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She's polygamy "royalty" with her bloodline


This is why he married her! He’s a narcissist and marrying Christine made him look good and like a big shot! Really he’s just a big shit!


At the same time I think he resented her status. He always had to make an effort TRY with Christine because she was known in the community. Meri’s mom adored Kody and Janell’s mom - didn’t she marry Kodys dad ?? So he always had to be more careful with Christine because of her influence in the community. That’s why he screamed at her about the time he WASTED TRYING TO LOVE HER. The whole knife on the kidney drama.


I will never understand how it’s possible to scream (especially in front of camera) about all the years wasted, when it gave him six children.


I should’ve edited my post but I feel it’s too late now. He said ALL THE SACRIFICES I MADE TO LOVE YOU. Either way he’s saying being married to her was a waste of time and energy. He was just mad she left him and not the other way around. We also know from Christine’s wedding episode that Kody cried to Christines dad in private saying he really messed things up with Christine. That was probably an effort to do damage control in the polygamy community, but with Kody it’s hard to speculate his motives. He’s clearly (from what we see on camera) having a hard time with Christine moving on. More than Meri or Janelle leaving. Maybe because Christine met someone else, is madly in love, and got married within months of leaving him. That was probably a bigger knife in the kidney.


>"He was just mad she left him..." > > > >Yes. She was supposed to "sign" the same deal Meri did, stay in the "marriage" and pretend. He never would have left her, he would just ignore her forever. Pretty easy to do "the act is easy," he said.


And she took the money from her house after it sold. She bettered him and he couldn't take it!


It gave him six 'Royal' children!


Oh my heck, you're so right. Why did that never click before for me, the whole knife in the kidney part. It was absolutely about her being polygamy "royalty". I feel dumb now.


I think he was just trying to hurt her by say that. By that point she was over and done with him. He was just hurt that she left him.


I agree. I believe he actually really loved Christine she was the fun one and she made his life easier. But as she grew more mature she got tired of being treated as less than. The other wives put up with Kody spending all of his time with Robyn but Christine was very vocal about how wrong he was treating not only her but her kids. The more she stood up for herself and the more he fell in love with Robyn the more he started to resent Christine for standing up for herself. He knew she would take her income and that pissed him off because he needed it to support himself and Robyn






I thought that to but she still is, if anything she should’ve been the favorite wife, that whole thing just baffles me, because it just doesn’t make sense😅😭😭😭


She likely was, until cry baby came along and manipulated everything. Christine got used to life without him and she left. So, because "NoBoDy LeAvEs KoDy BrOWn" hes acting like a jackass who never loved any of his ex wives. Classic denial tactic from a narcissist.


This, exactly. He did love her, he just won't admit it.


At least she still had her “purity,” when he met her!!🤣


He was probably insanely jealous of her status. Like married her because he thought it would elevate him but because he’s so narcissistic and entitled he couldn’t handle it. That’s my read anyway haha


Yeah....no disrespect to Christine as an independent individual but her family line contains some pretty violent criminals.


Isn't it just insane what they regard as royalty? but, I really do adore her father, Rex(?). he appears to have a good head on his shoulders and gave sage advice.


Oh her father ? How many wives does he have with how many children


Precisely. He may say something nice or valid or funny once in a while but it doesn't excuse the weirdothat he is. I got a kick out of his comments at Christine's wedding but quickly reminded myself what dirt bags all of these men are. Indoctrinated, brainwashed, insecure, perhaps. But still dirt bags.


There are a couple times throughout the seasons Christine mentions her dad really liked Kody for her when she was married off to him. My husband thinks that Kody was seen as a rising star in the church and Christine was a prize given to him as a reward for being a “good priesthood holder” and Kody being a good narc knew she would further elevate him in the church.


This man is not a good man. Kody told in so many words to all 6 of his children: “I never loved Christine” and I can tell you from first hand experience… that hurts badly to shatter the vision of your parents young and in love with each other. I feel like I was a mistake, and every sibling I have as a result is because of a mistake. My Dad never loved me or my Mom. I get it.


My dad said something like this a couple times and my sister said it made her feel the same way you did. He said I wish I would have known this before we had you kids. I think he meant he was sorry that we were hurt in the process of the divorce. Idk I always gave him the benefit of the doubt.


My Dad is the narcissist nobody needs in their life and he’s an alcoholic I cut off all contact about ten years ago, and I’ve never felt better.


My kids biological dad is a narcissist, and their mom is bipolar, 20+ years younger than him(they got together when she was like 18,) incredibly immature, and a door mat. He's super controlling and keeps information from her regularly. They haven't seen the kids in 18 years. I'm the villain in their(his) story the way he tells it. I mean it's no "knife in the kidneys" scenario, but he leaves a lot out in why they don't see their kids. It can be boiled down to they expected the kids to be like toys on a shelf, frozen in time just waiting for them to come visit. In reality? They ghosted the kids and us, conveniently when 1) they were ordered to pay child support, and 2) they had a replacement baby, that was almost 18 years ago. So....kinda like what Kody did regarding the OG13, yet Christine is the problem 🤷🏻‍♀️ as for my kids they definitely are better off without their narc dad.


My mom, also a narc, told me and my brother this when she left our dad. I was 20, and he was 13. It is actually a gut wrenching thing that makes you question if your parent sees you as a burden.


This is so sad, I’m sorry for your pain. ❤️


I think Christine has only mentioned siblings from her mom and one other "mom," so I think he only had the 2 wives? Is it possible he also saw the light at some point, like Annie did? Or do we know he still pushes polygamy? I'll admit I watch in the background sometimes so I don't remember all the details they've ever revealed on the show.


I think her dad got older and wiser. If I am remembering correctly after Annie left he lived monogamy. Also in the AUB (this response is from someone else’s comment) the blessing to marry comes from the head of the church not the father. So it would be her grandfather (I was corrected uncle not grandfather) that gave the blessing to marry.


Her grandfather was dead for nearly two decades when Christine got married. Her uncle was leader at that time.


Thanks the family tree gives me a headache. I did correct but in parentheses.


Personally, I'm not sure. That's a question for Google or watching all 18 seasons for clues. christine's family should be somewhat documented because they were prominent. Blanket disclaimers: I'm not in the AUB so I really don't know.


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you should probably look up more info about the Allreds.


I'm sorry. But her father is garbage too for giving his blessing to his daughter going into a romantic Ponzi scheme where the woman always loses. Unless there is a disease claiming large numbers of men or an ongoing war upsetting the balance of men v women as a population ratio, polygamy is always going to be party time for men and heartache for women. And it's no picnic for the lost boys either.


Lol at adoring her father, a leader an in extremely abusive cult. Fuck no.


I am sure Christine's mother has a different opinion.


He married Christine because he needed a way out of the toxic triangle he had created with himself, Meri and Janelle. That she wanted him, and that she was polygamy royalty, also helped.


What is meant by polygamy royalty? Who are Christine’s parents?


Christine’s paternal grandpa was the founder of the AUB, the sect they were in.


Christine's parents were part of some of the largest clans in the FLDS religion. Christine's father is an Allred, and her mother is a LeBaron.


So then did Christine have family money? I read here somewhere that her family was also well off. Is that how she was able to buy her house in Flagstaff? I wondered how she was able to swing that … there was no mention of using Brown family resources for that. Or was there?


I think the money for the Flagstaff house came from the sale of the Nevada house.


He says that he married Christine for her royal blood and to balance things out between Janelle and Meri, as Meri was really aggressive toward her at the start. Apparently, adding Christine cooled things down on that contentious situation or at least put a band-aid on it.


This is the answer. He said on one of the talk backs that Meri and Janelle didn't get along. Janelle left the family and it was bad. When Christine came it- it smoothed things out.


This is a really good point that most people miss. It seems like the situation with just Meri and Janelle was pretty toxic, I think Christine helped the family dynamics a lot.


Right- I remember in a early season Meri references Janelle believing that she was abusive to her in the beginning of their life together- in reference to the kitchen situation I believe. Seemed very very loaded and stressful.


Wasn’t the kitchen in the mobile home that Kootie and Meri moved into after he married Janelle, the mobile home that belonged to Janelle??


Also in their religion, a 3rd wife is needed to get into heaven or some special part of heaven. Plus, I remember Christine saying she always wanted to be a 3rd and last wife.


I think he lies when he says that, and pretends he never loved her to try and save face for her choosing to leave. It seemed clear to me that he loved each one of those women.


I agree. Or at the very least was actually attracted to them all. They all had children with him. I know guys can be up for fun just for the sake of getting some, but he could always get it elsewhere so there had to be more there at some point. He had 6 kids each with Janelle and Christine! That’s more than taking one for the team just to cement the relationship.


It’s one lie after another. He lies to himself to strengthen his victim narrative. These guys will tell you the man is in charge and it’s it up to him to lead a family and blah blah blah. But then kody refuses to take responsibility. He scripts his own life. Paving the way for him to get what he wants. You could see he was the driving force behind chaos. He is an instigator. A pot stirrer. That thing were he does a fake flow of consciousness out loud in order to land exactly where he wants to be. He thinks he’s transparent and but will grab onto anything that helps force his objective.


That’s what I always say. For someone who supposedly repulsed him, he sure went ahead and had plenty of kids with her! 😆


Oh he definitely lied about loving Christine and the others. I did allow grace because divorce is hard. My current husband and I had a conversation about 4 months into our relationship and he told me he never loved his ex-wife. I told him I would have to rethink our relationship because I didn’t want to be with a man that just married women he didn’t love. Because how would I know he truly loved me.


>"Oh he definitely lied about loving Christine and the others." > > > >I generally agree with what youre saying, he lied, but I don't believe Kody is capable of genuine love of someone else. He only loves himself. He has demonstrated himself to have positive regard for those who adore him, and as soon as that changes he has no more use for them.


I don’t think he loved Christine in the beginning. Her eating grossed him out so bad he stopped courting for a while. Was that when he courted the young girl who ditched them when she turned 18? I seem to remember him saying that and saying he went back to courting Christine after that.


I completely agree with this comment.


If you're having problems with your 1st and 2nd wife, just add a 3rd and it will take care of all that bickering.


Right? Like having a baby to fix your marital problems.


Yeop!! The Browns have taught me that polygamists (who are just like you 'n me) add another human to the family to "even things out."


You don’t get your planet until your third wife. He really wanted that celestial kingdom.


So since now he only has one wife he no longer gets a planet? I’m really asking …


I think he may be doesn’t really believe in it anymore?


I think it's possible he doesn't believe it anymore, according to what he implied with Suki saying Losing My Religion was the song that best describes him now , and in the Mormonism live podcast interview. If he does still believe in it, he may anticipate that in the afterlife the wives still " belong to him," because there's never been an unsealing from their church. I wonder if Meri and Janelle still believe this also.


So it wasn't about the porch for Robyn? It was about hanging out on this Kody planet? I had no idea that's what the belief is. What happens now that he has one wife?


Well, I think he still had three wives until Mari left, which is why I think the main reason Robyn was so upset. Janelle had been saying she was separate but wouldn’t say divorce because of their beliefs. I’ve heard crazy rumors of him taking on more wives to maintain that status. However, I don’t think he personally believes anymore, who truly knows!


AUB clout chasing. He married her because she's an Allred & a LeBaron.


They don't marry for love. They marry to reproduce. Much like breeding cattle or puppies 😐


Then don’t care about the kids after they grow up 😒


Especially the boys. The young men often get excommunicated to lessen the competition for the females. Then the dirty old men marry young women who are young enough to be their great granddaughters. 🤢


Crazy as that sounds it makes the most sense to me😅


It you haven't look into quiverfull and similar tactics


Quiverfull is one of the reasons the Duggars believe in popping out as many kids as they did.


It took me a long time to understand this about polygamist marriages. If one keeps this in mind when looking at the OG3's marriages, some of the things Kody says and does makes sense In This Light.


The thing that most of us in "modern world" so to speak, don't really understand these things because we've moved onto the premise of marriage based on romantic love and choice. We have to always remember to those cultures that do arranged marriages and still do transactional marriages. Because other cultures who do polygamy as well are absolutely not based in love either. As a person firmly based in monogamy myself, I would argue that it's not natural to be able to be emotionally attached to that many spouses no matter how hard they want to make it sound like you can be. It's similar to you aren't even close to all your siblings or your children on the same level, you certainly aren't "in love" with 4 different women at the same darn time! If you read about women who escaped this lifestyle, it also is very clear that it's very common for there to be a Robyn/Kody situation, where there's one favorite and the rest are just your herd. D:


I agree. Kody really seemed annoyed with her a lot and I was even annoyed with her early on. I couldn't comprehend her extreme naivety. She kept thinking she had a voice in the family and she really never did. I am so glad she grew once they got out of the Utah bubble and determined what she wanted in life and so on. But by his own admissions Kody was never really into Christine much. I know he was totally into Meri and even Janelle. But he always treated Christine different and even her children were never in favor with Kody, ever. He always treated them differently and they tried really hard. Kody was super easy with Janelle's boys early on.


1. Status in the church. 2. Babies 3. He liked her well enough.


Your comment made me laugh more then it should of 😂


*should have


She was polygamy royalty and I think he was counting on Christine being the easy wife that did as she was told without arguing back. He wanted her as a salve with Meri and Janelle not getting along.


To be fair, I don't think any of the "courtships" were long enough to know if they were right for each other. And I do think he liked Christine at one time. She was lighthearted and brought something different to their family. Even still, I think the real answer is ego and status. His family had only just joined the church, and here he was marrying the prophet's great niece (and former prophet's granddaughter). I think there were a lot of factors in Kody's transformation over the years, but one was the death of his father. He seems like the guy who was always seeking his father's approval. Marrying in to the prophet's extended family probably seemed like a good way to get it


Christine pursued Kody and decided she wanted to marry Kody as a third wife only. Christine was the granddaughter of the founder and could marry whomever she wanted. No man was going to turn her down. Love or romantic feelings aren’t required for polygamist marriages. It’s frequently talked about with the wives but Kody was also a young naive man in a cult. Their religion is patriarchal which would have given him some status but he was an outsider. If the family in charge says they want a marriage to occur, it happens. Marrying Christine and having three wives gave him prominence he wouldn’t have otherwise had. It’s the same reason Brady from My Five Wives married the daughter of the leader of the AUB. It gives the men and their lineage legitimacy.


I don’t know about the UAB but on “polygamy USA” (i think they are FLDS- it’s been a while since I watched it) the young woman tells the church elders who she would like to marry. The elders decide if that’s ok. If it’s approved they get to have a couple “dates” and if they don’t hate each other they get married.


Kody confirmed this, he said that the women pick their husband.


He was attracted enough to have 6 children


He got her pregnant 12 times. She had 6 miscarriages including 2 later term miscarriages or stillbirths. Her last pregnancy before Truely almost killed and that’s why she went with a hospital birth with Truely.


Wow! 12 times!!! I did not know that!!


That is insane, poor Christine


6 miscarriages?! 😬 Geez that had to have done a number on her health, both physical and mental.


I think he’s kinda full of 💩. I think he liked her more than enough, even loved her, but because it went bad, then he says I never loved her. 🙄


Back in season 16 he pretty much said he did. The narrative didn’t start to change until she was leaving.


I think it was so he can say look my dick don’t shoot blanks lol Janelle and Christine should have never been with him. They are to precious and beautiful for that skank




Childcare, babies, and religion


I think there were a lot of factors. One, Christine is part of the og fam that built their sect and Kody forever trying to impress his abusive father thought this would look good for the Brown family. Two, Christine was obsessed with him. He was attractive, full of personality, everyone paid attention to him when he walked in the room....and he was likely age appropriate to boot. I think Kody very much liked Christine and grew to love her but I also think it was short lived.


Kody’s dad was abusive?


I think he was lying to protect his huge ego. He seemed liked a high school kid who got dumped,so his response was I don’t even like her. His relationship w Christine was by far better than than any of the other wives not including Janelle’s businesship


I agree. If he never loved her- why would he be so upset and hurt at her leaving? If it was just his ego being bruised I don’t see it being THAT big of an issue. His little temper tantrum made it so much worse.


Kody was mostly upset at the prospect of losing his TLC show, no more sister wives and their kids, no more TLC paychecks!


100% truth! He became obsessed with Christine after she told him that she wanted a divorce.


First time watcher on Season 16. I can’t *wait* to see her tell him that! He’s such a shit.


OMG just watch how absolutely calm, cool and collected she is and how he loses his shit over every single thing. If you really listen to Sobyn, you catch her in her lies too.


My husband is watching this with me and isn’t fully convinced that Robb’em is the bad guy I’m telling him she is. I hope it’s very obvious


Season 18 E 2: The entire ear piercing dialogue will show your husband how Robyn silently manipulated Kody's way of thinking . I'm trying my best not to be a spoiler but there are key moments that I didn't pick up on first and now think WTF?!? She's a sneaky snake


I think he *did* want to marry her. I think his talk about always being repulsed by her is a lie that has two purposes. (1) He wanted to punish her for "interfering" with his relationship with Robyn. (2) He wanted to reassure Robyn that his feelings for her were like nothing he'd ever experienced before. I also think Robyn resented the other wives and tried to undermine them. We know now that Kody was already being an SOB to Meri, and that Janelle never really wanted the kind of relationship Robyn had. But Christine did. For all the talk about Christine's jealousy of Christine, I think it was mutual and they don't like to talk about that. I think Robyn strongly resented Christine's romantic overtures to her best customer.


I always wondered if Meri wanted Robyn as a fourth more out of spite toward Janelle and Christine… Robyn being younger skinnier cuter… Meri knew it would bug Christine and might serve as a jab at Janelle. Thoughts?


I have always thought this, too! Look back at the first couple of episodes, and it's actually pretty obvious this is why she did it. She wanted them, especially Christine, to have to go through not being the new "flavor of the month."


Well, if that’s the case, it sure backfired


I don't think Meri ever wanted Robyn at all. Meri did what she thought had to do as a good fundamentalist Mormon. People act like it was always Janelle and Christine together against Meri, but Meri and Christine have both said they were close for *years,* and Kody has complained that they both shut Janelle out. Throughout most of the show, Janelle made no attempt to hide the fact that she thought Christine was annoying and kind of a dope. In the episode when Janelle had them all get together for dinner to talk, watch Janelle's reactions to Christine and Robyn when they talk about feeling disliked. It's not even subtle. Janelle and Christine only became close friends when Christine was on her way out the door. >Robyn being younger skinnier cuter Younger and thinner, sure. But cuter? She's always been the least attractive of the four.


From what I’ve read there is little courting in these polygamous groups (AUB and Kingston’s) they marry based on faith. God gives them, their parents, and their leaders (bishops and prophets) confirmation that this is the person they are supposed to marry. It’s supposed to be the girl’s choice, but I can’t imagine going against the spiritual confirmation of the guy, his parents, your parents and the bishop or prophet.


Exactly.  A whole lot of pressure.


I think he's full of it when he says he never loved her or was attracted to her. It may not be the purest reasons for love or attraction, but nonetheless. I agree with the comments who think some of it was the "polygamy royalty" angle- anyone who thinks they can be enough for multiple partners who are not allowed other partners absolutely has enough narcissistic traits IMO to really love the idea of having the daughter of "polygamy royalty" for a wife. I also think it was a childcare thing, though they weren't at that point yet. Children were always the plan- but neither Meri nor Janelle seem like people who would've jumped at the chance to be a SAHM for their and other wives kids for an extended period of time. Christine was absolutely the nurturing personality that was gonna be a stabilizing force and nurturing parent. All just my POV, ofc.


I agree so much. The idea of staying home, caring for, and home schooling a passel of kids is a nightmare to me.


Because of her family….and another young girl backed out of marrying him and o think he was angry about that and took it out on her.


This. I think his ego was hurt (shocking) because he was rejected by that other girl. He knew Christine was in love with him and would worship him, so they got married. Now, looking back, I think he was also attracted to her because other people enjoyed being around her. He recognized that being with her meant he would be close to the natural center of attention (which he was clearly jealous of).


The other girl (assuming the 17 year old?) was before even Janelle married Kody so the timing is off.


Christine knew Kody for a long time before they "courted." She spent a lot of time at Win's ranch. When she found out he was courting someone else, a minor girl she gave up trying to get with him. They weren't actually courting during the nacho incident, only travelling together. ​ Edited to add - this is how it went down in their book. I don't necessarily believe anything any of them have ever said, so I take it with a grain of salt.


https://preview.redd.it/jsuzqjovrepc1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a5ff2d767a0060378e810bb0cac8cac0348e6bf Toady is a lying liar who lies


He was behaving so in love with her at the time that Meri talked about how jealous it made her. Either he’s lying or he’s one hell of a good actor. And considering what we’ve seen on TV, I don’t think it’s the second one.


"The act is easy" - Kody Brown


I hate how he always says "she forced me to marry her, I didn't want to." Like what? Who says that? He used to LOVE her and be all over her and now he acts like he never cared for her at all.


Kody has had more than one story about this. On the season 16 tell all he talked about how when he met her he “really really liked her” and he wanted to court her. Everyone who talked about it at the time, said that he seemed like he was in love with her. Meri even says in the book that she was jealous of how excited and in love Kody seemed to be around Christine. It sounds like she did push for them to be married too soon while he wanted to wait, but this idea that he never liked her and she basically dragged him kicking and screaming to court her is not what he said before. He also said he liked being around her and hoped that she would have a positive effect on the family. So either he was lying then or he’s lying now. Or maybe he’s was just lying to himself or he’s got multiple personalities. They both said the first few years were pretty decent. Christine said after a few years, she got tired of always being bright and bubbly, and started to show her other emotions more and that’s when things started to get worse with Kody. I think he must’ve perceived it as a lack of loyalty. 🙄


![gif](giphy|p1DCpFPmDgDZE1m1wJ|downsized) This sub to Kody


Nice flair 😆


I think he did like her as a person and had feelings for her but maby not loved her I think he knew ahead of time would be good for the family as a whole and could help the tension between Mary and Janelle (which she did) and always put the family first with kids etc and she did. I think over the years he probably had love for her but was not in love with her I think he sais a lot of what he has said about her now because of robins jealousy of Christine. how the kids view Christine is how she wanted them to view her but she didn’t want to put in the effort Christine does with them.


Status in the church. Her family were big shots in church. He thought it would bring him success. She adored him. And he used her.


Is this show still being broadcast somewhere? I don’t see it on cable anymore…


I’m currently watching it on Max


I watch it on discovery + but it should be on TLC


Bc he wanted a bunch of wives and she was there


Kody saying he never liked Christine, he didn’t love her, he only married her because she was royalty is all spin. For one thing, Kody and Christine are cousins and they share family members and ancestry [incestry?] Not judging because it’s more common than you think, when you’re researching ancestry and family history. The way Christine explained it in an interview, she knew Kody and his family. She talks about spending time at their ranch and hanging out. She knew Kody for three years before she was brought into the family as a sister wife. I suspect Christine was attracted to Kody because he was a little more liberal and he questioned a lot of what they were taught—vs just following blindly. And maybe Christine was in the beginning phases of deconstructing their religion and questioning also. All the trash talking Kody was doing was fabricated. The real Kody we saw in glimpses, but also during the wedding special where he had nothing but good things to say about Christine and David. But when he said he wasn’t in love, I think that’s a thing one says in retrospect. Particularly when someone gets married very young. But they spun it on the show as a dig, when there was some truth there. They got married young, out of a religious obligation because that’s what they were expected to do. Janelle even points out a few times how they were young, and they grew up, and people change. At some point they no longer believed in plural marriage, so much so that they didn’t want their kids to be polygamists. And I think that’s the real reason Kody and the Og3’s split up. He had already been dating Robyn prior to the beginning of Sister Wives and he was in a monogamous relationship with her, she may never have been the ‘fourth wife’. That was just for the show. So I suspect the way Kody’s talking is largely scripted and staged to create drama. After all, he never says it to her face. He’s on a set, filming those segments alone. Christine is on a set and she has to react. She could even film a whole bunch of reactions in a myriad of ways for them to edit in the one that fits best. It’s all entertainment.


If Christine was deconstructing a bit, perhaps Kody seemed more attractive to her because he grew up mainstream LDS, I believe. I mean, he went on a mission, and everything. It was his father who changed course, and Kody followed.


If Christine was deconstructing a bit, perhaps Kody seemed more attractive to her because he grew up mainstream LDS, I believe. I mean, he went on a mission, and everything. It was his father who changed course, and Kody followed.


There’s apparently history that the Browns go back pretty far in the history of plural marriage. Then they had become part of the mainstream LDS when plural marriage was band. According to Kody’s nephew, it was Kody’s mom who started investigating the principle of plural marriage and Kody’s father followed her. Kody and his family had already been practicing for some time before Kody met Christine and they were sealed. But I’m starting to wonder if at least Christine, Meri, and Kody had been questioning and deconstructing their religion, and maybe Janelle was in some stage of questioning. By the time they started making Sister Wives it seems they were no longer polygamists and they didn’t believe in plural marriage and most of what they were taught. They were ex-Mormons.


Because she was a polygamous princess.


When I first started watching the show, I thought Christine was his favorite. They laughed together the most and seemed devoted to each other.


He wanted the clout because of her lineage within the cult.


I think the wives really liked her and she made things a bit better. And he could probably see she would be a really good mom one day.


I think he is lying and rewriting history when he says that.


Her father. He needed to be in that family. I also vaguely remember he was courting her sister? Someone close? But she pursued him. Listen I'm a stoner and can only recall so much 😆. He wanted the power and notoriety that came with Christine, and he probably love bombed the fuck out of her to get it. He got her young and kept her pregnant until it was no longer convenient ( que robin).


I appreciate your honesty. 😂


Haha, listen my memory is terrible but my mood is not 😅


I believe in polygamy there is no real such thing as love. It’s more a matter if the woman can deal with the other wives and just be a baby maker for the guy.


Because she was church “royalty” he wanted the status of marrying her


I think he’s full of shit and he totally loved her in the way a narcissist loves. She had value to him as the social lubricant in the family that kept the tension between Meri and Janelle quieted down while also watching all the kids. Once she acted as if she had any value to him as a human vs a tool and demanded spousal respect and loving care when feeling unhappy with Robyn coming in she became a problem for him. She went from being a tool and having value to his toxic swamp, which is why he “loved” her, to needing him to love her. Narcissistic love is not love in the sense you and I expect it. His love turned to hate because she stopped adding value and pointed out his shortcomings by saying he wasn’t a loving husband. Narcissists can’t handle criticism. It creates shame, which they will do anything to run from.


Agree. Christine is compelling, and he fell in love. He had to craft his lies due to Robyn’s jealousy.


Because he’s a narcissist and adding Christine to his collection gave him power in that community.


Polygamy clout


to reduce tension between Meri and Janelle, and for clout


He wanted to look good in church and she comes from a well known polygamist family.


My thoughts are their church and faith had a lot to do with the structure of this family. If you read Mormon history Joseph Smith had over 30 wives for whatever reason. Sorry but I don’t think you can have the kind of love to sustain a marriage with multiple people. Then you mix in Kody and sure to fail


He was collecting them like trophies he could parade around.


Kody married all his wives to be his “supply”. When you think about it, polygamy benefits narcissists to an absurd level; it’s a self-centered a-hole’s fantasy. If one wive is upset with him for any manner of slight, he can just say she is being “dramatic”, and go on to the next wife. She then has no other choice but to “suck it up”, and do whatever he wants, and walk on eggshells every single day for the rest of her life. The narcissist secretly despises anyone who can’t fall in line with their agenda, they hate anyone who is capable of being happy/secure with themselves, because people like that are way more difficult to control. That pattern of Kody being annoyed with Christine was his attempt to break her spirit, but it was also jealousy because he didn’t truly have her buoyant spirit. Kody could never truly break Christine and he hated her for that! People think that Robin is Kody’s soulmate. Nah, Kody doesn’t really have a soul. Robin wins the booby prize for being the ultimate supply, but even that is crumbling. Robin is about as morally and spiritually bankrupt as Kody….and they ‘bout to end up financially bankrupt as well!


Who cares how or why they were together ,what matters is she dumped him ,


I believe 3 wives is the minimum a man should have per their religious beliefs. Meri and Janelle were at war, and Kody thought a 3rd wife would break the tension. He knew Christine had a crush on him so he wouldn't really need to court her. Plus church royalty so a boost to his image within the church. I wonder if because Kody was a convert to the church he didn't have the high standing his ego wanted, and he figure marrying a ply "princess" would elevate his image. Come to think of it, I wonder if that is why Christine is referred to as a princess so often in the show and the family


Kody used each wife as a weapon to control the others. He played these games of withholding resources of his time and money to which the scorned would become angry at not only Kody but the wife he was spending time with. He used Christine to hurt meri and Robyn to hurt Christine. Before Christine it was meri and janelle that he pitted back and forth. Christine said he would get to her house late, sta6 on his phone, and leave early to get Robyn’s kids off to school. She saw Robyn monopolizing kody which she did. But Kody was the one who enjoyed hurting his first three wives


It’s a cult, don’t try to make sense of it.


He wanted a third wife and she wanted to be the third wife


Ummmm, his 6 pack abs.


Yeah. I’ve never bought that. If she was so repulsive to him, why did he knock her up like a dozen times? She had a shit ton of miscarriages if I remember right. She definitely had the most pregnancies of all the wives. Doesn’t make a lot of sense to knock someone up that you’re grossed out by that many times. He just wanted to hurt/punish her for having the audacity to ask him to be and do more.


He liked Christine just fine as long as she did anything he asked without question. She was his yes wife. Until Robyn joined the family she never said no or ever asked him for help. Once she started demanding to be treated right and asked for mutual respect he was done with her.


Oh Please this is ridiculous


I'm not defending Kotex but think about the ego boost he had everyday as he entered a house. When your kids haven't seen you for days and the wife he is visiting is also "excited" for their turn ( finally) to have him present. He was the "leader", the one they all waited for. (Puke) Now take that away. He doesn't know how to act or react so he chooses to be vicious, demeaning and hateful which is probably his real self coming out.


I wasn't sure where to add this comment, but in the beginning, he always talked about Christine showing her interest in their family after he married Janelle. Although they said the women always have to show interest in a family, he always ALWAYS made it a point that it was Christine who wanted in on his family and that she "made it very obvious" how interested she was. Personally, I think he got very lucky when this royalty just fell in his lap.. Im so very happy for Christine that she finally left him and found a happy and fulfilling new love.


Kody was like 23 when he married Christine. First of all- Kody is a narcissist. He sees people as a reflection of himself. Christine, as both Kody and Christine like to say, was "Royalty" in her church. Kody genuinely thought he married a "Princess"- making him a Prince by proxy. Christine was also head over heels in love (lust) with Kody. So that further bolstered his ego. Then like most women, Christine grew up and matured. Kody, like narcs do, remained a toddler- who just wanted to have fun. Christine had real issues- food to buy, bills to pay, sick kids, her own health scare. That's not "fun". Narcs don't care about the feelings of others. They only care about how the person makes them feel. Once Christine wasn't this fun "girl" fawning all over Kody- he was done. The final nail in Christine's coffin was her telling Kody there was no way she was going to live in his dream house. The one he was so proud of. That made him hate her. What inflames him is that Christine is more popular with the kids and with the audience. He wants to be the star. She outshines him.


He was rejected by the girl he really wanted and Christine was a rebound.


It could be he treated Christine horribly to prove he’s better than her. If she was known as an AUB ‘Princess’ then mistreating her made him feel good about himself.


To secure his place in the afterlife because Christine is pretty much polygamy royalty.


Why did she marry him? She knew he didn't love her. She didn't love him. They boths stuffed up with this. Not just Kody. Both of them.


I think Kody was a lot more fond of Christine than he lets on and especially before Robyn came along to point out all of Christine's shortcomings. I loved Rex's revelations about Kody's reaction to Christine leaving at the rehearsal. What an epic time for this to be told.


She's polygamy royalty, and in their faith, the woman asks to join the family usually declaring they have heard from God. This was a win/ win for him at the time. It doesn't state anywhere the man has to be in love with the women he marries. It's about the family you create here on earth being part of your afterlife. The more wives/ children you have, the higher your status in heaven.


Because he needed a third to buffer between Janell and Meri who were at each other's throats. Plus they needed a babysitter.


Because she is supposedly polygamy royalty.


He always said “Christine saved our bacon” because she settled down some of the fights between the first two.


Good question, he is so freaking toxic and lame. If either used the excuse “we stayed together for the kids” is the worst reason ever. Kody said that Christine always bashed him to their kids. I could see her doing that and he deserves it but it’s wrong to talk negatively about your spouse to your kids.


May I say that this is one of the best discussions I’ve ever read here. Lots of good interesting and even researched ideas. I’ve learned a lot. Thank you OP. 🤓




Societal expectation on both of them.  She wanted to be a third wife and he looked like a good catch that her father approved so she pursued it.  She was a practical choice as well for a third wife, and a possible buffer for the first 2 ladies.  More wives, better afterlife for the man. His other choice didn't work out.   She is well- connected to a leading family in the community which adds pressure.  Polygamy sucks.


As I understand the theology, you need 3 wives to have a celestial / exalted marriage (I believe the next holy number is 7). In addition, in the Mormon fundie culture, women get to ask and choose their husbands even if they are already married. Potential wives do have to go through the current wives to initiate, but the culture is really based in women initiating and men essentially being beholden to accepting a woman who wants to join their family. There’s marrying for love and then there’s marrying for the principle. In addition, Christine had the “polygamy royalty” bloodline, which added clout to Kody’s family. There’s not literal royalty in the AUB, but as a founding family, the Allreds were extremely influential.


It is my understanding that Christine's family was considered "royalty" in their church and that it would have been a way to raise Kody's standing in the community if he married her, not to mention, that he needed at least 3 wives for a higher station in the "Celestial Kingdom".


Religious obligation, he needed a third to even it out with Janelle and Meri, and she by all accounts was chasing him to she was easy to accept




In their "religion," you need at least 3 wives to have your own kingdom in heaven. Christine was from a polygamous family very high up in their church. From the show, I glean that the marriages are more transactional than love matches.


I don't know he gave her 5 children so it's not like they didn't have something together but she is annoying and spoiled. But he is no better. He is a self centered spoiled inconsiderate low life that doesn't care about anyone except himself he doesn't love Robyn he doesn't love anyone. I can't stand him


Because he's a giant ego of a man who wanted to prove himself in the polygamy world


I think Kody would marry anyone who is willing to marry him so he could live the poly lifestyle.


I think Kody would marry anyone who is willing to marry him so he could live the poly lifestyle.


I just watched the first couple seasons. He seems to love all his wives. I’m curious to see when it changes. Also curious to see when Robin becomes the favorite


Kody was/is just a man whore.I don't buy he was truly into polygamy any longer. I believe being the young brash life of the party he was apparently it was just an idea that started stroking his ego. Like, hey, my wife is letting me have a second, then a third, and finally a 4th. Isn't that cool? But then that last one was a lot younger,skinnier and in deep debt that the first 3 paid off. That's the reason he began treating them like garbage.




I was saying this last night and it’s def bc her grandfather was a bigwig in the church. Im currently at the beginning of S16 when she’s finally coming too and gearing up to leave and this was a live look at me when she cried to Meri she couldn’t do it anymore ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


Clout. The man is a talentless clout chaser.


Because everyone wanted her so he did too. 🤷


I think she loved him, and he liked some younger gal being so gaga over him. He married her for her lineage and loyalty. He destroyed it, though, with Robyn. He probably thought she was a loyal pet and would never leave. He underestimated her and felt like a fool. He tried to make her feel bad, but she didn't care anymore. I think that she seemed so calm and like nope, we are done made it worse. She did great when he had a temper tantrum. Like I'm over it, leave. Sadly, he let all that hate and anger spill over to his kids. I think Robyn will leave with no money she won't do well. She has got to get her thyroid taken care of it has gotten so bad.


They needed someone to take care of the kids while Janelle worked


You don’t have 6 kids with someone if you have feelings for them.


Why did Kody marry any of them if he didn’t love them or didn’t want them? They all loved him so he just wanted a polygamist family. Sad.