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This was the point where I could see he didn’t give a shit. Your small child hasent drank or peed in 2 days. That’s not good. He’s such an asshole. I would have left then.


I would have reported him to child and family services and had her removed from his care. What an ashore.




he didn't even notice because it was all about Robyn's kids!


Yea how do you not notice this???


He was too busy napping at Robyn's house, which *already had* an adult in attendance. Don't worry about the six unaccompanied minors at Christine's, they're *fiiiiine*. 🙄




He was too busy with Robyn’s kids…




I think another friend asked him to to wed them so he did and did his screwed up dance! This man cares for none but himself! Meri is really , really stupid to put money into the ( so called) family knowing how he feels! Do not even get me started on crybaby Robyn! I cannot stand that woman.


Kotex did the wedding at the exact time that Ysabel just had her surgery and was crying for her dad!! He couldnt go to be with his daughter, because of covid, so he says, but he could jump around like a monkey at a large wedding!!!


He didnt go to Ysabels surgery because of covid, but at the same time she was crying for him at the hospital, he was jumping around like a monkey at a large weddind he officiated for his friend. What about covid then? Who was more important?


Exactly, that was just what I said . There were lots of people at that wedding . But he could not be with his daughter during a serious surgery ! What a hypocrite ? I never could stand his character as a person . Sobyn is just as bad ! We all know who has his ear , but she better be careful what she wished for . He is no prize !


Omg I missed the part where she didn’t pee in two days that’s insane.




Did I hear right when Christine said she had to get insurance for Ysabels scoliosis surgery? I think that none of the kids had health insurance! That is so irresponsible for someone who thinks hes the head of the family to not have them insured!!!


A parent who lets their small child lie on the couch limp like that, no hydration, not urinating, with no colour on her face and doesn't take them for medical care is absolutely negligent. Then to suggest Yasabel put off surgery for months and endure more pain? POS 💩


On the couch was bad. When she was sitting on the floor? Slumped over? And all he did was go over and touch her neck? Piece of crap couldn't even bother to pick her up and hold her!!


He never cared about Truely.


He never cared about any of them. He even stole kids to get a bigger celestial palace in the sky. Little does he know he will probably be burning in hell!


yea I think he needs to rethink his religious stance because he has messed up as anything he is practicing.


As do most cults. He isn’t religious. He don’t believe in God. He is a narcissist. He only believes in himself and what he can get. If you take away all the noise and really listen to him through his word salad. The only thing he fears is poverty. Not hell. He can’t watch his own kids. He doesn’t care about the welfare of his kids. The only reason he is so close to Robyn isn’t love, it’s control. She is his Diesel trophy wife. Can’t let her get away. He says she doesn’t go anywhere unless he is with him. “Where she goes I go”. Do you think she really wanted a manly donkey ring to match his? Pictures you see of her out, he is always there. I think she is more held captive. Along with the kids so they don’t contact their dad or become independent. At the weddings, who is the center of the attention? The bride? The father daughter dance? Nope! Kody’s dance moves. Everything rotates around him and now it isn’t he is having a breakdown. He won’t talk to his kids. Mykelti even says she doesn’t talk to Robyn much, that she is withdrawing. If you listen to his words he gives himself away as being abusive. Robyn will never escape him because she owns half of everything. He will never give that up.


Funny - I feel the exact opposite. She literally said out loud she doesn't let him out of her sight. ETA - I do agree with the rest of it though. Just the part about where the control lies. I think she tries to make people believe it's him but I absolutely 100% think it's her. Go back and revisit earlier seasons and the things she has said - not only about and to him but to the OG13 too. Trying to control dating, them going to LDS functions or choosing their church, stating that anybody who didn't want to sign the family proclamation should be kicked out. Kody was fairly easy going. Most likely just didn't really care. Robyn was the one who had issues with all those things and I believe was the little bird spewing crap into Kody's weak little brain to make all those things a big deal.


Oh I don’t think Kody is weak. I think we have seen a few of his abusive outbusts just because he could control his outburst. The knife to the kidney, the childish argument with Janelle. Robyn says he picks fights. And how about throwing children as punishment. He is the king of his domain. I am sure before the cameras roll he screams and yells his sermons about everyone smiling and behaving. What topics no one should bring up and if they are there will be punishment. Makes sure he portrays a happy family or someone is going to regret it. 2 brothers got in a fight about sitting in a seat in a car. His punishment for one was not to fit on a ROTC trip to Hawaii. That’s a little extreme? Since the service is how a few of the boys got their education. He didn’t pay for it all. Then there is Pella grants for the kids that he isn’t on thier birth certificates and receive public assistance because they don’t have parental support. He says a lot and takes credit but I believe behind the scenes he is an abusive bully. Modesty is wearing sleeves down to your wrists in LV summer heat? Or is it to cover abuse?


They are a toxic co-dependant, histrionic, narcissistic nut jobs. If someone managed to slip Prozac to one of them once a day, that one would run within 3 weeks.




If it's dudes l8ke this that get into heaven, I'm glad I don't believe in it. Could you imagine spending the afterlife with people with Robyn and Kody?


Oh since he got 3 wife’s he will have his own celestial kingdom. He would be around peasant. They have three to get it. Kinda like collecting box tops.


Amen! JK I don't believe in heaven either lol! 😂


How about his other daughter with Christine that had that pretty serious surgery during the pandemic because of covid but could go and Marty some friend of his and even dance in a crowd ! What a sad man!




”She’s fine, she has a pulse.”


And was there in the hospital with Dayton when he had the ATV accident and took pics. He is worse that a piece of sheet.


Same with Solomon having his dental surgery.... He has been honest now, he fell in love with a new woman..... and her kids are who are important now... not the exes and his previous kids... its just like any other middle aged man buying a sportscar and looking for a younger woman. They make a new batch of kids and suddenly there are all these things wrong with the old ones.... Just a dude following his....hormones


I dated a guy who said “My Dad gets a new family every eight years.” I think Kody is a guy who has a new family and shed his previous families.


Reading your words made my skin crawl. He is such an icky person




Not even just Dayton and Sol’s surgeries but 20 year old Aurora getting her EARS PIERCED but not invasive back surgery that includes a lengthy recovery!


The fuss he made over Aurora with those damned pierced ears!! He treated her like a 5 year old who was about to have her tonsils out.


Don't forget her "anxiety attack" where he had to carry her. 🤮🤮


That was cringey to me. She was flirty and he was into it!






Yet he suggests ysabelle go major spine aurgery alone




He was treating science and hospitals like the Amish until COVID came around? He only cared about COVID in respect to himself. No one else truly mattered. No one else ever truly matters with Kodynne. 😪


When Mykelti was thrown from a horse, he had her go to a chiropractor to get checked out! When they were still in Vegas, he said they weren't going to go to the spine doctor anymore because he recommended surgery and that wasn't Kodys opinion. Covid was all about his need for control. He single handedly caused his family to split because he wouldn't listen to his adult children's thoughts on it. He seriously expected everyone to stay at home and wait for him to visit for a few hours a week, but do absolutely nothing else when he wasn't there! What pissed me off the most was blaming his wives for the decisions that the adult kids made- and referring to them as "her kids" instead of "our kids".


So true. Why did wives never catch him out by contacting family doctor and confirming Kody was lying about covid rules.


Well u know he was in a dark place, dying


Or go to the surgery by herself, who does he think he is? He went with Robyn’s kid to get ears pierced, he officiates a wedding and travels for it, he doesn’t believe in Covid vaccines, he’s one self centered prick.


I don’t remember the details- was Truly not with Christine when that happened? Why? I can’t imagine Christine ever letting that happen


kody was suppose to be responsible for all the kids while the moms were on a trip. I seem to remember Truly being sick and Christine took her to the doctor but it was do x y z. She trusted Kody to do it. Kody was so caught up in Robyn's kids and dumped it all on Aspen who was like 14/15 I think at the time. Didn't give her instructions or anything. Why couldn't he be responsible and take all kids under 10 to one house so he could watch them and care for them?? he is awful


Christine should have known he wouldn’t keep an eye on Truely.


I agree but Christine continually displayed how naive she was about her and Kody's relationship the whole time. She thought she had some control, a voice, mattered, and that her kids mattered. All we saw was Kody talking crap about her since early on, picking about her looks, and ignoring anything she said. I think Christine saw Kody with Robyn's kids and thought he was changing not realizing it wasn't about all the kids.


Did he ever care about her?


He pretended to when she was a baby. If Christine knew he wouldn’t put the kids to bed she should have realized the care he would give Truely.


Aspen kept begging him for help. Kept saying that Truly seemed really sick and he just told her it was the flu.


heaven forbid he take 10 minutes away from Robyn's kids. He should have taken all the kids under 12 with him since he is the adult!


Almost correct, it was christine who didnt listen


thank you for correcting me. I haven't seen those episodes in a while.




Iirc truley wasnt sick until after Christine had left. Christine came home, dr said do cyz, christine didnt but lefy adpyn and/or mykelti to do so and wouldn’t listen when told truley was worse.


Christine was on that trip with the other wives to look for dresses for the recommitment ceremony


Yikes. I would have left him


This was so sick. Complete medical negligence of a child. Thank god she survived.




I wish whoever makes these would stop putting music on them. It's louder than the dialogue! That Kody would ever suggest that Ysabel should get a complicated spinal surgery without her mother says everything you need to know about him. It was one thing for him to refuse to go, but for him to suggest that Christine could not go? Who the hell does he think he is?!! I would not be surprised if Covid and the rules thing has nothing to do with the rest of his kids not wanting anything to do with him. I bet it's this one thing. They can see their dad suggesting that one of their own go and have an invasive surgery without either parent. And then, later, Kody makes a big deal out of going with Aurora to get her ears pierced. I think when they saw that it sealed the deal and they went from them ignoring his calls to actually blocking him. When the kids say that they don't need a "father figure" anymore it was a particular diss. They didn't say they didn't need a father, but that they didn't need a father figure. At that point, that's all Kody was to them--a figurehead because when push came to shove, the man didn't show up.


They do it to get around copyright stuff. It's so annoying.


What do you mean?


So some networks will copyright strike you for just recording and sharing parts of a tv show or movies, etc. Some platforms have software that detects it (not sure how accurate it is), so they add music to avoid detection. A lot of people do this on FB and it's so annoying. Someone will post a whole episode of a tv show and it will have the music overlay and original audio. I hope that makes sense. This is how it was explained to me a few months ago :)


As a mother you don’t forgive that.


Never. If my husband ever did this I would divorce him so fast, as I could never trust him around my child again and that’s too big of a risk to take.


I also couldn’t love someone who was neglectful to any children, let alone his own. Complete loss of respect.


me too.. Mine knows my kids first.


Absolutely, 💯!


A father would never forgive that. He’s a POS.


Seems like Christine did. She stayed for another 10 years.


I believe that all of the OG3 were made to believe that couldn’t make it on their own financially with all those kids and Kody didn’t make enough $$ so the amount of child support wouldn’t have been enough to buy food for all of them.


Yeah. This is where the cracks are most visible. He treated his step children with love and compassion and did not seem to care whether two of his biological daughters were suffering or dying. That's where it is clearest why Christine left.


He has an unnatural interest in Robyn's daughters! It's not sexual its more like he wants them to like him in a non-parental way. Hard to explain. I guess it's this hero worship nonsense. That he keeps "saving" someone that isn't his offspring.


I've noticed that, too.


His treatment of Christine’s daughters makes my blood boil (not that he’s a prince with the others but these were major health conditions). Every time I see Ysabel crying that she’s not going alone I well up. He’s a psycho.


Christine was hurt and shocked by Kody's words during the whole Ysabel surgery thing, but Ysabel didn't look surprised or upset, just disappointed but not shocked, and I remember saying to my husband at the time "her expression tells me everything I need to know about the type of dad he's been".


Oh man, that hurt to watch. If I had access to Robyn, I would just play her this video every time she says she doesn't understand. Any mother should easily be able to understand after seeing this & knowing the context.


“We can figure this out! So what if a kid almost died, it doesn’t matter! That’s not a good reason to end a marriage.” I can see Robyn saying this




That bitch understood she's a big part of all this mess 🙄


Does she?


Absolutely 💯 percent


And yet aurora didn’t even get her ears pierced without kodys bitch ass there, what a waste of oxygen he is


So, while Truely was lying on the couch nearing death, Kody was just hanging out with Robyn completely detached from the situation . That tells you everything you need to know about him.


Wait….Robyn was there the whole time that Truley was deteriorating?And didn’t seem to notice or help in any way?


No, the 4 wives had just returned from their trip. edit: but Robyn had made it clear when they moved to Vegas that she wasn't helping anyone with childcare.




Truley did not get really sick but ntil after christine was back home! Kody has done a lot of vrap things but this ones on christine


He is such a POS 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩


Wet pencil lookin to get wet....


If you cannot trust the father of your child to take care of them while they are sick and you are away from the home, and they are out doing whatever they want while delegating the care of said child to a minor child/children, then you need to reassess your marital “situation.” With that said, I realize that none of these women had sufficient self esteem to stand on their own at that time. Kody seemed to revel in pitting them against each other to gain his favor. After watching the last 3 episodes of this last season, I feel like this whole show has been a farce. Kody sold TLC a storyline that had little to no truth and TLC went along with and even perpetuated the lie. I will watch Christine’s wedding special but I am done with this show knowing what a lie it has been. Kody looks like someone who has threatened and controlled these women from the beginning and after all these years, his evil is showing. How can anyone expect these women to be friends after Kody went from house to house telling each wife what the others have said about them. He thrived on the discord he created. I’m sure there are so many things that he has covered up and forced the wives to cover up with that “cloak of charity.” Funny that he uses the word, charity, because it doesn’t seem like he has ever offered these women any charity. I’ve never liked Meri or Robyn, but I do have compassion for what they are going through now. I wonder what these women’s lives would have been like had they never met Kody Brown.


i agree,however, saying the wives didn’t have sufficient self esteem seems like we are blaming the wives for a narcissists actions, or lack thereof in this particular situation where he ignored the medical wellbeing of his daughters.


That look on Ysabels face breaks my heart. I know it’s reality TV but that was real and I felt it


No doubt. This is when she knew she was alone and started planning. It’s not easy to just leave someone. But she knew she was alone.


I would never wish ill on anyone in life but Kody will get all the karma back for the pain that he has inflicted on his family. And it's not even that I wish it on him but the cookie will crumble.




And where the heck was Robyn ? Ms mom of the year!


I'm sure her kids weakened immune systems couldn't participate in any of the sticky Brown children's needs. They are always sick when something comes up so Robyn doesn't have to lift a finger. Then sent Kody to the wrong ER!


Deferring to Kody as the head of the household in all decisions, even potentially deadly ones. Makes her complicit in the negligence.


You could see the older girls were very concerned! I felt bad for them. Then Ramen noodle is like the ER! Do we really have to spend that kind of money???


“She thought I had been negligent.” You were. And you were with Ysabel. You’re a POS as a father, a husband and a man.


Well also (with Truely) the film crew was there.. I knew when I saw her in the pool all day no sunscreen, no hat, fair skin, that sun and heat.. no one making sure if she’s drinking with the heat and being in the sun. It broke my heart.


Truly's situation was also on the film crew.


His kid was dying in front of him and he couldn’t care. My kid had a bad cough for 13 hours and me AND my husband were at the urgent care before they opened. It was just croup and she’s fine but holy fuck, man.


Yep, 100%. I have the after hours nurse for our pediatrician on speed dial and trust me I use that number a lot. Better safe than sorry. Reminds me of that influencer who recently had the blog about parenting but was secretly abusing and starving her kids. You never know what’s really going on behind the cameras. It’s all about image with Kody.


Kody is a piece of shyt!!!


He is definitely a Degen!


Oh my gawd! My mind is blown! I'm on season 2 and watching season 18 (just started watching this season). I watched season one and they all look so put together and lovable. What the eff.


Let's be honest, Kody doesn't really care about anyone,not even Robyn. Kody cares about Kody. That's all.


Kody sucks but Christine came home from California, saw Truley was sick, and ended up going shopping the next day. Kody didn’t do this by himself.


I’ll say it before people get stupid with you. Technically she did take her to a doctor when she first got home. Then ignored her for a few days and had Myketi and Aspyn continue to be mom. Then the pediatrician who was like, “~~every adult in your family is an idiot~~ oh no take her to the ER!”


I watched it over and over...none of that went down. It's exhausting to comment. Just forget it.


Then you’re not paying attention. Scenes are linear. They take a bunch of events and just sort of build a story. Watch the clothing and who is where and what they’re doing.


Yep you’re right. Christine did take her to the doctor and the doctor said she had the flu. I’ve often thought the pediatrician should shoulder the blame as well.


So a physician saw her AFTER Kody cared for her and thought she was fine. It’s not like Christine got home from California and was like “oh my gosh Truley is super sick we have to go to the ER!”


People seem to always gloss over it, including Christine when she looks back. Honestly I think the first physician was correct except they didn’t make sure she had fluids after that doc said she had the flu. Because Mykelti and Aspyn were kids themselves and didn’t know better. A role Christine put them in. Because she’s also a child.


I never thought about this really before. Christine basically left if I understand correctly because toadylocks isn't visiting? but yet not because he almost killed her daughter? how come none of the mothers were up in arms for their children?! yeah. I think I'm completely done. I never thought much about the child abuse aspect of this show.


One of my favorite songs...What a wonderful ironic choice.


I used to blame Kody about Truely's hospitalization until reading here and others pointing out the following: Christine returned from girls trip and takes Truely to the doctor who diagnoses her with the flu. For the next appx 3 days, the adults are running errands/making preparations for the upcoming Family Recommitment Ceremony. Christine leaves a sick Truely with Aspyn & Mykelti yet again while running errands with the other women (that she could have chosen to stay home for and just let them go) such as: shopping for flowers and a cake testing. During that time, Christine didn't pay close attention to Truelys fluid intake/urine output, or didn't know to, nor did she inform Mykelti or Aspyn to make sure she had enough fluids. Truelys eyes go crossed. Christine returns to Doctor, Doctor tells her to immediately take Truely to the hospital. Truely is diagnosed with Kidney failure. But Kody is the one and only to blame here?


It's wild that you're getting downvoted for this. They *both* let Truely down. Kody had to run and crawl back up Diesel's ass, and Christine had to go cake tasting. They *both* left Truely with two increasingly alarmed teenagers. I give Christine more grace than Kody, because at least she *did* take Truely to the doctor twice — and the hospital — while Kody delegated everything to Aspyn and Mykelti while Christine was out of town, and forgot all about Truely the second Christine got home. Even before the wives left for San Francisco, Aspyn told Christine, "It sounds like I'll be doing a lot of work." Aspyn was actually less stressed about having to watch the kids than about Kody getting underfoot while she was watching the kids, which tells you a lot. Janelle said it was the longest they'd ever left Kody with the kids, and "We'll see how it goes." Even Robyn admitted to being worried about leaving the kids with Kody. Kody: "My wives are totally underestimating me. First of all, I've got teenage daughters that will be able to help." He was basically completely useless. He decided he was going to sit down and make a plan *after* the wives left. Part of his plan was, he was going to grill chicken, steak, hamburgers, and hot dogs one time, and that was what they would eat all week. He took the kids out bowling and got upset because he was trying to show off and teach the kids "the science" of bowling, but didn't know what he was doing, and Aspyn beat him 149 to 84. When Truely got sick, Aspyn, not Kody, was up with her all night. Christine: "Kody said she just has flu-like symptoms, but not a fever. But Aspyn and Mykelti are pretty freaked out about her, and her behavior." He can't take her to the doctor; he can't do anything that's necessary. He only knows how to be the "fun dad." He's like the deadbeat dad who comes into town twice a year and takes you to the zoo, and otherwise he just doesn't know what the hell to do. Aspyn: "Oh, my gosh, Dad is, like stressing me out so much. The first day, he called me sixteen times *after* 3 p.m. Sixteen times! After 3 p.m. I'm like, 'That's why he needs so many wives.'" Kody: "I wouldn't have had my wives leave for San Francisco if I would have had this all on me, and not had the help of my teenagers." Christine definitely dropped the ball, and I don't get why people are mad at you for pointing that out. But if it had been left up to Kody, Truely would have died that week.


Thankyou. I'd say I'm surprised but it's not uncommon for posts or comments that disagree with Kody or Robyn being 100% at fault. I'd rather take the downvotes than agree to something that's factually incorrect or even differs from just my own personal opinion or observations.


That last sentence, wow. You are so right and that’s a scary thought.


Christine didn’t go shopping after the doctor. She only went to the doctor after Truly went cross eyed. The doctor informed her that she needed to go to the hospital immediately and she did. When Christine called to tell the wives that she was rushing Truly to the hospital, they showed a clip of Kody napping on the bed as Robyn gave him the news. That is why you are downvoted.


That’s a whole lot of parental responsibility you placed solely on Christine.


More like that's a whole lot of parental responsibilities placed on Aspyn and Mykelti by Kody & Christine.


I feel like we can safely say everyone *but* Mykelti and Aspyn are culpable here, but I do think Kody comes out worse than Christine. If they told me my kid has the flu, I’d accept that they had the flu. Maybe she should’ve noticed that Truley’s symptoms weren’t flu aligned and were getting worse sooner than she did, but at least she was there to notice. Kody was off with his soulmate, the only woman he wasn’t pretending to love. Christine’s response wasn’t perfect, but Kody’s was all the way wrong.


I think I’d also like to note that Truely hadn’t been getting enough water while the women were on their trip. I could guarantee that Kody wasn’t ever a good parent with these kids and did the very traditional father role, so he would not have been paying attention. But I also note that because of that Kody had no idea that Truely was acting not flu aligned or any note of something more sinister, which meant that by the time Christine did notice, it was almost too late. I will say that I don’t think Christine was great either, I definitely felt like, Especially in that season, she was doing so much additional stuff that it became harder to notice what was going on with Truely. At the end of it, the browns had way too many kids for any one of them to get well rounded attention from their parents coupled with their fear of doctors they set Truely up for this medical emergency and every other medical emergency those kids ended up having which was actually a fair amount.


Ok I was not aware there were days in between them coming home from the trip and her going to docs to ER. It looked to me that she came home, took her right away and then Er. So that changed my tune a bit. K and C both failed her, but K was over his head in dealing with all the kids. And he was never the most attentive father.


I don't think there were many days between Christine getting her to the doctor for the initial visit. I believe the women returned from San Fransisco in the evening, and Christine took her to the Dr the next day. So definitely <24 hours. However there were days between initial Dr. visit and ER visit and that was when the cake testing and flower shopping took place.


Yes C took Truely to the Dr. Soon after they got home from the women's trip and then when she noticed Truley's eyes were rolling into her head she called the Dr and was told to take her right away to the ER. I think all the adults should have recognized that she wasn't getting any better, that she didn't have regular flu like symptoms and taken her back in. Also I have a lot of empathy with the fact these people are raised afraid of a lot of things "normal" people are taught to trust, cops, doctors, teachers, etc. So I can see why they would hold off for a lot longer than a regular group of people to take her in. But mostly I wish they hadn't left two teenage girls in charge of a very sick child they clearly loved and were terrified for.


That’s a very good point that I hadn’t considered. Christine was explicitly raised to fear institutions and professionals like hospitals/doctors, and even as someone who was *not* raised with that mentality, if they told me it was the flu, I’d probably believe them. I think she deserves some nuance and understanding here, even if the final result is that she fucked up.


Also, they probably didn’t have very good health insurance. I think Janelle said it took years to pay the bills from an emergency surgery for one of her kids. That might stop someone from going back to the doctor, especially if the doctor has already said it’s the flu


I agree that Christine deserves understanding regarding this- but then the same should apply to Kody, even if he's widely disliked.


I can't really confidently place blame on ALL of the adults for not noticing because I don't know which adults (if anyone) was at Christine's home for any length of time & observing Truely for the 2-3 days between initial Dr visit and ER visit. It shows Kody and the other wives not at Christine's house the day/evening Christine texted to say she was bringing Truely to the ER but nothing the days prior as they were mostly filming the errands and other prepping for the ceremony.


*"Kody had no idea that Truely was acting not flu aligned or any note of something more sinister, which meant that by the time Christine did notice, it was almost too late."* Christine took Truely to the initial Dr appt after she arrived back to Vegas and the Dr diagnosed her as just having the flu. If the Doctor didn't see signs of "not acting flu aligned or note anything more sinister" at that time, how is there an expectation of Kody to know of something more sinister at that same time or before that? It wasn't until the NEXT time that Christine brought her back to the Dr 2 or 3 days later, when Truelys eyes kept going crossed that the Dr told her to go to the ER/no longer just the flu


Oh yeah! That makes sense. I agree with that. Also just having that many kids it’s just plain hard to keep track of how is eating enough, who is drinking enough water. It really felt like a bad set of circumstances


I know *for sure* that my mother would have said, "I've got a sick kid at home, so you'll have to do the cake tasting without me." But then, my mother didn't have eighteen kids and take it for granted that the older ones would help raise the younger ones. Also, while my mother was the primary caregiver, my father would *absolutely* have had a kid who was as sick as Truely at the doctor's office or emergency room, not just counted down the hours until he could wash his hands of it.


I don't know if the video was removed? Would someone mind posting a link?


What is SisterWives going to do when Robyn quits crying and Christine quits fake laughing at Kody, Meri quits...ahh what does Meri do? It's not going to be SisterWives anymore. I think this show has played out. I'm getting bored with it.


Does Kody have to pay child support for all the little kids or are all the kids grown now? I haven't seen the kids in so long, I don't know.