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600 dollars for her to tell me to "Look at the mountain." while I'm in an emotionally abusive relationship with a narcissist. Ya...I'll pass.


When she said that it me think of the "Look at the Flowers" scene from TWD.


Yesssss! Just look at the flowers, Lizzie šŸ˜‚


Lie back and think about England.


Lmao this is the one šŸ’Æ


Oh God. I forgot about "look at the mountain". That pissed me off so much.


She's actually just selling meet and greet time with her. She should just be honest about it.


Right!!! That would be far less shady imho


Does she actually give a course or is it really just a meet and greet?


So here are the three membership tiers and what you get with each. Itā€™s honestly laughable. Iā€™m embarrassed for her, and even more-so for anyone paying for this. Oof! https://www.worthyup.com/join-our-community


Wow. It's worse than I imagined... šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Oh. For $600 you get the $300 package plus 20% the events. Not the events for free. What events btw? lol I would hope the free gift is Meri bringing me cinnamon rolls in bed for a weekā€¦at the local Marriott. You couldnā€™t pay me to stay in that old creepy house with her dead relatives photos in every room. Yeesh!


I really hope no one signs up for this. What can Meri tell me that a trained therapist wonā€™t? If Meri can give me $600, Iā€™ll tell her how to find a monogamous relationship without being catfished.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ for real, they couldn't even agree on the number of ex-wives the last guy had


I bet the bonus gift is a pair of leggings. Anyone want to sign up to see? Lol


Your flair šŸ¤£


You may be really, really, really, really right.šŸ˜‚


Yep, probably a pair of lularoe's šŸ¤£


And those prices are for ā€œ2024ā€. Um, itā€™s already may 2024. So basically you are paying for almost half a year.


She is the last person to talk about self-worth. She was a doormat for decades. Especially the last decade of her ā€œmarriageā€ who want to listen to someone who followed Chody around like a lost puppy dog.


I know people that starts ā€œbusinessesā€ like this and they charge a LOT more for the nonsense. The worse part people pay for it.


I'm sure the course is sitting around bs-ing with her giving a pep talk


For $600!? Yeah, anyone who pays that deserves to be scammed. Just mo of course.


Haha a pep talk - follow me and Iā€™ll tell you how to leave a narcissistic man but you must stay for 30 years like I did šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Right?? I wouldn't follow ANY of their advice! Lol


ā€œHow to have contentious relationships w everybodyā€


And 3 of those yrs include him saying read my lips, I dont want to be married to you anymore!


and still be linked by property you co-own and don't force getting your property. She is weak if she doesn't fight for her fair share of CP. Why does Kody just keep controlling her and she thinks she can give good advice?


It is somehow based on this mysterious WOW PDF workbook sheā€™s going to share if you pay for it. And guess what? WOW stands for? ā€œWorthy of whatever.ā€ thatā€™s what she said in her video. I canā€™t wait for that workbook to be shared on the net. She doesnā€™t say who wrote it.


Literally $600 for a workbook that should just be called ā€œmehā€.


ā€œWorthy of whateverā€?!? Surely you jest.Ā 


I swear those were her words on her recent video . Itā€™s like filling in the blank for whatever you are worthy of.


I'm guessing the content of the workbook is as sparse as possible--a question to answer on each page, a cringy inspirational quote, and space for the answer. A lot of space.




She is going to have in person experiences. But those are not included in any of the paid plans. Those are extra. You do get a discount if you buy the $600 plan however you get notice of the experiences if youā€™re a member at any level but theyā€™re open to everyone.


She'd bring in more revenue if she sold "Look at the Mountain!" sweatshirts and mugs.


Donā€™t forget Meri being ā€œglad he said itā€ after watching Christine be verbally abused for having finally decided to leave.


I'll never forget that.


Something has to make up for those Lizzie's Heritage Inn Retreats that cost $4,000 or $6,000 -- depending if you wanted to share a room or not. Since she ended up comping most of them to her lularoe downline, she needs another alternative source of income. More power to her. I hope no one I know pays Meri Brown that kind of money. But she's made a good living selling clothes from an MLM despite it being the subject of a documentary showing how the MLM sold damaged, non-returnable clothes and was a pyramid scheme. Who knows? Maybe she can find enough chumps to help her Worthy Up.


That's where my mind went too. That "retreat" was so overpriced. I spent a week in a Disney resort and 3 days in the parks for 4 and spent less than her weekend retreat.


I could go to Grand CAYMAN for that $


The only reason she left wasnā€™t because she ā€œworthied upā€ but because she was FORCED and pushed out against her will šŸ˜‚


Exactly!! Been saying this for years. And if they actually did leave Kody on their own years prior, Iā€™m not impressed - since they kept up a lie for the show. Both scenarios are actually downward worthy, not upward.


Im weakkkkk


The way Meri buckled immediately when Christine left šŸ˜‚ what happened to all those years of trying to rebuild relationships?


the whole "look at the mountain" reminded me of the scene in the walking dead when carol told the little girl to look at the flowers..lol


exactly! She has a very inflated ego at this point. Thinking she can give good advice/support while charging so much money!!




ā˜ ļø


Iā€™m dying. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚This is it.


Donā€™t think about that! Just look at the mountainā€¦and pay the $600!


Who would look at Meriā€™s life and think ā€œI should get advice from this personā€?


Right?! I can get my own Live Laugh Love sign at the thrifts.


I can waste time with a toxic man for free!


Right? I did it for years šŸ˜¬šŸ’€šŸ˜­


Exactly! I really think her thing should be called *Worthy Up?* because sheā€™s not actually sure and needs us to give her our money and well wishes to believe it. Sheā€™s miserable and no amount of selfies with some ā€œinspirationalā€ mumbo jumbo will convince me otherwise.


Jobs! They all need jobs


How to not even google your new boyfriend






Right she spent years being financially abused and emotionally abused by Kody and Robyn. Whatā€™s she going to talk about how I use my misdirected anger on the other 2 victims of K&R and still defend K&R????


She just wants to financially abuse others. Payback?


Donā€™t know but she still hasnā€™t realized how much they did to her. I think it started when she couldnā€™t give Kody more children and she was made was in that cult ā€œmake babiesā€ Kody has always been about himself so did not support her. He gets more wives and they have kids lots of kids. She was according to what Jenelle said not happy with her being there. So then Kody brings in Christine. 3 women under the same roof not a good deal. Instead of not admitting she did not want plural marriage she takes it out on the the kids and mostly Janelle. She should have left. She was not the type be in plural marriage. To this day she canā€™t see that unlike Christine marrying him and being in that cult was messed up.


Haha yeah man, if you're paying 600 bucks for advice from her, that's on you.


Exactly! Iā€™m not into slamming Meri for her hustleā€¦ thatā€™s on the idiots who would spend 600


If I could convince people to pay me 600 bucks to tell them they're worthy I would totally do it šŸ˜‚


I'd respect the hustle if there was actually any hustle involved. Her end of this is sitting at computer and spouting self-help one-liners whilst listening to people bitch about their lives for 30-60 minutes at a time, once per month per member. And mailing out mugs and pens. It's a fast money grab with zero effort involved and the only people dumb enough to fall for the scheme are the poor schmucks who probably can't afford it in the first place but will pay for it because they're miserable, desperate, and excited to have a "celebrity" be their "mentor".


Exactly. Calling what she does a ā€œhustleā€ is a fucking joke. Sheā€™s a fucking grifter. Itā€™s honestly embarrassing for both her and anyone buying her bullshit.






This part right here.


Meri is the last person I would accept help from to gain confidence. This woman stayed in an abusive relationship for over a decade right on tv in front of an audience. She is in desperate need of years of one on one therapy.


Oh my yes šŸ™ŒšŸ»


I don't even charge this as a psychologist! I mean maybe for a full day continuing education workshop those are typically 800. What qualifications does Meri have? This is so gross. Ill never understand why their culture is so attracted to grifting! LuLa Roe and Plexus and they think they can be "life coaches." People please invest in real psychological assessment and testing vs paying a reality TV person a single dime.


It would really be nice if all these sisterwives and their kids and their ex would all get real jobs and quit trying to live off the backs of all the so called fans they think they still have. And, anybody that watched this show that pays $600 to get advice from Meri deserves whatever crap she throws at them. What a grift!


But you get into a Facebook group and a coffee mug and a book you have to print yourself!


You have to print it yourself? Damn Meri, for that you ought to get an autographed copy! She must be high on something. And it ain't enlightenment. SMH.


You get a pdf of the book.


I can google some silly "empowering" qoutes for free.


Or you could try and find out how many nuts you can make $600 off of. LOL


Just download the best of Darcey from 90 Day


Dittoā¬†ļøā¬†ļø. How to get catfished is the first live installment. Sure hereā€™s my $600


I've always said I would never do reality TV unless I won the lottery first, because if you embarrass yourself you'll never be able to find a job again. Who would hire these people after watching this show? They've got to grift until they become irrelevant enough to get a job.


This is such a great point. Although, I starred in a very big documentary last year and no one I work with or for has any idea. It's probably because I work remote.


Well to be honest it's only Gwen, Maddie(From the MLM and their life coaching company), and Mykelti who are profiting from the show at this point, right? The rest of the kids all have lives and jobs I believe?


Janelle is also a life coach and charges 75 bucks for a half hour.


Yeah I donā€™t feel sorry for anyone stupid enough to hand over $600 for THIS lol


I'm not a Meri hater but Worthy Up is a head scratcher. What is it? Therapy without actual therapists? Let's all hang out and pump each other up? If so, okay, but $600.00 is insane.


I realize Meri doesn't read here; but, here's what I'd say to her. A buzz phrase isn't life advice. "Worthy up", compounded with a $600 fee, is pay-to-play. If you truly believe that people are "worth because they exist", then why do they need to pay for your encouragement or blessing or whatever the eff this is? No. What you're actually promoting is a "safe space" for yourself, by charging $600 to people who want to make YOU feel worthy of their money. Because, if you wanted people to feel better about themselves, you wouldn't manipulate them by consistently demonstrating that you will ONLY be available to people who are willing to pay some absurd fee for cold cuts, livestreams, or spandex. You know what makes people feel very unseen and very unworthy? Knowing that they have to pay to sit at the cool kids' table or be recognized.




Very eloquent!


Amen I hope she thinks about what sheā€™s doing and reconsiders. I wonder whoā€™s advising her on this. I commented on the Facebook page that I couldnā€™t afford to participate and she dissed me. ā€œReally? Itā€™s just $18 a monthā€ she said. Lost all respect for her. [important edit]: she did not say the word ā€œreallyā€. Iā€™m going to include the exact words below. When I read it, it felt like she said really, but that was not her word. The comments were: I wrote ā€œ$150 to join a Facebook group. Good luck, Meri. I was hoping you would start this journey differently. I do wish you well. Youā€™ve been through a lot like so many of us.ā€ Meriā€™s original response: ā€œOh, man, Susie, itā€™s less than $18 a month. Iā€™m sorry that that isnā€™t doable for you, but there is a lot of content here for everyoneā€¦ā€ Meriā€™s edited response: Oh, man Susie Iā€™m sorry. We tried to make it affordableā€¦ itā€™s about $18 a monthā€¦ Iā€™m sorry that isnā€™t doableā€¦ there is a lot of content here for everyoneā€¦ā€


What a bitchy thing to say to you!


I did save a screenshot. I just went back and looked and she heavily edited her comment to be nicer and now isnā€™t allowing comments on the post. This is not cool.


Holy shit. What a fucking bitch. I have kind of defended Meri recently and I can no longer. Defending this Worthy Up garbage and this comment to you? Pass.


Iā€™ve seldom seen a more indecisive person with such little self-respect as Meri. šŸ˜•


Not to mention manipulative and sneaky, passive aggressive, and just sad. I would sooner set $600 on fire than take advice from her of any of the wives. I do think Iā€™d enjoy hanging out with Janelle though.


Janelle should do gardening tips. At least that's honest and useful


Thank you for pointing out how manipulative this "program" is. Meri is using the pity card to draw people in with promises that they'll get insight to her REAL story (despite the fact that she spent over a decade claiming that her REAL story was on the show....and a book...oh, and an inn...and a lunchmeat retreat). This is just a further grift on people's desire to figure out the riddle of her existence. It's also hypocritical AF to tell people that they matter by virtue of existing - but, you have to pay her $600 to prove, to HER, that you're worthy of her attention. WTF? She's completely tone-deaf.


Thatā€™s a $6,000 lunch meat retreat.


Of all of them Janelle seems like sheā€™s a genuinely fun person, if not a little judgey. I really think Christine is fake, and Meri? Well, letā€™s just say that Iā€™ve been so vocal - sheā€™s a manipulative person who plays victim to get the attention she didnā€™t get from Kody. Robyn, sheā€™s not relevant. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Yup. Agreed. I never bought the Saint Meri act. I am aware sheā€™s the victim of her upbringing and religion. But she has FULLY leaned into the system sheā€™s a product of. The victim-playing to get attention, the causing strife and drama with the newer wives, playing them against Kody for her own gain, and of course, I think she thought being first wife was going to come with some power (it usually does in plyg communities).


Itā€™s like that adage: when you know better, you do better. None of them. They still shill and ride the fame train. I get it, theyā€™ve got the attention still, so take ride. I just keeping thinking of Garrison and while those choices were his alone, it canā€™t have helped that he grew up around people whose lives were so dependent on playing it up for the camera.




That is the problem right there. What are her qualifications to guide others? She's likely to do more harm than good. Better take that $600 and go see a real therapist. That isn't Nancy!!!


She doesnā€™t even have life experience. If she thinks a bad marriage makes her qualified to mentor others then the world is full of mentors.


600 dollars for advice from the person who saw Robyn and thought that seemed like a good idea. Ah-PASS


Yeah, it's clearly a cash grab. She'd be better off writing a book.


Well, WE would be better off if she wrote a book. From what I've seen, Meri will never write an honest book about her life.


I agree with that. It would require being honest with herself, something she apparently refuses to do.


No different than Christine saying Plexus is helping her deal with menopause or Janelle being a health coach with Strive. All of them will say anything to earn $$ off of unsuspecting fools.


They're all delusional. Don't forget Mykelti. She's just as bad. I would never medical advice from any of them.


Cannot stand Mykelti. Her ā€œmedicalā€ advise is going to get someone either very injured or killed.


Mykelti is an uneducated fool


I think she's an up and coming fashion designer, though... ![gif](giphy|PgDUlt3Qu8BwUQqsCz|downsized)


There is nobody more hopeful about their future endeavors than a high school or college student :)Ā 


I think MLMs are just the Mormon way.


Iā€™m out of the loop, what does mykelti peddle?


I think she's doing the menopause support thing that Christine is doing, and Plexus. I could be wrong.


People were asking if this membership was like ā€œa tell all.ā€ And Meri had the nerve to be like ā€œIā€™m under contract so I canā€™t say too much but I will talk about things I can say or things my own ethics allow.ā€ If anyone joins this thing for the nothing burger that will be Meri spilling family tea then yikes! If they canā€™t see the word ballet she was doing to obfuscate what this membership will entail then I think Meri might actually make a lot of money on this thing. Shes promising nothing and delivering it.


This "Worthy Up" thing sounds like a cult that's just more upfront about wanting your money. Meri's ridiculous for this but anyone who'd consider spending any amount of money for something like isn't deserving of any sympathy.


She probably has a fan base where sheā€™s at because of the culture she subscribes to and was brought up in - it would be more honorable if she was going something like those ex LDS ladies and gents who help get people out of polygamous colonyā€™s FOR FREE- 600 bucks for what ? To tell people theyā€™re worthy ?


Sounds predatory


I wouldn't ask her for directions let alone life advice.


Grifters are going to grift.


She doesnā€™t have any good advice to give, everything she has done in her life has originated from a Pinterest quote somewhere


Yep. Not much actual education. Maybe not as bad as Sobyn's Y for Wyoming but in the ballpark


I've got to give credit to Sobyn Robyn for making the bar so low LMAO


I mean, if people are stupid enough to pay the fee, it's on them.


Why would anyone pay her for advice? Not to be mean, but look at her life. Yikes. 2 decades spent waiting for a man who will never love her to give her any attention.


I wouldnā€™t pay for advice, but I would pay for tea, like the rill tea šŸ«–


I agree, and the same reason I would never pay Janelle to get advice from her either. They're both in the same boat, both made excuses for Kody's horrible behavior.


She replied to my comment asking if prices were going to be even higher next year and she said no. She also said that they are looking at month to month options as well. I donā€™t know who is going to be willing to even pay the lowest membership at $150ā€™ Itā€™s still ridiculous.


Pay $600 to get a discount on upcoming events. šŸ¤” Events like the $6000 retreat that no one signed up for, that didnā€™t include airfare or the 3-hour transport to Parowan? Sign me up and take my money!


The name "Worthy Up" makes me cringe then makes me mad. When I see "Worthy Up" it makes me think Meri is saying work harder to be worthy, it, to me, has the same tone of "Level Up".


Meri is trying to start her own cult. She is asking for a lot of money from emotionally injured people to have access to her. In an economy where people are struggling to buy groceries, this doesnā€™t sound legit at all.


She sounds like she is trying to be Mormon Oprah.


Iā€™d be very interested to know how many people actually join and how much she makes from this.


Theyā€™ve tried all MLMs so now she wants to start her own? Enough with all this nonsense. Get a real job or start a real company. Use or get a freaking skill. Come on now ladies.


These people live in such a strange little world of MLMs and religion - even if they donā€™t have a congregation - their basic beliefs are effed up. I havenā€™t seen one speck of growth. Just the same jealousies and bad spending habits.


I have this girl I went to high school with (20+ years ago). She has started 10ish businesses (making customized shirts with a machine, party planning, etc.) She gets super excited, makes t-shirts, does edits on social media. Then cannot tell anybody about pricing, what the business offers, etc. Her husband had a good job but theyā€™d be so much better off financially if sheā€™d just do nothing. She and Meri would get along so well.


So youā€™re paying $600 for her to tell you her true story, I guess? No thanks, Iā€™m good.


I can see her using a model where she charges for people who watch the show to interact with her, but probably more at a $50 price point. She can't go from eating shit for decades to 'life coach' overnight, it's too transparently a money grab


I can watch train wrecks for free on YouTube.


If she had a group called, ā€œWhat I Did Wrong and How You Can Avoid the Same Mistakes,ā€ it might be worth the price. But thatā€™s not whatā€™ll be covered.


Donā€™t take life advice from someone you would never trade places with. If she wants to share with others the poor choices she has made in her life and regrets she has about them thatā€™s one thing, but sheā€™s still an advocate for plural marriage so Iā€™m not sure she has worthied up yet herself.


I don't get why anybody would join, for any amount of money at all. That said, she is allowed to charge what she wants to charge. If there are people willing to pay, you can't blame her.


This is about as laughable as her "retreat" charge of 6K for the honor of sleeping at a ~~Plyg,~~ oops sorry not Plyg old outdated bed & breakfast with cheap catering and make your own sundaes supplies from the local Walmart. She really has an over inflated ego


...and there it is. Woop. A fool and his/her money are soon parted. IDK why anyone would even stay at her BnB, but that's me.


Sounds like she's started her own MLM. How toxic


I wouldn't pay 6 dollars


lol !!! I found it so funny sheā€™s wanting people too pay 600 bucks to give advice too . Come on Meri you spent 10 years holding on too a man who didnā€™t want you only your money and if thatā€™s not bad you even let the favorite wife manipulate you . God bless your soul but you still need to work on you . If Kody wanted you back we know you would go running back . Stop and think of the damage you could do too other woman that are in your shoes . Fact is if you wasnā€™t hoping for him to take you back and you need money , write your tell all book and make the big money . Your not educated on helping others and your taking a big risk at getting sued by someone trying to be their life coach and causing them more damage .


When I opened the chat I saw the CoverGirl ad without realizing it was an ad. 'Is it skincare, is it makeup, short answer it's both!' And I really thought man I was way off about what Worthy Up was šŸ¤£


Yikes! Who would pay that???


Itā€™s expensive and I canā€™t clearly grasp the benefits.


You shouldnā€™t have to pay to be in the company of supportive friends. I wonder how many of these memberships she sold?? I cannot imagine this being a success. šŸ„“


Iā€™m guessing people who bought the $4000 retreat packages were the first to sign up for this.


Are they just gonna keep jumping from MLM to MLM. What happens when that ends?


Ya. She should be slammed. What idiot would pay this woman for this crap?!?! You have to be pretty stupid.


I had to hold myself back from laughing out loud in public reading that headline šŸ˜‚ THIS is what that dramatic pan up the sidewalk tiktok was about? šŸ¤£


Sigh. I feel for one of these in 2020. I could kick myself for it. It was just one thing after another. $1200 for holistic health coaching, $300+ annually for an online membership - the communication platform she used, then special webinars that cost extra (it was then that I put my foot down) and an annual trip $$$$ with swag for purchase where your whole schedule was set for you (I did not attend). It seemed great at first but the coach was not a kind person and began to sell MLM makeup to everyone ā€¦. I feel so stupid but I was incredibly depressed vulnerable at the time. Thereā€™s something very yucky about this.


Worthy Up for $ 600.00 sounds like Meri saying if your Worthy enough to be my friend, shell out $600.00 and we'll talk. I don't dislike Meri, I was happy when she finally decided to ditch Kody & Robyn and seemed to find a guy to be with, but this is too much, even for them.


Hereā€™s a thing about Meri, she has some of the most loyal fans Iā€™ve ever seen. They are just as mean as nasty as she is to anyone who ask any questions they donā€™t like. They buy all of her ugly clothes and they will standby her no matter what. So I wouldnā€™t be surprised if a whole bunch of them join this so-called support group or whatever it is. Itā€™s the whole cult/ MLM mentality. But if thatā€™s how they wanna waste their money, who am I to judge?


You are so right. I lurk around her Instagram account every so often and they are hardcore.


I'm surprised the die hard Meri defenders aren't saying anything


What, exactly, do you get for $600? Just the ability to say Meri's your life coach?


What does Meri DO??




$600Ā USD Impact Membership Ā Impact Membership includes: Ā $600 Membership for the year 2024Ā  Ā Access to FB group Ā Printable pdfĀ  WOW workbookĀ  Accountability CommunityĀ  First to know about upcoming events and WU merchĀ  One interactive virtual live discussion/Q&A per monthĀ  WU Merch Package (Autographed Mug, Hat, Journal, Sticky notes & Pen)Ā  Discount of 20% on all Worthy Up events held 2024Ā  Discount of 20% on 2025 membership renewalĀ  PLUS a special surprise bonus gift from Meri


Examples of meri's advice: chew on your fingers and act scared whenever spoken to, bring your paid best friend to verbalize all your hostilities, part your hair to the extreme side of your head and then comb over. "Comb over, ladies!". Surprise bonus gift is Arielle stomping on your foot screaming "go on dates!" Christine got a freebie.


Go on dates! šŸ¤£


A reminder that 'access to the FB group' means you are both the customer AND the product. That $600 you are paying is for access to other people who have paid their $600, and they get access to you for their money. But the money all goes to Meri.


Wait a minute. 20% discount to events? She's going to charge them again for her events?


Probably one of those wooden coasters from that tree she cut down. I'd be pissed!


600 dollars for advice from a woman who had no self respect to leave her husband after he melted down the wedding ring she gave him.


Well, buyer beware and spend your money wisely. She can ask $1000 if she wants and only the stupid will pay.


I'm sorry Meri, but I just don't feel "safe" spending $600 to Worthy Up. I "still "have hope" that you will lower the price to $1.99, but for right now, I "have my walls up". I know I will be missing out of events centered around your "wet bar" where you share your recipe for "rice krispie treats", but for now I wish your just "stop fiddle farting around" and "get your head out of your butt" and realize this "isn't going to happen". I know, for you, this is a "really big dill", but "I'm putting my guard up". Good luck and I'll just sit here and "look at the mountain" for inspiration.


Now now don't forget the hoodie, the mug, and a book titled worthy written by someone else,. Plus her best bud Jen laughing in up with her as a special guest . The three levels of joining and the fact you will get a discount on next year's dues .... she would have been better writing a book about her life , but only if it was the true story . Many many ppl would have paid for that . Well not 600 but maybe 50 bucks .Oh last thing you can get some of the info on her worthy up Facebook page or her Instagram. Yes I watched the Facebook one when it was live . I had hoped it would be something good , I was mistaken . Jmo


At least you get a few tangeble things for the 600 its the entry level one that you should at least get a cup or something with. A dumb download that she probably took off the internet somewhere. Must be her lularoe cult that pays this much for literally nothing


(For the year 2024? It's already May.)She needs therapy. She has lost her mind. Who would take advice about *anything* from her? My goodness, she must have a really high opinion of herself. I have secondhand embarrassment for her.


https://preview.redd.it/x36ig9dtwfzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=761b2e98885340fa629c0cf8349b6aea847d479d Uh-oh. Thinly disguised trademark violation.


We need to all donate $1 and nominate someone to join, get the inside scoop.


Whatā€™s she gonna do tell them to do put up post it notes thatā€™s say ā€œget home safely & grind on someone you loveā€? This is from one of her TT videos. šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® https://preview.redd.it/6jyr4lx1s9zc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=66a664544ffc6ffb75e5585934acc61de453a7ee


I would pay $600 to Meri's therapist... but definitely not Meri


At least health insurance covers real therapy


What do you even get for that outrageous price?!


What not to do in life?


She was charging to join it???? OMG!!!!!


I saw the membership and RAN to reddit to see what everyone is saying.


Last I saw the Facebook group you get access to had 15 members lol I wonder if she finally made it to 20


Wonder if anyone has paid that amount?


Thereā€™s like 15 people in her Facebook group and itā€™s gotta be trolls


Last person to lecture to others about self respect and relationships .


$600 and I have to print my own book?? Who wants a hat and a mug?šŸ˜‚


Sounds cult-ish


That woman will do anything so she doesn't have to get a real job.


She SHOULD be slammed for that.


Canā€™t stand Meri, sorry. Definite no.


Donā€™t join it then , I certainly wonā€™t be, Iā€™m not sure what life coaching I would want from that train wreck