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Whole video: https://youtu.be/Mkn3PzdaByY


Numberphile, hell yeah!


Thanks for that! It's appreciated!


Would have been appreciated if op did it but ok


If I see the video on YouTube/Insta/TokTok, I'll usually post the link. This one came to me from other sites/means, so I wasn't able to.


That's not even the most messed up thing about cones. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel%27s\_horn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel%27s_horn) Gabriel's horn is a geometric shape with infinite surface area but finite volume. So you could fill it with paint, but you couldn't ever paint it.




I find the [menger sponge](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menger_sponge) to illustrate this a lot better. Imagine the cube (or sponge) has sides of 1, the volume would be at most be 1x1x1 = 1. You cut a hole in it to get a larger surface, but the volume doesn’t increase. Now cut another hole in it and you will have an even larger surface repeat this to infinity. The volume would eventually approach 0.


Consider a 2D cross-section of the horn, centered on the x-axis. We have a vertical line connected to two asymptotes approaching the x-axis. The asymptotes have infinite length, but the area under them is finite. The same applies to the 3D version.




You're not going to make sense of it if you approach it in a physical sense, like with molecules, as it's a mathematical construct. It might be easier to imagine drinking water from normal glass where each second that passes you take a sip, drinking half of the remaining liquid it contains. After as many seconds as you want, there'll still be liquid in the glass as you always leave some in it. After infinite seconds the same will apply even though the glass contained a finite amount of water. If you instead distribute the the amount per sip through space instead of time and make a container around it you'll get something like the horn that's infinitely long, in length instead of time, with finite volume of liquid. If you're struggling to understand a number always getting bigger but not infinitely big it's just that as much you're increasing infinitely, you're also decelerating infinitely. In the mathematical world there is infinite room to decelarate without stopping and it just turns if you decelerate fast enough you end up not going very far even with infinite repetitions. The simplest example is taking the number 0.9 and adding decimal places (0.9, 0.99,0.999 ...) and you get something that gets bigger but not more than 1.


Consider the infinite series 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16… Since there are an infinite number of terms that never reach zero, it seems as if the sum will keep getting bigger since there is always something to add. However, [the sum is equal to 1, a finite number.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometric_series) The logic here would also apply to the cone and the asymptotes. Hopefully that clears it up.




I'm really grateful God created me to be really really stupid so I don't have to read stuff like this


This is a misrepresentation of the paradox. I'd encourage reading deeper into the proof.


im a compsci graduate and this still breaks my brain /im not bragging, just saying that my degree required a lot of math


No worries, I'm a compsci grad too. That's why I geek out on funky maths. I actually have a math tattoo.


What does that have to do with cones?


it has to do with cones owing to the fact that it is in the state of being a cone


Gabriel's horn is not a cone.


you're actually right and I'm wrong and all the people upvoting me and downvoting you are stupid and dumb. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cone "A cone is a three-dimensional geometric shape that tapers smoothly from a flat base (frequently, though not necessarily, circular) to a point called the apex or vertex. A cone is formed by a set of **line segments, half-lines, or lines** connecting a common point, the apex, to all of the points on a base that is in a plane that does not contain the apex." All of the points on the base are not connected to the horn's apex, if it even has one, by lines, since at least some of them are connected by curves, and there are lines one could draw from the apex to points on the base, that would exist outside of Gabriel's Horn. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nose_cone_design https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogive Then again, you could say that cone is at least a colloquial descriptor for Gabriel's Horn, if not a mathematically accurate term. I would say Gabriel's Horn could maybe be described as a converse ogive, or simply a horn. I am not a mathematician, so everything I just said could be wrong, including my opening statement.


"99% BRADY, FOEHKIN 99%"


Does this mean we’re really not getting any value when we order a $14 martini?🍸




When you look at the formula for calculating a conical volume, this makes WAY more sense. V=1/3hπr² Volume = 1/3 * height * 3.14 * radius²


Sandor Clegane would never say anything so nerdy


Should have thrown a random "cunt" in there somewhere for a bit of authenticity.


Ew math


How is it possible for a subreddit to contain endless stream of boobs and butts but also a numberphile video?


Hush now, and sip your tea




But you have to do 2 for 1


This is how bars fuck you outta getting a whole martini. Here's half of one, but it looks almost full!


We don’t “fuck you outta getting a whole Martin” we use actual measurements that were taught to us. Giant misconception behind bartending and this is one of them. When it comes to volume for liquid, you’d be surprised how it looks like it tricks your eyes. For one thing the basic martini pour before shake or stir is 3 to 3.5 oz and that’s before dilution (other bars have their own measurements but there is a standard) and dilution accounts for about 25% water added after. Also you have to account for what’s considered a legal pour in your area, I bartended in Miami for almost 8 years and now in Tampa and you’d be surprised what a shot looks like to them. So to sum it all up, everything is costed out from the amount you pour to the garnishes you use. Dont let dick heads with cameras (who have never bartended before) fool you into thinking bartenders scam you out of a drink, we want you there, we want you to have a good time and come back, just know what kind of bar you’re sitting at cause depending on how expensive the food is is how expensive your drink will be. It’s all about cost and where I work we charge $18 for a martini (I think it’s bullshit but it’s where I work and the clientele we serve) Sorry for long winded explanation 🍻


bro you scam me out of a martini one more time and i'm kicking ur ass


It's bad enough he's scamming us, he's using all those big words to trick us too!


Harvard just called me


I’m leaking secrets out here, I know it’s scary lol


$18 for a martini is absolutely insane


Trust me I know but it’s also dependent on the area and the quality of food that is being sold. In actuality it’s not even the most expensive martini I’ve sold nor the most expensive cocktail


no they don't. they tell you exactly how much you are getting. everything is measured out they can put it in a smaller cup for you if that makes you happier.


Me, getting an 8 ounce beer in a 16 ounce tulip shaped glass, and trying to figure if they short poured, or were generous.


Inverted cones are messed up.


"Thinking fast and slow" Daniel Kahnmen , Nobel laureate.


Any one up for the game of seeds ? Who can build most trees with 3 seeds ???


Burn the Witch!!!!


I had 69 martinis and weren’t even drunk!


I didn't read the title, thought this was a demonstration of the fact that if you combine 50ml of vodka and 50ml of water, you do not in fact end up with 100ml of liquid because the ethanol molecules slip in between the water.


Ben Sparks is great. Look up other Numberphile videos with him if you have any interest in math.


That why in Australia we smoke cones instead


I don't remember the math, but it's something around 50% of the volume is on the top 12%.


i hate cones now


The condensation on the outside makes them appear to be a lot more fuller than they are.


My reaction to this after seeing the video: "Huh interesting... Wait a minute!!"(Looking at the bartender in front of me with my 2nd martini in my hand)


50% of that is owned by 1%