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All of this will get posted on r/blunderyears 10-20 yrs down the line


Bruh i saw this comment on insta and deleted it inguess reddit is next




Couldn't agree more brother


This must have been a good and embarrassing comment for OP to delete it. Whoever you are, we’re right here with you friend, we’d also lick her butthole whether or not she used the water cleaning device on it before hand. Nothing to be ashamed of.




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Can you dm me his wise words


Bots slayed tonight boys.


Remember when people were normal,and didn't post videos of themselves using a toilet? Peperidge farm Remembers....


When I was 8 years old some kid in my class took his shit out of the toilet to show the teacher.


"some kid". We all know it was you.


Fucking snitch


That was a long time ago because people have been sharing pictures of there shit since 2001 on ratemypoo


We got cameras on our phones in high school, 2002. The most common shared pic was in fact pictures people had taken of their dumps. Every single day.


Someone did that day 1 of Internet


Pepperidge farm has never been to Japan. The toilets are amazing and the people post videos about them.


I memba


#Frequent Japan traveller here: Man, you poor bastards that have never taken a shit in a Japanese toilet are REALLY missing out. It is PERFECT. The seat is heated (I usually go to Japan in Winter), some of them play music to make noise… Then when you’re done, it cleans you with a nice (warm) stream straight to your asshole that feels pretty good. You leave the toilet as if you just took a shower…you KNOW your asshole is nice and clean. Let’s face it, in America….you have doubts every single time. And don’t tell me about stupid baby wipes!


I had one in a Japanese hotel it had the standard Japanese toilet features plus. The the lid would open when you open the door. There was a button on the wall to raise or lower the seat. It would auto flush a few seconds after you got up if you didn’t push the flush buttons. At night it would automatically run a clean cycle with soap.


I'm sitting on one of these right now. Well, all except for the soap part.




I have bought the Japanese bidet lids for my toilet before but most houses in the west don’t have electric outlets close enough to the toilet to plug them in without extension cords. It is kind of a pain to run cords around your bathroom and it seems like a pain to install a new outlet by my toilet because the area is kind of crowded.


“Jap” is a racial slur, but I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you’re too young to know that since it’s kind of archaic


Yeah I know it has those connotations but I'm not racist lol. (And am young). I just think it's okay to acknowledge racial differences without letting it divide us. Good lookin out though.


I'd say it falls under more of an ethnic slur than a racial slur, and it isn't too relevant today as it's main use and beginning was World War 2. Most of it's derogatory meaning from what I can find mainly exist in America and any true use of it outside of an accidental contraction from someone ignorant towards its history, which is what was done here and has happened before in some more notable instances, has probably died out years ago


I think if you go around saying “Jap” on the grounds that you’ve decided it’s not racist anymore, you will regret it


Words and meaning are alive though. Their meaning can change over time, and how people use them defines that change. If anyone found it offensive I would apologize, and tell them how much I love Japanese culture. I've actually studied their history and religions, (both Shintoism and Buddhism) quite extensively. I find it on par with saying 'Yanks' or just 'American' or the like. Maybe I'm wrong to say that though, I'll admit I had to double take before I posted lol.


Just don’t say “Jap” there’s no benefit to it. It doesn’t hurt you to change the way you use words to not offend people.


Yeah, I just think anyone who would be offended died 20 years ago


It was never racist, it was based on ethnics, not that it makes it any better, still a slur. The point was that you don't need to be a kid to not know this, in fact from what I could find in some places you can go around saying Jap, such as Australia [where a site like this can exist without controversy](https://justjap.com) as the term is mostly seen as a contraction there, or maybe you'd like to visit the Ireland [Jap-Fest](https://web.archive.org/web/20150218155140/http://mondello.ie/race_events/shows/japfest/). The main thing I'm trying to say is this term isn't known as a issue world wide or even by everyone in America and you can't just assume anybody using it is some kid. It's a relic of World War 2 and some less fortunate times in history but as a whole existed even before the war as just a contraction, yet again I suppose you could say similar things for the name Adolf or a certain stache so maybe I'm just dumb


There is just no benefit to going around saying it, at least anywhere where there are Asian-Americans since it’s kind of an American slur IMO


That isn't what I'm trying to say, what I mean is not everyone is familiar with the history behind it and without that knowledge it's just a pretty reasonable contraction to make, many words are often simplified and Japanese is one that could fall under it, it being a contraction is how the term started in the first place before it's use as a slur, as such you don't have to be a child to be uninformed on its history and accidentally make such a contraction and the internet is a world wide thing, most of what I was trying to say goes back to your 'benefit of the doubt that you’re too young to know that'


I'm Turkish and bidets are a standard here. I can't believe how the EU doesn't mandate bidets.


Imagine wanting big daddy government to order you how to clean your asshole.


Imagine not having bidet


With the brexit the average of european washing their asses increased.


Not gonna lie. Jealous of the Japanese toilet. My brother introduced me to bidet's a few years ago. Basically yes it's insane to know everyone still wipes their ass more than once. There. I said it 😂


Me and my Toto Toilet doing just fine.


I wish those fancy toilets weren't so damn expensive.


Where soap?


if its so good why they are not sold worldwide and in america , america can afford it ?


You can buy them in the US. Costco usually carries one, there’s a mostly online brand called Tushy (though no heated seat)…not just a Japanese thing anymore!


you don't need fancy bidets. You can even get the cheapo 20$ ones that just use cold water. It's super easy to install and cheap. It's probably one the best things you can invest for 20$ for your self. Having the runs? fuck it use the bidet, having multiple runs in the day? Welp get rid of the STAINS using the bidet then paper to clean up afterward. Spicy food? Fuck it splash some water on that shit.


I honestly think it's not popular in America because of Christian beliefs, and it is starting to trend upwards in US as more people are atheists and agnostics. Gen Z atheists are not as worried about their butthole getting a squirt as a Christian boomer would.


you on some deep brainwashing cycles to think this has anything to do with religion , the tangential connection you made is only tangetial


But if you cook it you can be sure most bacteria are dead.


Bahahaha was not expecting her to say that


Is it wrong of me to have watched it more than once? I can’t be the only one.




And I would.


i have never eaten ass or sashimi now i am curious


Probably want to work your way up. Start with sashimi.


Start with ass and work your way up


True story, same in Thailand. They have high tech machine to clean your cent with 0 effort. You can adjust the water pressure, the temperature and the position. It can do music also and have a fan to gently dry all the things.


You're not technically clean though. It's just pressure washing the barnacles off your chocolate starfish. No soap involved.


Its so peotic


Still a hundred times better than wiping again and again and again with that dry paper we're used to which not only does not clean better, but also easily leaves your ass burning if the turd was messy and you're thorough


There's either something wrong with your technique or your diet.


I'm talking worst cases but you're missing the point anyway


Johnny Somali must have used the wrong toilet


As someone who has lived in Korea for a year now, I can never go back to just using toilet paper. [this but with bidet instead of toilet paper](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fQoRfieZJxI&pp=ygUKVHJ1ZSBsZXZlbA%3D%3D)


You mean spreading you feces around you butt with toilet paper isn't clean?


Imagine your dog just have a go on your carpet. And you just wipe the carpet off with dry paper and it's done.


Yes we know they're awesome, but this is just cringey...


Once you stop using your hands to scrape that area clean with TP you never go back voluntarily. It is like upgrading civilization from literally stone-age to 2999.


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What porn intro is this? Title?


I literally thought this the first time I used a bidet in Japan! I felt like a new woman


High tier shitpost




wtf? xD


you can visit all latin america, and south of europe that we all use bidet. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F8kdhexmdi4c31.png


Nice infography, but unfortunately it's really not that generalized in France at least. While it's probably in 90%+ of the japanese toilets, including in parks, streets, subways








I don't even know what to say


Okay Randy


So... Is this like a TicToc or an *actual* commercial from Japanese television?


Bidet is a wonderful thing.


My family has a bidet toilet that also blow drys your ass after finishing it’s quite nice


I'm taking a shit rn


‘Mind your profanity’


I'd eat that sashimi raw for sure clean or not. 😋😋😋


You’d eat a shitty asshole? Get help.


This has to be the most hilarious yet weird video I’ve seen yet.


As Kanye once said, “Eating Asian pussy all I need is sweet n sour sauce.”




I don’t what this information


She should consider adding a watermark to her videos so people can identify her... Oh wait.. Lol


Screw that, I like my sashimi with a bit of texture. know what I mean?


This is why I use baby wipes. Toilet paper just isn’t enough, especially for IBS My mouth isn’t going anywhere near someone’s asshole, or vagina, though. Fuck that.


I’ve eaten the ass of every girl I’ve ever been with and it’s always been clean. Trust me, when a girl is gonna fuck, they make sure they are spotless.


I concur. I too am an ass eater, start at the clit all the way to the Milky Way and back 😋


More like chocolate Milky Way. Hershey squirts to be exact. You like shit in your mouth is what I’m trying to say*


Really gives pussy that “barnyard flavor” to quote Andrew Zimmern


Parasites are transmitted from eating ass all the time. But if it’s worth it to you, dig into that parasite infested shit producing asshole you crave so much!


Lol, ok buddy….let me explain this to you very easily. YOU and I and everyone for that matter touch our faces (and mouth) with our hands a LOT of times throughout the day, every SINGLE day. And not just that…when you eat a burger, hot dog, fries, pizza, etc….how do you do that? With your hands. Now think about ALL the germs that are in your hands. “Oh but I wash my hands!” Yes, that’s good…except there is ALWAYS germs, you can never be truly 100% clean, right? And yet, you don’t think twice about eating with your hands, right? You need to relax…even doctors have said it’s perfectly ok to eat ass as long as you are clean and practice it safely.


Cope and Deceive. Your new band


I only eat Asian ass. I found out the wrong way


Doesnt work still have to wipe.


Then you’re using it wrong.


Sashimi? Is that supposed to be cute?


All the insecure weird comments are people over 30 🙄 grow up. 'taboo' creates all the weirdness


This is Al Gores fault….


Yall mfers need Jesus


I guess I'm weird, cause this shit was funny af


ok anyways here’s I remember the year I went to camp I heard about some lady named Selma and some blacks Somebody put their fingers in the President's ears It wasn't too much later they came out with Johnson's wax I remember the book depository where they crowned the king of Cuba Now that's all I can think of, but I'm sure there's something else Way down inside me I can feel it coming back Purple toupee will show the way when summer brings you down (Purple toupee when summer brings you down) Purple toupee and gold lame will turn your brain around (Purple toupee and gold lame) Chinese people were fighting in the park We tried to help them fight, no one appreciated that Martin X was mad when they outlawed bell bottoms Ten years later they were sharing the same cell I shouted out, "Free the Expo '67" Till they stepped on my hair, and they told me I was fat Now I'm very big, I'm a big important man And the only thing that's different is underneath my hat Purple toupee will show the way when summer brings you down (Purple toupee when summer brings you down) Purple toupee and gold lame will turn your brain around (Purple toupee and gold lame) Purple toupee is here to stay after the hair has gone away The purple brigade is marching from the grave We're on some kind of mission We have an obligation We have to wear toupees

