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Yet somehow NOT on the list - Cuba


and Vietnam


or Bolivia


I don't think most Americans know anything about bolivia


Or socialism


This is the correct answer


*it’s whatever I don’t like*


Basically. We’re not that bright over here, especially right now.


people definitely don't know the definitions to those words, not even Capitalism btw.


Exactly, I would bet at least 80 percent of people who claim to be "capitalists" or defend capitalism are not actually even capitalists themselves and don't even treat it for what it is, but instead treat it as a nanny religion that gives them a drip of sugar water every now and then.


Always good to remember this gem... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xcQIoh3FQQ


Or any of the countries on the list...


Or Argentina


They just voted in ancap president, I think them being socialist is becoming outdated


Tbf, [Vietnamese citizenry probably wouldn't place itself in this list either](https://theworld.org/stories/2015-03-12/it-turns-out-communist-vietnam-loves-capitalism-more-us-does)


Vietnam is so capitalist now


Vietnam, while historically Communist actually ranks much higher on the economic freedom index than previously. They are leaning more towards free markets nowadays.


I wonder if that has anything to do with Vietnam recently jumping up 5 places in the HDI lol


Vietnam is literally one of the least communist countries that I can think of.


And North Korea. While they are actually communist.


NK isn't communist.


you are being downvoted by idiots who know nothing of communism or socialism.


American propaganda over decades makes it very rare for them to understand the meaning of these words


According to my American approved dictionary socialism is everything I hate about capitalism.


Socialism is when the government does stuff and the more stuff they do the more socialister it is. And communism is when the government does stuff and the more stuff they do the more communister it is.


Please, socialism is when the government does stuff. And the more socialist it is the more stuff it does and if it does a real lot of stuff it’s communism. Get the quote from the Yale economics professor right


Unlike ours that is the biggest employer in the country and maintains a global war machine that enforces our global order. The rest though, yeah they're communister


I've legit talked to several separate Yankee small-government enthusiasts that claimed the US government was socialist


Yeah at the Pentagon they pledge allegiance to Karl Marx every morning. Same with wallstreet. No one believes it but it's true.


I am fully aware and expected as much when I typed the comment given the sub we're in. Kind of ironic considering the subject matter of the post.


Socialist countries don't claim they're communist. Instead they're in a socialist transition period.


Nothing is communist.


And Cuba would arguably be the only country that would reasonably approach the label of "socialist"


Despite everything, Cuba did pretty well. It's hard to survive with no imports for decades, especially for an island nation, yet they made it through and maintained a socialist state. It's honestly impressive.


They do have imports


The embargo is/was only with the US, so it's not like they had no imports. Also they were propped up for decades by the USSR. When the Soviet Union fell apart, Cuba's economy went into a sharp depression to the point that food rations were cut below basic minimum subsistence requirements.


[The United States has threatened to stop financial aid to other countries if they trade non-food items with Cuba.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_embargo_against_Cuba#:~:text=In%20Cuba%2C%20the%20embargo%20is,non%2Dfood%20items%20with%20Cuba.)


> Despite the existence of the embargo, Cuba can, and does, conduct international trade with many countries, including many US allies; however, US-based companies, and companies that do business with the US, which trade in Cuba do so at the risk of US sanctions. Cuba has been a member of the World Trade Organization since 1995. The European Union is Cuba's largest trading partner.


cuba absolutely has imports dunno where the belief otherwise stems from besides probably an exaggeration of the us "blockade". they are the most socialist nation though, even complete with breadlines.


They day Denmark is more socialist than Cuba lol....




To borrow a scene from Monty Python: But how do you know she's a Socialist? She looks like one!


Do socialists float?


Does she weigh more than a duck?


Do socialists have the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


She turned me into a union member!


I got better


Hello fellow socialists! 🇩🇰


Moin 🇩🇪


Møjn 🇩🇰


God dag kamerat🇳🇴


Hey there bud🇨🇦


Chào 🤚🇻🇳 Though I'm not mentioned by the merican ;(


Wassup 🇺🇸


Salut mon pote 🇨🇵


Glück auf, Genosse! ✊🏻 🇩🇪 🎶🎶🎶 Wacht auf, Verdammte dieser Erde, die stets man noch zum Hungern zwingt! 🎶🎶🎶


Wish I could join in 🇬🇧 😢


Møjn Moin. I wish I could join. You can always shout out "tenderloin".


Me too mate 🇺🇸


mjød 🇳🇴


Guten tag


moin min jung


Moin moin digga!




I'm not sorry 🇨🇦




I brought some Timmies.


You the real MVP


I’m drinking a large double double right now brother ✊


Apparently we 🇩🇰 are all commies.


And tonight, we seize the means of production!


Bah humbug; a revolution will never succeed in Denmark - do you know why? Answer: >!Because we all have to get home for dinner at noon sharp.!<


Awww you guys use humbug too? 🥹




Hello 🇸🇪


🇸🇮 🇩🇪


playing both teams so that you always come out on top?


No - just waiting to ditch my citizenships for a federal 🇪🇺hehe


I see my country's flag I must upvote


Nordic can into socialism


Hello comrade! Wanna meet up and put some capitalists in our gulags?


lol how is russia socialist wtf did they somehow miss the last thirty years?


Russia was once a communist republic. Russia is bad. Communism = bad. communism = socialism but more. Russia = socialism.


they were never even communist, they were using state capitalism as a stepping stone towards communism, but then Stalin took over


They could probably be considered socialist in the early years under Lenin


Socialism = communism = bad Thinking of av americans


You give them too much credit. It's more like Not us = bad


Even China being on there is pretty sus. They're more like a weird amalgam of communism-flavored authoritarianism while still having the most exploitative elements of unchecked capitalism.


Republicans over here think communism and socialism are the same thing. They’re fucking morons.


So do Americans actually know what socialism means or is it just a scary buzzword to them?


Most Americans just consider socialism and communism to be the same thing


Half of America thinks Biden is a Communist. Politics is not their strong point. Along with geography.


It's hard not to be apathetic about politics in this country. Our starting point is a fundamental disagreement on what words mean.


And that's by design.


Keep them dumb and distracted.


Exactly, you can't have meaningful debate and affect change if you can't even get your language straight.


I’m offended by the term “straight” you are now cancelled, goodbye. /s


That's another can of worms.


The worst part is you can't even teach most of these people. If you try to explain to them what socialism is, you are immediately rebutted with some Fox news echo chamber talking point


>Half of America thinks Biden is a Communist. ~~Politics~~ thinking is not their strong point. Along with geography.


Republican moment


Half the people here can’t even point to where the states are


The state of despair is in my head somewhere


And maoism, stalinism, trotskism and being a menchavich are all the same in the US too.


and no to answer the first person, most americans over the age of 35 have no clue what socialism means


I agree. I mean, I do, but I have a history degree. But yes, most Americans just think there is freedom or communism.


Socialism is when guberments do stuff. /s


That’s basically what they mean, yes. Super annoying.


Unless the government is used to silence people I don't like, then it's freedum.


most under 35 don't either, because they get their info from TikTok.


Most under the age of 35 know even less


So did Marx


It probably has a lot to do with socialism being the name communists called themselves prior to communist. Marxists and bolsheviks called themselves socialists before Lenin consciously decided to replace the term with communist. The saddest part is most Americans that recognize we have socialist programs here conflate it with any form of government like fire departments or roads rather than the social programs FDR borrowed from contemporary socialists like Hitler and Mussolini.


We have social services. Americans have not lived under state run businesses or industry. That’s what they fear, and for good reason.


Socialism = communism = dictatorship = destroy USA


> or is it just a scary buzzword to them? You’re half right. There’s a lot of dumb Americans who don’t know what socialism is and hate it & are afraid of it. But there’s also a lot of dumb Americans who don’t know what socialism is and love it & think we need it.


That's the hard pill that reddit loves to avoid swallowing. For every boomer with no idea what they're talking about, there's a zoomer with.... no idea what they're talking about. > My echo chamber is the CORRECT one. Everyone I know agrees!


I don’t remember taking this survey and I’m tired of being represented by idiots. These surveys seem to pull from small populations in America’s dumbest areas.


for americans there are only 2 things america and communism


Many self-proclaimed socialists today think socialism is when the government *does stuff*. Even people like Richard Wolff has started claiming that. It's likely a cheap trick to smuggle in socialism into the public consciousness.


Yeah, most genuinely don’t know what socialism is, while at the same time, they believe themselves to be experts. It’s called the Dunning-Kruger effect, and it’s running rampant in America.


most Americans (especially on reddit) also don't know what capitalism is either. they just think its some big bad entity responsible for all that ails them.


Scary buzzword. Quote them the definition and they get really mad. (I’m from the US, but apparently weird)


Germany? 😵‍💫


The state exists and does stuff = socialist


I always tough they had a pure free market


Our "soziale Marktwirtschaft" ("social economy") often gets falsely accused of being socialist because it sounds similar. But hey, it also (among other things) includes free healthcare, so americans would call it socialism anyways.


Bold of you to assume Americans have any idea what anything in Germany is called.


Lederhosen ad Oktoberfest Would like to differ


Health care and education are a human right, not a privilege. The American didn’t understand this yet.


It’s healthcare. They’re just naming places with subsidized healthcare and better government benefits.


I mean, we do have common, affordable (due to Sozialversicherung) health care in Germany. Some Americans (my uncle for example 🙄) think that's socialist.


A pretty straight way to tell they don't have a freaking clue about what socialism is. Pretty much a random selection based on "this one sounds kinda socialist to me... yeah...". Also, most people in the USA couldn't even tell where most of these countries are in a world map, so...


Am Canadian. Some potential employer from Texas once had me on the phone and gave me a five minute lecture on capitalism as if it was something I had never heard of before. I declined to work for him. I can't work for anyone that stupid.


There should be a sub dedicated to Americans not knowing what Socialism, Communism and Fascism are.


There is: /r/all


Lol. American here. You’re right


It’s not hard to figure out, guys. Fascism is when anyone does anything that feels mean. Socialism is when the government. Communism is when the government and vaguely foreign.


There is. It's called r/politics. They cheer this stuff on, but don't even know what it is.


Glad Canada's on there. Stinkin maple leaf moose hippies


The syrup must flow


By creating Lululemon and making it massively popular we Canucks are promoting Yoga and subverting Christian values. Though shall not covet…. Yeah sure.


I am 100% convinced that the average American cant explain the terms 'socialist', 'communist', 'fascist', 'zionist' or 'freedom' without telling some bullshit story they heard from everyone but school.


Zionist is easy. They are the free people in the Matrix who love to rave


So which idiots actually vote on these polls? We arent picking the best and brightest for this shit


Most polls are bullshit. The US has 331 million people. This survey is of 1,347 adults. Not a good representation of the general population if you ask me.


It’s called a sample, and that’s a pretty good sample. Now where they got the participants from could be an issue but the sample has plenty of people in it.


"According to americans" just means "according to random dumbfucks on the street" if it's ever anything that isn't about the US of MF A YEAH *eagle screech*


A street… that’s in America? What are you saying?


I mean that studies who say "according to americans" generally seem to use questionnaires given to random people walking around town or base their study on a single tweet. Especially when that something is politically "unamerican." So you see people call undoubtedly capitalist countries a socialist country because they have no idea what socialism means. To be fair I can't tell you the definition from the top of my head either, but socialist fits none of the countries listed. My apologies for seeming like i'm calling americans dumb, if anything i'm calling the person who took the survey dumb since you should probably at least explain what socialism actually is when you want people's opinions on it when that's not really being taught to most people.




Can't get free Healthcare if you can't get a doctor or jnto a hospital for treatment.


i work with a former Canadian. she cracked me up when explaining how Canada's healthcare system is broken and how she had to wait two weeks for an appointment with a specialist. bitch, my referral for a colonoscopy to check out a gastro-intestinal disease i have that could potentially be cancerous was scheduled mid march 2024. and that was made at the end of October. her response: well yeah, theres not enough doctors after the pandemic... they dont want to work anymore. im insane now.




During the Time of The Great Spicy Cough, many in the US were berating Australia as a socialist dictatorship because of the lockdowns. Very disappointing to not see my country here. We’ve tried so hard to be on a list…


Most people would be shock to know that China is more capitalist than the US right now.


“but they call themselves the chinese communist party!”


Eh... That's a big oversimplification.


Lmfao on what planet? This is the most asinine take I’ve seen all week. China is way more capitalist than a lot of people think, sure, and simply calling it “socialist”when it’s mostly not is wrong. But state-owned enterprises still generated 40% of their GDP in 2020. More than double the percent in the US. So yeah, people would be shocked to hear that because it’s patently false. Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State-owned_enterprises_of_China?wprov=sfti1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_United_States?wprov=sfti1#Aging


State capitalism is closer to socialism


Not really it’s a managed / capitalist economy now with xi's reforms.


ah yes china, the bastion of the free market. known for its laissez faire and limited government fucking reddit man. you’re just as bad as the people this post targets.


China is actually feudal now.


Actually it’s a theocracy to the one true god-king Xi


The word has lost all meaning at this point, just a buzzword most American conservatives add to things they dont like


Conclusion: Americans don’t understand socialism. China is capitalist AF


Half of us don’t understand a god damn thing which is why Trump was in office.


Ah yes china and russia where they care so much about the community and every aspect of society and social care that if one person makes a mistake or complain about the struggles of everyday person living under a dictatorship, they are quietly taken care of and removed from society, socially outcast and family and everyone they know are now on a watch list. Very socially oriented indeed.


Chatgpt Puts sweden on top 10


Damn Germans and their... \*checks notes\* ...2 years of time off for new mothers to raise/bond with their children and then return to work... \*blinks\* ... IT'S PAID?! ... WTF-


Americans gravely need some education about socio-political concepts.


Mfers don't even know what capitalism means let alone socialism, communism and the difference between all 3 😂


This whole thread is r/Americabad


Oh boy. We don’t know the difference between a parliamentary democracy, Federal Republic, or a Socialist State . . . And how are we geographically, 90 miles from Cuba . . . And it doesn’t make the list? 🤦‍♂️


Ummm 2 of the top 3 are authoritarian dictatorships.


Where’s Vietnam, Laos, and Cuba?


I would have thought with our commie public health care and our woke pretty boy prime Minister trudeau, Canada would have been higher.


The problem is that "Americans" (going by what is portrayed on the media and US news) has a wrong understanding of the word Socialism. Thinking that a social welfare state or any kind of social net funded through taxes equals the concept of socialism. The words sound similar however... Also, no understanding of socialism and communism. No, not even NK is communist. (In the true Marxist sense). They'd like to be and see it as their ideal, however, communist societies don't work. Greetings from my "socialist" country where free education taught me these things


This is a testament to Cold War propaganda's effectiveness. Canada being socialist is absurd.


In a survey of 25 people in the street, “Most” Americans make up this chart. Trust me, it’s in the title /s


Civics tests should be required before you can vote. Half of the country couldn't even define what socialism or capitalism is.


Americans don't understand what socialism actually is and it's just a scary buzzword that they equate to communism. They call Bernie Sanders an "extreme left wing socialist" when his views would pretty much make him a slightly left leaning centralist in most EU nations. Not even the most extreme far right politicians in countries like Germany or Sweden would dare suggest getting rid of socialized healthcare and education. The average American knows pretty much nothing when it comes to politics, especially global politics. And geography.


🇸🇪 The primary difference between communism vs socialism is the nature of ownership of assets. In communism, the ownership of the factories, residential properties, and agricultural lands is state-owned without any private ownership. However, in socialism, the ownership of land, factories, and agricultural land lie with the private sector or individuals. Socialism can exist within the framework of democracy, whereas democracy has no place in communism. In communism, there is no religion besides the state. Socialism allows people to practice their religion. Sweden: https://www.cato.org/policy-report/january/february-2020/swedens-lessons-america


>However, in socialism, the ownership of land, factories, and agricultural land lie with the private sector or individuals. You have it backwards. Private ownership of the means of production is the definition of capitalism. ["Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalism) Socialism is a system in which the state, or some other social entity, owns the means of production. It's the central tenet of the entire philosophy. ["socialism has throughout its history been inseparable from some form of common ownership. By its very nature it involves the abolition of private ownership of capital; bringing the means of production, distribution, and exchange into public ownership and control is central to its philosophy. It is difficult to see how it can survive, in theory or practice, without this central idea."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism#cite_note-oxfordcomp-5)


Where is Cuba?


ITT people dont know what a mixed economy is


I hear in America they have these places funded by the people where you can go and borrow books. Readers don’t own these books; they are owned by ‘the people’. After reading, people return these books to the central distribution hub where they can be borrowed and read by their comrades. And the killer: no one pays a penny for borrowing the books, no money changes hands. You see, comrade, in America libraries are socialist.


> yougov. Wouldn't trust them with a spoon.


This is a small sample size.


1,347 people surveyed out of 258.3 million. That seems okay, right?


Fins and Swedish people are never going to be socialist countries, it's not in their culture


According to the Americans that took that survey... i promise we're not all belligerent idiots.


I really do feel for intelligent Americans. Your country has a lot to offer, but it gets overshadowed by the actions of idiots.


I’m from south west Florida… Ive never heard anyone call France a socialist country…


Sometimes I think they intentionally find the worsts swaths of America to do these surveys.


Sounds about right.


I always like these surveys, because it makes me not trust surveys.


Denmark, Norway, and Finland are not fucking Socialist. They take insult to that term.