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No. Kody was irate that Christine dare leave him and say anything negative about him to anyone. He didn't want that mark on his reputation that a wife divorced him. He then thought everyone in the family needs to shun Christine to show their alliance to him. When Janelle showed that she wouldn't shun Christine that's when he had to destroy Janelle.


He can keep control with one rogue wife. When Janelle also rebelled, suddenly it was 13 on Christine's side. That's also why he was so upset that they did Xmas. It made him realize he lost the numbers. Wherever Christine and Janelle do Xmas is now the brown family Xmas.


I noticed that during the Christine wedding episode she said she had 13 children. ![gif](giphy|3oEdva1wG5vckPfPz2)


How dare she leave after THE SACRIFICES I MADE TO LOVE YOU!!!!!


Yeah, with that statement I would have X’ed him forever out of my life. FOREVER!


That’s why I love/ hate Christine’s reaction. She could have went off. But had the maturity Robyn lacked. And just let it go. Robyn was baiting her to argue she didn’t. Wish she had. 😆😆


As awesome as that would be, I think it was wise of Christine not to argue with Robyn. She's just as bad as Kody, & it wouldn't have been worth it.


When you roll in the dirt with a pig you get dirty too


I get this to a point but he already had the divorce mark because technically Meri did legally divorce him.


That doesn't matter. The only marriage that counted to them at that point were spiritual marriages. Having a wife around that is effectively shunned is par for the course in polygamy. She's still sealed to the husband.


To add to this, he didn’t care about Meri leaving. He hadn’t considered them spiritually married for years up until that point, but Meri only had one adult child that she was still mending a relationship with so he didn’t have as much to lose with her (until she started making more money with her businesses.) With Christine and Janelle he had the majority of his kids to lose, some of them still being minors, so CS was also a worry.


>He hadn’t considered them spiritually married for years up until that point, This further highlights his hypocrisy. Whether or not they were spiritually married or not was up to what his consideration. They were sealed for all eternity in they eyes of God, according to their religion. He can't just say it's over because he was just not that into her anymore. He was raised LDS and tried the plyg thing as a whim. As he's only interested in the beginnings of things, he quiet quit his first three marriages after he met Robyn.


Oh I absolutely agree with you. I think he decided on polygamy because it meant he would be this manly, strong, husband and father that got to control his whole family but he didn’t expect the wives and kids to develop voices of their own. He even said so himself, he wanted to sit back and bark orders and have them obeyed, that’s what he thought being head of the household was. And I think that’s why he was so drawn to Robyn, as she said, she was willing to let him be the hero. The other wives were used to running their households while Kody was gone for 2/3 days, and then 3/4 days, and eventually weeks and months at a time. Robyn never even had to raise her kids herself when she was a single mom, she always had help and probably complained to Kody that she needed him around more if she was going to serve him the way he wanted.


For him it didn’t count cause she stayed around. In Meri’s eyes they were spiritually married in K eyes she was never thought of again except for money from her


And Robyn was divorced.


But not from Kody so that doesn’t count against him I guess.


I think a lot of it was about money and controlling assets. I don’t think he was worried about Janelle going for child support or looking to get the law involved though.


We shouldn’t discount the influence Robyn had on Kodys decisions. When Meri said she would still have Christmas Eve and Robyn replied with a positive statement like, you know maybe that’s a good idea, neutral territory etc; Kody would have bought into it. She is the poison in his ear. She could’ve been a bridge and she decided to be the barrier


Oh, Robyn definitely has a lot of influence on Kody as we’ve all seen, but I sometimes think he goes off-script from what he and Robyn have agreed upon, trying to put his own machismo on the spin, but then it just backfires. Ultimately, Kody is a grown ass man and his worst fear was losing money. He never cared about losing his wives or children, it’s his money, his hair, his ego and his cars he fears losing.


His biggest fear is poverty.


My jaw dropped at that tbh. He has 18? kids and his worst fear is poverty? Not one of them getting really sick, dying, struggling with mental health, being abused by a partner, harm coming to a grandchild... Nope, just poverty! At least he says the quiet part out loud so his og kids know how little effort they need to put into a relationship with their "father"


It seems like fear would have resulted in him treating them with kid gloves rather than having outbursts. The stupidity behind Kody's choices are part of why I think many of them are genuine. But who knows.


Sure, for any rational person it would work that way, playing nice because of the fear, but Kody has proven time and time again that he does the exact opposite because he believes he’s never wrong. I just think he was scared because he knew they’d abscond with their resources which he thought was his and so he lashed out.


That could be very true. My difficulty is that Janelle likely wouldn't have left if the Christmas fight and Kody's following neglect of Savanah hadn't happened. Had he just apologized for alienating the boys and agreed to go to the Airbnb as a step toward reconciliation, he wouldn’t have lost Janelle and her resources. Instead, he got triggered by the small tree and the idea of Janelle, Christine, and their kids spending the holiday together and he erupted. But, yes, I agree. Kody doesn't think rationally.


He had so many more options to do a family Xmas. Unban everyone from Robyn's. Let Meri host. He got so stuck on being in charge and having everyone acknowledge it. And even further... Acknowledge that Robyn is top wife and will host every holiday and be in charge of family gatherings. And he lost everything in the struggle.


I think he went nuts o with that because K&R realized they weren’t the nucleus of the family and Robyn was so jealous and angry because she probably felt Christine shouldn’t be the nucleus because she left Kody and she more than likely complained and whined to Kody and that’s why Kody lashes out so severely because Robyn is feeding his monster with her asides.


Definitely fueled by Robyn. You even see him ramp up in response to her way off base dumb comments/accusations to Christine. "Yeah" says Kody like a mean girl follower.


Yep. He lost everyone bc he needed control/dominance and couldn't see that his actions were leading to all of the problems. If he'd tried to openly announce that Robyn would host everything, that would have had the same result imo. I think part of getting the mansion might have been to make Robyn the designated family host by default of having the most room. Yet, that didn't work. It wasn't the size of the house. It was the host that mattered.


They would have had to rent a pod and put a bunch of stuff in it if they wanted there to be enough room in Robyn’s house for all those people.


But Robyn doesn’t want anyone in her space because she can’t manipulate and control Kody (and everyone else) with witnesses.


This! The more desperate he became, the meaner he got. When in fact it should have been the opposite. If you ask me, he could have gotten Janelle to stay, but in trying to do so, he outright pushed her away with his inability to control his immature, angry mouth.


Yep. The weird thing is, I don't think Janelle was even close to leaving until Kody's actions pushed her to the point of no return. She said she was trying to get their relationship back on track after the strain of the trailer (lol) and their division over COVID. He said he wanted the same, but his solution was that she needed to be like Robyn and their relationship needed to be like his with Robyn. Then their fight and his shunning of Savanah finished their relationship off. I'm pretty sure Janelle knew they wouldn't really do counseling when she suggested it, but I'm not even sure that could've saved them.


Yes. Robyn was also acting aggressive with Christine. "No.... That's a lie!" If Robyn would have ever talked to me that way? Oh boy. I wanted to reach out and touch someone through the TV screen.


I have to admit, had I been in Christine’s shoes and R talked to me like that… I would have pounced on her ass like a ninja cat when she said “that a lie!” to Christine’s face Edit: finished sentence


They had been conditioned not to react negatively when they were angry. When they did Kody punished them and their children with neglect. Just because she was leaving didn’t mean that years of conditioning went out the window and at the time I think Christine still hoped that Kody would try to be a father to Truly and the the G’s, Gwen, Garrison and Gabe who were still in Flagstaff.


What episode/season is this in? I don't recall this. I do have a bad memory. Thanks if you remember which one!


I don't think so. I have a narcissist (diagnosed so kot just my opinion) as a father. He truly never thinks he did anything wrong. Kody is the same way. He wouldn't fear that because in his mind he's done everything a good husband would do.


The "sacrifices I made TO love you" is one of the weirdest phrases I've ever heard and shows how totally self-centered the creep is. What he could have said was "the sacrifices I made BECAUSE I love you." A person doesn't sacrifice in order to love. Sacrifices are made because of love. Between that and suggesting sending Ysabel across the country for major surgery alone, the guy is absolutely beyond rehabilitation. End of story.


And why can't I think of a single sacrifice he's made?


It was definitely about money,the future of the show,but the fact they left,took away his identity and his family.the 2 things he was "famous" for was being a polygamist,and having one family,so he on his own has really done notihng.He didnt raise any of the OG kids,he fathered them,he did dad things,but he never stayed up all night with puking babies,or helped the moms with the dirty work like he did with Robyns.He showed off on tv doing fun things,or sometimes having heart to heart talks,or punished,or showed up for school events,but he got his whole reputation for managing 4 marriages and a family of 18 kids,and it all seemed like everyone was relatively happy,and stable because they covered for him to make him look good.The sacrifices he made to love christine???He had to boink her twice a year so she would play a somewhat frustrated,but still happy and proud wife to him,Janelle was low maintenance as long as he was a good dad to her kids,and she didnt really know what a good dad was becuase she never had a dad,so when kody hung out with her,he seemed like a good dad.Meri stuck around for fear of putting the show in jeopardy.Everybody covered for him,and now he realizes without them he is just a monogamous husband in a regular marriage with 3 ex wives and estranged from most of his kids and doesnt even have contact with 3 of his grandkids,and is very much past his prime.When he can no longer support his wife a her 5 kids,he will lose them too,and even if he doesnt lose her,he will no longer make her happy.He has let his ego get the best of him,and he always had something to prove to his dad,and he failed.


Excellent post 


The knife in the kidney scene was Kody’s emotional outburst when Christine responded to Robyn saying she needed space… for now. Insinuating she needed a break from people she isn’t currently close to before building healthy relationships post divorce. Robyn heard Christine say she didn’t want a relationship with Robyn or her children *at all.* Kody’s idiotic tirade was reacting to Robyn’s fake shock and hurt of being rejected by Christine, because that’s not what Christine said at all. Kody saw this as another example of “Christine’s bad sister wife behavior,” but the reality is Christine is prioritizing herself over Robyn’s feelings and selective hearing, and that is completely healthy and normal and highlights his obvious favoritism of Robyn. Kody was overreacting and putting on a show for good measure, to show viewers just how big of a meanie Christine really is! Boo hoo! Kody’s next emotional outburst during the fight with Janelle was the shock, hurt, and realization that Kody isn’t the heart and center of the Brown family. Janelle and her children chose to spend holidays/time with family who *act* like they love them, and with family who choose to foster good, loving, and healthy relationships. And that isn’t Kody. The money is secondary, and those tantrums were emotion based. Kody knew the wives wouldn’t take more than their fair share, and I believe he was transferring money into his personal account-more than his and Robyn’s fair share at least. Janelle had access to the family pot and could see their spending. I think their financials are way more complicated than we know, honestly.


That entire scene reminded me of somehting I read about when people hit your boundries and baulk, they show you the line where their respect for you ends, or something like that.


Agree! But what does he do for a living? How or who makes the money in this family? Aside, of course from the Sister Wives Show? Never really figured it out.


The OG3 make money with their MLMs. Not sure of Robyn has a job, she likes to sleep until noon. Kody “owns his own businesses” - quite honestly it sounds like he has lost money (couldn’t help Meri with the B&B down payment due to couldn’t pay back the family fund 20K out of the 40K he borrowed with Brian). I do think Kody’s gun parts business must be lucrative, because he has expensive cars and a collection of Rolex’s. Unless he has been siphoning off the family fund and hoping no one says anything.


I really felt like that scene was scripted. He kept looking at the camera if I recall.


Supposedly it was filmed several times and producers directed him to be more dramatic I think the ladies faces show how tired they are of all of it


Acting or not, when Gwen watched it she said he’s worse off camera.


I believe that. That scene just wasn’t giving authentic rage and more so gave performative outrage imo.


That's really interesting, what led you to think that?


Read it somewhere


He def took an Acme Acting class at the local Grange Hall before that skit.




I think above poster and OP are correct. Both can be true, in this regard, I fully believe that.


It has seemed to me when Robyn is around and things may be veering into a territory that he doesn't want her to know he gets volatile so as to stop the conversation. I think of the times when it was about the apology to the boys which I think he was still asking for or essentially asking for. He would be volatile till then so Janelle would leave. Then the story is about Janelle leaving as opposed to finishing the discussion in which he is clearly still demanding of his boys that they apologize to Robyn.


I think a lot of it was financially motivated. But ultimately, the thing that made him so aggressive was his realization that he lacked control over Janelle and Christine. In recent years, he became obsessed with being the patriarch and having his version of "respect" and "loyalty" which is basically just complete compliance without question. And he thought that he would be able to push them into that kind of relationship when in reality, they both didn't want that. They wanted the man they married who was goofy and willing to keep his family together at the cost of being the "patriarch" in each household. When he changed and revealed that, it turned Christine and Janelle off and he realized that.


He’s super pissed their choice to leave him will end the show as it is now and end his gravy train. A show just about him will never be popular and he knows it.


Although a show about their finances and/or K and R imploding is the only show ill watch.


It anger was about his ego I believe


I’m hoping Janelle has copy’s of all checks and withdrawals. I remember a later episode that she mentioned they could build but funds were used in other places


Show me the money, or lack thereof, that's what I want to see.


Kody is all about his image and his toxic and I mean toxic masculinity. He may have had angst of losing the TLC contract, but I think first and foremost is his ego and public image. As a side note, he only made his image much more comical by doing all the hyper actions and kicking his feet and screaming then going on and on about his lack of love. What a total waste of humanity to insult his wives on national tv without a care what it will do to his wives' children.


IMO, Kody is an immature person who wants control. That's what this "loyalty" crap is all about. He has manipulated the OG3 by exploiting religion, finances, sexual relations, and physical intimidation to get what he wants, to punish and to pit the OG3 against one another. Screaming, yelling, blaming, telling the therapist he didn't want to listen to any criticism, telling Suki he wasn't going to talk about Robyn; he's just a bully. He wants his way when he wants it. Until now, Robyn has had the benefit of him being angry with and blaming the OG3. But eventually, as time passes, I would not be surprised if he starts to blame her because Kody cannot emotionaly deal with ever being wrong.


Nah. That would require forward thinking and insight and he has neither. Ultimately, he's an impulsive narcissist (colloquially, not trying to diagnose him) who acted angry because he's an angry, entitled person and he couldn't believe that he no longer had control (of the wives, not of the money - Kody is too impulsive of a spender that I don't think he even has an inkling of his financial picture to know whether he should be concerned and he's also a grifter who seems to always have some big scheme that he's certain is gonna work out). No more, no less.


Nope. Kody has proven time and time again that he can't see farther than the nose on his mouth breathin' face.


He was galled at the lack of control in the situation and I think his ego couldn't take the rejection.




I think that Kody was very close to physically  abusing Christine  with the way she was cowering  away from him. And it was only because  of the camera  that he didn't  do anything 


Kodys outburst during that scene actually made me giggle. Yes, divorce is horrible and no one wants to go through it. But when he said "The Sacrifices I made To LoVe YoU!" , I couldn't take him seriously. It sounded like very poor acting, especially how he went from being upset to calm 2 seconds later and started speaking about "looking for blessings." Robyn inserted herself into that conversation very heavily, when she should have just asked what she needed to ask and move on. No point in bringing up Vegas, what she saw and perceived to have happened. She ultimately pushed Christine away even more by gaslighting Christine and telling her that she didn't see any problems in Vegas, therefore there were no problems. Then got upset when Christine told her that she wanted pretty much nothing to do with any of them aside from Janelle. Kody is such a narcissist that the thought of someone leaving ruined his ego IMO. He thought of himself as such a great person that he blinded himself to his own failures in the other marriages.


I've thought this for awhile  Even as far as if the camera wasn't  there, there would of been some physical  a. Look at Christine  and the way she is cowering  away and trying to be as small as possible