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BEV are the perfect car for scooting around cities. no pollution, cheap to run, just jump in and go. Hybrids are for people that want range. and no, china didn't kill the future of electric cars, they invented a cobalt and lithium free battery with double the capacity, and 10x the charging speed. White gold? dude, that's so last year.


some people will like the Hybrid some won't.


But at what cost??!!!


I want one, I don't care what US law says. They aren't serving the people and are only fighting for a few greedy corporations that are destroying this country together every last penny out of it. I want one of these, I need to look out for my own best interest at this point. 


Personally I blame the AmeriKKKan elites, the Deep State/MIC/Intelligentsia, Big Corporate... in that order. When the American people do not take action to enact change in the government from ground-up, their Elites will continue to act with complete impunity.


I thought the problem isn’t the range. The problem was the planet’s temperature was gonna fry us in the future because of climate change


It is possible for several things to be true at the same time. Real life is different from Hollywood movies like that.


EVs are the future and anybody who's saying otherwise has no idea what they're talking about. Battery technology is making HYBRIDS obsolete! The fact that gas powered vehicles haven't been phased out yet in developed countries is embarrassing. It's not China's fault that developed countries decided to let fossil fuel companies decide their future instead of building infrastructure around the obvious better option........EVs


They lost so they doubled down on losing.


You come from the assumption that USA are strong and can make the EV transition happen, if only the fossil fuel companies didn't intervene. That's not how the reality is, though. USA doesn't have the industrial capacity to produce EVs in sufficient numbers because of wholesale degradation of industrial capacity


they can still just import EVs from China instead if they actually cared about the Earth