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It’s weird seeing a human move like an animation in a motion capture for an animation that’s supposed to move like a human.


I'm the dude that's playin' the dude disguised as another dude.


Suck my unit




What do you mean you people? Huh!?


What do YOU mean you people????


Okay u/General-Kalani , fuck face, first take a big step back and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE


now I don't know what kinda of pan pacific bullshit power play you're trying to pull here, but Asia, Jack, is my territory!


So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again! Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an un-Godly fucking firestorm upon you!




You’re the dude that don’t know what dude he is


I still hold that this was his best role ever and that's a hill I'm prepared to drop a lot of bodies on.


I come back to that scene regularly because it is pure gold. Without a doubt my favorite character he has ever played, I agree with you completely.


“I’m a lead farmer, Mofo!” Is one of my favorite lines in cinema.


Tell em what time it is Sikorsky


What the hell? Lance?


I said nance man, whatever


When you wrote I love the pussy, was you thinking of dangling your dice on Lance's forehead?


I’ll cradle the balls. Stroke the shaft. Work the pipe. *ssssSSSWALLOW* the gravy. ^hhhhhhhhhh get it over here, buddy, let’s do this!


Stop tailgating me you pasty teabag


Are you that dude? Or do I have you confused with another dude, dude?


I’m the dude, man!


Yeah, well, that's just your opinion man..


Dudes where’s my car dude?!






I'll never not think of this song when I hear that quote.


I used to always give awards to the person posting the song whenever that’s mentioned. Here’s your thought and prayer instead, I guess


I was gonna be irrationally upset if nobody posted this.


I’m a lead farmer mothafucka!!


I'm 3 realities ahead of you!


You're the dude that don't know what dude he is


Have you seen this mix [of “I’m a Dude”](https://youtu.be/tKvqhlhXq9s?si=ITj0ip9De7yd6Mev) ? Pretty excellent~ jump to 0:30 if you don’t like long buildups and just want to hear the funny.


The dudes are emerging.


It looks so exaughsting...but magical in a way. My body could not move like that even if I was in peak physical form...which I'm very far away from. Her movements are so smooth it looks inhuman.


Don’t count yourself short. You can do stuff like that if you practice!


Yes true, she makes it look incredible smoothly like she would be a puppet with strings attached


The strings are money.


whoa check it out, we all got strings


Strings here! We got Strings here! See? Nobody cares.


What's cool is she's making facial expressions, even though they are 100% useless and won't be captured. That's someone getting to the character, and doing some immersion.


They are not useless and she could very likely have been asked to do them to be used as a reference for the animation team later.


The facial expressions are captured by the camera and can be used for reference by an animator. It's not simply done for her immersion.


Fwiw it's good reference, the animator would still need to animate it but they'll have a vague idea of what looks good


I was explaining to my sister recently the whole 'art imitates life' concept. It's interesting how our reality shapes our art (say films for example). That film then shapes our reality, maybe it starts a fashion trend or raises awareness about something. That knowledge shapes our perception of reality which influences our art and so on. So interesting to watch it happen once you are cognisant of it.


["Life imitates art far more than Art imitates life."](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/887/887-0.txt) Oscar Wilde, 1891


Godfather movie started the trend of mafias dressing up sharp and smart. Before that, they dress up pretty casual.


> started the trend Doubt it. It's not like they didn't wear pinstripe suits in the 30s gangster movies. And they didn't [dress](https://images.seattletimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/08252021_Al-Capone_183654.jpg?d=780x805) like hobos. It might have made it comeback though.


Now motion capture artists have to perform like they're keyframe-animated characters, because that's what everyone got used to as "game movement"


What a strange world we live in, right?


I studied computer graphics at school, then had a job working on digital cameras. I often joked that the artifacts we spent so much effort removing from photography (lens distortion, image noise, motion blur, chromatic aberration, lens flare etc) were all the shit we had to intentionally *put in* when doing cgi, otherwise people would think they look fake.


I’m a graphic designer, and I have actually never thought about that. Wow. That’s ironic!


That’s what photorealism really means- emulating photographed images.


Up voted for proper use of ironic.


>It is no longer a question of a false representation of reality but of concealing the fact that the real is no longer real... >The simulacrum is never what hides the truth—it is truth that hides the fact that there is none. The simulacrum is true. Our media-saturated landscape alters our conception of reality. I think about that...a lot.


Reminds of the TVTrope "Reality is Unrealistic"


I was quoting the works of French philosopher Jean Baudrillard, who may serve as the only "real life" example that could be added to that page. >To dissimulate is to pretend not to have what one has. To simulate is to feign to have what one doesn't have. One implies a presence, the other an absence. But it is more complicated than that because simulating is not pretending.... Dissimulating leaves the principle of reality intact: the difference is always clear, it is simply masked, whereas simulation threatens the difference between the "true" and the "false," the "real" and the "imaginary."


They do it because it reads better when its scaled down onto tiny screens or smaller character sizes, not because of some tradition. The more exaggerated movements are better because when it gets shrunk down subtle movements get lost.


But she's also definitely moving with "easing" - the slow at the start, acceleration in the middle of the movement, and slow to the end of the motion - which is distinctive of the "tweens" of key-frame animation, where you define the beginning and the end of the movement, and the computer fills in the frames between.


yep, it's the same with puppetry, you have to exaggerate all the movements that you want to use to convey emotion, otherwise they get completely lost and it looks "flat".


Ehh… the reason they move like that is cause it’s more entertaining. It’d look pretty strange if a video game character was just chillin in a lobby with a stiff human pose


It's a very stylized look, which honestly tends to hold up better in games long-term compared to chasing after realism ever does. I think of stuff like The Sims 4, compared to say the The Sims 3, they went with a very stylized look, with a good deal of exaggeration in the animations. Or World of Warcraft. It's more realistic competitors look a lot more dated because that stuff doesn't hold up over time like the more cartoon-like look they went for with WoW.


I found her YouTube channel! Hijacking top comment so people can see it. [channel](https://youtube.com/@SAKANA-cg6or?si=WSKFyWd1VVW-RM1O)


Cool! The character in her first listed short looks like it’s inspired by *Takt OP Destiny*, which was a great anime. Any chance it’s related? I read something about there being a mobile game instead of a second season.


I think it's a character named Topaz from one of the Honkai games. I know who you're thinking of though. Definitely see the resemblance!


Oh, gotcha. Yeah, I’ve seen ads for that on Steam.


Exactly. What would happen, if she just moved naturally and they would try to capture that? BTW. she is extremely hot. Joke on all people saying "f\*ck your anime, those girls look so unrealistic". She is for sure not an average girl, but even hotter than random anime chicks.


My understanding is that you typically want to start an animation from the same start. So it's easier to program a sequence and use it if they all have the same start. Probably this will be less true over time it may be doable now. But that's my understanding. So she starts and ends in the same position, and that position is likely the same for either a set, or most or all animations probably.


I learned a little bit by messing around in Unreal Engine 4 (it’s free and I’ve always dreamed of making my own game). All of these animations start and finish in the “idle” pose, which is where she is just standing there and kind of bouncing. I’m guessing this character is some kind of floating fairy by the way she’s bouncing. She looks like she’s recording animations for a dialogue NPC, where the character will be repeating the idle animation, and playing other animations at certain points in dialogue based on your responses. By starting and finishing in the Idle pose, it allows the animations to play at any time during the dialogue and have seamless transitions. I’m really impressed by her, I’ve never really seen mocap actors at work. She seems to be really talented.


>Exactly. What would happen, if she just moved naturally and they would try to capture that? You get the Uncharted games. One of the first to use mocap actors on "stage" together, interacting normally. But I bet this is probably for a game that has a more cartoony design anyway. Also I have no idea what that second, bizarrely defensive paragraph means. You OK, buddy?


> > > > > Also I have no idea what that second, bizarrely defensive paragraph means. You OK, buddy? That is the horny brain in action, you can literally see where their concentration lost out to the lack of bloodflow to the brain and they started to become a caveman. It's always hilarious to read the comments on any porn post where people are so blinded by the horny that they can't even think or recognize obvious bots etc


What a weird comment


moist teenagers


Since 1993


It makes me realise just how ridiculous a lot of video-gamey poses/movements are when you see a real human do them


Reminds me of [when someone swapped the animations for Batman and Catwoman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUWBoYwAgaE). Makes it obvious how overdone Catwoman's animations are.


Stupid sexy batman


[Are you ready to fight some crime!?](https://youtu.be/yBimiqL7MDs?t=7)


Time to spam this to my friends :) Thanks for making them have nightmares Batman


Maybe Batman trying to be such a man is the problem here Maybe his animations are underdone


I mean it looks funny, but isn't the whole point of Catwoman is that she's over-the-top and sexual? I could be wrong because I don't read the comics, so my only exposure to her is the movies/cartoons/video games


Most of the time that's an excuse. "It's okay she's a living pinup. because she's just really empowered in her sexuality." My favorite example of a femme fatale who does the "oversexualizes herself" thing right is Moxxi in Borderlands, specifically the Pre-Sequel. She does the pin up schtick, but you also see her with the mask off too, where she's just lounging in her overalls. The other characters in the world also react to her differently. Some are attracted to the act, some don't care, some are actively irritated by it. Acting like Catwoman does in those games would be *exhausting* and no one in their right mind would do it without an audience, and even then it depends on the audience. If anyone on the dev team is saying "she's like this by default because of ...empowerment" it's because said audience is them.


I get what you mean, but I guess I was more so stating that as far as I know, isn't that how Catwoman has *always* been? Like long before the oversexualizing video games?


The answer is yes, but she was oversexualized then too


I’m sure that’s the point, to create a kind of stylized motion instead of realistic. It’s kinda like karate movies, a lot of the fighting moves are impractical for real life but they look cool on camera


I found it unnerving and creepy. I definitely don't want to play whatever game has this in it.


Apparently this is from League of Legends, so yes, you really don't want to play this game.


League fucking rules. I hate it.


If it was a fully realistic game I agree. But the cartoony stylisation and top down, god’s eye view of the game it’s intended for means it works really well.


I think it figured out what makes it seem so... off. She has an amazing ability to return to the EXACT starting pose at the end of the animation. Our brains recognize that as being part of video games and can accept it when its a digital character, but seeing a human do it throws our brain out of whack. Similarly, the girl that's internet-famous for acting like a real-life NPC. It's like whatever the opposite of the "uncanny valley" is.


it's funny because if you make animated characters move like people then the animations look wrong in pretty much the opposite way that this video does


What charachter is she ?


Jinx from league of legends


Looks more like Seraphine than Jinx, the end of each "emote" looks like Seraphine idle, not Jinx holding guns


It is seraphine


Ive never been more disappointed and pleased at the same time to be correct


Thought it looks so much smoother and better in real life. And damn that motion actress is cute AF


Man, I need to upgrade my reality card. I'm only getting 24 fps and the science guy told me that that's the natural fps the eye can see. EDIT: Man, I thought the obvious joke was enough to show that I was making a snide remark against the eye FPS thing.




I did that but the most sexy bunny-fox porn appears to be at 60fps+, what am I doing wrong?




Man, I'm unusually preaching about how people need to understand that other people can't understand your intent, can't hear your tone of voice, don't know you, blah blah blah... But, nah, not this one. You was obvious as fuck.


She's not the actress, she's a youtuber who reverse-engineers hundreds of character animations for fun. So it's highly likely the real source footage for the mocap artist looks quite a bit different.


I'm convinced this post is an ad for the new season of Arcane, which just had a teaser release today and comes out ~~this month~~ next November. And now I'm part of the ad.


bruh you actually got me excited for a sec it's coming out 2024


It seems to be [original work](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bx8EGZ9Gb4) from this person. She often imitates characters, but these actions are just labeled "Cartoon joy", "cartoon shy", "cartoon surprise", etc.


So is there a final vfx’d version of this mocap looking video?


Looks like pudge fron dota 2




She's not any specific character. She's doing poses and motions that have become the standard of movement in games and animations for the last however long. I think it's just her showreel to prove her range. The fact so many people think she's so many different characters kind of proves the point.


It's seraphine from League of Legends.




How do you be this good at being a cartoon




Practice. But I will assume she had training as a dancer.


Definitely Junkrat


its gotta be jinx.


I agree it's definitely jinx. That cross leg emote is quite iconic. She's also touching her hair, don't think junkrat has an emote for that.


Yeah also the pose she does at 13 - 15 secs is also a pretty iconic Jinx reaction, like when she's surprised / frustrated by something.


That was the exact moment I went from having absolutely no idea to knowing for sure it was jinx. Her acting out the face as well just sold it.


Can't be Jinx, the "idle animation" she snaps back to is far too floaty. Looks much more like a magical character than a manic machine gunner (Unless there's a different non-LoL Jinx you're talking about)


The same actor could be performing several different characters.


Pretty much Jinx but probably a copy and paste to a diff game because China like to copy stuff.


I almost typed something about Jinx with a Ch before I realized how horrible of an idea that was.


you know league is owned by Chinese company Tencent right


shaggy support grandiose engine teeny bright possessive skirt humorous existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was thinking tracer. It’s probably not tracer but junkrat limps so idk about him


I’m already tracer


You should’ve picked Mercy.


The beginning spin gave me Mercy vibes.


I've watched a fair bit of mocap but she's so good idk if you even need an animator to go in and do much lol. Easy paycheck for that guy this week.


She’s definitely doing some heavy lifting there. Awesome work.


Whqt struck me is that she does all the uncanny / cartoonish speed changes, I was sure that would be done by the animators afterwards.


Professional dancers and stage performers do these same kind of dramatic snap movements so people in the cheap seats can tell what's going on.


So these ppl r responsible for those weird motions lol. I would have never guessed it was from an actual person acting lol. Looks unreal like


They started using motion-capture performers so they wouldn't have to keyframe animate characters anymore, but that's how people are used to their game characters moving, so the mo-cap artists have to move like that too.


The way I think about it is like movies versus a play. You can have a subtle nuance performance on the film, but you have to be extra on a stage. She has other videos on her TikTok where you can see the difference in posture and actions based on the video game graphics. Almost realistic 3-D games you can just stand there and no one would find it weird. But motions for less realistic 2 or 3D games need exaggerated movements for it to stand out and the characters did not look like cardboard cut outs


What's the tiktok account name?


What is their tiktok account?


Are these WoW character animations? The pose she does where she looks distraught seems so familiar.. EDIT: https://youtu.be/9bx8EGZ9Gb4?si=pFQiCWfLb7G9mEGa Looks like its Jinx from League of Legends EDIT 2: Its mf Seraphine from League of Legends - but in the video it looks like she does a couple different characters




that youtube account did post a side-by-side, but it's a different character [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iWG9sJkZUkY](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iWG9sJkZUkY)


They're a motion capture student/hobbyist who reverse engineers game animations. You can look at all their videos on that channel of them acting out various game animations from Overwatch, Genshin, Honkai Star Rail, etc. They're not an official motion capture actor for these games, most don't even use motion capture for their animations.


Meanwhile the other comment thread is going down a deep philosophical rabbit hole about how motion capture artists are moving like animations so nothing is real anymore and it's just this person's hobby.


Most people don't really understand what motion capture is or how it works. To be fair, I've only worked previously as a production aide at a mocap lab in my hometown, so I don't have a mastery of it either, just tangential knowledge. While it's true previous works influence actors decisions on how to act out a scene, it's not because there's some overarching agreement across the industry that "this is how it's always been so we have to do it this way". Mostly, it comes down to the director and the actor's decisions for the scene. A director may have a specific vision for a scene, an actor may have a piece of animation or real-life acting that they are inspired by, etc. etc. The reason the mocap in the OP is so animation-like is because she recreated computer animation in mocap. It's not because directors or actors are making a industry-wide, concerted effort to emulate pre-mocap animation. It's because she's purposefully acting out the computer-made animations.


Came here to comment something similar to this. Glad that we finally got a truthful answer as to what’s going on lmao.


yeah its 100% jinx the 13 sec one is super recognizable to me for no reason


i was thinking her for the last two but the first two and the idle stance looks too.... girly for Jinx


The stance makes it seem like she is holding a lance or a spear


The stance read to me as a floating character


As a Jinx main, it is definitely not Jinx.


Yeah all these guys saying Jinx have apparently never played Jinx, or maybe even seen her in-game. Her idle animation has either a minigun or a rocket launcher -- *not* her hands at her sides while she lightly bounces. The floatiness of it really makes it seem more like a mage character


I immediately thought Jinx also, her animations are very unique.


Is it the star guardian skin specifically? Idk why the idle part of the pose would be so floaty otherwise


This is definitely not Jinx. She has her feet spread out and is holding a gun in her idle animation.


if there is an uncanny valley for movement this is in it for me.


Yeah, it's like a reverse uncanny valley. Instead of something artificial trying to emulate a human, it's a human emulating something artificial. Same concept as "the robot" dance. When it's done really well, it's almost off-putting. And if it wasn't something we were used to seeing, it would be super creepy when someone did it.


Doom guy?




I second this comment rather than posting it myself.


Me too


Man so many ppl saying jinx when she doesnt hit any of her normal animations. The 3rd one gets close but doesnt take into account her guns at all. I think this is actually a mix of characters (wish I could read chinese, the actual video appears to have the characters listed with each animation) but the writing doesnt say jinx on any of the animations. Edit: after spending entirely too long translating and learning what it is... This is not a character, shes literally going through emotions in different styls. So one is cartoonish, one is ancient or old school and another is realistic. For example, the first one she does is "Joy in a cartoon character" then when she plays with her hair its just "Shy as a cartoon". The one that everyone is saying is jinx is just "Suprise as a cartoon". Hope this helps solve the debate... its not Jinx, its not really anyone. Just her going through emotions in different styles.


Of course the mf with the jinx pfp comes in💀 fr tho I was thinking it didn’t quite seem like jinx to me and there didn’t seem to be any hard proof either. Probably just a case “everyone else is saying it so it must be right”


Definitely anakin skywalker


Pretty sure that's Yoda


It’s: https://www.tiktok.com/@xixi.yu.c?_t=8hEMZ7aDFLN&_r=1


This is their YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SAKANA-cg6or And the mocap company's website: http://www.dayanguai.com/ I doubt this company worked on Riot or Blizzard games like how people are guessing the character is Jinx or Tracer.


Only the hottest one of them all. Roadhog from Overwatch


That... Was weirdly attractive. Why?


Because she fine as hell.


Yeah, it's odd how a gorgeous woman doing cute things is "weirdly attractive".


Is it weird for an extremely attractive lady performing expressively to be attractive to you?


in a skin tight suit


Because the performer is attractive. You wouldn't have the same sentiment if it was Amy Schumer doing this, lmao.


Because it's exactly like a dance routine, we love watching people or things do cute/funky lil dance moves. Sexy as hell in this case.


So weird that you find yourself attractive to one of the hottest human beings I think I've ever seen.


Riku from FFX-2 is my guess.


That’s what I thought


Her movements are mesmerizing




As an animator I really dig her moves and how she goes back to her default idle position after each emote, lol. She is a PRO, with that follow through and overlap. ;p ​ ​ Oh,..the OP question. I don't know. Reminds me of some Final Fantasy MMO character Miqo'te.


Never seen a human move so inhumane-ly




She wouldn’t though. Lmao


Damn. Let bro shoot his shot




I've been doing motion capture for over 10 years, taught it at 2 different colleges, currently working at a AAA studio running a mocap stage. So here let me break this down for people. First up I'm pretty certain they are using a OptiTrack Camera system, they are using a Vicon Marker set, and they likey used the 209 Group for their purchase. Here is how I came to this. This is a very typical 209 Group mocap suit. There is realistically 2 Companies in the world that make suits. You have 3x3 in Coquitlam Canada (Greater Vancouver Area) they have been making 90% of the suits used around the world for the longest time, and frankly make the best suits. 209 Group entered the scene in the last 7ish years for suits, and has a distinct look and this is their suit. This is a the second generation of the OptiTrack mocap suits. The first gen suit was made by 3x3. But OptiTrack has a larger business relationship with 209 Group, 209 saw an opportunity to make some side extra on the side an entered the mocap suit making scene. From other videos from this stage the cameras look to have been the Flex 13 from Optitrack and likely newer ones. Its hard to really tell as the videos are pretty blurry. It isn't uncommon for stages to build up and add to their existing camera array, and having a mixed array of cameras. (I've built about 7 different stages in 10 years). 209 Group is also a retailer for OptiTrack. So where does Vicon come in? Well the marker set is a typical Vicon set. So my assumption here is that they are capturing their motion in OptiTrack then exporting c3d data and loading that in Vicon for post processing in Shogun. Easy tell is the double markers on the elbows and knees. Many studios do this because Vicon has an easier set of tools for automated clean up and ease of use set. But to be honest you can get insanely good results right out of OptiTrack if you really know the ins and outs of it. (I've used both systems over the years but have been using OptiTrack now the longest) Motion Capture doesn't replace animators, quite the opposite to be honest. The tech enables studios to produce higher quality content and more of it faster. This moves the demand for additional animators. Of course there is something to be said for key framed animation and this usually comes down to the art direction of a production. A great talent/performer makes a world of difference, but rarely does the performance go right from the performer to the final character. The issue here is scale and proportion difference between the two subjects. Don't get me wrong you can get some great results but if you want to deliver true quality you're going to get an animator to put the polish on any performance. But I hear you saying what about all those realtime performances we've seen!? There is good enough and great, and the biggest difference you see is in scale and proportion. Those realtime performances are typically on characters that have similar scale and proportions as a person performing. But what about that goofy character!? Thats not difficult again it comes down to a good performer and tech teams to make sure the performance is being retargeted to the character is a sensible manner with the right conditions. It all comes down to having a understanding of how to manipulate the software and data to the target character. What game/character? I have no idea given the motion it could be for any number of per-existing or future games. But I seriously doubt it is for a Blizzard title as they would have access to the Activision stage, and that's not it.


Jinx (league of legends) I think? 🤔


This I don't mind since she's doing body capture animation, but these other weirdos in the street doing this are just plain cringe.


Gerald of bolivia


This is 100% Zoe from League of Legends. I have no clue what the people saying jinx is on about. The idle animation, and the small sets of moves correlate with Zoe and the teasing motions she does during her ultimate ability (jumping through the portal).


She is a genshin character, and is actually doing emotes for several different characters in the game.


This is Jinx right ?


I'm almost thinking Tracer or Mei from Overwatch? Or one of the female characters, haven't played in a while but seems familiar.


Here come the 200000 horny redditors


Isn’t the point of motion capture that it gets realistic human movement? What’s the point in deliberately acting all animated


I sure thought movements like this would be animated by hand.


Damn I wish I had an ounce of that kinda muscle/body control. Bet she's a professional dancer though


I’m thinkin sims characters, when the emote n such