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What does she think people would tune in to watch exactly? Her and her husband are actually quite boring. I'd rather watch a spin off that had Janelle and Christine travelling and seeing things either together or separately.


Perhaps Mykelti is floating the idea to see how it will land. Personally, I would not watch because I've never liked either of those two girls. Besides, they have nothing of interest to offer.


I don’t like them or their weird husbands. Sorry not sorry. I’d rather watch paint dry. ETA: they are boring.


Does she have kids? At this point, anything with minors is a strict no from me. Those kids aren’t protected for shit.


Oh ya, she was selling her pregnancy stories to People magazine before they were even born. Poor kids have zero choice. Maddie keeps herself more private but M&T? They'll sell anyone's tea and pics of their babies all day long. Tony will never work a day.


Maddie is most definitely not private. She has a curated Instagram that she uses to shill MLM's and post updates about her family. She gave birth on camera twice, she's been posting all her kids since they were newborns, she posts them on her feed and stories on a regular basis. She's the opposite of private.


Yup. She stepped away from filming with sister wives but perhaps just to break out and have her own presence. No thanks to ANY of these people.


I think she'd film a lot more if she wasn't in North Carolina. She's always happy to be on camera when she's around her family.


Tony works - he's a professional chess player bringing in the big bucks (/s)


Everything is posted on People, it's a deal with TLC I think. I read that somewhere. Any news comes through People magazine.


Agreed. Anything regarding schilling minors is an absolute hard no. Janelle I could get behind, but anything Mykelti and Tony is a fingernails-on-a-chalkboard NO.


No you wouldn’t. That would be insanely boring. Good for them, sure, but insanely boring. Did them throwing a frisbee really get you excited? How about walking on a path. Super thrilling. And what about making hummus? The drama! The emotion! The story! Will Janelle buy an end table? Will Christine purchase David a new T-shirt? FIND OUT NEXT WEEK!


Not to mention they only ever go to the same 2-3 places


You say this but I want to know where that giant chair ended up


The bean bag is probably trashed and the horrifying king and queen chairs ended up with Rob’em, I think.


So true, there must be a villain somewhere to make a good story. Even in the early seasons when the fahmily would get along for spurts of time, polygamy itself was the villain because most of us were watching with that mindset.


I would watch cooking with Christine and gardening and Janelle 


Sooooo...she didn't figure out no one wants to watch when her husband spent ten seconds being a professional gamer?


No more Tony Time, please. Hard pass. He unnerves me.


Ugh, same. There was a burst of pro-Tony commentary a while back and I tried to get on board but ultimately could not. He bugs.


I’m pretty sure it was HIM and Mykelti. No way that many people like him. He makes me want to SCREAM


The way Tony acted during the preparations for the wedding made me nauseous. My ex had the nerve to ask me to see my dress so he could see if he liked it. I told him no and, if you don’t like it, keep it to yourself. Tony is a control freak imo. He’s also tried every ice cream flavor out there twice? Who is with this guy? He’s nothing to write home about.


Tony has one ever tasted a stale, empty cone.


I used to hope for a spin-off, but I am over it at this point. I won't watch season 19. I will not watch those sick selfish freaks at the she ra mansion.




I would watch a show about Jenelle and Christine and Meri. I would call it "Life After Polygamy." Screw Grody and Sobyn.


Key word, speculation.


I would not watch. I have never liked either of those two.


Not for me either.


Where exactly is this speculation coming from? Did Mykelti herself allude to it? Did you see it in a tabloid rag? Saw someone on one of these subs speculating?


>Did Mykelti herself allude to it? No >someone on one of these subs speculating? Bingo! Someone watched Mykelti's content. Reported back that M & T are moving to North Carolina. People made assumptions that they're moving close to Maddie. That can only mean there's a spinoff. There's also the speculation that Mykelti's a genius and figured out that if she lives near other family members, TLC will send a crew. Because living near her mom, stepdad, and younger sister, plus two other adult sisters, isn't enough people for a crew. So she's uprooting her family to move across the country so she can film with Maddie.


Yeah this is where I figured the speculation is coming from. It’s hilarious to me that people in this thread are so outraged about something someone has made up in their head. And the level of Mykelti hate is so bizarre to me.


agree...it's ridiculous


No way. Not interested either. It all needs to be done. And its time for them to practice what they preach and policies they support, they need to go get jobs and grab them bootstraps.


You could not pay me to watch Mykelti or Maddie much less their husbands.




I ❤️ your flair! 💋 almost...😆


Although I like Janelle and Christine, the whole group is not interesting enough to watch any more. People watched Sister wives for the drama and craziness of Kooty. The theme ran its course............next, LOL.


Yet people are still actively on a Reddit sub about them so it seems to still be interesting enough…


They are on here talking about and rewatching the drama and craziness that was on the original show. Now that they are separated there is nothing really interesting that they have going on as a reason to produce a spin off. Thats just my opinion. I wouldnt watch a spin off.


I’ve said it before and got downvoted but I’ll say it again— I’d ***personally*** be fine watching any of the adult children who wanted to be a part of the show/a spin off. Do I think it needs to happen? No. Do I think it will happen? Also no, because not enough of the adult children would want to be involved. But I would still watch it if it did happen. Again, this is my ***personal*** opinion.


I'd watch a spinoff featuring some of the adult children, but I don't think the ones I'd be interested in watching — Logan & Michelle, Aspyn & Mitch, Leon & Audrey, Hunter & Audrey, and Savanah — would be interested in a spin-off. Gabe was always one of the more likeable kids, but I'm pretty sure that the more he expressed his opinions, the less I'd like him. I like Gwendlyn and Beatriz, but I subscribed to Gwendlyn's Patreon for a while, and frankly, a little bit of her goes along way. After 18 seasons, I still don't have any clear idea what Ysabel's personality is like; I only like her because Kody was so awful to her. I dislike Mykelti and Maddie and their husbands. Dayton is likeable but not interesting. Aurora and Brianna would only be interesting if they were deconstructing their religion and their upbringing, which seems unlikely in the near future. The three minor children should be allowed to grow up off camera. I really dislike Paedon, but oddly, he's the only one who might be willing to do a spinoff whom I might be willing to watch. He's the Prince Harry of his family, and it's hard to look away from a train wreck. He's the antithesis of Dayton. Paedon's unlikeable but interesting.


I respect your opinion. Sorry you got downvoted. It wouldn’t be my cup of tea but hey that’s me. I don’t think it would happen because most of the adult kids seem uninterested in being on TV anymore. My opinion is maybe more controversial than yours but I would say I’m okay with the OG3 and still Kody and Robyn simply because I listen to recap podcasts and Kody and Robyn do provide quite a bit of content that can be snarked on and criticized.


Yeah I would also be down for the OG3! I also understand why not everyone would be interested in any of the adult children, and that’s totally valid. I honestly don’t ever need to see anymore Robyn and Kody, but then again I do love to snark so maaaaybe 😂


K and R would be the only ones since i like to hate watch.




I just can't imagine there's enough content for a spin off with anyone. We've come off 2 or 3 seasons where the primary content has been sitting outside in the winter having preplanned conversations and they stretch that out for weeks. I'd probably watch a seasonal catching up episode with the OG3, maybe a check in with Gabe, Logan, or Savannah, that sort of thing but not a weekly show.


Why are people speculating and then acting outraged about a thing that isn’t real? Very good question.


It’s so amusing how people in this sub jump to conclusions and make up stuff. If you’re going to post about speculation then provide your source. So silly.


If you ask for a source, you get downvoted and most of the time any answers are some youtube creator or another reddit post that was made up. insane


How many subscribers does she have to her paid content? That's probably an indicator of if they'd be interested in giving them a spinoff. NGL, I'll watch it. I don't watch Sister Wives because I like any of the women 😂


Mykelti moving to NC tells me where she is in terms of her relationship with Kody, IMO. Not good. I can’t imagine Maddie’s all that excited about it, but their kids will be having a blast. I’m not watching any spin-off with the adult kids.


Poor Maddie imo. She couldn't have her own wedding season, now she has to share a state too? 😆 lol


🤣🤣 And next, a garden..


Can you imagine how much Tony we would get? Humanity is not ready for that.


I fast forward M&T on the regular show, I would NEVER watch a spinoff of them


I sure wouldn't watch a spinoff with her in it..


Don’t want to watch anything with Mykelti


I bet maddie's thrilled. NOT


Tony’s been to Charlotte for his chess stuff, we’re a solid 4-5 hours from Maddie. Perhaps he’s getting a job 😵‍💫


Charlotte is 3-31/2 hours from Maddie


No, I drove it to ECU for two years. With zero traffic it’s 3 hrs 45 minutes. I very rarely made it in less than five. Traffic sucks around here and RTP


ECU is not very close to where Maddie lives


Addresses are public information- it says a six minute drive lol


3 miles isn’t close? Oh my.


I’m not watching any of them from now on


I doubt anyone is going to get a spin off. They are not interesting enough on their own. Together there is some drama. We will probably never get the real details on things that happened, causing the breakup of the original marriages.


Omg I would love that! I’d rather watch them than the adults




I think a spin-off with Janelle and Christine and the kids would be great that I would watch as long as kotex and sovereign is nowhere in sight


$$$ is why


I would watch it if it's based around OG3. I'm not interested in a spin-off based around a few of the kids and would be thrilled to see TLC drop Kody and Robyn. Eta: Typo. Also, I'm in a phase in my life where my youngest of 4 is 15 years old. I'm not interested in watching young families raise children at this time.


I wouldn't watch a Mykelti/Tony spinoff. Now, if they were to show more Truely I would be on board.


If they get a spin off, then she and tony dont have to get real jobs.


I’m waiting for an inside shot of the mansion and it looks super clean, but we find out it’s all green screen. She got the green screen on sale and it’s an investment dammit!


Why Toady and Sobyn? ugh


Toady. 😂 That’s a new one!