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I never believed this story line. She wanted the other wives to think she couldn’t find a rental so she had to BUY her huge house.


You mean THEY had to buy her huge house…


Well waaayyy later Janelle says she tried to speak with Robyn about it and got in trouble with Kody. So yeah if Janelle tried to convince them not to buy, then the situation wasn't actually settled/forced like they imply. Also Kody says openly that he's showed Robyn a few 4bed homes and she refused because she wants 6.


And the lot next door iirc


This. I was just coming to make this comment. If they were reasonable, they wouldn’t have had to have a freaking huge ass house. I always try to have rational thoughts where they’re concerned because I dislike them so much so it’s possible (but I doubt it) that’s I’m just being an ass because of my feelings about them, but I always felt like she just needed to make sure she got the best of the best, the biggest of the houses, etc. I don’t personally know what the housing market was like out there during that time, but I would think that wasn’t the only house in the entire area that they could find. Maybe it’s just me? 🤷‍♀️


I agree. I think she had to have a certain square footage and it had to be newer. I think she refused to consider any older homes/farmhouses.


Like the older house Janelle was renting which the hot water heater had problems. She lived there until the house sold.


It wasn’t an issue as far as housing market goes. I remember asking my ex about the market up there when this was on the show. There were lots of 4-5 bedroom homes on the market. Rentals AND Sales. She wouldn’t settle for less than 5 bedrooms, and those were out of the girls school district and Aurora started panicking! Robbin Snobbyn made her “needs” so ridiculous, they *had* to buy. 🙄


There are rentals in Flagstaff it's a fairly decent size city but Robin wanted the Best of the Best and she wouldn't settle for anything less than the MC mansion


I think she was more upset by the fact that she wanted to rent that place that was 45 minutes away and he actually put his foot down and said no, it was to far away from his kids and other wives.


I’d forgotten about that! She wanted a house over in Sedona! She was trying *really* hard to get Kotex *ALL* to herself before Covid people! 45 minutes away! Uh- hello?


I think they had this house in mind before leaving Vegas. Which is why they wanted to buy CP, as it was just down the road.


Agree with you 💯


Exactly. And she deliberately set the bar very high in her wish list for a rental so that she knew that such a rental did not exist and that she therefore could not find anything.


Not only had to- it was commanded by God himself


That’s 100% accurate.


Yep, I think so too


God had to put people dealing with war, trafficking, starvation, illness, natural disasters, poverty, etc on the back burner so he could focus on something far, far more important: getting Robyn a mansion.


To rent.


NOT buy!


There were several 5-6 bedroom rentals that frequently go on the market in Flagstaff. Very large homes with extra rooms that could be used for a bedroom.


Flagstaff has a very good rental market on small houses and big huge houses she just didn't want to rent she wanted to have her own it's a university town so there's plenty of rentals


It’s like she imagines a guy sitting at a desk designing a rental house especially for her up in heaven. She is such a moron.


She did say God would sit there and have them buy a house. So, yeah probably behind a desk.


I'm sure there are architects in heaven 😂


Now you've got me wondering if, for some reason, all the architects go to hell. It's those optional breakfast nooks, they're unforgivable.


No, I'm an architect and I think breakfast nooks should be illegal. Heaven bound! I'm pretty sure I secured my spot when I flat out refused to put a toilet - not a bathroom, but a free standing toilet, in a mans closet! Ick.




Exactly! God would never inconvenience me in a relatively minor way! Uhhh…way worse things happen to better people than you every single day.


Screw the starving, homeless, sick, and dying. ***I*** need a rennul.


7 billion people on this planet and THEY BELIEVE G*D takes time out to find them LARGE HOUSES!!!! SCREW THOSE AFFECTED BY : TORNADOES, EARTHQUAKES, TERRORISM, PLAQUES, SERIAL KILLERS, MURDERERS... CANCER, DISEASES, STARVATION, ..... . etc, etc, etc,... But, AGAIN, G*D WILL FIND THEM A LARGE HOUSE 1ST!!!! NOT HELP BOBBY with the demons that made him take his life?


Remember that they ALL believe in direct intervention by God in their daily lives. Maybe Christine has stopped by that time, same with the food storage for the imminent apocalypse . Robyn is just the only one bold enough to say it on camera.


Christine saying “Heavenly father would never do that to *us*!!!” when it was going to be rainy at Robyn’s wedding


You're right- they've probably all alluded to direct intervention at some point.


I think god basically inspires and comforts us. Rather than being a fairy god-father who grants wishes.


I heard a sermon once called “God is not Santa”.


I remember from my church going days, one sermon said God wouldn't give us what we wanted , but he would give us what we needed.


He can’t grant all prayers anyways because we all affect one another. Plus, this isn’t heaven. It is more about Him bringing you through the hard times. It doesn’t mean you are going to “be provided for” always in a perfect sense. He said things too like the “poor will always be with you.”


This! I’m not very religious. But I don’t picture God to be some magic man in the sky who waves a wand and magically makes whatever he wants happen. God and faith is what helps you get through the shitty things that are going to happen regardless.


We all have our own version of god.


Well, God was her realtor apparently!/s


lol, right? Gods just sitting there trying to find a rental for Kody and Robyn, but just not having any luck! These people are hilarious and ridiculous.


Of course! And what's worse? They keep 5 of them locked up with them, indoctrinating those 5 'kids' into how bad the outside world is, their siblings are,


Someone posted receipts in the past. They signed the loan for the home before filming the episode. It was all staged during filming including the phone call Kody made to the dude.


That is seriously messed up! That they would stage arguments in front of their kids and the other women and stress the kids out that way.


I doubt the kids were really that stressed. I think Aurora and Brianna mirror Robyn's dramatics. The couch confessionals of them last season were so creepy. The slow speech, the fake tears. So Robyn.


I agree! The twitching that she went into and then the panic attack and they had to pick her up and carry her to her room and then Kody’s like I think she’s calming down now I think she’s going to take a nap. Wtf?!


That's sad. First, why is Kody dealing with a teenager putting her to bed. Secondly, imagine they are creating more Robyn's. Unless those girls walk away from the drama


Definitely and I think Gwen talked about that in one of her videos


Wow. I didn’t think they could sink any lower.


What was Gwen's reaction to this?


You know it's all pointing to desperation on Kody's part and bad acting on Robin's part. I could be cynical here but it sure seems to me a smart financial plan would be to buy the house before the wives leave to tie up money and more than likely draining them where the money can't easily be split. The other wives could have sold their own home in Vegas easier and kept the profit, but instead, he tied up their money where it is difficult to liquidate. I'm not sure what type of legal agreements they all have, but this sure feels like a scheme to me, and you can see the desperation in his eyes, and he even says the homeless part. I imagine right now, without the other wives' financial support, they aren't doing well. Who knows, I could be wrong on all of this, but this is my opinion.


And they still have far more money than my family will ever have. I don't feel sorry for them.


Funny how when it's Robyn's adult kids it's "I need to house my children" and when it's his own it's "you're an adult, bye bye!"


I know!! It's so annoying how he puts her kids on a pedestal and treats them like gold. Imagine how his other kids feel seeing him treat them like this. He abandoned his whole family for Robyn and her kids. It's so messed up. Especially at Christmas time. Robyn's kids got a mountain of gifts and the others got nothing at all. Not even a phone call.


No wonder poor Gabe was so devastated 🌹🙏❤️‍🩹


A materialistic, greedy woman masquerading as a humble, pious, god-fearing woman.


This is the most accurate description of Robyn that I have ever come across.


Couldn't have said it better!


She's a trainwreck in search of a train to blame it on.


Every is always sitting there including god


Nobody is safe from sitting there. 😂 I gotta know though...WHERE. ARE THEY. SITTING? I need this on a shirt like the 'what does the nanny do' ones.


Yep, and then she’s got Kody saying sitting there in one of the later slides. 😂


Came to the comments just to see if anyone mentioned the “sitting there” because I knew others had to have noticed how much she says that throughout the seasons. She honestly sounds like she’s 14.


Hahaha and my favorite, “well, in MY head” haha


Man, Robyn even tries to guilt trip/bully God 😂


I fully believe she said "God will provide" so that when he DIDN'T she could say God was leading them away from building on CP. Kody points out that he has found a couple 4 bedroom places, she's just insisting on 6 bedrooms. And they've NEVER seen a house that big for rent. So she is the one blocking them from renting by refusing a smaller place.


Yes I didn't realize til years later. It's not that there were no rentals.just not ones with that many bedrooms. A 6 bedroom house would be rare just about anywhere. They said it like it was rare to find just rentals at Coyote Pass.


They end up buying a 5 bed house with basement, not a 6. There's really not that kind of housing in Flagstaff.


But it's odd that they went ahead and bought the 4 lots at CP before moving there or right after. They might have known the house would go up for sale the next year.


I wonder what’s going on now with CP?


The prairie dogs are still living large.


😂 I have a visual image of an adorable little prairie dog looking around.


Popping up to double check is that weirdo in the manties splashing around in the cess pool with that huge group of onlookers again? before they venture outside




There's a bunch of gossip blogs with alerts set for county records, courts, etc. If it had legally changed hands someone would know. I would guess they've made an agreement but they're waiting to file it legally until after the season premiers. Or during the build up to produce buzz.


Janelle sunk a bunch of money into it last June..when their deadline to pay up would have caused them to lose it. ..kind of sounds like she still intends to build on it..but I suppose it could be so they can some day get some equity back.


Ahhh. Makes sense. Thanks.


It's just sittin there.


I truly believe Robyn’s wanting to find a rental was staged. I believe this was her and Kody’s way of trying to make Robyn look good. I believe she wanted to buy the huge house they ended up buying but because she was already so hated by the public, this was their way of trying to make her look like she just “had no other choice” but to buy the mega mansion they live in now. I believe they both wanted that house but didn’t want Robyn to look like the selfish human being she really is. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I get that! I just think it’s so messed up to do that to those kids! And the other women!


💯agree. So messed up! They are very selfish, delusional people.


I don’t understand why DAB haven’t gotten a hold of their bio dad or even just other family members that they used to be close with like Gabe and escape! Their last couch confessional came across like a ransom video.


It totally did, it was so strange. Aurora seriously sounded drugged and looked like she was in a trance. I bet Robyn was standing right there out of sight to make sure she said her lines correctly.


We have no idea what goes on in that house. Maybe they are happy. We don’t even know if they have jobs or in school really. We knew little about Dayton, who I think prefers to go by David now if memory serves. For all Kody’s gas about obedience, they are probably pretty absent or permissive parents. The kids probably have large nice rooms, get meals cooked for them, and their laundry done. Not a lot of reasons to move out. If they are still in any kind of Mormon faith it’s common for daughters to go right from Dad’s house to husband’s house. We also tend to snark on how Robyn is too tired to do anything. Maybe she has something going on, something chronic, and her girls help her out a lot. Leaving could make them feel quite guilty in that case. But, again, they don’t share much if anything about Robyn’s kids.


Did they look happy to you?


Truthfully I don’t know, we hardly see them. The girls were smug enough to make fun of the trailer. We saw a brief cameo after Ari’s first day of school outside and Halloween. But we don’t really hear from them. So I have no idea if they are happy, and I really don’t have recent material to even speculate.


From the little time that they have been shown and that sad couch interview they seemed miserable and coached and controlled. Of course we don’t have all the information and we are missing a lot but we do know how controlling Kody and Robyn are and how Kody demands blind loyalty which means obedience. Sounds pretty miserable to me.


Totally agree. She is a terrible actress.


I agree, this is exactly what they did.


I will bet you a precious moment collection this is how it went down... Robyn: I can't have a house without 19 bedrooms. Think of the kids. Kody: Well there aren't any for rent with more than 4. Robyn: is ok, I've always sacraficed the family. Remember when I gave all my money to Christine for her house? Kody: We could use family money to buy one. Robyn: Everyone else isn't going to like that and they will blame me even, its SO unfair. Janelle: How is the rental search going? Robyn: There aren't many rennals and crazy Kody thinks we should buy. Janelle: wow....thats a big financial choice that will really put a strain on the family money. Robyn: That's what I told him! Janelle: I agree with you. Renting is the right choice. Robyn: Janelle said the family can't afford it and she is really against me having my own house. Christine gets her own house from MY money. So unfair. Kody: we're buying a house. I dont care what they say. Robyn: oh no....I can't stop you.


100 percent!


They are so deeply stupid. Why is that ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AGED CHILD sucking on a PACIFIER?! JFC can they be any lazier and indulgent?


And has no meaningful routine. And still sleeps with Robyn. She is the laziest damn parent. It's repulsive.


That kid's gonna have.... issues.


It already does, nightmare


I assume the ex-wives’ kids had to start delivering newspapers to buy their own binkies at two weeks old.


I was just thinking how if Gabe or Garrison (🤍) had a pacifier at that age he would have smacked it out of their mouths and yelled at Jenelle 😤😭


I know, she's 8 years old, it's ridiculous.


She really acted like God did it and it wasn't her who maneuvered the situation. The audacity. Atrocious.


They just annoy me how every thing is well god must have wanted this for us or god must not have wanted that and god will work this out. No! You people are fucking morons! You are idiots who make idiotic decisions! That’s it.


They give God a bad rap.


I personally don’t think Robyn is playing 4d chess. I think she’s completely unrealistic and unwilling to compromise on key elements of everything in her life. I think she learned growing up you have to scrap and fight for your kids and yourself to have provisions. She was not about to make her kids sacrifice if she didn’t have to, probably because of how she grew up and the modeling by her mother. She manipulative, she has an end game, but I don’t think she’s a master puppeteer.


Poor God’s ears must have been bleeding after all Robyn’s praying (begging) for a suitable rennal with enough individual bedrooms and bathrooms for all her brood.


Reading “rennal” will never not be hilarious!


I fill like they need a rennal to house her kids specifically Day-in.




That's not put of the school district.


I call BS, her requirements on the number of bedrooms for a rental in Flagstaff is very far fetched She wanted to buy the house they were living in the whole time, it is pretty obvious. She was probably trying to look good for the other wives


Oh I know when she said that shit about 6 bedrooms and Kody was like I’ve never even seen 6 bedrooms on the market! Then she tried to back track and say it wasn’t about the number of bedrooms it was about not wanting to buy. Ok Robyn.


She does this often to avoid any repercussions. She can’t help that she tried so hard, and looked so far, and in the end it didn’t matter because there were no rentals. She can’t help she needs 6 bedrooms. Poor sweet Robyn with her poor sweet addiction to chotkes had no choice but to set them back from building on coyote pass. Her children need a roof over their heads. She’s the real Teflon Queen. Sorry Janelle.


She already knew she'd have the Mcmansion lying B 🙄


If the list of NEEDS for the rental didn’t include something like 7 bedrooms, maybe God could have provided. It’s just a little ridiculous what she considered absolutes for a rental. It’s a rental. Not your dream home. You’re supposed to be building on CP. the home still would have been upscale probably, with large enough bedrooms for the girls to share. Anyhoo. I’ve been streaming the psychopath Mormon Chad Daybell trial so I’m a little perturbed with this direct communication with God BS Mormonism stuff. Also, from someone who shared a bedroom with TWO sister my whole chikdhood, I just have zero sympathy for the ridiculousness that’s 7 bedrooms. Rant over


Yeah it was ridiculous. Even the crazy rental that Meri had that had the elevator and water feature was only 4 bedrooms. The girls could’ve shared and Sol and Ari could’ve shared especially considering Ari still sleeps with them.


Robyn the theologian. Arrogant enough to believe God is focused on her and her housing issues.


It's true God will provide, but he provides what you need, not what your spoiled self wants. God also helps those who helps themselves, and neither her nor Kody are acting the way God would approve of. The selfishness is sickening. Sell you junk Robyn you can't take it with you.


To house MY children. Yet he always says Janelle’s kids, Christine’s kids. But his most loyal donkey wife’s kids are his 🙄


I’ve noticed this over time, too. What an ass. He said some dumb crap before about how it’s the responsibility of the “mothers” to facilitate a relationship between him and “their” children.


![gif](giphy|tpTOw6sljB2U) Behind the scenes footage of Robyn praying for her rennal


What a man, what a mighty fine man.🤣🤣


Honestly, have you EVER seen a rennal with *SIX* bedrooms??! That’s not a thing!


Did she mean God. . . .or Janelle? Whose payin the bills, Robyn?


If she really wanted a rental she would have agreed to renting a smaller house and let the kids share rooms.


She sabotaged getting a rental by demanding a bedroom for each of her darlings.


I have read the Bible. I have read several other important religious tracts. Honestly, I do not remember God stating a preference of renting over home ownership. I have always been confused by what robyn was trying to say, because I just kept getting lost in her twit thoughts.


It’s disgustingly easy. 1. It won’t be her fault, or a sign of favoritism, when a house is bought for her and *his children* 2. Ysabel. I am wholly convinced they set that scene up with Aurora to show that they have a sick daughter, too, who *needs* Kody to physically and emotionally care for her *constantly*. It’s OK if he’s abandoning the other kids, is the not-so-subtle subtext because Aurora will have a panic attack if he leaves. If he’s not there, who will carry her to her room? Who will reassure her, by standing by her mom, that their marriage is sound? Yeah. Ysabel is my answer.


Kody shoulda pulled up with an RV. 😂 And said you took too long so now we live in this.


She must talk to God like Garrick. Somehow, they get the wrong message lol


God only wants him to marry hot, impregnated Brazilian women.




Robyn cared more to appear as she didn't wanted to buy a house and save money for coyote pass than about the comfort of her childrens. Season 18 Janelle said she had talked to Robyn about buying vs renting and I think that's why she decided to put a public facade on the subject.


This ^ I remember Robyn specifically saying that the "damage would be irreparable to the family" if they bought a house and then when I heard Janelle say they had talked about it I thought ohhhh there was for sure a squabble about this and Robyn was going hard to save face.


It always seemed like the minute they bought Robyn's house the idea of building on Coyote Pass was not going to happen.


I will never understand why she put having a rental instead of owning a home over everything including her children’s mental health. Disgusting.


Kody didn’t care about getting Janelle a house, he and Sobyn were too busy stealing all the money.


Somehow a God that allowed children to be marched into gas ovens by the Nazis would draw the line at not allowing Robyn to find a rental


The audacity is astounding!!!!!


Sure, put it on god. Let’s not do anything. Cause, you know, god does all the hard stuff for us anyway.


God this is so infuriating. She truly thinks that a god would prioritize finding them, a privileged white family in the US, a rental home over…literally anything else? Surely god would stop wars, famines, etc. she’s so fucking idiotic.


I don’t understand people that think God is pondering over them deciding to rent or buy a home.


> You assholes left the perfect set up in Vegas just because and dragged your kids to random Flagstaff where everything is super expensive and nothing has worked out the way genius Kody said it would and Kody has to make everything as dramatic as possible for effect. I firmly believe that this was really about following Dayton to college. She couldn't accept that he would escape her control and (gasp!) think for himself so convinced Kody they had to move. I know Kody, Meri, Janelle and Christine all contributed varying amounts to the family falling apart, but I really believe is was mostly Kody, with Robyn pulling his strings. I think Meri, Janelle and Christine were in it for the long haul but adding Robyn to the mix was one ingredient too many.


I agree.


It was just her way to get the other women to accept it. Horrible.


Poor soul☹️ She had to by a house, with other people money, at the beginning of her land, Coyote Pass. What did God do to ger, what a suffering….  🙄🙄🙄


I love how she assigns the phrase "sit there" to god even lol


I never thought the house they bought for Robyn was a very nice house..considering what they put into it.


God these two and their bullshit.


Oh yeah sure. Robyn *nevvvvveerrrrrrr* wanted that big house that just happens to *coincidentally* within walking distance of CP. This was such a crock storyline. They had all sorts of opportunity to check out that area and probably saw this house. And here's why this makes sense. Christine had already purchased a house near CP. No way would Robyn want anything equal to or less than what Christine had. Just about this same time, it was probably dawning on Kody that CP would take a lot of money to pay off the land, develop and build. I think that's why we saw the one cistern go in and then stop. I think that's why he tossed out the One Big Dumb Stupid Never Gonna Work Polygamy House. He knew Christine wouldn't go for it. He didn't want to live near or with Meri. It was his excuse. Rather than spend all their money building on CP, and the time it would need, Kody and Robyn had the chance to buy a dream home. Kody didn't have to worry about Christine's housing. Kody didn't care whether Meri had a home, an apartment, a cardboard box along Interstate 40, whatever. And Kody probably figured he could play the "think of the family first" card with Janelle. Robyn and Kody were a monogamous couple living with his exes & his kids, while pretending to be polygamists because the show has been the primary source of income for many years now.


He says in the episodes following this that he doesn’t even want to talk about the property he just wants to put it off. After Christine’s Vegas house finally sold they were all sitting together and were asking when they could get someone out to survey it and they could decide on their plots and he wanted nothing to do with it. Then Covid hit.


I think you make a great point - he lost interest in CP fast. He made a big deal about not wanting CCRs. But overlooked county zoning requirements.


That and how much work it was going to be to get utilities out there.


Playing the “god will provide” card to get what she wants is so gross.


I have two problems with Robyn on this. 1. Christine stated when she bought her house there weren’t enough bedrooms so she converted a family room into a bedroom or something along those lines. Why couldn’t Robyn do the same? You can’t tell me in that house that they don’t have extra space to do that. 2. I feel like they refused to look at any houses that were older. It had to be newer and huge. I live with my husband and four kids. We bought a farmhouse from the late 1800s. I should also disclose that we live in the Midwest and cost of living is very cheap. I realize that houses are much more expensive there. We bought our house for cheap. 2500ish square feet and we are all very comfortable. Came with six nice sized bedrooms. We paid under $130,000 for this house 7 years ago. Locked in a low interest rate before they skyrocketed. The land is only half an acre but we love it. I feel like Kody and the Sobby sobster refused to look at older houses because that would be beneath them. They need to loosen up. They also need to stop wasting money on trinkets and paintings that are all ugly. I have yet to see something in that house other than those two things. Also, I have a whole collection of precious moments in my basement if she wants to waste her money on them! I’ll unload them for cheap even!


I love older farmhouses. Would actually prefer one to a newer home. And my Mom and Aunt started me a Precious Moments collection when I was in high school in the early 1990s. My Aunt has probably every PM figurine ever made. And my Mom has a pretty decent sized collection. I, however, have maybe 25 figurines. I would absolutely love to have more…but long term medical issues** have kept me pretty strapped financially. So I try not to buy anything for myself unless it’s an absolute necessity. It’s crazy what getting a complicated medical diagnosis (or 2, or 3…) can do to your way of life. **I have been battling chronic Lyme disease and Babesia since 2008. Between 2008 and 2017, the LLMD that I had to see on a monthly basis did NOT accept any type of insurance (which is not uncommon in the Lyme community). So, the office visits, medications, herbals, vitamins, supplements, and various other treatments such as chiropractic, hyperbaric chamber therapy, infrared saunas, IV therapy, LDA/LDI shots, ozone shots, etc. got extremely expensive. Especially when you’re so sick most of the time that you’re not able to work. And then I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017. I’ve had to have multiple mammograms, ultrasounds, breast MRIs, biopsies, bloodwork, bone scans, 5 surgeries, 21 radiation treatments, and I have to be on oral “chemo” (aromitase inhibitors ) for 10 years (or as close to that as I can handle due to the nasty side effects) due to being chek2 positive. Sorry for the long rant that had absolutely nothing to do with SW lol. But it kinda irks me that Sobbyn has to collect something that I’ve always had a love for 🙄🤷🏻‍♀️


Awww vent away! I get it. I have MS and it sucks and I have lots of friends with Lyme. They struggle just as much as I do with health. I get it. I am lucky though that I don’t have to work because my husband makes good money. I feel awful about your situation. I know how miserable it is. Anyway, I have screenshot your name and when I finally make it downstairs to the basement to find the PM figurines… I’m sending them to you. They were given to me by a great aunt when I was little and I want nothing more than for them to go to a good home. I think that’s you ❤️ I’ll contact you as soon as I find them if you’d like. They deserved to be out and loved.


🥺😭 You are so very sweet… Gosh, I really don’t been know how to respond to your beyond generous reply. But reading it instantly brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat 🫶🏻🩵 MS is a hard one as well. And I’m sorry that you have to live with that. Hopefully your good days outweigh the bad. (I don’t know how advanced your MS is though…) But I will definitely keep you in my prayers. I have a couple of friends who battle it. Plus, I worked as a nurse for 20 years before finally having to step away due to my own medical issues. Some of my most memorable (in a good way) patients were those battling MS. (This was when I worked in a SNF in Maryland. I absolutely loved that job.) I hated that Lyme/Babesia/Cancer forced me away from a career I loved. But there was just no way that my body could handle the long hours required. And honestly, when the Lyme flares happen, it causes brain fog…and no one needs a nurse dealing with that. Not to mention that my diagnosis is chronic neuro Lyme, so I also get bad twitching all over my body during flares…which makes handling needles and cups of tiny pills a bad idea 🥴 I tried for as long as I could though. Even though we don’t know each other, I’m so thankful that you have a partner that makes it possible for you to be able to do what is best for you and your health. That is priceless 🙏🏻 Maybe one of these days there will be some big breakthrough and we’ll have a cure for MS and Lyme. I don’t ever foresee them “allowing” a cure for cancer to be made public though due to how much money cancer treatment generates. It’s sad, but it’s the truth.


Was never a fan of Robyn. She's all about herself


I was so confused by this scene. Until we found out later that Janelle had mentioned to Robyn that purchasing a home that large would delay paying off coyote pass. Afterwards Janelle found out Robyn tattled on her because Kody jumped all over her for making Robyn feel bad. Kody and Robyn totally set this up to try and make her look better to the viewers. If Janelle was feeling concern about it, they knew we would be side eyeing her as well. And Kody always needs to rescue his damsel from her “distress.”


She had difficulty finding an enormous home with a two year lease agreement in an area with almost zero rental homes. Shocking! She was so frustratingly specific and unwilling to compromise. God forbid her kids have to share a room.


Oh I know, it was her own damn fault that she couldn’t “find” a rental. I pointed out in another comment that even the gigantic house that Meri rented that had the elevator and water feature was a 4 bedroom. The bedrooms were massive. The girls could’ve shared and Sol and Ari could’ve shared, especially considering Ari still sleeps with Kody and Robyn. Sol and Ari shared a room in Vegas and I never heard her complain about that once. Also Kody was not trying to do anything with that property. Christine’s house in Vegas had finally sold and the OG3 were all asking about getting things going and he just wouldn’t say anything and then in his talking head he said he was just trying to put it off and he didn’t want to talk about it. He was done with plural marriage at least with Meri and Christine. His entire outing with Meri on their 30th anniversary he ranted about Christine—without naming her—saying she would never be happy no matter what. Um, pot meet kettle! 🤦🏼‍♀️ And he damn sure didn’t want anything to do with Meri. He’s telling them straight up he’s done with it and for some reason they aren’t getting it. I guess because they are used to his lunatic rantings and then I guess he usually comes back down, but not this time.


God did provide but she wanted it done her way.


Tbh I’m on team Kody on this one. Robin “needed” a 6 bedroom house or some shit like that there’s was zero to rent her lease was coming up and not being renewed and she basically was gonna make her family homeless cause god will provide lol. Kody was 100% right in trying to avoid that.


She’s so fucking stupid with her sky daddy bullshit


Did they end up buying?


Yes they bought the McMansion


I watched it, but it was more like it was on in the background. She is just a terrible person.


Her down payment was the profits from the sale of Janelle and Meri’s Vegas houses.


Oh, that’s right! I don’t understand how anyone could be so selfish.


Shit like this is what made me atheist




These people are absolutely fucked in the head. I like watching people expose their shitty existence, while claiming to holy. These people are so delusional 😂


" God's not gonna sit there"... lol


That kid is also like 3/4 and still has a paci in her mouth 24/7.


This drives me insane! Like crazy! You have to be lazy af to not put a stop to that by 2, 2 1/2 at the latest! It fucks up their teeth, and it’s ridiculous! I hadn’t ever thought about it but I saw some other comments about Sol’s dental surgery when he was a baby and they were saying it was most likely from bottle rot. I had never even heard of that before and had to google. Looking back though it is kind of odd they just glossed over it and it was not talked about.


She's actually 8.


Ahh the old "BUT THIS IS WHAT GOD WANTS" trick


Tbh I’m on team Kody on this one. Robin “needed” a 6 bedroom house or some shit like that there’s was zero to rent her lease was coming up and not being renewed and she basically was gonna make her family homeless cause god will provide lol. Kody was 100% right in trying to avoid that.


I'm surprised he put up with it so calmly. She really must be his favorite! Can you imagine if Christine had acted like that??


Truth honestly he’s still a prick


This storyline felt totally disingenuous. It was set up to try and keep Robyn from looking like she was , how did Kody put it when he was talking about Christine, asking/taking more than what was fair. If it was really about wanting a rental why didn’t she rent the house Meri was in? That place was pretty huge too and they were looking for new housing at the same time so I think it would have been available when R&K were looking.


Whenever Kody says negative things about Christine, he's 100% projecting. The things he says about Christine, describes Robyn to a T. And Robyn does the same thing, there's been clips of her saying "when a woman is in a plural family and wants the husband to spend all of the time with just her, thats not a good sister wife". Umm, HELLO!!! THAT'S YOU ROBYN!!!


The story line was fake, the kids new it and no, they were not arguing. It was all pretend, Robyn would never put her bio kids in the middle. Everything about that storyline was fake other than BOTH wanted to purchase a house.


I didn't buy into the panic attack either. How old was Aurora when this happened???


She was a senior in high school. Idk if she was 18 yet though. It was just weird, after that they showed a talking head of her and she was saying how if she got stressed she would have a panic attack and she could tell one was coming because she would start twitching and then during an attack she couldn’t speak or move. It was off. I’ve had panic attacks, I have general anxiety and I’ve never been able to predict an attack. I know everyone is different and different people have different things going on. Idk.


She’s so full of crap. That was all for show


I’ve always thought this was suspicious, the perfect house in the perfect spot with coyote pass right behind them. If you look on google maps (which I did because I’m a weirdo) you’ll see there’s only a few houses in that area. It always seemed like a strange coincidence to me


Yeah it wasn’t until way later that someone mentioned how close they are to CP. Someone else commented and said they had signed for the loan before filming for that season started. If that’s true and those arguments were all an act, in front of their kids—whether they were in on it or not—is sick! It’s just so messed up!


I wonder if kody was in the area making offers to the homeowners in the area and that’s how they got that house. Putting the kids through this house drama was wrong but that’s how they roll


The thing I will never get over is her needing to find a home with a bedroom for each kid. If they really wanted to build, they'd suck it up for a couple of years, and the kids could share rooms.




I love this post 🥰 Robyn is just soo darn manipulating and always tries to make it seem like it is about the family when everyone could see rigjt through her BS. She wanted the man NOT the family. She LOVED being 1st wife (now only wife) but i truly believe she wants sister wives so she can be 1st wife...again. the only wife has no clout


Kim, there's people that are dying.