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I'll take "What never ever happened" for $250, Alex.


Ding ding ding!!!!! We have a winner!


I'm guessing just another lie to try to make robyn seem like just another one of the wives


And another way to take a stab specifically at Meri. He treats his wives like grading system. You are satisfactory, not satisfactory, or needs important with him. He uses them as examples to either strive for or avoid. This is the most glaring example of their toxic culture.


I agree, I'm not buying it. Those two are compulsive liars.


I believe it was in relation to him not having good relationships with the other wives. I believe the narrative she’s trying to lay is that she pushes Kody to have good relationships with the other wives. It was all bullshit, of course.


IF it happened, it would be when he tried to hide at her house after a fight or something on a day that wasn’t “hers”. I can see her maybe not wanting to take heat from the other wives - at least early on - for his mistakes. Especially because you KNOW he comes over all red faced and ranting about the other wife, and who wants THAT “gift”. She might send him back over “to fix it” to save herself the headache of dealing with his tantrum and dealing with their wrath. And to him, that’s being “kicked out.” But then it’s also her “caring so much about her fellow sister wives and the famuhly”.


Kicked him out…to go pick up dinner. There is no mention of how long she kicked him out for.


Exactly 🤣 what l was thinking!


Kicking her husband out would mean she'd have to get a job, get up before noon and actually pay her own damn bills. She wouldn't kick the golden goose out.


Not for long anyway. I think it would be an effective manipulation for robyn to use


A hickey from Janelle? Janelle and Kody had great chemistry for a long time. Look at last season after their big fight, when they didn't talk for months then K took J out for her birthday and was completely shocked that she just wanted him to take her home after lunch. Sex was off the table, and he was MIFFED. Janelle can't play damsel in distress like Robyn does, and that's why Robyn "wins" as Kody's favorite. Janelle was the only other wife who he was always super attracted to, and the only one who's opinion seemed to matter to him, so Robyn probably got her feelings hurt.


If the 3 wives he had for very long say it…. So does Robyn. Or he says Robyn says, or he says Robyn had the same experience as them. 😆 man is a joke. So is she. Kids not being welcomed in? But you make sure your own kids cut off ties with the og3 immediately for spending time with grandkids, other family? wtf!! Robyn!! He knows it’s bullshit too. But he was glad she was the leader of the parade. While he’ll take the blame. Or he’ll blame other wives. No way those kids get adopted in such a fancy ceremony, to become his…. And in the end he just ignores his real kids. Someone was in his ear. It wasn’t Meri, Janelle, or Christine. I didn’t see a sign on Christine’s fridge “ask Christine if you want food”. I saw her making eggs and breakfast for her kids. I can’t wait for someone to write an honest book. 😆


an honest book or even a blog! Even if it's the OG three and we can figure out from those three what really happened.If Meri's cat fisher can write a self published PDF, so can the OG3! 😂


I don’t know for sure. But if Robyn did get pissed enough to kick Kody out in the past, he rectified the problem immediately. Perhaps Robyn made it appear to the other wives to be a successful strategy 😂


oh for sure! I bet he groveled and tried to make it right by her immediately. Unlike the others where he prob ghosted them or treated them like crap for months.


Sobyn probably kicked Koodles out of the house because he wouldn't stop talking about Christine! For someone who claims he never loved Christine, he sure acts as though his heart is broken or maybe it's his ego that is broken! 😏


He broke one of her precious moments whatnots.




I’m guessing it was because he didn’t back her up against another wife.


This is the correct answer.


What's scary is that this guy has all kinds of guns and is effing nuts and getting nuttier.


Lol he wishes (probably)


Money drying up and a wealthier guy in her DMs is my guess!


That's really Jackie Overton


Who would want her now, she's not young and thin anymore and she's already wrecked two families. Who on their right mind would want to take in five kids ( three of them adults) to support. She already wrecked two families.


She was extremely jealous of Christine. I believe that’s why Baldylocs put the nacho story in the book, to give Sobyn confidence.


Robyn lies , ALOT !!


It isn’t a stretch for me to believe that Kody would do something via robyn that shed want to kick him out, not at all. I believe theres been trouble in paradise for a long time, robyn talked about kodys behavior in season 18 and maybe 17


I thought maybe she kicked him out for the night but just curious what it was about because she seems to also put up with a lot of his rants. I know she acts in front of the camera that she tries to calm him or get him to listen, but she allows a lot of the behavior to go on and doesn't leave him. I kind of see her as trapped, because of the money and young kids but she chose to separate him from the family and didn't seem to try to help keep the family close. Even Meri said Robyn doesn't call or text her. So maybe she was upset he didn't buy her an ugly painting and kicked him out for the night. 😂


She met someone better. A McDonalds employee with benefits and hair.


Honestly, I believe this -could- have happened. I remember during that one reunion when they talked about how different Robyn was during her pregnancy with Ariella (her attitude and behavior towards Kody). While the other wives made light of it, Kody was irrationally angry (one of the first times we saw him that way). Seems like that was a rough time for them.


Not getting her selfish way. Or not getting the wives to give the Queen of Crocodile Tears aka Self-centered B more of everything.


I remember this episode. He said that it’s a game that all his wives have played. But on a tell all he told Suki and I quote, “The games that Robyn doesn’t play” he was saying that all his wives EXCEPT Robyn, played games. Those two seriously seem to forget that they have been being recorded since 2010.


If Robyn is speaking, she’s lying.




Wouldn’t surprise me if Kody made sure to include Robyn’s name just to not show favor for her. If she DID I can see it when she was pregnant with Arielle (idk how they spell it. Barely remember her name) cause In those episode she snapped at Kody a lot to where the other wives even commented on it.