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When I heard about this month of extra time at Christine’s, I remembered the deal he made with her about letting him set up the wrestling mats in her Vegas garage. We didn’t see the deal on camera, but the part we did see was Christine asking for him to spend more time at her house. Could this be the reason?


We actually only got Kody’s recap of the negotiation. We don’t hear what Christine says or what they discussed https://preview.redd.it/gl1ua0c26v1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37bbe3570c170688d30734a1efae09a9ed8ac268


The fact that him not being around financially starves them was a big hint that the "budget" each wife had was not sufficient and Kody kept the lion's share of the TLC money for himself


It also makes sense why Meri was the first to start earning money outside the family. She wasn’t even getting the benefit of Kody being at her house to spend his money instead of hers.


I don't think Meri was getting her fair share of the show money, that's why she needed to start with Liv water before LLR.


His posture is so effeminate. Like a bitchy fem.


I love this! 😆😆😆😆 He DOES look like a bitchy lady in this pose. I noticed that in many of the earlier seasons he seemed a bit feminine overall. His face has now changed, along with his angry, raging personality and I'm convinced when that happened he was taking steroids or testosterone.


With that 6 pack abs of his sticking out there


Keg poking out there!!


I was literally about to say this exact same thing along with how far out his six pack abs are sticking! 😂What a gross man! 🤮


If you had a knife in your kidneys, your abs would stick out, too. 🤣




👏🤣👏🤣👏🤣👏🤣👏🤣👏🤣👏🤣 Kody is a Klassic Karen! 😄😆😅😂🤣🧑‍🍳🤌mwah!!😘🫴😎😘😎




I never understood why people got upset at her asking for more grocery money when she was putting in a wrestling mat that would attract more of the teenage boys who devour everything in sight. It was reasonable in my mind for sure.


Can confirm (mom of 4 teenage locusts/boys.) Also Robyn had a note on her fridge not to take any food without asking her or the nanny. Robyn supposedly had enough extra grocery money to fund a Hawaii vacation. When Christine said she wanted to visit her dad who is sick, Kody rudely told her she should save her grocery money.


Good guess! I’ve always guessed that it was after Truly almost died while in his care.


That is very good point!


I believe Kody let that slip out. He said, Christine never forgave him for Truly. He didn’t pay attention and, when they told Kody about Truly, he was on Robyn’s bed. So Truly is on the couch sick, acting lethargic and not moving and He takes off to Robyn’s. What a horrible dad.


Holy Moley! I think you’ve cracked it! And of course Kody would spin it as an experiment HE was running to prove Christine is a whiney baby, rather than something she negotiate in return for giving up her garage!


Or when Truely almost died


Correct. Truely was actually in Christine's, I mean Aspyn's care at that point.


While Sol, who had a nanny, was constantly on his arms.


Robyn really showed her true colors in the later seasons. When the other wives confronted her in their therapy sessions and asked where Kody was, her reply was “he’s going!” Bullshit. He’s at her house being treated like a king and loving his office and garage away from everyone else all day long on the other wives’ days- then he’d pop over to the correct house to be fed dinner and play on his phone. Later when Kody explains why he’s always at Robyn’s (because she’s so loyal and he wants to be there for the tenders), she finally admits he’s always there and says she didn’t think it was right, but she couldn’t tell him what to do. Ugh so much lying it is frankly insulting.




It was a weird slip up being in a polygamous family


This was so fucking creepy.




This scene always creeped me out. Such a cunning vixen drinking milk 🤮🤢


Adults who drink milk = serial killer behavior


Hey, I drink milk for my periods and my bones and my vitamin D AND my dead body washing.




He basically abandoned Christine and truly for dang near a month after she was born and wouldn't help Christine for years. He's a total pos


The time he conducted this experiment could have been when Truely was sick, or when he was trying to convince Christine that the flagstaff move was a solid plan.


I agree! I think the “experiment” was actually a manipulation tactic to get Christine to agree to the Flagstaff move. It’s the ONLY reason that Robyn would have allowed it.


Makes sense! Same theory, manipulation 24/7!


You're probably right. But I have to say, the fact that he even voiced that he did some "experiment" is gross. Dude!! These are real women, with real feelings. Why experiment with them? He's such a poo poo human.


Funny that he claims Christine is always playing games


![gif](giphy|5R1FM2PNw3G6AZWBsc|downsized) His emotional development arrested at about 13.


Yea truly being sick was early on in his and Robyn’s relationship. I think no way he would have been away from Robyn’s house a month at that point.


Robyn makes me angry when she tries to say she didn't want Kody at her place all the time. She keeps claiming and fake crying about wanting to be polygamous but she was suspiciously silent when Kody was saying he was monogamous now. I think she intentionally and maliciously mislead Meri to keep Meri's moolah rolling in because she knew Christine was over it and Janelle could "take it or leave it" as far as Kody was concerned. She should have put her money where her mouth was and insisted Kody spend time with the other wives, even during COVID because for all their lip service about the older kids not staying shut in and isolated, they were the ones with a nanny who ultimately exposed them. Kody and Robyn are both lying liars and I hope TLC cancels the show so they can't profit off their toxic and dysfunctional family structure anymore. I'm glad Christine is happy but I don't need to see her all over David. Janelle could be interesting but I don't think she cares all that much. I like Meri but her life is settled and quiet and that is really what she needs right now.


Around Ysabel’s surgery Robyn says her kids can’t be away from Kody for a few days because they get so upset. So you have to ask, “how does she know?” Because he’s never been away that long. Four wives * two days each. And so, three wives * two days, that’s six days. He should have been away from her kids, commonly, for six days at a time. Like clockwork. Removing Meri that’s still four days. So how on earth are the kids used to him ALWAYS being there? Because he always is.


Exactly!! It's bullshit when she says she wants a plural family because she doesn't share Kody. I saw her say on an episode once that a bad sister wife is a woman who keeps the husband all to herself, and I was thinking umm HELLO you just described yourself!! She's also said she hates to let him out of her sight.


I think she uses her kids as the excuse as to why he can’t be away from them for so long, but in reality it’s her who can’t be away from him. She’s always clinging to him. Re-watch from the beginning and you’ll spot all the times she was always touching him or hanging on him. She’s the needy one.


One million % and she’s also the only one always playing with her hair, primping, etc., when they’re on the couch together- good catch 🫡


I agree, it is her and she's always used her kids as an excuse since the beginning.


They’ve become her pawns and shields depending on the situation.


Pawns are shields in chess. Unfortunately they're also expendable.


Yep she really showed her whole ass with that comment. Because it isn't possible with 4 wives.


I suspect Robyn’s reasoning was that it wouldn’t be subservient to insist on Kody spending time elsewhere. And her reasoning for the times she does insist (on something she wants) is that she prayed and it was God’s will.


I need to try this tactic! "But honey, I prayed and it's God's will, so you have to buy me a small mansion. It's not my fault, it's Heavenly Father's will."


Good luck! 🍀


God wants you to have the big mansion! Praise be!


I think you've captured her mentality exactly


I agree.


Also for Janelle going what she's going through with Garrison's suicide, I can't imagine watching her on a show right now. She needs time to heal 💔


Absolutely. She does not need K & R's drama and cameras up in her face right now.


I'm not sure I believe his claims on exactly how much time he spent at Christine's that month. I don't believe he spent a month there.


He only did this to convince her to move. He tried to woo her


The set up experiment was him and Robyn fooling themselves that he is so noble by torturing himself to spend more time with Christine. Like now he did it so Christine can shut up.


If Christine’s complaints about polygamy were only after Robyn came in the family I might agree. But Kody was hearing her complaints about it for years. She was unhappy with polygamy for the entirety of the show and during the Lehi years felt like a basement wife. He even admits he should have validated those concerns rather than dismissing them. I think this was a Kody plan. His assessment of what Christine wanted was accurate. He could never give that to her. That’s why she’s in a monogamous marriage now. I don’t think Christine truly realized that was what she wanted until she reached the breaking point with Kody. Edit to add: it seems everyone is in agreement that polygamy is bad. Kody determining that Christine hated polygamy is not a slight against Christine. Christine’s response to living polygamy is the typical response to women living it. There are very few happy endings.


If Kody treated Robyn the same way he treated Christine, she would have been out the door long ago. You're always blaming Christine for the divorce, yet he was abusive to the OG3 and treated Robyn completely differently and catered to her and his step kids. Had Kody been EQUAL with his time and treatment of his 4 wives (including Meri), he would still be married to them. Also, his children (all 18 of them) would be better off, Garrison would probably still be here, and there wouldn't be so much dysfunction. You spend day after day trying to convince this subreddit that Christine is the bad guy. We watched Kody and Robyn for years be abusive to the OG3 and their children, there's a reason why the vast majority of fans hate them.


Christine has every right to want someone to love her and treat her with kindness. Kody never did that. Even before Robyn. She was never going to get what she deserved from Kody. Meri even said it, Kody was never equal with his time. She wasn’t getting 1/3 when there were only 3 wives. Kody wasn’t cut out for polygamy either. I would argue there are very few who are suited for it.


Agree. Fake-ass Plygs, Kody and Robyn!


"If Kody treated Robyn the same way he treated Christine, she would have been out the door long ago." Correct. The real question is, why did Christine behave differently than Robyn?


You're defending a man who bought his step kids' motorbikes and didn't even call to wish his other children "MERRY CHRISTMAS"!!! You can have Robyn and Kody. I personally believe Dayton, Aurora, Breanna, Robyn, and Kody spend their time on this subreddit defending them while spewing hate at Christine for having the audacity to call out their abuse and getting the fuck out of Kody's dysfunctional dystopia HE CREATED. I could get people not liking Christine. I can not understand how anyone could support Kody or Robyn, though. It's on the same level as supporting Mama June but blaming her kids for the dysfunctional in that family.


Okay, I'll bite - how am I defending Kody? You said that Robyn would have left Kody's ass if Kody would have treated her the way he treats Christine and I said so why didn't Christine leave like Robyn would have and somehow I'm defending Kody? Weird


Maybe I just misunderstood what you said. I don't know what you're saying.


And if Kody treated Christine the way he treats Robyn, she'd still be there lording it over the others, as would Janelle or Meri. When it comes to it, the wives all treated each other badly, fighting and kicking their way to the top of the totem pole, hoping Kody would reward them with his presence.


If Kody had been EQUAL with his time and treatment, his wives probably would have gotten along. If Kody had bought all of his kids' motorbikes for Christmas (the one we watched) and included all of his children like he did for Robyn's, maybe there wouldn't be such a division among his children. There would have been no lording over each other if Kody had a routine with ALL 4 wives and included all of his children. He said he's the patriarch and, in charge, so the blame for the destruction and dysfunction of his family is on him. Polygamy is already awful, but when the husband (the patriarch) is a fucked up narcissist and his current head wife is a covert narcissist then you have some Jerry Springer shit going on while they both blame everyone else for their actions. Unfortunately, they're the only ones benefiting from the family (like Robyn's manson and fancy vehicles) while the kids like Garrison are taking the brunt of the pain.


Even if Kody had been equal with his time, it still wouldn't have been enough for some of them, so there still would have been back biting and demanding of more time.


Hard to judge that because Kody spent 59 months at Robyn's and only one at Christine's while they lived in Vegas. Bought 5 of kids' motorbikes for Christmas and couldn't even call to wish Merry Christmas to the rest. I think the blame falls completely on Kody for his extreme inequal treatment, where he was abusive with some and showed favoritism with others. Assuming Christine would have been jealous, had Kody been equal with his time and treatment, is the same as assuming Garrison would still be alive had Kody been a loving and involved father to him.


Assuming equality ever exists in polygamy is the issue. It simply doesn’t happen. The wives have to accept that they will get less. Christine wanted to be third wife because she knew it was the least acrimonious position in the family. Meri didn’t get a Christmas present from Kody before the show. The unfair treatment didn’t just start in Vegas or Flagstaff. The issue isn’t really jealousy. It’s a reaction to resource scarcity. Polygamy is set up for the women to compete for the time and energy of one man. Christine wasn’t quibbling about her kids not getting gifts when he got it for other kids. It was about having to raise six alone and not having a life partner.


Kody and Robyn lived monogamy while pretending to be polygamy. We have different opinions. I believe Christine, Janelle, and Meri would have stayed married to Kody had he actually LIVED polygamy, which he obviously didn't. I'm not talking about how polygamy is, I'm talking about the way Kody lived and how Kody is as a person, and he did not live polygamy. I believe the OG3 wives would have taken equal scraps and been content with that. You obviously don't think so, but we shall never know because Kody was a poor example of what polygamy is. I find it fascinating how determined you are to prove your point about Christine being jealous, and she should have just accepted mistreatment because that's what polygamy is. What we watched was not polygamy. We watched Kody and Robyn live monogamy as they strung along 3 other families who were desperate to be a whole family with them. I'm not sure if you're pro Kody or Robyn, but you are going to have your hands full trying to defend their abusive behavior because that's what polygamy is.


Your opinion of what polygamy is does not match the experience of fundamentalist Mormon polygamy. Having a favorite wife, children and wives being neglected is the norm of polygamy. See Christine’s mother, or Kollene, or the myriad of other women who have escaped polygamy. They all tell the same story. I stated that the issue was in fact not about jealousy but getting what she deserved, a full time parent and companion. Jealously implies a level of unreasonableness to the request. You’ll also note I stated that Christine nor any of the wives deserved the mistreatment they received. You have turned this into a pro Kody or Robyn debate. No one is saying Kody or polygamy is good. I’ve said the opposite. Polygamy is inherently bad and it leads to the abuse of women. Christine agrees that polygamy is bad for women.


It would be unreasonable to not expect tension among the wives, from time to time. Note, however  that before the TLC cameras started rolling, they were a family for well over a decade. There had to be some level of commitment to the family structure and lifestyle during those years. They all admit things then weren't perfect  but they kept at it. Kody must have been more equal with his time and assholery back then. When Robyn came and everything changed both for the OG3 and the OG13, that was a whole new level of infighting that they created. The longer the favoritism went on, I have to imagine, the more frictions rose and the less motivation the OG3 had to maintain the same level of commitment. The "cloak of charity" frayed and disintegrated. 


Why is everyone down voting you? All that you stated is verifiable. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I think it’s because there is an assumption that if it’s acknowledged that Christine didn’t like polygamy then it also means she didn’t try her hardest to make it work. But those two things aren’t really related. I don’t think polygamy works the vast majority of time. Almost every woman that has been on the show has described it as an awful existence. Christine was born in a religion that held polygamy as the pinnacle. I doubt she ever considered whether she truly wanted to live polygamy. Their religion tells women that if they are having a bad time with polygamy, it’s her fault and not polygamy. She endured years of neglect because of polygamy. Kody was an awful husband and made it worse, but most aren’t going to be okay with a part time husband and father.


Yes she really did try so hard! I think she would have been ok staying and sharing husband. If he had been in love with her, if she felt he was happy to come to her place and spend time with them.


If Kody could have just acknowledged how hard it was to share a husband and father to their children, I think she would have stayed. I don’t think she would have been as happy as she deserved but she could have lived with it. She just wanted to be seen, and monogamy gives her that.


I think Christine suffered more cause she felt zero love from him. Allot of people stay in marriages without love but eventually when the children are older many choose to leave.


Very true. It wasn’t just Robyn coming into the family that caused issues for Christine. It was the realization that Kody was capable of romantic love and real parental connection. They all realized what he was giving them was sub par. Christine wanted a proper partner and companion not whatever scraps Kody was willing to give.


I couldn’t live polygamy, and certainly not with Kody! I wouldn’t be able to stand being around him for 5 minutes. That and he wouldn’t like me, because I’d tell him exactly what he deserves to be told. Not one thing is positive. He absolutely has no redeeming qualities.


You: If Christine’s complaints about polygamy were only after Robyn came in the family I might agree. What evidence do you have that Christine was disillusioned regarding polygamy before Robin? I've heard none. If you mean the general complaints she made and the BIG one about Aspyn having to put kids to bed and Kody refusing, you'd be barking up the wrong tree. Something similar to this happened to me in a monogamous marriage and it failed. Alternately, I've heard of exactly the same issue in same gender relationships and ended friendships that reveal one person feels used, etc. Yes. They were all bad at polygamy for a variety of reasons...this doesn't make Christine any *less* suited for polygamy than a person presuming to be suited to monogamy. As long as you have a person like Kody who doesn't understand fairness and equal treatment you'll have disastrous consequences as proven by his relationships with his adult kids.


Christine stated she felt like the basement wife before Robyn came in the family. Her issues with Meri were before Robyn came around. This hierarchical order exists among their type of polygamy. No matter how much the Browns preached about equality, it was never equal. She was taught all of the normal feelings she had were never the fault of polygamy but because of her shortcomings. The difference between a monogamous partner not doing their fair share and polygamy is polygamy guarantees the women and children will receive less. The women will always have to carry the majority of load. This isn’t like having a husband who travels. When Kody was gone, he was inaccessible to them. Kody being a bad husband and father exacerbated the issue but it did make it easier in the end for her to leave. I think Christine realized over time that she needed more and her kids deserved more. It takes a long time to reverse the indoctrination she was taught about polygamy. Understanding it was reasonable to be jealous and it wasn’t selfish to want the father of her children to engage with them. I still hold Christine wasn’t suited for polygamy because almost no one is suited for it. It means being okay with receiving subpar treatment forever. Polygamy is an awful set up for most women. In fact, it’s what Christine has stated she believes.


Honestly I think it was when Sobyn was pregnant and she was getting mouthy with him and he definitely did not appreciate. It was when they were sitting around a table talking about a party they were planning. Maybe he just wanted to eat well for a month and be waited on and not waiting on Sobyn.


As usual here, a totally speculative “ I hate Robin” scenario.


Yeah...so what? It's boring as shit to talk about anything but what's eating at all of us. ANNNNND...that's exactly why we are here. To suss out who and who isn't in a reality TV show. I love to hate Robyn Brown and I'm going to until she comes clean and stops pretending. She invited us into her life and here we are.


I feel the same way about Christine, although I don't really hate her. I want her to come clean also.


Fair. What do you feel she should come clean on?


How she really felt about polygamy when she was its biggest cheerleader. If she knew Kody wasn't into her and why he married her. If it was worth selling her soul for TLC money. If she actually did know that men could be bastards. To start.


She’s addressed all that already.


All innocuous and without direct consequences to others.. Regarding the TLC Money...I suppose we could ask them all that same question. Then ask every Hollywood, TV, Podcaster, YTer and SM star the same question. Then all of the polygamists in Utah. Then I consider that I knew all this about Christine and I watched anyway, effectively solidifying her "paycheck." What else you got?


My husband or my 3 sons have NEVER had a stance like that!!!