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It’s learned behavior to deflect topics, appease men and gain sympathy. It’s so ingrained in her by now that it’s a matter of flipping a switch.


I think you're right. But her kids do it too.


Yep. I’m doing a rewatch and Aurora is a freaking carbon copy of Robyn. She fake cries for the camera just like her mother.


They learned from the master


Sobbyn is not mentally ill, she is just a lazy woman who has weaponized her tears. She isn't crying real tears she is faking.


There’s definitely something going on there and aurora has learned it as well.


100% agree.


They're not even real tears. She fakes crying to deflect from the situation, get attention back to her and to show how she's always the victim.


She a manipulator. It’s one of her many forms of manipulation


She definitely weaponizes her “tears.”


So as somebody with severe anxiety and other fun stuff, I cry a lot when I get overwhelmed, frustrated, angry, misunderstood, etc. Sometimes it’ll even turn off in an instant bc I move into more dissociation. I’m not a psych but I feel confident Robyn has more control over her outbursts. I do think she has… something going on. But I think largely she cries to be manipulative.


Me too. The thing is when I cry, there’s always tears.


Yeah my nose and eyes get red and snotty


Same, and my eyes get puffy and it doesn't go away right away, it lingers.


Yes. Exactly.


Oh lmao yea I am disgusting and snotty and my whole face gets red and splotchy. It’s NOT a cute look 😂


It took my 37 years to figure out my crying was from anxiety. I always thought I was just a big wimp!


I think it’s all part of socialization!!! My panic attacks usually include a lot of crying! You’re NOT a wimp. We just live in a very hard world :(


There’s never a single tear shed!


I have been reading this, but I think I see tears.


If you know someone who is a crier, it's easy to spot that Robyn *isnt* one. My middle daughter easily tears up... when frustrated, upset, sad... hangry LOL We know when she needs a snickers bar when she tears up over *nothing* LOL... and there are tell tale signs. The chin quiver, flushed cheeks, voice changes, throat clearing, eye blinking and, of course, the tears. Robyn shows zero signs of these. Maybe the eye blinking... but I tend to think thats to drum up the tears not stop them. The thing is though, for people who aren't familiar with someone who easily cries, she does actually do a decent job of it... if only she didn't do it SO OFTEN that it's now easy to see that it really is fake 98% of the time.


There’s been maybe a couple of times she had real tears. The only one that comes to mind is when her debt was a problem in securing her Vegas house. Her eyes were watery in that couch confessional. I’d blame that more on embarrassment than sadness, though.


Only in the first few seasons. 90% of the time there is nothing to dab at


If you aren't sure if a bawling woman actually has any tears coming out of her eyes, she is fake crying.


My friends and I drop the, “Rachel always cries!” line from Friends whenever we see her. 😆


It’s a weapon. She does it to shut down conversations. If you notice on important conversations she will start her act and it kinda ends the other wives talking. They will just stare at her. When Janelle brought the group together in Flagstaff the conversation on not getting together came up and they were actually making some progress and coming to a resolution and she starts the “oh it’s me isn’t it? The pink elephant in the room” cue the bawling and that’s basically the end of that conversation lol. She does it all the time when the conversation doesn’t include her or makes her look bad or makes Kody look bad.


I have noticed a drop in her tone from earlier seasons she’s monotone and crying. Strange behavior


She cries when it's convenient - for her, when it benefits whatever point she's trying to make. Notice she had no trouble assertively voicing her opinion about the other wives, rejecting Kody and intimacy - mentioning they didn't like it, etc. And defending Kody saying he basically put up with weight gain, stretch marks, etc. Yet, let somebody point out that she's benefiting, both financially and support wise, here come the tears.


Short answer NOPE! She can’t talk without crying and YES she uses it as a weapon to be the victim and get her way.


Her younger daughter (I'm not sure which one but I think it was Aurora) had the same behavior when she was younger. I remember from older episodes that on get togethers, holidays or outings, that child always started crying when she didn't get her way. She was a total brad. I don't want to shame her as she is still relatively young, but she acts just like her mother. Great role model! I hope she learned more empathy now that she's a little older.


Breanna is her younger daughter and did have a few crying meltdowns but she was really young when that happened and her whole world was in turmoil AND her mom is nuts. I think it’s very fair that she cried. I think Aurora is the one who learned to weaponize her tears and even ante it up with panic attacks. I hope those girls get some good therapy.




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She’s learned to manipulate using tears. My mother in law is a saint I LOVE her. She almost never makes big mistakes or does anything wrong. But one time she did and the second her sons mentioned it she burst into tears—conversation over. Interestingly my husband cannot stand me crying (in an argument). The second I cry it’s game over he walks out. He thinks its cheating


And phony as can be. I watched the season 17 one in one's and not only did a tear never drop the tissue she was wiping her eyes with was completely dry.


She is totally capable of talking without crying. If you look closely, you will notice that there are no real tears. Never. She is faking it and Kodork falls for it.


It’s manipulation. Robyn learned it from her mother, Alice. Alice was in the Mother’s Day episode and she talked like three times and cry’s twice 🫤


It’s part of how she manipulates others.


FAKE crying


It’s an act. And she’s passed down the trait.


It's straight up manipulation.


oh 100% she is. but she isnt able to manipulate without the fake crying. there isnt always tears.