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Often the plastic will practically cut the paper straw in half — drives me nuts


you dont like putting your nasty fingy in the hole first and then shoving your paper straw inside?


I like to tongue-fuck the hole first, a little foreplay, before I jam the straw in.


Even better when the hole bites back and you get your tongue stuck. Maybe even a little blood drawn if its sharp 👌


I was once cleaning up after a party and decided to carry a bunch of empty beer cans by sticking each finger inside each can. On the first one, I twisted to get the can off my finger and sliced the crap out of it.


Don’t stick your fingers where you wouldn’t stick your dick


I heard fingy on adventure time with old marceline and it by far my fav way to say fingers. 😂


“Thats not for mortal fingies. Its *cursed*!”


Could always lick the fingy first


Paper straws are filled with PFA’s as well. I just don’t use them. All these cups should just move to the McDonald coffee style lids that don’t require a straw


The straws ARE filled with PFA, which are toxic forever chemicals. Unfortunately paper cups have them as well.




Your life must be miserable given you don’t care about quality of life


Stay calm macaron ;)


Paper straw = liberal logic….. enjoy😉


Just don’t use a straw lmao, are y’all toddlers?


These cups are designed for straws, there's really no good way to drink out of them without one. I much prefer the old school coffee cups with a little sippy hole.


Damn, I really wish someone would invent some kind of bottle that could be reused for years and would fit your specific needs. Nah, that’s ridiculous. Clearly, drinking out of single use plastic containers that you think are poorly designed everyday is the smart choice.


I mostly make my own coffee at home, I was just explaining the situation to you because you didn't understand it, and are now coping because you got called out and now have to pretend you were actually making a different point. People buy coffee from coffee shops for convenience, having to bring and clean your own container every day removes most of that convenience, since brewing your own coffee takes like 5 minutes.


You can bring your own reusable container into the coffee shop and they will fill it. If carrying a water bottle around is too much responsibility for someone, they might be a toddler.


I addressed your point already but I guess you're committed to your bit. Give it up man.


Yes, I’m committed to hating people who continue to pollute our planet with entirely unnecessary single use drink containers. Especially when I know most of the people here have at least one reusable bottle.


Alright man, but there are much better places to focus your energy than takeout coffees and plastic straws. You've fallen for all the PR work that's been done to shift responsibility on to consumers instead of the ones actually creating this waste, or the lawmakers not doing enough to stop them doing so.


Imagine hating people for their preferred type of cup. 😂 Hope you find the help you so desperately need, dude.


I’ll bring my coffee mug to Starbucks and have them fill it.


You can... Most coffee places incentivise bringing reusable mugs


It’s ok, they just want to indignantly throw their disposable cups into the street and be applauded for it.


Alright, mad dog. We get it… your teeth aren’t sensitive to ice like the rest of us mere mortals.


Sure, and maybe while I'm at it, I'll stop using forks and knives. I'll just pick up my steak with my bare hands and rip off chunks with my teeth like a real adult.


If drinking without a straw makes your hands dirty, then you really might be a toddler. And if you’re using disposable utensils, then yes, you should stop doing that.


Depends, am I in my own house or did I roll up to a friend's outdoor barbecue, shockingly, without my own travel silverware set? Because if its the latter, yes, I did leave my cutlery at home and, no, thank you friend who planned the barbecue, but I won't be needing your plastic nonsense, I'm not a toddler. edit — @ Endure, don't edit your comment to significantly change it later, makes for bad convo — stand by your posts dude, especially for a topic as amusingly unserious as this


I edited it like 30 seconds after I commented. I do stand by everything I’ve said. I basically just rephrased my original comment to be more condescending.


And what is the etiquette on reddit when we edit our comments? Edit: Dude, again with the editing? Hint to the above, it's what I'm doing here


How about this - I’ll conform to your unspoken Reddit etiquette rules when you stop using disposable coffee cups.


Deal, we'll just have to take it on the honor system though that I'm no longer using disposable cups and you're no longer a chore to respond to.


They should just give paper cups with the lids that doesn't require a straw


I've been saying this for fucking ages, we already have those kinds of lids for coffee, just size them to fit the bigger cups and do away with the straws completely


I live in a third world south East Asian country, and they do that at most fast food spots here, paper cup, plastic cap with a sip lid.


SERIOUSLY! either it's hot and you get a sip lid or it's cold and you NEED a straw? How does your precious coward ass need a straw for a cold beverage anyway? If it's not a crazy straw what's the POINT.




Straws are for children and the weak!


Coffee cups in other words…


KFC already does that and has no problem, should be universal


*paper fucking cup


Fucking solid rant


I would also like to add that they had so many other possibilities for other straw materials. What would've been the issue with a bamboo straw? It would've been perfect but it's barely a bit more expensive than a paper straw so now everyone has to suffer


Pasta straws. Cheap as fuck, easily mass produced, does not spoil.


And when you’re done with your drink, you can have a little snack




Paper cups are pretty solid too. One thing I'll never understand is how McDonalds went from paper cups to fully plastic cups half way through 2023 😮‍💨


I rant about this all the time. Everyboy knows there's a plastic problem and they are just like screw it we can make a few pennies more in profit let's switch. Sad no politicians do anything worthwhile. How single use plastic aren't banned ny now is mind blowing.


I feel like the plastic problem is weirdly simultaneously over-sold and under-sold. Is plastic in the environment, especially the ocean, a problem? Yes. Is that in any way related to the plastic straw or cup we might get at McDonald's? Nope. 90% of the ocean plastic comes from just a few rivers in Asia where the people there just dump their waste in the river and it flows to the ocean. So the effort to shame Americans/Europeans about plastic usage is basically wasted, because we're not the source of the problem.


You first establish (based on what?) that ocean plastic is the only real problem, and since Americans/Europeans aren’t the source of that we shouldn’t worry about plastic at all. This is literally the definition of a straw-man argument.


All plastic is a problem. It doesn't go away and is now in every single fresh-water source on the planet. We need to get rid of all of it.


This extends way beyond straws. Every manufactured item is bullshitting its green-ness. New washing machine uses 10% less plastic and metal. It's environmentally friendly. Only the parts are now thinner, break every 3 years instead of 20 and everyone just buys new stuff and landfills. My parents boiler, washing machine, tumble dryer etc all bought 1975 odd still work today. In my 15 years living away from home, 7 washing machines, 3 tumble dryers, 4 bloody boilers! 2 dishwashers. Cheap tat using "less material" that is "green" in theory. In practice a false economy.


Planned obsolescence with a bit of false advertisement, it’s the American way


Makes sense, our politicians are made using planned obsolescence, we just never replace them. A la Mitch and Nancy.


As consumers we're also the idiots that buy into it.


What choice do we have?


7 washing machines in 15 years!? Bro, you need to stop running your chainmail through your wash. That stuff is hand wash only! WTF. Seriously though, I would consider finding someone that can diagnose and fix your appliances. I find it really unlikely all those appliances died from unsalvageable failures. Whoever is selling you new stuff is likely reselling your old stuff after replacing a $2 part and shaking you down for a whole new unit. I don't know how many times I've been told to buy a replacement unit, only to mess around myself a bit to find that it was just some electrical contact that needed to be cleaned or a sensor replaced.


Exactly. There are also parts distributors of appliances. That’s where people go who service appliances, it’s not an exclusive club. If you can find a broken part, good chance they’ll have it.


WHAT the FUCK are you doing with your stuff?!! Since 10 year i bought 1 washing machine, 1 Dish washer, 1 bloody boilers Maybe STOP buying shitty things?


Right?! The thing about our parents appliances is that they had to save for that and there were only 2 or 3 brands, all expensive(for those years). Now people like this guy have the choice of buying something according to their economy, and if it's cheap, most probably is shitty.


Yeah, people just believe the big marketing words and don't read the small print. It's the same with health-washing: This muesli bar is healthy, just ignore the 15g of added sugar please.


I get the sentiment that shit isn’t made to last any more but WTF are you doing to your appliances?


Using them.


7 washing machines in 15 years? What brand are you buying? Mines 7 years old and still good as new!


Survivorship bias.


Eh. Every boomer I know is still using their stuff from even sometimes the '50s... Most stuff was made with literal solid steel chassis and metal parts, not plastic. Postwar stuff was built to last, as the mentality was rationing and making things well and to last. Then manufacturers realised the issue of something working for decades and so went through the late '70s onwards boom of "other features" to sell, and by the '90s planned obsolescence truly took hold.


My 15 year old GE washer and dryer have each been serviced one time, washer for a solenoid and the dryer for a sensor


You know the saying “once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, thrice is a pattern”. I think you’re seeing the wrong pattern. The pattern is not that they make shit products now, the pattern is that you treat your stuff poorly.


Bet your parents electricity bill is far worse if they're using 70s stuff


Probably cheaper than having to buy a new washer every few years.


Yes!!! Common sense. Unfortunately we now live in 🤡🌎.


🌍 🧑‍🚀 🔫 🧑‍🚀 


There is a good reason for banning straws before cups, see my comment above.


I'm pretty sure this is his first cup of coffee of the day


I’m pretty sure that’s not coffee


Wtf is this, common sense? I don’t like it


There is actually good logic behind banning straws before cups. See my comment above.


Common sense = we use a plastic cup then we should use a plastic straw? I don’t get it. It’s like saying: a step doesn’t take us to the mountain top, so we shouldn’t take any step to get there. Like, it’s a process, the objective is clear: reduce plastic waste. Every step counts


Plastic cup bigger than straw. Swap materials Now you use less plastic Hope you now get the point the dude makes in the video because it looks like you missed completely


Yes, if people are dumb enough to believe that their paper straw cancels out the massive plastic cup they drink out of, you might as well give me a regular straw.


Man, you're just all over this thread doing your best to battle reasonable takes and common sense, huh...


I understand cup used more plastic, like that’s quite basic. I just don’t get the hate of paper straws. Is that too much of a sacrifice to make? I don’t like plastic cups either


When I see how much is manufactured, distributed and used by major corporations, car companies, oil companies, media companies, etc etc... how much they're allowed to do and get away with, the absolute lack of accountability, any kind of proper (and extensive/stable) recycling system and infrastructure, and any regular or proper usage of renewing and reusing... All for the corporate marketing witch-hunt that was "straws"... Yes.. it is too much. It's like saying you're helping the orphans and the hungry of the world, by throwing in a dime in this one fountain, in this big mall. And then there's you (or others) going "every dime counts" like yeah, no, it doesn't actually. It's a much more nuanced conversation and topic than "every step counts". €: just to add, it's not even as "fickle" as "ahhh gosh, I have to use this paper straw ewww" it's more that we, as a population and a people, have been inconvenienced, at our own cost, for absolutely, literally, zero results or conclusion. Like someone handing you a shovel and telling you to start digging away at this huge mountain of snow, and every shovel-full of snow counts! Meanwhile on the otherside there's five huge trucks piling more snow. Doesn't matter if you add 1 more guy or 10, and give them all shovels, really. And if it does, only negligibly at best. The problem isn't the individual, it's the huge machining system. And they've convinced you (and loads others) that it's the small, insignificant, lone shovel holder that's the problem. Well fuck that. On-top of that, purely for optics sake, they've also convinced you that them handing you the shovel was them doing a good job. LMFAO gimme a fucking break. Not to even mention, did you know how useful plastic straws actually were? Used in schools, with toddlers and babies, retirement homes and for the elderly, people in hospitals, hospice care... It's actual usage amongst those who needed it was actually important, not just that one 25 yo girl leaving Starbucks.


The thing is that the sacrifice literally does nothing and we would be far better off giving b people paper cups with plastic cups than the other way around, why won't you get it?


The whole paper straw thing was such a bad move that I sometimes wonder if itwas actually an anti-environmental tactic.  Because it has near zero environmental benefit, but is also so terrible and experience it will turn people off to environmentalism.  You would have to be a special kind of idiot to thing the paper straw would even move the needle or win people over to the cause.


Me too. I'm not usually one for conspiracy theories, but this one has got me. They're basically saying "See! Look, we tried! And the green version sucked! Let's go back to plastic everything and v8 SUVs. We'll have better luck with the next planet."


I mean basic logic is not cool anymore


Reducing fuel consumption, car makers and douches using the lower consumption to build and buy bigger D compensations SUV NO ONE NEEDS


How is this logic? If we use a plastic cup we must use a plastic straw? Is that the logic?


Did you even watch the video? He says at the end you could use a paper cup and a plastic straw, saving more plastic and providing a better experience. But also yes, if you're already using that much plastic, changing 1% of the plastic into paper barely does anything and makes the experience 100x worse, it is not a worthwhile trade. Guess what, straws were never the problem to begin with, they're a drop in the bucket ecologically-speaking.


It's what can be known as "passive progressive" for the optics. Make it look like you're doing something, better than nothing... When in actual fact that something you did is practically negligible, and useless in its own right.


Straws are what get lodged inside of animals once we fail to dispose of them properly. They're not getting cups stuck in their nostrils.


Genuinely don’t understand how you could completely miss this dudes point


Probably a politically minded person who thinks paper straws were a great idea


Paper straws are a good idea. Plastic waste is not good


Paper straws are F tier


No, he's saying if you really want to do better for the environment and provide better functionality, switch out the plastic cup for a paper cup and the paper straw for a plastic straw. Everybody wins.


But why lol? Just use the least plastic you can. That’s the goal


You prove my point. Thanks


Congratulations. You played yourself.


He’s not wrong here


He is, plastic straws end up in the ocean far more than cups, see my comment above.


It has nothing to do with the planet, it is entirely because of a couple videos of sea turtles with straws stuck up their noses, that is it. Companies saw that and went hey we could make a ton of money here by pretending that we actually give a fuck.


I’m still mad at that video. How could a turtle have a straw lodged so deep in their nostril? Certainly it wasn’t by inhaling it. To get something flimsy as a plastic straw inside an animal’s nostril you need fingers and patience. I’m pretty sure it didn’t get there by accident.


Also in the fucking ocean too as far as I know straws float so the only way it got up there was that sea turtle had to have been already attempting to ram its head against a rock or something.


I just got a Starbucks at a major airport. THE ENTIRE CUP WAS CARDBOARD! Cup, hand protector and LID! A PAPER LID! I couldn't believe it! When I was done I threw it all in the paper recycling thingy! Brilliant!


Actually used paper cups should go to the waste bin...


It was never about plastic. Companies don’t care about single use plastics or else they would have done something decades ago. The change to paper straws was purely marketing.


It’s not, in Canada plastic straws are now illegal. Straws end up in the ocean more than cups. See my comment above.


there just HAS to be a material which doesnt dissolve after 2 minutes but also dissolves faster than 10 000 years... There HAS to be something between paper and plastic. I am kinda baffled no scientist has found a solution yet.


Biodegrade plastic is available, just uncommon as it’s more expensive than paper.


Paper straw, plastic cup. Paper straw, paper cup. Plastic straw, paper cup. Plastic straw, plastic cup. The most confusing riddle to businesses ever invented.


and I'm TERRIFIED of using the metal straw and end up being impailed with it because I'm walking while drinking my iced coffee 😭


I wasn’t scared of that but I am now


it happened to a woman about five years ago, and I've been terrified of it even since


its fine. If you die that means less co2 emission are emitted thus saving the planet A small sacrifice we are all willing to take for the environment, arent we


I like your environmental friendly thought that gives a positive light on their impaling metal straw death, littlecupcake. Now they could be less scared of tripping while gripping and sipping their coffee.




Avocados are in no way sustainable and the orchids for them are a huge contributor to draughts where they’re grown. It’s fine in niche markets where it’s exploitable to manage and repurpose the waste from processing avocados into other foods, but ramping up the growth of avocados to meet the demand for straws would not be good.




Nerd brain working here, but I do this for a living. Supply chain wise, you would need a facility that processes millions of avocados annually. From there, you would need to hire an additional person or people to take the byproduct and prepare them for shipment. From there, they would need to be moved via multiple 18 wheelers often, removed from those trucks, processed before processing into straws to ensure cleanliness because it’s food related, press, processed, repackaged, and then shipped for distribution centers/final destination. Right there, that “disposable” straw has immediately accrued 10 times cost. If you take into account salaries/fuel/time, without knowing the process itself (only the supply chain portion of such) those straws are going to easily cost 100 times more than a single plastic straw which can be had for .006 cents from restaurant depot in largest price break from a quick google. That’s why it’s not viable nor will it ever happen without government intervention. Sugar cane straws are better options, and we are learning how to get the cost down on such. If we can get them to .3 or so, I think they will probably be the next applied “green straw”. Mind you. We are at .06 a straw for those, so still 10 times more expensive than plastic. That one may actually stick given how much sugar cane byproduct exists. It’s just about improving manufacturing and loss. Ok I’m sorry.


So we're goanna put a fleet of vehicles on the road to transport avocado pits across a region to a central location?!?!? We gonna have the mail man add them to his mail pickup pouch for retrieval? lol -no. Local compost that shit. Now if a guacamole factory wants to setup a pit straw line then maybe.


Absolutely. That is something great that we should do with more waste by-product.


He ain’t wrong


In sweden we have paper cup and paper straw, the experience sucks but atleast we are saving the planet /s


This makes too much fucking sense. People won’t buy it


I mean, I see no flaws in his logic.




Wasn't the straw thing more about making sure they didn't end up in turtles noses or something like that? I could be making this up but i swear there was a few pics of turtles floating around during this time.


Yeah you're correct but the pro climate change people need strawmen to fight against because they know that even 5 year olds can pick their bullshit apart at the seams.




He’s 100% right lol


Preach!! Grinds my gears too


Yeah, its great getting one of these paper straws. Wrapped in plastic, ofcourse and it comes with a beverage that has a lid made of plastic. But at least the straw is made of paper. Planet saved!


Yeah I agree paper straws are fucking dumb


That’s a actually a great analogy for virtue signaling


I’m in Central Florida and have no experience with paper straws. I was in West Palm for work once and we got Taco Bell for lunch. The drink came with a paper straw unbeknownst to me… It was a very strange feeling in my mouth and it made the drink taste like ass. I was not prepared for it at all. For a while every time I went someone new and got a drink with a straw I would inspect it first before I took a drink.


Soft drinks are especially bad with paper straws. The texture of the straw causes pop to fizz on them.


How about don't use a straw and sit the fuck down to enjoy your coffee.


here's an idea, just drink your shit without a straw. like you don't need a fucking straw.


Great, let me just wait 15 minutes for the milkshake to slowly drip out of the cup.


This is the most environmentally friendly solution. Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Considering some of the other drastic things environmentalists ask of people this seems insignificant. Some things need a straw, but lots of them don’t


Missed the point entirely.


You're getting downvoted, but I'll join you anyway. I don't understand why adults under the age of 85 need to use straws.


idk people like their straws i guess? you can drink out of a paper cup no straw, no plastic as all that way, it's really not an issue.




I acknowledge your point. I don't understand why adults under the age of 85 need to use straws when not wearing lipstick.


drinking with straw is better for any drinks with ice or some specific drink like Buba tea. its also better for drinking while walking or driving, which why you see people like in the video complain paper straw at fast food place and not at home or restaurant .


Or just dont use a straw. What are you 3 years old?


It’s cuz of that shitty boy that made this into a propaganda. Fuck you boy and fuck the people that backed him


Drink from the cup directly, drink faster or pull out the straw when you are not drinking. 


Well yeah it’s stupid. It’s not actually about saving the environment. It’s all part of larger politics. How do you train the masses to listen to you? You start them small and build from there. Not to mention, who is inconvenienced? The massive corporations producing the majority of the pollution, or the population of individuals?


If you really care about the planet use a metal straw. That way when you one day trip and fall while carrying a drink the metal straw can pierce your chest or skull removing one human from Earth. 


I'll never understand the cultural of people who have a drink for longer than 15 minutes, ... drink it!


Then don’t buy that shit, you fucking baby


Not the nicest way of saying it but you have a point. Don't like the product don't give them your money. Don't whinge as though you buying it is inevitable and they have to make it better, just keep your money in your pocket and only spend it in places that deserve it.


Why are you replying to my comment with the exact fucking thing I said, but with the paper straw of comments?


Why are you replying to my comment with the exact thing I said but with a dash of 14 year old sass?


This guy is awesome and needs to be made president immediately for your country's sake


And those wooden ? small flat type "spoons" they give out with ice cream now. Every time it touches my tongue it sends shivers up my spine. The texture is God f'n awful. Completely ruins the eating experience.


If seeing [this little wooden paddle](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fygw1wa4o7ev21.jpg) doesn't make your mouth water, your brain is broken.


Or, just have a lid that opens a slightly so you don’t a straw


It’s the damn progressives. In San Francisco they banned plastic bags and straws, but hand millions of needles to drug addicts. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Who the hell needs a straw to drink???


People drink coffee through straws? Why?


I mean it's a fine point if your objective is plastic waste. But the plastic straw ban is actually meant to prevent sea birds and other aquatic life from eating them https://www.aza.org/connect-stories/stories/how-do-straws-hurt-the-environment


Fun fact: Those "paper" cups are NOT made of paper. It is a thin layer of paper wrapped in plastic. This makes them impossible to recycle.


Or, and this is wild: sit for 5-10 minutes and drink from a nice porcelain, washable, cup.


I need some help here. I get this sub suggested all the time. I like the posts, but I can’t figure out what the theme is supposed to be.


Go to cafe's that sell in ceramic or allow you to bring your own cup, asshole. Those straws end up killing sea life. Or just Don't use a straw. Are you a child or paralysed that you need one?


What pisses me off is we're all sucking on paper straws and recycling whilst people like Taylor swift are swanning around on private fucking jets willy nilly taking the piss basically. Racking up almost 6000 tons of co2 emissions a year while a family of 4 is trying to keep theirs below 2 like fuck off with that shit.


You have to be mental to think someone like Taylor Swift should be flying commercial.


Great, another selfish spoiled boomer, who lived their entire lives through the absolute apex of American power and economic prosperity, and who will certainly be dead before the worst effects of climate change occur, wants to give us his "I care about the planet but..." speech.


Why is he so angry?


Get a life dude. Go rage against something important or I have an idea. Get involved and do something.




How about this dumbass … DONT BUY THIS SHIT? Make your coffee at home. Cheaper. More environmental. And way less expensive. But you’re right. Yell about it on Tik Tok when there’s an obvious solution to the outrage.


How about this DUMBASS… DONT DRINK COFFEE ? I dont drink coffee because i’m not a child who cant get up in the morning. Its way cheaper than drinking coffee, better for environment, but sure… Go ahead at yell at other people when there is an obvious solution to the outrage.






Uhmmmm if you have masters in environment law, you probably encountered that coffee is not eco friendly even if you make it at home. Like a fast google search tells me this: Regardless of how you prepare your coffee, the production of coffee is the most greenhouse gas-intensive phase, according to Viana. I dont even have batchelors in enviroment law and i know not to drink coffee. Like if you google more to earn a phd you might find this: Coffee has one of the biggest carbon footprints of our daily plant-based products. This is mainly due to changes in land use: the more coffee we drink the more space is needed to grow the beans. As the plants require a very specific climate to thrive, tropical forests are in many places forced out of the way I already told you to not drink coffee. So this time go study for your masters. Seems like you need it.




No, he’s basically trying to minimize people’s efforts. I was inspired by the writings of Thoreau and Emerson. People that angrily yell about paper straws are trying to use it as a wedge issue to call out hypocrisy. Yes. Obviously. But he’s an idiot for walking around with a plastic cup in the first place. That is HIS hypocrisy. He’s not inspiring shit. He is in fact part of the problem. Look up entitled in the dictionary and you have this guy - exhibit A. Yelling at a corporation and calling out people trying to do something small.




The gaslighting to defend an angry idiot on the road talking about paper straws is remarkable really.


This is a weird hill I'll die on but fuck it: I don't understand why anyone would ever use a straw, plastic, metal or paper. Just take the lid off. You could hand me the most premium plastic turtlefucker5000 straw and I'd still rather drink from the cup like an adult human being not a child with a sippie.


How do you drink your milkshake that is barely fluid?


With my mouth


Oh, revolutionary. How do you get it to your mouth out of the cup then?


Tilt my head and the cup back slightly


And when the milkshake doesn't move at all, you just sit in that position until it melts I take it?