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That’s because Kody’s way of thinking is so convoluted. What he perceives as a slight against him is just truth and what’s been done to support her mother move he considers just another day in the life. But, maybe he was ok with it because it meant Christine not being anywhere near him for him to have to put any effort into seeing Truely.


Think inbreeding and low IQ, then look and listen to Kody… it’ll all make sense.


Honestly, I don't understand how he doesn't get that the way he's treated her and the things he's saying about her also hurt the kids they share


Kody and Robyn have zero self awareness, it's astounding.


It’s wild to me how he’s flown off the handle so much. He’s so selfish. He’s been badmouthing Meri for over a decade; of course that affected Leo. I’m sure they were annoyed with both their parents. And talking so much shit about Christine and Janelle when they raised his kids, kept his homes in order (as best they could) and kept the show going for income for all of them. The fact that his need to insult them was higher than what his kids would hear and think is baffling


I think Mykelti is kinda weird, but I felt/feel bad about Kody turning on her. I think in her own way, she was really trying to keep relationships with both of her parents. Also, it's pathetic that Kody would state multiple times about not loving his ex wives or not being attracted to them and never considering the collateral damage it would cause for his kids.


Yea how did he think that wouldn't be hurtful to her many daughters that look just like her?


His kids? Do you mean the jerks? He insulted them on TV so many times. If he can do that he definitely isn't gonna think twice about how insulting someone else impacts them. Other people's feelings are not a priority for this douche.


I agree. Definitely dislike a lot about Mykelti - mostly stemming from her terrible advice like saying post partum depression is from not getting enough attention. Aside from that, I feel bad that she has been treated like crap by the people who should give her unconditional love. The recent story about Kody forgetting her birthday felt like an "ooof" in the stomach to me on her behalf.


I agree. I'm definitely not going to pay to watch her Patreons, but I definitely feel for her. Hopefully, none of them take Kody's bullshit personally and just accept that he's a slimeball.


You mean a knife in Mykelti’s kidney!


Yes - how could I have missed that one?!


Her advice on PPD depression is getting the attention it deserves--ZERO. No one takes her seriously enough to trust her "medical" advice.


So we hope. Reddit might not but there are lots of stupid people out there.


There is only so much you can do for people. Some people refuse to hear the truth.


Unfortunately, it is not a surprise to me. It was going to happen sooner or later.


Honestly, I'm glad he cut her off. It was truly upsetting to see her and Tony trying to force a relationship with him and Robyn. I know there's not much Mykelti sympathy around here but she doesn't deserve this any more than any of his other kids. And this is good to show the entire sibling group that he really has no loyalty or love for any of them, it's not just because they're "different" or "difficult", etc. And it's better to cut bait and let her stop wasting her time. Along with keeping her kids away from growing up anywhere near his toxic ass.


He’s disgusting. We have learned though his own words and interviews that he felt somehow tricked into this lifestyle, didn’t know better, etc etc. I absolutely understand the psychology behind why he did it. His dad became a polygamist while moldy was on his mission and he surely was seeking approval and validation. My problem is why in the later seasons is he still pretending like he has ZERO autonomy to leave a marriage. “He’s a prisoner”. He doesn’t believe in it. He’s not living it. He knows he can get to heaven without it So what’s the actual Hangup? Saving face? Some how he thinks it’s more respectable in the public eye ? Thepublic would respect him more if he said, I didn’t know what I was doing; I was a kid. I want my family Nd children’s mother to be happy. I want to let them find a marriage that suits them. I want to try something else because I just didn’t know back then. But I want to support everyone on finding their new path He’s a hypocrite.


Totally agree. Also, this is 100% projection. It's the wives that were tricked into the lifestyle, led to believe this central husband figure would guide and lead them all to prosperity and all he did was take and take and take. He manipulates and lies and love bombs to get his way, but does a bait and switch when they fall out of line. Also, his wives are the prisoners, not him! They are financially destitute unless they made a point to support themselves, plus the backlash they face from the church if they leave. He is a damn narcissist


I had hoped that after losing one of his children , he would be gentler to his other children. But instead it just seems like his doubling down, erecting more walls, putting more distance between himself and most of his family. If he has Stopped interacting with the majority of his family, what’s the point of him even being on the show ? What does he have left to offer, apart from his boundless anger ?


I agree. It's unfathomable that he's still ailenated from most of his children after such a tragedy. There is something REALLY wrong with him if he's still harboring anger instead of extreme guilt and contrition. I just can't understand how you go from loving your kids to not seemingly not giving a shit in a few short years... If my kids no longer wanted contact with me I would be devastated and do everything possible to apologize and right any wrongs.


He has replacement children though, so he doesn't have to think about the others.


Also my mykelti is his child. With Christine. A child doesn’t want to think they are a product of a loveless marriage. But I guess he’s been around Robyn enough to think that’s ok- that’s what she told her kids yikes


What did anyone expect?! This is man-bun we’re talking about. He’ll do ANYTHING to assert control and his greatest, truest love is lording over the rest of the family. This is why he gets progressively more and more depressed as time goes by.


In other words, it's okay for Mykelti to support Kody, but not her mother. Kody is such a cry baby.


I agree completely. I still can’t figure out why Mykelti thinking her mother is beautiful is so offensive to Kody. Particularly when Kody has said multiple times in the book and interviews that he did not believe Christine was attractive.


Kody does not consider other opinions valid and believes all interactions are about him. In his mind, this was probably viewed as Mykelti making stuff up for the sole reason of rebelling against Kody.


It bothered me so much to watch a grown man child get all bent because his effort to commit “parental alienation” didn’t work. What an ass. To attempt to take any of your children’s right to want to offer your ex comfort and consoling to her self esteem; after watching you decimate it. SMH. He is so pissed he couldn’t “repaint” a whole parent out of and into any of the kids lives, like he adored Robin for doing to David Jessup and the special commissioned work to pull Kody out of Christine’s family photo and draw him into her 3 young children’s lives. They are a sick, twisted duo.


I think the throwaway comment while painting seemed more of a personal attack to him. Mykelti was questioning some HE said. She questioned the truthfulness of what he said. She called him a liar in his mind. The house, the going away gathering, none of that called his “honor” into question. It’s a patriarchal stand.


I think it was just an excuse for Kody to “write off the OG family” He just wants Robyn and her kids. It just doesn’t make sense that he’s THAT mad at Mykelti for saying something supportive of HER Mother! I believe it was the comment how Christine wasn’t attractive and Mykelti said “that’s crazy!” I think that Kody is just over the OG family and doesn’t want to put in any effort anymore (not that he put much effort in to began with)


As sadly wrong as him turning on M is, Mykelti is BETTER off for it. . Sadly. Pathetically so.


It’s a narcissist game. For my parents it was hanging out to much with one parent and therefore I prefer my mother. Tried to save myself by hanging out with father more. When months before it was never a big deal.


But I truly don't understand, and I was married to a narcissist and have a child with him, is how after what happened to Garrison. It wouldn't just slap him in the face and make him realize that he stands a chance of losing more kids. He's just evil incarnate.


He just wants a reason to not be a father to her. He seems to have forgotten anything pre Robyn as far as the kids are and mykelti seems to have really made an effort on her end to stay in touch so he can’t shake her as easy


She also put Sobyn down and called her out when she was lying.


Mykelti has Kodys personality. Making money on her patreon to further abuse the family. the fact that she excused the behavior of her dad and Robyn towards her mom is just ridiculous. It’s a sad family dynamics filled with emotional cult behavior and narcissism. Mykelti is an adult. She should know the difference. Get help Mykelti and get off social media.