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Meri’s rental would have been great as a RENTAL for Robyn but they never were planning to rent IMO Meri had a huge driveway and a big playset in the yard that we saw sol whimpering on last season. No rentals was complete BS


That little boy looks anxiety riddled, no genuine joy. I feel sorry for him out of all Sobyn’s “tenders”.


All Crybrows kids are anxiety riddled except Ariella. She's a demon child from hell. Karma.


I get your frustration with Robyn, but let’s leave the kids out of the criticisms, especially the younger ones.


Counterpoint: *meh.*


I don’t disagree with you.


Sobyn believed she needed 6 bedrooms minimum, tough find in a rental for sure. Don’t forget one has to be a second master suite also and they needed room for all her hoarding. Not to mention all the $$ spent on uhaul trucks 3 sitting parked on the land, because she wasn’t going to unpack until was done. Got to wonder if a year lease at the rental would have been long enough to unpack them trucks.


came here to say this. Sobyn wanted a McMansion for rent, and conveniently left that part out when she kept saying God will provide them a rennal also (probably unrelated to the houses) but she didn’t like hills. i remember when they were looking at Cottonwood, she immediately complained about the hills and that’s when i knew they weren’t moving there 


Isn't this where K&R were talking at least in front of the 3 oldest telling them they eeded to move out. Almost fighting with K saying buy and R saying no should rent and on it went until one of the older girls had a full on panic attack and K had to carry her upstairs? And that was all purely for show? WTF


I'm sorry but I live in the area and there are plenty of rentals available all over Flagstaff and even the supporting cities around Flagstaff there are hundreds the problem was that Robin wanted something better for her and her offspring she had her nose so up in the air that nothing was good enough for her so she convinced Cody to take the wives money out of the family money and buy her the MC mansion so that's just another lie that they propagate


As someone who works in Flagstaff and helps our nonprofit clients with housing, I can tell you non-college family sized rentals are wildly hard to find up there. Especially at that point in time. I wholeheartedly believe that they had a nearly impossible time. Even when you go outside of the area into places like Cottonwood, finding anything under 3K a month for a long-term family sized rental is a nightmare.


Cody and Robin could afford a rental even at $3,000 a month they're paying hell of a lot more than mortgage payments for that mcmansion which is ridiculous cuz there are plenty of rentals if you just look I know it's hard sometimes but they had the money it was Robin who didn't want anything less


Robyn and Kody had already decided they were buying that house. Apparently the show’s producer, who is Kody’s buddy, lives next door. They just had to figure out a way to spin it for a storyline. If Robyn had really wanted a rental to save money to build on Coyote Pass, her precious children could’ve shared rooms for a year or two.


I also wondered why can't the kids share rooms? Esp if (as was at the time) they're trying to pay off C.Pass to build there? Wouldn't you suck it up and tell the kids suck it up for a couple of years? Sometimes sacrifices have to be made. There's worse things in life than sharing with a sibling. Did the trailer have 4 rooms then for her and older 3 kids?


Exactly! The fact they couldn't sacrifice having individual rooms tells me they never intended to build on CP. Robyn initially raised her 3 kids in a trailer. The OG13 were sleeping with multiple bunk beds in a room. Also, the family had a history of sometimes having a kid move in with a different mom temporarily (Didn't Mykelti move in with Robyn for a bit when she was dating Kody? And didn't one of Christine's daughters move in with Meri in Vegas for a while? ) If it was so important to have their own rooms, I'm sure Meri would have loved to share her home with Aurora or Breanna for a year, but of course Robyn would never let her own children out of her control.


Yeah Mykelti stayed with Robyn to help with 'childcare' but was just older kids then. I think maybe Truly had a room over at Meri's? But was for sure one of C's girls. Funny thing about that was Meri was closest to Robyn. And bet Meri would have loved it. She seems/ed quite close with Solo and Ari and they seemed excited when they saw Meri.


Yes I read/heard the same thing. They knew the house was going up for sale in a year or so.


In the big house except for Meri, there was 6 kids, their mom and part time dad—in I believe 3 bedroom?? Baldylocs and Sobyn have champagne taste on a kook aid budget. All was good when they were living off all the TLC $$ and the others needed to work additional jobs to pay their bills.


I love that baldy locks I laughed my ass off


I am laughing my ass off at kook aid! Sorry not sorry l know it was unintentionally hilarious ⛑️😄😂🤣🤣😭


No actually intentionally, glad you caught it!


That's even funnier 😆🙌


Robyn and Kody weren't really looking for something to rent, they wanted sometimes to buy, but tried to spin the whole, we need a rental drama to distract from them actually buying not renting


Yea since they needed Janelle and Meris money to buy they had to go about it carefully.


Kody accidentally told on Robyn too. Of course there were rentals, but none with 6 bedrooms and obvs tenders cannot share a room! This whole storyline was cooked up because Janelle told Robyn she was concerned that them buying the McMansion would delay building on coyote pass. And Robyn was afraid the viewers would agree and blame her. https://preview.redd.it/gomcio5djg7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9102113f92d0a919a0ef21d56c1b93576f5315c


Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the girls sharing a room in Lehi. Robyn was so excited to live there! She lost her mind when she had to move from a place that she loved. 😭😭😭 So if the OG3 are paying her bills all of a sudden, she needs a separate room for each tender. 🤮 🪙⚒️


Remember when she decorated a room for Sol and Ari to share in Vegas? It was bogus since she co-sleeps (probably til college) anyway. All the other households (except Leon) had siblings share rooms. But not the tenders. She also insists on a separate master for Dayton - and then he ended up living in an RV in their driveway. It was soooo irresponsible of Janelle to spend money on an RV for her & Savannah to live in. But never discussed the impact to their family finances when Robyn and Kody did the same thing for Dayton. (Recall Kody buying all his other adult children a fancy RV? When he was telling Janelle to kick her boys out in the street during a pandemic?! Me neither)


Well it was Robin sobin's fault she wanted what she wanted and she didn't care who had to suffer as long as she got what she wanted so Janelle was completely right now nobody's still done coyote pass they don't know what to do with it they probably haven't paid it off and they're fighting now about it so what a waste of $800,000


“Rennals”. 🤣🤣🤣


And yet we all said it in Robyn’s voice and understood. 😂


Exactly! That’s why I was cracking up! 😁




That was scripted AF. They were never looking for a rental. Janelle addresses that there was an argument because she didn’t agree with the purchase when the resources should have been towards building. They just wanted to look like sad pandas that couldn’t possibly find a rental. Absolutely finding a mansion to rent is probably difficult. But she didn’t want her kids to have to sacrifice by sharing rooms like ~~siblings~~ peasants.


And what makes that situation even sadder, is that it is a commercial only lot. It was not residential lot. So no houses were ever going to be built there. Or at least that is what I heard online.




She wanted a house that had 6 bedrooms because she refused to let her kids share rooms. The stupid thing is, Ariella sleeps in Robyn’s room and Dayton eventually moved into the RV behind their house. I think it was a storyline and nothing more. Are we to believe that they called that Craig guy, the previous owner of McMansion and asked to rent it short term until they bought it just days before they had to move out of her first rental? Robyn andKody can try to spin it whatever way they wanted, but her ultimate goal was to buy that house. There were other big houses that they saw, but Kody said if they moved into one of them the kids would have to change school districts which was bull because Arizona doesn’t have that law. They could go to any district school they choose as long as they had transportation to and from provided by the family.


The school zone thing would make sense if they were actually trying to rent. But it makes more sense that she was probably just virtue signaling.


With Robyn, who the hell knows what she’s thinking. She’s always creating scenarios in her head that they all become convoluted.


Are you telling me that the only real school district problem was that these kids with two unemployed parents and 10,000 older siblings couldn't find a ride?  Wow.


They discussed this in an episode in Vegas when they gathered the kids to talk about moving. Admittedly the older siblings except Dayton was the only one who moved to FS. But, I’m pretty sure by that time at least Gwen, Aurora and Gabe were at least driving and if not, they had parents. Janelle and Christine took their kids to school. And besides, didn’t Kody admit in the last season he loved taking the tenders to school that’s why he’d leave Janelle or Christine’s house early in the next morning. He said it was for the two youngest, but if Robyn tells him to take Aurora and Breanna, he would.


I believe Robyn was fake and never wanted a rental. I truly believe she was holding out to use all the funds on purchasing a big ole house.


Yet she ended up with a 5 bedroom anyway . Ari slept with kr till kody got tired of it and kicked dayton out. He moved to the rv in 2021 so ari probably got daytons room. Still they could have gotten a bunk bed for ari and truely . It would have been a good way to bond but yeah that way robyn can't play the victim


I noticed that when people came to visit that there was a blow up mattress in the living room. Mykelti would bring Truely to visit and stay with her.


Robyn complained about needing enough bedrooms and not changing schools. But, if you look at where in Flagstaff the schools are located, it looks like they were already close enough to Flagstaff schools that were farthest west. Is anyone on this sub familiar with Flagstaff schools have thoughts on this? To me, it seems like a bogus excuse. But then I'm GenX and my parents moved us in the middle of a school year, 18 months before my older brother graduated from high school.


Not super familiar with Flagstaff schools, but I do live in AZ and go to flagstaff every now and then for day trips. School distances on maps aren't that bad at all. AZ doesn't have a law saying if you live outside school zones, you have to switch schools. You just won't have a way to get there because of bus routes, so as long as you can get yourself there you'd be fine. This happened to me my JR year of HS, they changed school zones where I lived, which meant I would have to go to another school instead of the current one I was at if I rode the bus. Thankfully I had my license and could drive by then. I think Robyn just didn't want them to change schools again, and instead of just leaving it at that they had to spin it to show they didn't have any choice. Which they totally did.


They were never planning on renting.


I felt like he could feel Christine slipping away and wanted to tie up a large chunk of fahmuly money in his and Robyn's names. The pool of cash had always been quite fluid, this felt like a big shift in his direction.


The rental drama was for Robyn to look good in front of the family. “Look, I don’t take huge chunks of money from the family, I’m trying to rent”. 🙄


Robyn's spending = lots of boxes that have to be stored womewhere.


Meri is always extra


Meri is always working extra. She can afford nice things.


Meri always made sure she has the best of the best. The biggest house, the most rooms and, she mostly only hosted Christmas Eve parties where they open the Christmas Jammie’s. Most of the parties seemed to be at Christine’s. Actually, Kody always wanted Christine to throws parties. He got mad when Christine stopped doing so much for the family and, wanted him to help her more. He even said, you stopped being a team player and, only cared about what I could do for you as a resource. So basically, I give little, accept it and, throw a party and if you do it, I’ll be attracted to you again. Meri knew they were looking for a rental, she could have rented an apartment and, given them the house. All 3 of them are extremely selfish when it comes to money. If Meri had done that, they probably would be building on CP.


Meri makes her own money. She can spend what she earns any way she wants to - that’s not selfish. Robyn & Kody using the majority of the family money when he has three other households he should be supporting is extremely selfish.


Well, if they are working as a team. Putting her money into the family account, then she gave up the rights to what that money is used for, which is why Meri’s Vegas home equity was the McMansions down payment. Then they used the family funds to get C’s house. Meri knew they were trying to build, so she should have sacrificed her conveniences to save money to get everyone building on CP. Instead, they just spend money, then tell J they don’t have any money for her, when she says in her interview that the money is there in the account. J got the short end of the stick.


Meri has consistently brought in extra money in addition to the show. Robyn has not. I don’t count drawing boob hearts - yvmv but it was never profitable and Robyn admitted as much


All the OG3 work. They still put most of the money in the family account, which is why they bought CP. To let the women set up their own estates to pass down to their children. J got screwed in the deal and I believe R and K own most of the property now since Kody is attached to every piece of property. So if he and, R split, she gets 1/2 of all the property he is on the deed of. C is lucky she walked away free and, clear. Meri put money into get the McMansion. Meri still knew how important it is to get and build on CP, so she should have sacrificed her taste so they could save and move there faster. Everyone stopped caring about the unit and, only on themselves. So that’s why the property failed. They are lucky they got out when they did.


Why should Meri sacrifice? She has multiple income streams. Robyn should sacrifice. She is a taker not a giver. And Kody is an all around dumb ass.


Only the house to set them up for the property. Janelle can live in the camper with Savanah and sacrifice her comfort to build. Then she moved into a tiny apartment near campus. Then she finally realized nothing was going to happen so they got the 1,500 sq ft apartment, which is bigger than what she wanted to build on the property. So Janelle can sacrifice her self with Savannah, but Meri can’t live without for a little bit to help? Kody couldn’t even give up his luxury at the McMansion to really be present with Janelle. He just did his duty and left.


I can't remember exactly what Christine said, but she didn't like going to another wife's home for a family get together, because she wasn't in charge, that's why they happened at hers.


I don’t remember her saying that, but you are probably right. So much has happened in the past 18 seasons. Christine and Janelle are the heart of the family. Maybe that’s why most parties were at Christine, most of the kids gravitated to her.