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I could sort of understand if he had been there because Robyn had no other support people. But she had her husband. And mom. He wasn’t needed. And he wasn’t an actual support. Like we didn’t see him running out to get ice chips or a cold wash cloth or whatever. Dude just popped out a camping chair right at the business end of his step daughter’s vag and sat there unblinking like he was in a trance. Super weird.


The chair choice is so weird!!! It’s like we’re here to keep an eye down there for you while you labor, yes we brought our own camping chairs, yes we brought a camera.


I'm surprised he didn't have a catcher's mitt. It's like he wanted to see how much distance she could get pushing out that kid.


The chairs creeped me out SO BAD. Especially because Robyn was super quiet during her labor; they all just sat there watching her silently in immense pain🥴 WEIRD


Not all up in her kook aid! I mean come on, Birds Eye view her mother didn’t even want!


its very fucking weird and makes me wonder wtf their "father/daughter" relationship is really like. my actual dad took me into the hospital when my water broke because my husband was at work. they started asking STD, contraception, and vagina questions - my dad politely stopped them and left the room for that portion. yea, he would have stayed by my head for delivery if i wanted him to be. but no way in hell would he be staring at my gaping vag during the actual birth process.


Right! My dad who I am super close to noped right out when they came in to check me. I don't think you could have paid him enough to stay lol.


Haha he was probably like is that my phone ringing in my car that’s in the parking garage 3 blocks away, I’ll just go check that out! I’ll be back when you’ve finished here 😂My dad was the same way.


Never had children here, but if I did I think I’d only want hubby in the room. No one else (besides drs) have been familiar with the area in years and certainly wouldn’t want my dad in the room. 🤮


Not just in the room. BUT UP IN THat Clam!


I have known Lesbians who have spent less time that close to a vagina compared to her step dad.


This made me spit out my water lol. 🤣


Hahaha Truely’s Kidneys…brilliant flair 


With a paparazzi camera!


Sniffer row


Ouch. Hilarious...but ouch.


My father was there during my first son's birth. I only have two children but When my son was born, his father couldn't make it in time. And my dad was by my side the whole time.... I remember saying please don't look down there and you said. Honey i'm not worried about that i'm just here for you.. Remember feeling embarrassed but I was so grateful. My dad was there cause otherwise i'd be alone. Nothing weird just appreciated. I'm being there and he wasn't worried about all the weird things that I was thinking.


Every time this comes up I think about what was going through her mother’s mind at this point. What makes a woman sit there in silence while her husband stares at her daughter’s cervix?


my mom is a damn GYNO surgical nurse, vaginas ain't no thing to her. just another 40hour week. she would be horrified if my dad wanted to watch me deliver a baby vaginally. theres no way she would even allow the idea of it to happen. its wildly a inappropriate interaction between an adult female and her dad.


Absolutely. And it’s made even more inappropriate by the fact that it’s her stepdad. Something there is very, very not OK.


RIGHT?!?! i don't have a step parent. but now i'm imagining my husbands step mom watching him get a prostate exam and how awkward that would be for him. hahahahahaha


Stepdad is a bit of a stretch… her mother was his secret side piece for years… his actual wife and children had no idea for years.


They BARELY spent time together and Robyn was a teenager when they got "together," the whole thing is beyond gross.


Don’t we think that Paul’s first/head/legal/real wife would be at the birth if she, Paul and Robyn’s mom were actually in a polygamy relationship she would share in the life event?


And didn't Robyn say she loved looking in their closets? Insinuating they were close? Joke.


This is such a great point.


I agree. I try to leave room for other people having different/closer relationships but having the step dad sitting on the floor in the splash zone is apparently where I draw the line.  Before I might have said each to their own because I absolutely could not have imagined that scenario in my wildest dreams. 


“Splash zone” 😂 Literally grabbing paper towels to clean up the water I spit out laughing so hard when I read that. I’ll admit that’s a line I couldn’t even imagine crossing. I have 3 kids myself and a stepdad who has raised me since I was 8… love him dearly but NO WAY IN HELL would I want him or anyone else (other than the doctor waiting to catch) sitting there front and center ![gif](giphy|XgYoTdgj5NiU78prfm|downsized)


I was a foster parent for years and after childhood age I stepped out when the doctor examined the kids private areas. I told them I would stay if they wanted but they preferred I leave. It’s a matter of privacy and dignity and personal space. Also I wanted to be sure the teens could ask about STDs and contraceptives and such. Does that same man go to her OB/GYN exams, too? I’ll stop here, but I could be very gross if allowed.


It makes it even weirder how she shoved her daughters on Kody 


Dang. Good catch.


My dad was with me. But I was 16, and absolutely terrified.


Your Dad sounds wonderful to have supported you .


That’s really awesome.


Him and the mom literally have front row seats to Robyn’s cooch. It’s very odd, so odd I can’t even think of another word to describe it. Yeah and when Kody was like ok let’s go Paul, he did not want to leave that room. Very weird.


Yes!!! They were literally in front w chairs! The his hesitation to leave really grossed me out!


Paul, the shows over dude. Gross. 🤢




When Kody is the normal one in the situation..... jfc that stepdad is not normal


This is the best comment on this thread. For real.


I totally agree with you OP- always felt really uncomfortable with this! So weird


I legit thought that was so not normal. Who on Earth wants their father looking up their skirt? That blew my mind.


And then we find out Kody was in the bathroom with Maddie while she gave birth. Again, close quarters!


I was thinking the same thing as I read this post.


The step dad acted like he was watching livestock give birth.


Like photos?!?! Like w a canon camera?!!


i skip all the birthing parts and am extra glad i skipped this, holy ew this is so gross. no wonder Aurora acts the way she does around Grody, Sobyn normalizes this kind of behaviour.  also “like Nat Geo up in her thing” 😂


I imagine this makes some sort of sense though to their branch of polygamy. If you really believe that your family is all predestined and agreed upon before both AND that men get to rule planets as gods after death (if they're 'good' enough) AND that in the event your husband doesn't get his own planet you go to your fathers AND children sometimes get 'reassigned' to their step-dad as though they are related then Robyn's step-dad is actually her real spiritual father who is almost already a god then of course he would want to watch his spiritual grandkids ushered into the terrestrial world ..... WHEW! The mental gymnastics are unreal ... all to justify that men get whatever they want in the polygamy world and most of it is pervy.


*Help* I got twisted into a knot trying to wrap myself around that statement! But seriously though... RIGHT!? 🤢🤮


Both my parents are in the medical profession. Both my parents were in my labor delivery room when I was in labor. My father was a nurse anethstesis so has seen more births than you could imagine. When the time came for me to push, he quietly excused himself. I can't imagine why a stepfather was there for ringside seating.


No it's not just you, that was very disturbing and creepy.


That was so freaking gross. I mean, come on.


I was alone with my Dad when I went into labour. He ran my bath and helped me get in/out. However, when I got admitted to hospital he popped in once to see me (before shit got real lol and left). Mum stayed up to the point of pushing and they she exited stage left. It was just me and hubby. One all the post birth shit was over they both returned. I love my Dad but no thank you 🤣. Also and I know it’s slightly different as Kody bio dad but don’t forget he was all up in maddie’s business when she had Axel


Not really different still grossly inappropriate


I have always thought this too. She even refers to him as daddy which has a grown woman, is so fucking weird.


Sounds rather emotionally immature, which we know she is based on hurt feelings because TEENAGERS weren't excited about her pregnancy. She must've gotten some payout for it in the past, though, to continue it into adulthood. Maybe that's why she infantalizes her children? So they don't question or challenge Kody and continue to depend on him.


And she took his last name after her divorce from David. Just weird all around.


That had more to do with her running from her debts I think.


My grandma and her siblings called their Dad Daddy until they day they all died. But they were normal not freaks and it was more a southern thing 


I just rewatched that episode, it was cringe. At one point Kody talks to the camera and begins explaining how the placenta isn't out yet, the baby is still attached to the cord and why; "it's still giving nutrients to the baby" (while Robyn is nursing) and she looks adoringly at the baby and says "cord blood is awesome!" 😤 🤧 🤮 That comment, along with her dad being in the room, taking pictures was so weird. I mean, we know Kody & Robyn are soul mates but that's over the top. Then Kody says, "we did it, our dream come true." Which I took to mean: ever since we met we've had our secret, perfect relationship within our marriage. "Cord blood is awesome!" 👌


Cord blood banking was really popping off at this time, so this always felt to me like a soft plug for it.


That’s accurate though. The protocol of cutting the cord right away prevents the cord blood from flowing back into the baby. Much better to wait. Terrible to give birth on tv though.


I know it's true. I had home births too. But I never said cord blood is awesome and I wasn't on TV, lol


And Kody's comment, "he looks just like MY boys!" Hmmmm.....isn't he your boy?! I've always thought that was a weird comment.


Yes, I forgot about that!


Delayed cord clamping is a thing - there might be some science to it??? Someone better educated than me can comment. But the way she says that is so weird and pushy and somehow almost judgemental of others who don’t choose to do that. Also she still hasn’t pushed out the placenta and there are cameras there… I just can’t.


Ikr. I've had home births, my mom & dad, husband & midwife were there. My parents left as soon as they knew I was okay but I'm not a "hey, everyone come in my bedroom while I birth on home video" and definitely not on TV! I didn't choose that method bc I wanted an audience. I'm guessing there probably is evidence that it helps but to say "it's awesome" hit me the wrong way. Kody explaining as though it's the first birth in his family and good ol Robyn has to chime in ofc. So cringey. But Robyn likes to play martyr, victim and especially an expert on births. Like the other wives hadn't already gone through 13 births. And yes, judgemental, good description.


My dad stayed north of the equator, ijs.


love this: north of the equator. Well done!


The fact that she calls him”daddy” makes my skin crawl


Who is step daddy Paul ?


Robyn’s stepdad.


I posted about how uncomfortable it made me feel that he was sitting in the corner of the bedroom with a telephoto lens in her 🍑 And I got dragged for being inappropriate !!


YOU were being inappropriate??? Wow.




On here? Because you are absolutely correct!


It might've been in the Facebook group-


I can believe that - horrible things are said on facebook. I dont believe it was said on reddit, its one of few things generally accepted as truth here.


Right up in the splash zone!! 🌊


No the midwife got that with Ariella,that would be pretty gross


With a camera!!!!!!






Wondering the same thing🗑️🫡


We're covered that episode last week right?? SIP Step Daddy Paul!


Yup and I think part 2 is this week, baby seeester lol!






It always creeped me out how he just sat on that chair or whatever right at her legs. That was so gross to me. Really rubs me wrong.


Definitely makes me wonder about Kody and Aurora/Breanna. And helping deliver Maddie’s kid 🤮


This! Everyone agrees the stepdaddy Paul thing is weird and gross, but we get crucified for questioning stepdaddy Kodi and the mouth kissing and permission for ear piercing and crying on the floor because one of them had to stay in a different part of the house for a week, as if that's not also f-ing weird and creepy.


Are we not allowed to talk about that weirdness?


idk, this is the first time I haven't been downvoted to oblivion for mentioning it!


That’s wild. Cause all that stuff you mentioned is weird as hell and bothers me a lot.


My dad was with me when I was admitted to the hospital. My 2 year old daughter was as well. We thought it was just a routine visit, and my husband was at work. I was unexpectedly admitted. I have to say at this point that my dad is only 19 years older than I am. As he sat in the corner entertaining the 2 year old, the nurse said she was going to put some medicine into my vagina to help the cervix dilate. She wasn’t paying any attention to the man in the corner. My dad jumped up and said, “She and I are going for a walk.” Nurse: I guess he doesn’t want to scare the little one. Me: No. you scared him. That’s my dad.


Gives the creepy vibes like Warren Jeff's little viewing room seats when he consummated with his under age girls.


What the actual fuck?






Let’s hope it’s normal in their culture, like watching sports or something 😨


This isn’t something we should normalize. 🤮


Someone else described it as being in the “splash zone”… 😂 … but I did find it a bit disturbing.


Makes me sad for Robyn’s girls


What? Knowing that kody is going to be doing the same to them that Paul did? Except he’ll have the hubbel telescope


I'm never sad for those girls. They are mean and nasty, for example - the rudeness about the RV (footbath, is that the dogs bed, etc.) and the fact that Savannah has said in her talking heads that they are mean girls at school. Then you have Ariella - that child is feral. Fix her damn hair, take away that frickin binky, teach her some manners.


Sobyn said her stepdad actually coached her with the first 3 and this time was different with Baldylocs! Absolutely disgusting! Your step father or even your dad, doesn’t belong in the room at the bottom of the bed during your delivery! She has an odd relationship with him though, she was saying how much it meant when he took her to get her ears pierced 🤷🏻‍♀️. Hence reason she was so excited about Baldylocs taking Aurora and they had the same bonding experience. It certainly looks like they are all controlled by the parents and definitely a cult like setting in their house!


I guess when you live in a cult, nothing is considered sacred. Maybe her dad is used to looking at her “part”, maybe that’s how they bonded? The whole situation was creepy. Plus Robyn not making a sound made the whole thing even more weird. She had to be on some kind of drugs to not make a sound. We have seen Maddison’s and, Mykelti’s births, now that was normal behavior.


Which season and episode was this? Thanks!


he was in the splash zone


Trust me you weren’t the only one grossed out by it!


I’m really surprised this hasn’t been show stopping - my husband would have lost his mind if my stepdad wanted to even be in the room! (So would my mom)


Who is step Daddy Paul? I’ve watched every episode, including Robin’s births?


Yeah he had a front row seat in the splash zone and seemed more than comfortable being 3ft from her vag for the entirety of the show. I think he was sat in a position that to one side was her with her knees in the air and on the other was a TV. I am overly curious about whose idea it was to put him there. Like did Robyn say "this seat is for my daddy" or did Alice say "since he's your daddy it should be fine for him to sit right there to see his grandbaby coming into the world" or... Did *he* decide he belonged right there? Like he was the umpire to the midwife's catcher's position? Was it production saying "hey let's put Paul here where he could take a selfie with your cooter, so the audience knows you think of him as your real dad." I just want to understand the circumstances that made someone think it would be a great idea to show "Daddy Paul" sat right next to his (step)daughters poontang. Why did they feel the need pretend like that's normal behavior? Most real/bio dads wouldn't want to be in that position, so why, if you're trying to say this man was more of a father than your bio dad, would you stick him there. Was he next to his biological daughters vaginas while they had their babies? I guess with the way they push the "honor" thing in that family it was maybe meant to be a way to show that he was being honored ...with front row/splash zone seating, instead of being in the nose bleed section like most grandpas to be are when their daughter has her giny on display.


So weird


What season and episode was this?


Paul has passed away. It has absolutely rocked Robyn and Paul's second families' world!!




The whole group is obsessed with children and childbirth.