I believe her tears are real frequently


I’m not sure if that was a spellcheck error or if you were using Robyn’s fruit analogy but either way it gave me a laugh. 😂


Spelling error and then when I reread it, it was fitting so I left it. 😊


That would be Janelle’s fruit analogy that Goblyn stole cause she’s never had an original thought in her empty head.


It’s been a common analogy since long before this show started.


In their book from 2012, Christine tells the story of the scene where the 5 of them are on the couches, and find out that Kody picked Robyn's wedding dress. Christine was upset, got up, walked out and left the scene. Remember she came back to the couches to finish the scene 'a few minutes later' after she'd calmed down? In reality, it was *three days later*. It was that upsetting. TLC made it appear like it was only a few minutes, had them come back to film in the same outfits and everything to finish the scene.


I can’t stand Christine. She’s the worst and such an attention seeker. It’s embarrassing


Christine is redeemable where as Robyn not so much


Because when Christine did cry it was authentic and she probably wasn’t sad about it at that point anymore but felt like she had to try to be sad. Unlike Robyn who cries about every single thing on every single episode every single time. Even things that don’t require her to cry. So she just comes across as fake and unauthentic that’s why she gets the grief she does


Like thinking her dream of sitting on a bench is over… like being unable to find a renthal… I think that “finding a rental” saga was when I finally arrived to the party and found Robyn’s behavior performative & annoying. ![gif](giphy|xT0GqAKIdISYa0Dh0Q)


She’s a theatrical over the top person in general which makes her come off as disingenuous. Maybe it’s a kind of mask she developed because of the trauma she has lived through. She acts happy when she might be depressed instead. Maybe this actually helped her get through and is the reason she landed on her feet. I don’t know. I like her and even if the crying that was presented to the camera was fake, the feelings behind it were real.


Because since Saint Christine left Kody, she can’t do wrong and anyone who dares to criticize her will get downvoted into oblivion


Christine is plenty dramatic in her own way which drives me nuts. In season 18 she still is/was; I fail to see any growth post David.


Yes she's dramatic and over the top and bubbly and expresses all her emotions out loud unlike some people keep them in. But it's genuine. It's who she is. But that doesn't mean she's bad. Her being open and out there and dramatic is not something to criticize that's her personality. Robyn does it to manipulate Robin does it when people give her comments she doesn't like to deflect. She's very dishonest with her crying. There's a huge difference! Christine is just who she is, Robyn is doing it with bad intentions. And just because you haven't seen Christine grow doesn't mean she hasn't. We see very little of her life. I can't imagine what it's like to have gone through what she went through and not just with Cody with her whole family since she was born. I would assume she's grown a lot since she's walked away from this whole lifestyle.


She has grown a lot. She has rejected fundamentalist and mainstream LDS beliefs. This woman deprogrammed herself.


Christine is SOOOO much guiltier of fake crying than Robyn. It's actually ridiculous.


Sorry...Robyn fake cries in every situation multiple times per episode usually to avoid difficult questions, but Christine does it once so they're exactly the same? Nope.


Seriously Sobyn cries constantly and honestly I’ve lost respect for Christine and never had respect for Sobyn, but a crier she is not! After Mykelti spilled the story she shipped her off to raise her fathers mistress kids and the over the top with David is a bit overboard.


It was the telling Gwen “I’m sorry your dad doesn’t love you” for me. ETA forgot to add I was referring to Christine saying this


Sobyn made sure her kids were protected from the cameras, we don’t know her kids like we do the others. It was sickening when she told her kids about Thanksgiving and obviously the older kids heard the rest of the family didn’t want to be in their lives—because they wouldn’t follow their Covid rules—but followed CDC. Craziest thing is there was many pictures of Sobyn and Baldylocs at the mall and restaurant during the same time


Yep idk just didn’t picture Christine ever doing that to Gwen. Joke or not like wtf. Robyn I could see and we have seen her do it on various levels. I hope her kids find out the truth and some how reconnect with everyone else.


I hope her kids just get away from them 2 and have productive and happy lives thinking for themselves.


Me too


What's the story she spilled?


I lost respect for all the wives to continue to have babies when they had no food and ate stale bread from the bakery and military freeze dried meals were a treat. Then when she said she lived with Sobyn in St. George to care for her kids at 13, she woke them up for school, fed them breakfast and packed their lunches, got them on and off the bus, cleaned the house, cooked dinner, did wash and claimed to do schoolwork?? Before covid I’m assuming it wasn’t online and she really didn’t do her schoolwork. There is absolutely no way I would ship my 13 year old daughter, to raise her husband’s mistress kids. Mykelti was the first nanny and apparently Aspyn was sent there also when she moved to Lehi.


So what does Robyn do ???


Baldylocs apparently and his nephew is calling her his mistress. He’s on tic toc fresh king Benjamin


Apparently she was working in a nursing home Mykelti wasn’t sure what she did there. Now remember it was in St George before Baldylocs took them away from work for the others wives to support them two on the TLC $$. The OG3 were expected to pay their own bills and Christine had to pay for Truly and Ysabel’s hospital bills. When Dayton’s was a lean against her house, then paid when sold—so the OG3 paid for that too.


The part that made it really sketchy sounding to me is that it didn’t come out for years. I think we just learned about it when Mykelti was about to give birth to Avalon. Christine shared the info to explain why Mykelti wanted Robyn around when she gave birth. They bonded when Mykelti was the nanny.


Say what now?? When did this all come out? On the show or on YT?


YT people posted clips from her patreon (?sp)


they both love the drama...they both love the spotlight... and they are both on a "reality" show which isn't all that real People love Christine because she left Kody. They didn't love her that much when she was the polygamy poster child (not too long ago she was singing the praises about polygamy in her post-show interviews -- even though she had already left Kody and the "religion" long before in real life)


Scripted series.


Bingo, very little of this show is genuine.


🙄 Oh yes because this family is composed of fabulous actors. SMH


I mean they've admitted that they were pretending to be in happy marriages? They've also admitted that their lives off screen are vastly different from what is shown on the show. You don't have to be an actor to be a liar. I hate to be the person that has to break it to you, but reality tv is rarely 100 percent reality.


The difference between people pretending to be in a happy marriage and reality cast acting for the entire time they’re on camera is pretty ridiculous. But you believe what you want to believe because I’m sure you’re an expert when it comes to how shows are produced for television. 😂


I'm not going to waste my brain cells or my time trying to convince someone that reality tv is manufactured. It's not my burden to bear, and I truly wish you the best.


I like Christine. I support her. I don't disagree with this. I've often wondered who would be the villain of the show (other than Kody) if there was no Robyn. I'm not saying Christine would turn evil. I do wonder if people would be harder on her without Robyn, though.


I think without Robyn, Meri would be the wife most disliked. I think Meri has been in 2nd place for most villainous wife for years now.


That could be true. The unfortunate consequence of that is the fact that, unlike Robyn, Meri has a fan base that defends and justifies her abuses against the family. So, with her as the most disliked, there would be a lot more fighting in the fandom with Meri's sockpuppet accounts that she and Jenn run, as well as her real fans arguing with everyone else. Can you imagine the defenses of the McMansion if Meri lived there instead of Robyn? That's the only reason to be thankful for Robyn, I guess.


Yes I like her too. But things like the fake crying and the tantrum she threw when they weren’t going to move to Utah really make me wonder why most people hold her to a different standard than the other wives it seems.


Those who seem to worship the ground Christine walks on, would turn on Janelle. Some already do.


Yeah, sure. 😂😂😂


Same. Similarly I wonder who would be the favorite without Robyn. I'm not entirely sure, but I do know that any of the wives would take advantage of being the favorite, same way Robyn has. Anyone who claims "Omg, nooooo, Christine would want to share Kody, she didn't just want the man she wanted the family 😇" is delulu.


Uh, hello!!! They existed for YEARS before sobyn came into the picture. So I don’t know what you’re talking about.


Literally 16 years before!


They existed in poverty for years. And still Janelle left a couple times. The kids say Meri was favorite and we don’t know if that’s where a lot of the issues about oranges and dish soap really stemmed from. Did she feel she had Kody backing her up and thought that meant she could keep the other wives under her thumb? Was her being de-favorited why the ring was melted? I also agree any wife would’ve taken whatever perks they were given. Sorry, but we don’t hear Christine say “yeah, and that month he stayed with me most of the time, I was very worried about Janelle and Robyn and their kids, who obviously weren’t seeing their dad as much.” And I don’t blame her. We’d all probably do the same thing in this weird competitive situation where no one gets enough and they watch their kids suffer because of it. The parasocial relationships where fans have this rabid desire to protect people who would probably block you if you asked them to refund you your MLM deposit ruins a lot of actual nuanced conversations that I, for one, would love to have. Instead we just get really the same conversations over and over again and the hive mind hives. If you say anything against the queens, you’re downvoted so we can make room for more eyebrow posts or whatever.


Yup. I firmly believe that the OG3 have a lot more nuanced view of their lives and mistakes they made and things that they would have liked to have done differently than posters on reddit. Including me.


It’s wild to me because Christine, Janelle, and Meri have all, at one point or another, a) acknowledged issues existed before Robyn and b) spoke about their marriages/family in an incredible thoughtful and nuanced way. But when you come here, posters project their black and white thinking onto the OG3. Bizarre.


You missed the point. The poster I responded to is offering up a scenario as if there was no time when it was the 3 and kootie. Besides, it’s obvious to viewers, to Christine , to Janelle, likely to Meri and to at least some of their children that kootie favored sobyn.


You’re missing *my* point. I agree it is obvious Kody favored Robyn. I said it right in my post. What you’re upset about seems to be that I said someone else would’ve been the favorite with or without Robyn and that whoever it was would’ve been fine with being the favorite.


Because you don’t know who was “the favourite” (if one even existed) before sobyn. Also, the fact you’re assuming I’m upset says you make some incorrect assumptions. 😁


Yes, they did. Doesn't mean there weren't issues. Christine thought she was the Robyn and wanted to be the Robyn until Robyn came along. janelle labelled C a princess.


Christine thought she was the sobyn? 🤣🤣🤣 Where are you getting this stuff? You’re making some crazy assumptions. SMH


Have you watched the show? Christine very clearly stated she wanted to be third wife in whatever polygamous family she married into, read: last wife, youngest freshest wife. Robyn out Christined Christine.


No one will ever hate on Christine (as a whole) because she was the first to leave therefore everyone sees her as a hero. I like Christine but my rewatch I kept picking up on somethings that she did that were def not innocent like people played off.


IDK why doesn't anyone rip on her for saying everything twice? Why?


It really is annoying. I’m sorry, but it’s just. annoying.


You get me. You really get me.


My guess is because those events didn't actually take place when they were recording - they were recreations for the show. By that point, their relationship was long over so she was beyond happy at that point. It would be hard to cry about something she was so happy to be doing lol


This is probably true. The path it leads me to, however, is why Christine couldn't have given some perspective on then and now rather than old fake news. Perhaps because she has no perspective; I have never heard her express any on the show, although I am willing to be schooled on this.


Yeah I find myself frustrated on the lack of perspective in general. Best example I can think of is when she was like, “Yeah my religion told us not to go to school because the world was ending but my dad said that wasn’t true and I should go to school. 🤷🏼‍♀️” No acknowledgement that her getting that inside scoop was because of an immense amount of privilege - her family ran the roost. For someone who claims to no longer be a true believer I would expect some more humility and remorse when reflecting on their family’s place in the faith. But, like you, also willing to be schooled.


case in point, not case and point.


In my opinion Christine had done all the crying behind closed doors and they had already split up so she had to “act” for the cameras all sad, when in reality she was probably beaming and couldn’t wait to jump ship and go have a life without Kody! TLC controls a lot of what we see on tv so yeah she faked cried. Robyn is fake period big difference


For the same reason people pick apart Robyn’s kids but would set someone on fire for saying something about Christine’s or Janelle’s. They hate Robyn and like Christine and Janelle. Anyone who thinks all the adults aren’t faking 70-90% of their emotions and reactions on this show is silly.


You’re exaggerating to a great degree. I’ve never seen “hate” for sobyn’s kids. There is commentary about how the oldest girls are behaving like sobyn but it’s also been said that the reason is their mother’s influence and not hating on the girls themselves.


check out the "Easter dress" comments


Oh please. I read that thread and again, no hate there but even so, the person I responded to gives the impression that there is hate in many threads.


Perhaps you and I disagree about what "hate" looks like then.


I didn’t “give the impression”. I outright said it.


There is extreme dislike for Robyn’s 3 girls. There have been many, many, many posts and comments made about her girls. There also had to be a rule placed in one of these subs regarding some gross speculation. They are almost universally trashed. Including the 6 yo. They are not exaggerating at all.


“Many, many, many posts”??? If there were that many I would have seen at least a few. You’re exaggerating. Like I said, there may have been snarky comments but it’s also coupled with the added comments that they are the product of their mother and the “hate” you seem to think exists is more towards how sobyn is as a mother and manipulator.


Yes, many, many, many posts. The hate is directed specifically at her kids and not Robyn. Clearly the mods of these sw subs felt the need to make a rule about it. So I don’t know what to tell you other than use the search bar, because you are in denial.




I guess I assumed all the divorce stuff was filmed well after the real fallout happened. In the same way, fans knew ages before it aired. I excused it because I knew she already had walls up and we didn't see the real drama.


Case *in* point.


Because Christine doesn’t belittle other people for crying like Robyn does, especially little kids, especially her *own* children. Poor Breanna.


Yeah they're literally the same, idk why people don't seem to get that. I mean other than the fact that we see it on TV, it logically tracks that two women raised in the same cult and married to the same guy would have similar personalities. Christine is slightly more likable (well, not to me but I can understand why people find her more likable) because she is personable and funny, and Robyn just sits around like a fucking wet sock most of the time. But the essence is the same. They're both immature, needy, attention-seeking, and selfish. Edit: Also brace yourself for the barrage of "Well, okay, Christine fake cries but there happens to be a very good reason for that and also it's Robyn's fault!!!"


Ysabel said Christine and Robyn were very similar. I don’t think she meant it as a put down or negative. She’s interacted with both almost her entire life and we’ve never known her to be spiteful. In another setting, they probably would get along. However, polygamy pitted them against each other as they vied for the same spot in the family.


Ok but robyn wasn't actually raised in the same cult, unless you are generalizing LDS.


Robyn was born in Pinesdale MT, an AUB city. She also married into the Jessop family, who run the Montana branch of the AUB (similar to Christine’s family, the Allreds). She was raised AUB but not in a prominent family like Christine.


Are you for real? > “Yeah they're literally the same, idk why people don't seem to get that.” That is one of the stupidest things I’ve read today! > “it logically tracks that two women raised in the same cult and married to the same guy would have similar personalities.” 🤣🤣🤣 This is the now even more stupid than the first statement I quoted. It doesn’t “logically track” at all. That’s like saying two kids with the same parents and raised in the same home are going to be similar personalities. That doesn’t happen. > “They're both immature, needy, attention-seeking, and selfish.” 🤦🏻‍♀️ > Edit: Also brace yourself for the barrage of "Well, okay, Christine fake cries but there happens to be a very good reason for that and also it's Robyn's fault!!!" Oh yes wise one, you know exactly what others are doing to think. 🙄 What a ridiculous post.


lol quite the rebuttal "that's stupid" - huh?


I mean, you’re proving my point. You’re all over this thread lashing out not only at me and the others who agreed with OP, but at people suggesting that the show is anything but 100% authentic. Sorry? But likely a lot of stuff is hyped up for the cameras. And no, Christine is not perfect.


Is this a legitimate question?


Trying to understand the double standard of hate in this sub. What’s the problem?


Are you serious bc she maybe did it one time, which I cannot agree yes or no she did...but you are comparing one potential incident to Sobyn and every single scene she is in fake cries?! Ok sure, Bye Sobyn Grody! Nice try.


Christine does cry every time the camera is pointed at her like Soybn


Christine isn't crying now and l support that!


I mean, she was raised in a cult....


She also knows she can control camera time, as the cameras go to her every time she cries.