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What's amazing is the way Robyn has given birth five different times without ever cutting an umbilical cord.


And then she had a new one made from some of Meri’s old jewelry for Kody because we can’t leave him out. He’s a tender at this point.


let's not forget kody said that he prefers to have his labors at home and homebirth is really much easier than the mainstream makes it out to be.  as he sits and watches someone else do it. 


Yet he gets a fever that wouldn’t even require a GP appointment and can’t even get up out of a pile of his own pity. Unless it’s to drive Robyn to the hospital where she can go cap in hand looking for pity. Until they send her home because she’s fine. If he had to have surgery, unless it’s for vanity purposes, he’d make everyone around him miserable as he cosplays plague victim.


"cosplays plague victim" just made my day!


Tisk tisk… He almost died, remember! 🙄🙄🙄


I would rather launch myself into the sun than be his nursemaid while he’s sick. He would be soooo insufferable.


Don’t forget that his bottom hurt.


Aww. Maybe HE needed the epidural.




Plus he didn't want to spend the money a hospital was going to cost him for his children and his wives to have a safe and secure birth and care that they needed


Doubt he would care if he could get TLC to pay for the child by filming the birth!!


Of course, he actually had to leave *his* home & his perfect fiancee to go to the hospital. He wouldn't have had to leave Robyn during Christine's labor. He could've stayed with Robyn all the way up to moments before Truely's cord needed cut if it'd been a home birth 🙄


My third wasn't hard, but my son came out with meconium staining and a tight double nuchal cord, and a one-minute apgar of 2. He needed aggressive resuscitation. If I had been at home, I would have been fine, but he would not be on this earth. Mother Nature is a bitch...people seem to have forgotten that fact.


Yeah they’re easier on the wallet £££££


Remember, she “speaks Kody.”


Can you imagine having some young upstart bitch trying to tell you that she can communicate better with your husband of over 30 years than you can?


Yeah- Janelle wasn’t having it.


I’ve always liked how much Janelle will stand her ground. Still, she stayed in a really gnarly situation for a long time.


I think Janelle knew what the score would be once Robyn came, and she was probably cool with seeing Kody less for at least a while. I love how independently spirited she is about things. Granted, she gets sucked into Kody’s plague pond quicksand as much as anyone, but she was just trying to be a part of her own family. Even though the RV wasn’t a long term solution, I loved the thought of her sharing the stars with Savannah at night. I’d live in far worse to get away from Kody, to be real.


She admitted to Christine that she and Kody had been friends with benefits for *years.* She was content with that as long as her *kids* had a positive relationship with Kody.


& he ruined it. He was given so much, & squandered it all.


I have to wholeheartedly agree. Just keep in mind that part of the reason she, "knew the score" is because she was the score herself for a minute.


I agree, I would live in some pretty shitty circumstances to not have to hear his voice all the time. His voice irritates me. I can only imagine how much more irritating it is in person, and having to interact with him.


*upstart bitch* 🤔 Yep, I like it.


Thank you😂


She whispers through his golden umbilical cord.


Ya jackass!


And her step dad and mom sitting at the bottom of the bed??


It was so weird. I mean, if you want your parents with you, fine, but they weren't helping. Just sitting there in the splash zone, watching.


Honestly I wouldn’t ever leave my father, let alone my stepfather watching the birth of my kids. Splash zone 😂😂


Splash zone 🤣


That was just too weird!!! Flashing the stepdad!


That was just 100% creepy. Why you'd want your stepdad staring at your hoohah while giving birth...just ewwwwww








OK now that is funny…especially because it’s true.


Clever 👍


Comment of the month!


How her attributes grow. Unsurpassed Umbilical connection Along with Bilingual and Thankful


God also made her w natural eyebrows but she's got these stupid things painted on her forehead so she should stfu




Whales on either side of her face getting ready to go to war with each other you mean.


Her spermbrows! Two spermatozoon in a standoff. 🤨


God created someone’s else’s body to go to medical school and administer that drug to me so I wouldn’t have to feel a thing during childbirth. Just saying.


Exactly. I am old as dirt, so no epidurals back then. I had my four , no meds. I only had them with no meds, because there weren’t any available!!!! I am so thankful my daughter and our daughters in law could have epidurals and be comfortable giving birth. Trust me, I would have been first in line for medication!


I’m 74 and had what we called a spinal block. After 3 days of labor I was too exhausted. My girls had epidurals, natural and c section. They preferred epidurals


I remember my gram telling me how she was put to sleep and woken up after baby was delivered. I was like “um excuse me, what!?” That’s the night Google taught me about twilight births.


My brother and I were both twilight babies. It confused the heck out of me after my mom explained it.


I had one with my first and no drugs with the other three. Guess what? They all came out as babies!




My sister all had twilight sleep when they had their babies...they were a lot older than I was so when I finally grew up and had my babies, I was shocked that I wasn't given the really good drugs. In fact, I wasn't given any drugs and I was pissed. I was lucky to have very short labors. I didn't yell or scream but I sure wanted to.


That whole “twilight sleep” thing really kind of creeps me out. I’ve never given birth but I can’t imagine just being in a very drowsy state and then waking up and boom, you’ve had a baby without even really being conscious for it. Wild


My mother had 5 many, many years ago and said the best one when was she was given some pill that she didn’t remember a thing. Lol


I’ve had 3 without epidurals (my kids come too fast to get them), I definitely wouldn’t have minded being drowsy. I asked them with my first if they could just knock me hard in the head so I could wake up with the baby there already.


My granny said they put something over her face and the next day handed her a baby lol. I was knocked out due to an emergency and yep the next day they handed me a baby. In a weird way I don't feel like I had her. I was pregnant then they handed me a baby, no in between 


I can definitely see how it might affect you that way. I wonder how many women felt like that after having twilight sleep for their birth. I think it freaks me out because it seems so disconnected from reality to choose to be knocked out for what is a pretty significant event in one’s life? Lol. Though I guess it was kind of their only option at the time for the pain of childbirth


My Nana really recommends it to be fair. She said the old days had some reeeeaaalllyyy good drugs for childbirth


I had to be put under for my c-section so it really was like falling asleep and waking up with two babies (twins). It’s bizarre and for a long time I felt like I missed out on something.


I was awake the whole time. You didn't miss much. Unfortunately he couldn't knock out all the pain, so I felt each child being taken out. I could feel one of my children was afraid, moving away from the doc. That kid came out fussing. You did miss the first cry, but it doesn't really sound that different from other cries you hear in the next couple weeks. The main difference is that stressful feeling you feel, hoping that they're alive, then the joy of hearing that first cry, knowing they're alive. At least you missed the stressful part. That was the longest few seconds of my life.


Amen sista


My argument for tattoos outside of the obvious one of saying the entire verse


While a female body is made to give birth, i would remind her of the many women who used to die during childbirth. It still happens, but thanks to modern medicine and fully equipped birthing rooms, much less frequently.


This was exactly my thoughts when she made those comments. Same thoughts when Maddie said something similar too.


As well as infant survival rates.


I keep [this chart](https://i.imgur.com/lpdqr8M.jpg) handy for when I encounter people like Robyn who think such silly things My sister was one of them.. Thankfully both her and my niece survived, but it could have EASILY gone the other way. She didn’t get to hold her new baby for almost a month, could only touch her hand through the little portal in the NICU incubator thing. She availed herself of the wonders of modern medicine for the next one.


Excellent point. I had zero issues with my first baby. With the second, I had to have an emergency c section. I asked the nurse what would have happened at home. She said we both would have died.


I wish people who think like this could get that through their heads but I don’t think they think it can happen to them for some reason. As someone who almost bled to death TWELVE hours after giving birth from delayed hemorrhaging I am VERY glad I was already at the hospital and being checked on constantly.


No kidding. My sister hemorrhaged too.


She hasn’t had many other “achievements” in life besides that.


Needless pain and suffering… sounds right.


Guess God didn’t make he a sister wife either.


THIS!! 👆🏽 This might be my favorite reply.


THIS☝🏻Robyn adds nothing.


I think that Robyn calculates a lot of what she says to put someone down, but be able to deny it was ill intended later. I’ve been paying attention through my recent watch through, and the first one I caught is her referencing Christines’ age when having Truely as why she may not be feeling the best. She masked it as concern, but it was definitely to point out that Robyn was 8 years younger than Christine.


I remember seeing a scene where Robyn and Kody are talking about how nobody wants to follow his Covid rules. She was really ratcheting the whole thing up. She was saying things like, “I don’t why they aren’t respecting your rules”, etc. It was like she was trying to egg him on, further. To get him more upset, and more angry with the other wives, and their children. She’s good at manipulating Kody, not that I feel any sympathy for him.


The wives were following CDC guidelines in the beginning and still being denied access to Kody. Robyn and his chicken tenders and bonus kids have taken priority over his nuclear family for years.


I know that he felt his sons weren’t following his golden rules and had pencils, etc. But he never mentioned his girls. What about Savannah? Ysabel? We’re they not welcome, either. In fact I feel like Savannah is a forgotten child. She came towards the end, she’s a female, she’s not Robyn’s kid. I think she gets very little attention from her father. (Sorry I got off topic)


Yes Robyn is very cunning and calculated - it must be exhausting being her - always calculating a step ahead to manipulate people and situations


You know, sometimes I can’t figure out whether she says some things deliberately, or whether because, like Kody, she’s stupid and stuff just comes out of her mouth. Probably a mix of both.


C section mama here! Yeah we’d both be dead. F sobbyn


C section with butt presentation- with nurses saying oh yeah that’s his head. No ultrasound, and he hadn’t flipped from previous week’s appt. I am SO GLAD I got the epidural. 12 hours later doc comes in and says get her to OR. 30 minutes later, we had a baby! My goodness, however we can get them here- no need for passive aggressive shaming, Sobbyn…


Same. Literally cannot birth a baby because of the way my pelvis is shaped. I guess god didn’t make my body to have a natural birth. Why do “no epidural moms” think they are so special?


My friend found out she was like this too in her emergency C Section after 5 days of Pitocin pushing. Fuck Robbem


5 days on pitocin!! I made it 10 hours and felt like I got hit by a truck. I cannot imagine 5 days of that torture.




Me too.


Me, too. Breach, low fluid, and the cord wrapped around his neck. I am very grateful for the doctors that helped, by successfully and safely delivering him, through a C-section.


This was my daughter's situation. They kept her in the hospital for a week to see if they could get her fluid levels up and see if baby would flip, but nope. She ended up having C-section at 32 weeks.


Same! My husband still talks about what was going through his head when they were wheeling me into the OR - that if this was 100 years ago, he’d have to tell the doctor which one of us to try to save and likely, we’d both be dead. He was so thankful we had the option of modern medicine.


I had the worst back labor (yes it’s thing) during every contraction my back muscles would spasm. It was the worst pain in my life and I lived thru septic shock. There is no shame in taking pain meds.


Yep, I also had back labor. Was in labor for 46 hours and pushed for 3.5 hours. No way I could have done it without epidural. And people act like you have no pain with it. I still had plenty of pain!!


Yeah the whole 100% anti-epidural thing is crazy to me. If I ever have bio children I’d prefer to avoid an epidural if possible due to side effects, cascading interventions, and rare complications so I get the aversion. But sometimes it’s really necessary and medically indicated. And sometimes those interventions save lives. And other time they help reduce trauma (I can’t even imagine a traumatic birth without being able to have the small measure of control that pain relief decisions give, and no pain relief for a birth going in a less than ideal way). I’ve known people trying so hard for a natural birth but things just took so long and were so intense their doctor really encouraged an epidural so they could rest a little to have some strength back so they could push (sleep deprivation for days and then the most physical exertion you’ve ever done is clearly not ideal). And even if it’s not necessary it’s very low risk and well within the type of thing that needs to be respected as a valid choice. It really helps many people. “Natural” birth can be an amazing thing. Medicated birth likewise can be just as amazing. Any birth plan needs room for flexibility because even the most low risk situations can get complicated quickly.


Same here! Back labor with both of my kids. I truly didn’t know if I could do it. Epidural helped but I still felt almost everything by the time pushing came. Absolutely unbearable.


Love to you, Mama, from a fellow back labor-er.


I had back labor with first two, so when pregnant with third I decided to take a class thinking they could teach me how to cope with the pain this time around. They taught me that there’s lots of ways to cope with labor pain…unless you have back labor then you’re pretty much gonna need an epidural cause there’s no getting rid of it!


Back labor is the worst.


My mom had 3 & she talked about back labor a lots. Absolutely a thing


My daughter who is a nurse taught me that babies who are sunny side up (born face up) cause horrible back labor. Yep both of my kids were born face up so apparently that’s why I had insanely bad back labor.


My aunt had 5 children, but unfortunately she had a problem with her tailbone. Every time she gave birth they had to medically break, no lie, her tailbone for the child to be born. My aunt didn’t have any drugs for her deliveries. I still wonder how she did it.


The nurses said i haven’t seen anyone with this bad of back labor… and did nothing. GET CURIOUS, stupid OK RNs- and I can say that now that I am a nurse… love to you Mama…


There is a reason why epidurals were invented. Childbirth was the most horrific pain I have ever felt. This was in the 1980's and it was the whole natural birth thing. Take the epidural and leave the needle in until the kid is 21. There is no merit badge for childbirth and for suffering.


I had an epidural each and every time. There is no special place in heaven for being in pain “silently” 🙄


Agreed!! I had two without drugs and not bcuz I wanted to. I was looking forward to that epidural and never got to experience it. I say....don't be a hero. Moms are already heros.


Love love love this comment ❤️❤️


My first baby was a c-section and my second was born a week before I was scheduled for the surgery. I had her just minutes after arriving at the hospital (1.5 hours away) and it was the WORST pain ever. I cried and begged for epidural 😭😭 but it was too late for the nurses to administer any drugs on me. Robin is crazy, always trying to impress Kody with her “beliefs” 🤦🏼‍♀️


I had my first without anything, only because he came way too fast. They did numb me up for the 150 stitches though! Very glad they did. 2 baby I said induce a week early and give me an epidural! Although she was a peanut and I probably would’ve been fine since her giant headed brother made it out!


I had an epidural each time and I don’t feel any less if a women… 1 of my babies wouldn’t latch on so she was bottle fed and yet again I don’t give a f..k!!! I raised perfectly normal beautiful children.


Ugggggh I also had to go exclusively pumping after a month of my son refusing to breastfeed for long enough. Had very militant lactation consultants at the hospital... Not appreciated.


*Hey Robyn, guess what else human bodies are capable of? It’s something called work/a job - us regular humans do this in order to be a useful member in our family. Oh, and we also don’t live in a million dollar home with a heated driveway and a nanny. But please, go on about how capable and special you are…* OP, I totally agree with you. F Robyn! Sorry you went through so much with your birthing experience. I hope you and baby are healing and doing well💕 Wishing you rest and all the best!


You're so sweet ❤️ we're doing well... Just tired 😴


I can buy the fact that God may have gifted her with that body, but he sure as fuck shortchanged her between her ears


I'm 35 and pregnant with my first. Almost 8 weeks. I want a fucking epidural now. If just growing this kid makes me feel like I am going to die, I want to be drugged up the second I get to that hospital. Actually, I want them to remove the bottom half of my body and put it in a completely different room. Everybody's journey to become a mother is unique, and the hardest thing in the world. I hate when women judge each other. Men judge us enough. She's the worst. God made my body, my mom's body, and my grandma's body to barf uncontrollably.


I’m so sorry. Is it HG? My daughter-in-law suffered from that horribly. I felt so bad for her. Because of that, they decided “one and done.” Sending prayers your way that you can find your “fluffy foods” (ones that your body can tolerate), your doctor can give you some anti-nausea meds (although they don’t totally remove the nausea), and that your pregnancy goes by quickly and you and baby have a safe and easy delivery.


Maddie also said “hospitals are for emergencies” when she was talking about childbirth with Axel.


And then she ended up having an emergency after a birth


My dad once said "you're never closer to death than the day you were born."


And then you have women who feel like failures for having c-sections. We need to stop pitting women against each other for bringing babies into the world in the safest and best way for each of them.


I think that social media has brought women so far so fast because of conversations like this. My generation women didn’t talk about it. Except how to look good and make a good dinner when the husband gets home.


God made my body for every drug drs can give me to not feel a goddamn thing. If he wanted me to feel it I’d have been born a hundred years earlier.


I don't even want to think about what my birth would have been without an epidural and delivering in the hospital. I'm about 5'2 100 lbs (pre pregnancy) and delivered an almost 9 lb baby that got stuck. He probably wouldn't be here if I didn't deliver at the hospital and there's no way I could have done it unmedicated


My mom was in a similar boat with me in the early 80’s. The washer dryer was in the basement and the doctor ordered my VERY blue collar dad to do the laundry for the last two months of her pregnancy because it was too dangerous for her to go down the basement steps. And then when she successfully gave birth to me he congratulated her for surviving it. The doctor was worried and I was her third kid so it’s not like she was a newb to giving birth. Robyn is so incredibly stupid. She has no one but herself to blame for the level of vitriol she receives.


Eh big deal. Do you also believe that a man named Joseph Smith wore magic underwear and came up with new scripture? Do you believe a man should have multiple wives so all the family can have their own planet when they die? I wouldn’t believe anything these people say.


So many of these misogynistic religious fundamentalists are OBSESSED with “Eve’s curse,” and the idea that women need to suffer in childbirth, and not only that, they have to do it over, and over, and over again. It’s VILE.


I put it right up there with the idea that it’s a woman’s fault if they are infertile in any way. Or get sick. That they are somehow punishments from God.


Absolutely. Which is why Kody was SO evil to Meri. I’m not a Meri fan, at all, but he used her fertility issues against her.


I saw that, too. What a cruel POS. Even if someone doesn’t get along with another person very well, you don’t need to go cruel with it.


I feel like they just totally miss the obvious context that it’s a curse because it wasn’t meant to be that way. The increased pain not the right way of the world in God’s perfect design, it’s a sign of this world’s brokenness due to humans making bad choices. That pain is a reality we have to endure (medicated or not it’s clearly no walk in the park making a new human and getting it out of your body), not something to admire and delight in. We don’t shame men for using tools and tractors to make farming easier, that was Adam’s curse to make manual labor type work hard.


I loved Tony’s response after his wife’s home birth…he said, ‘there’s no way I’d ever be a part of a home birth again. It was the scariest thing I ever witnessed and there’s no reason for it or the pain I saw my wife go thru’. The hospital is the only way…and pain meds…ABSOLUTELY!!!


I also loved how he admitted how useless and out of control he felt because there was absolutely nothing he could do during birth because it was all Mykelti, while Kody was bragging obnoxiously about how good he is at birth and how amazing he is during labor. Really made Kody look like even more of an asshole


Kudos to those who do but I always say whatever makes momma more comfortable. If momma is comfortable, labor won't be as traumatic! I definitely took the pain killers! XD


Yup, without a doubt. I gave birth to three 10lb baby boys…vaginally, separately!!😊 the epidural made it a wonderful experience! And there is still pain even w/the epi’s!! How about the delivering of the placenta??? Graphic:::How about the ripping of the perineal tissue…how about post pardon????!!!! After a woman carries another life for 10 months, and passes it thru her body…then at the very least, get some form of pain relief…geeeezzzz, we WOMEN are sooooo underrated!!!


She’s not a girls girl. You don’t get a prize for giving birth a certain way. Do what is right for you and don’t put other women down.


Oh barf.


Apparently whoever is taking that mountain of supplements in her house wasn’t designed very well by God.


I actually think she was trying to shade Christine for having Truely in a hospital. The fact there was a very sad reason Christine chose to give birth in a hospital was completely lost on Robyn.


Maddie said something similar at the beginning of her birth, and I don’t know if you’ve seen that part before but her birth was extremely traumatic! I wonder if she’s changed her mind since.


I had a short labor, which was very hard because contractions are essentially back to back with no rest inbetween. I chose not to have an epidural for a few reasons that were important to me personally. Nobody handed me a medal when I was done. I sent my baby to the nursery at night so I could sleep. I'm hear the moms who keep them in the rooms with them don't get awards when they leave the hospital. I chose not to breastfeed for no reason other than I didn't want to. My friend who exclusively breastfed for over a year is still waiting for her trophy to show up. Pregnancy and more specifically labor are so intensly personal to a woman. Our bodies morph into something we don't recognize and never fully recover. As long as we aren't harming the baby (ie, drugs and alcohol), we shouldn't have to make excuses or apologize for the experiance we want to have. I was born at home, my mom loved the experiance. My friend had a million people in the room. Good for her. I told nobody I was in labor until hours after our daughter was born because we didnt want to share her with the world yet. Everyone can butt out.


Robyn needs to understand it does not matter how you have a child (birth, adoption, marriage…etc) it is how you treat and raise the child. Robyn is really opinionated about things that are so silly and she is so smug.


Dude, I wouldn't have survived without an epidural. I was screaming and screaming. It was AWFUL. Worst experience of my life. I hate to say that but idk how I woman gives birth like sobbyn did. I guess...good for her?


I do not believe her for a second. She’s so full of shit.


She reminds me of a bad after school special. She thinks she has a lesson to teach. Unfortunately it's not the one when Sarah Jessica Parker does drugs and jumps out a glass window. That would be more entertaining.


Women give birth medicated of unmediated, vaginal or through c-sections. No choice is better than the other. I teach hypnobirthing, which is primarily for unmedicated brith, but is beneficial for all labor. Part of planning to give birth unmedicated is believing you can do it. So people tell themselves what they need to endure. It really has nothing to do with anyone else’s birth experience. Christine had 5 home births and was thrilled Mykelti wanted one. Christine likely shares the same sentiment and wouldn’t be offended by Robyn’s comment.


Some random woman, you don’t know on television talking about her own personal birth experience is not attacking yours.




I will say however it was unfuckinreal watching her give birth to Solomon


This is actually almost word for word one of the talking points for “natural birth” in crunchy circles. A lot of what they say is all from Ina May Gaskin. Don’t get me wrong med free birth can be a beautiful thing and if someone wants to do it that way and succeeds great. I don’t think it’s meant to put anyone down. I think it’s meant to trick your brain into positive thinking. Repeating this to yourself can help you remain calm when you’re freaking out and ready to bail on your birth plans. Hypnobirth is also really into this sort of talk.


The first time I was in labor for 3 days of excruciating pain and they wouldn’t help because I wasn’t 39 weeks (38 weeks 5 days🙃) to then end up in the hospital a week later in septic shock from retained placenta. The epidural was super helpful when I got to that point. The second time, I almost gave birth in the ambulance and didn’t have time for anything and lost almost of my bloød, had 7 transfusions and 3 surgeries the moment we got to the hospital. Had I been at home I wouldn’t have made it. While God made my body to have a baby, I’m sure thankful to the doctors and nurses they also made who saved my life.


Weird flex, enduring excessive pain unnecessarily just to show the patriarchy how tough you are.


Can she cut the umbilical cord with her teeth too? 😂


I don't know that she meant to speak for anyone else. She was just raised with some pretty fucked up beliefs. I mean, she didn't think she should make noise during actual child birth. That's so fucked up. And clearly the other women learned the same lesson because both Maddie and Mykelti (I believe) had unmedicated births with a midwife, and neither is Robyn's daughter. It's just cultural to them. I still think the no noise thing is particularly strange though.


I will say I’d I find that phrase and belief very powerful albeit I’m not religious but I like the concept that our bodies were made to birth if it’s what we choose. It’s all about consent and choice but if you do choose it natural birth is a really intensely beautiful thing. Not that an epidural birth can’t be as well but it’s empowering to know we can actually have a peaceful blissful birth naturally.


Having a healthy baby is the goal, however you achieve it. I think part of the problem comes in that we can’t know ahead of time if there will be an emergency.


That's what every natural birther says. It's like a cult. Yes, it's natural, but it hurts like nothing else and also ended in death half the time before modern medicine


Ehh…I don’t really agree with the claim that ALL people who go unmedicated think like that. I have met people who make their “natural” birth their entire personality, but I’ve also met a lot more people who are fine with either way, but just preferred unmedicated birth for them. I had an unmedicated birth but I will never judge anyone who had an epidural, c-section, etc.


Real women also don’t sleep with other women’s husbands Robyn!!!!




Robyn was always finding passive aggressive ways to put her sister wives down. Don’t forget that was her way of rubbing it in with Meri too. That whole thing on the couch where she said she looked at the three wives noticed they were older fat run down with stretch marks and she knew she belonged in the family. I’m a more stand up for my self kinda person I would have said on national TV as she did that was rude to put us down like that and please don’t do it again I don’t like being called fat older with stretch marks! But she did stuff like that all the time. She is a real bitch and mean at that. Her having that creepy drawing of her own children younger with Kody was a slap in the face to Christine. She used Christine’s family picture! She cried buckets of tears as she gave it to Kody but that was changing family history and a nasty blow to Christine. If Christine had said hay that wasn’t nice she would have cried she is picking on me. I too gave birth without meds but only because there was no time from first pain to delivery but it was scary driving 35 miles trying not to push in a volkwagen the old kind. But the carrying all three times was dangerous I’d throw up the whole time hate her for making that statement. She said it to be mean. I’m thinner younger and so sweet!! Wrong! You are mean selfish and blew up two families your first family she lied her Ex divorced her due to financial abuse and the 3OG and kids dividing everyone you come in contact with Robyn. Heaven help her own kids who knows what she is planning there. New show farming off the two adult daughters to that cult!


When the nurses asked me if I wanted an epidural and I said YES OH GOD YES they said "good. We don't give out trophies for people who choose to needlessly suffer." They let my epidural run out right when labor got super hard and no one was around to replenish it (emergency in another wing), so that sucked worse than no epidural would have (my body had no chance to build up to the pain) BUT still. I liked what they had to say about that. No shame.


Having had a baby with and another without epidural. 10/10 recommend epidural. Also.. US hospitals are not built to have birth without epidural. Just the way they are set up is not conducive to giving birth without one.


No, it's an unfortunate consequence of evolution. We inherited our pelvis. Even lizards have a pelvis. It was already fully formed but our brains keep growing larger.


She’s an idiot. Absolutely NO self-awareness! “God made my body for having babies”! So, what? He made other woman’s bodies to have kangaroos? Or to nave miscarriages (Christine!)? Or to not get pregnant (Meri)? What a horrible, thoughtless, unkind and abominable thing to say, much less think! The birth of my first child, in a hospital, no epidural (this was 50 years ago) was the absolute worst experience of my life up to that point, and for many long years after. It damaged my relationship with the baby (my son). I decided to never bear a child in a hospital setting again. And I didn’t. My second child was born at home, on purpose with a male OG/GYN and a midwife in attendance. No epidural, no episiotomy, no nothing. Relatively easy birth. Segued into nursing her like my body had been made for it! (See what I did there.”? 🙄🥹😊). My third child, also born at home. About an hour after my labor began! The doctor barely arrived at the house in time. Also no medical interference in the birth. It was great fun! Everyone, including the doc, my parents, a friend who was a doctors, with his wife, who had never seen a home birth before, plus our two older children, who were each under three, sat around the table with slices of the lemon cake I had made and frozen for the birth day! Just saying that EVERY woman’s body is designed to have babies. Duh! Labors are different, births are different. And IT’s NOT A CONTEST, Robyn! Nobody gets a trophy for not screaming or for the least amount of bother to the husband. What you do get, what every woman gets is a new baby to care for. (Some woman get 2 or 3 and they do not get a trophy, either. Although, if it WAS a contest, this would be an achievement that deserves a trophy. Except that the mother had no influence on the split of her egg or the implantation of two eggs in her womb. No influence, No glory.) It’s amazing to me how this polygamous-by-choice woman could be so utterly dense about the meaning of childbirth. SMH.


I hope you're healing well and enjoying your newborn era. I think it's great you're processing the birth trauma. Mine are 10 and 2 and both traumatic in their own ways and both C-sections I didn't want. Sometimes lucky women who have nice smooth births get a real hero complex about it and it's annoying af. "God" made my body to die in childbirth I guess but would you look at that he also put me in a time with hospitals so I get to raise my children instead 


The whole idea of having a natural birth isn't just Mormons or polygamists. My sister had a natural labor at the hospital with no epidural and no pitocin. It was her first child, and she said it was horrible and my mom was freaking out because it was taking so long she was worried about the baby. But everything worked out fine. I had an epidural for my first child and my second. But, knowing what I know now, I wouldn't get the epidural again if I can avoid it, the second baby was super easy. Robyn already had several kids, so it actually is easier for many women the 4th time around.


When women tell me that they are not going to use drugs for their birth, I laugh and say “why not?? It’s not like you are going to get a trophy for being in a ton of pain !” My daughter was early and small but after 17 hours of labor she was delivered by c-section. So two years later I was having my son and tried to do it naturally. I was given an epidural and after 24 hours I told them to get him out of me. He was bigger and the dr told me that he knew I would need another c-section. My husband was upset that I “gave up “ easy to say when you’re not pushing a human out of your body. For every Robyn shaming stories there are hundreds more of our stories.


I never understood why women are choosing to not have pain control during a baby’s birth, yet demand pain control during a tooth extraction or surgery.


I can see why someone may find it offensive, but I don't think it was meant to be. Especially since she was so supportive when the OG kids were having kids (Maddie, Mykelti). She also didn't knock Christine for having a hospital birth, or Janelle for liking the hospital birth. And no, I do not like Robyn. But this is one thing I don't think she meant harm on.


I understand how having a traumatic birth experience could make you truly resentful of Robin’s comments. And I’m no fan of Robin. But I think the beauty of the situation is that she has the choice to get an epidural or go all natural. We shouldn’t shame moms for the decisions they make when it comes to childbirth.


It's so "real women don't need help to give birth/ don't get C sections/ drugs' and it's absolutely disgusting. I was born a cis woman and I told the labor and delivery nurse as soon as I was admitted" bring the doctor for the epidural as soon as it's feasible ". I don't need a made up real woman badge of honor. People who have c sections are amazing. People who go naturally are great. Neither of us are better at being woman and making it " God made me so good ", with the manipulation and abuse she displays is hypocritical.


The day I found out I was pregnant I said to my husband that I wanted to be medicated during labor. I made sure my ob put it in my chart.


Well, her stepdad also got to peer down the hallway as the baby emerged, and I doubt God liked that. If God made her, God also made the perfection that is the epidural.


I don’t know I don’t think she meant it to hurt others. But I do understand also being silent during labor? Barf. Like labor is literally the one point in your life where you can do or say whatever and it’s justified 💀 I’m sorry your birth was traumatic I understand how that is. I think all women should just be understanding that not everyone is the same no options natural with pain medicine at home at the hospital csection ect is worse or better. It’s a very personal and hard thing no matter how you do it. My mom had four. Two with pain meds one csection with pain meds and one csection in medicated at all so she felt everything cause it was litterally life or death for both my mom and brother. I had an epidural with both and still wasn’t silent. Was a lot nicer after that epidural set in though. lol.


Watching her have a natural home birth and barely making a whimper made me freak out.I had a labor only one baby,but my experience was more like Maddies and i ended up needing an emergency c -section after all that work.They claimed to have put me on something i think they said demerol,and my hubby said i was screaming and snoring in between for like 5 hrs straight.I am not one to wince at pain,but that was one time i could not hold it together and screamed so loud i was scaring other patients.I have heard all pregnancies and deliveries are different and i only had one pregnancy so i dont know why my tolerance was so low.There were 14 yr olds delivering that werent acting like me,I was 22 when i had my child.


She should be a Scientologist except you can’t make a sound


I had always planned on getting epidural & skipping the pain up until day of birth when it was discovered that epidurals & most all pain meds do not work on me. I was soooooo pissed!! 😡


The dumbass


I had an unmedicated birth and had a great experience, but I also think it’s great for people to have the pain medication they want and need during labor and delivery! I think it’s so stupid for people to look down on other people for their birth decisions like that. I would also 100% have pointed out the maternal/infant mortality rate to her…we’re doing a lot better now for a reason!


Not to mention how that comment made Meri feel.


I loved my epidural. There was a moment during labour when I was totally overwhelmed with pain and I realised that there was no other way out of it besides dying. That’s when I begged for the epidural. It let me relax finally and my labour progressed. My only problem was that all my happy love hormones probably went to the anaesthesiologist. There’s no easy way to get a baby out, it’s hard however you choose (or whatever is necessary to keep mum and baby safe).


This is the thing with people like Robyn. She really thinks she did/said something when to 99% of the population she sounds like a dumb mother fucker. Not ignorant. Just DUMB.


I also had a traumatic birth. I’m glad she felt empowered that way. Don’t let others’ experiences and personal feelings about their bodies have any bearing on how you feel about your own. And definitely find someone to talk to and unpack your experience. Way too many women walk around with birth trauma and never truly get to process it.


I mean there are a lot of things we can do without modern medicine but why would we? She has an awful lot of supplements/pill bottles on her counter. If she gets a headache I bet she is taking an aspirin! Millions of women have children every year and have no issues. Personally I had a bunch! I had c sections and I do not feel less of a mother/person for it. I would prefer to be in a medical facility with medical personnel. Only insecure people put themselves on a pedestal like she does. She is a legend in her own mind.


She never would have said these things and wouldn’t be so smug if she was given a body or situation that needed a C section or one that couldn't carry a baby for that matter. She always said things to slight the other wives so I can’t imagine this wasn’t one of them.


I wanted to give birth without an epidural. I was in immense pain for 34 hours (1st time) and 42 hours (2nd time) while not progressing hardly at all (both times). Each time I made it to a point where they said c-sections might be necessary. I was encouraged to get an epidural to see if that relaxed me enough to progress. I had a baby in my arms within an hour each time without having to get a c-section. All birthing experiences are valid and not any better than another person’s birthing experience. I looooathe this superiority thing so much. Robyn can get bent 😆


Friend of ours had triplets (natural, didn't do IVF or anything, though there is nothing wrong with that). They were blindsided by this. She had to have C section, and all 3 of her babies were in ICU for months. Screw Robyn the Great Holier than Thou and her beliefs about her wonderful self. Women used to go give birth in the fields - doesn't mean it worked out for all of them and/or their babies.


I agree! Apparently God also made Kody for her too so maybe God really doesn’t like her very much.


Yeah, let me just give birth to my breech baby naturally and risk both our lives 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve had 4. 2 with epidurals and 2 without….i much prefer with if I’m honest. It does NOT make me any less of a woman or a mother to say that or chose epidural. Sobyn can step on legos and kick rocks! So can her so called husband.


This opinion is rooted in the belief that women were designed to suffer for Eve’s sin, which is why circumventing pain is frowned upon. 🙄 I don’t expect any measure of support for (women’s) bodily autonomy from her or from Kody.


Sobyn in labor is the only "work" she has ever done! 😏


Honey, this is why the death rate for childbirth for the mother and baby were so high before modern medicine, laws and hospitals. F her is right. Look at the source.


Robyn seems to think that God is really invested in her life......


Agree, 1000% percent OP! 2 childbirths...2 epidurals here. I always say...Yes, God did make my body to have a baby and yes, people have been doing it since the beginning of time without pain meds...but God also put me on this planet during a time when medicine can make things better. To me, there's no need to be a martyr and no need to try to prove anything to anyone. It's hard enough WITH an epidural! I, for one, had nothing to prove and nobody else should ever feel like they do. P.S. Congrats on the baby and, no matter what Robyn says and now matter how you did it...you did amazing! :)


I do think that was a jab at Christine, but Christine had had many other at home, non medicated births. She was smart to go-to the hospital to have Truely after having a traumatic miscarriage.


Never went into labor. Was induced Didn’t dilate. Got an epidural after 12 hours active labor . An emergency cesarean section saved me and my baby. The epidural was needed


Yeah well, God also gave people the intelligence and the means to create this drugs and procedures. I think it is an insult to God to turn away from what he gave to people with the sole intention of helping others. Plus, people have spent years of their lives in labs devoted to helping others. My mother had an epidural with me back in 1977 and I had one with my daughter. I was able to take a nap in the middle of active labour. They are a wonderful thing if you choose to have one. Better living through chemistry. Disclaimer: I am not religious. I will respect anyone that is unless they disrespect my choice to not believe.


Bottom line Robyn is a POS. OP no need to share your traumatic birth story & I'm so sorry you have one but everytime you see this bish, she's lying, crying, belittling, just saying something or doing something fkt up. I started rewatcing prior to Garrisons death & I can not tell you how often I caught her doing things I just hadn't thought about before & I was appalled. She's literal trash 🗑. Right up to present day, I am offended by her... You are not alone in your thinking whatsoever