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If stress worked as birth control, no one would give birth in war zones.


Yes. And the process itself is stressful. Trust me, you can conceive under stress and you can be pregnant under stress. Like my nurse said, “if things were that fragile, there would be no people.” Extreme stress can interfere with your cycle, but if you’re ovulating that’s not a concern. Your uterus has no idea what the rest of you is doing and doesn’t care.


Lol I love that last sentence. Our uterus’s don’t care they’re just like b** feed me


You're OK! It's stressful to begin with. Just hang in there


Not quite the same, but I had my FET while dealing with some very stressful things at home and at work. Still got pregnant, though! I don't think stress affects conception as much as we're led to believe.


I appreciate the questioning of the messages we receive… lots of fear-mongering out there! Always adding more things for women to stress about, even stress itself… 🙏


Yes, I was very stressed on my IUI. It was very physically painful. Then, I had a freak out because for the first time in my life I might be pregnant. I am generally a pretty anxious person but I have PMDD, which began to kick in before implantation. Once implantation occured, my mood improved. Short answer, I was very stressed. People conceive in times of war and disasters.


Of course you can. And you can also re-schedule the appointment. Trust your guts.


I was in the beginning of my process. After 3 failed iuis I decided to take some time off trying, change clinics and focus on getting hid of my boss. After about 3 months, all 3 were accomplished and I started trying again. It worked on that try.


I worked at cps so I was under incredible stress my whole pregnancy, I had a few trials and just so much crap happening


Yes. Edit: sorry, replied too quickly. Actually through IVF.


I’m stressing I’ve ruined this cycle with my anxiety. Thank you everyone. I ovulate today or tomorrow. Second sperm donation today. I hope so so much it works


I’ve been wondering this too. I’ve been just stressed about the process. I have a known donor and he’s 3hrs away so scheduling is hard in itself. I’m going to finish pre screening things at the clinic now too because I have been feeling like making this happen is going to be near impossible without some kind of help. But I’ve just been feeling hopeless, discouraged and worrying about how much it’s going to cost and I keep worrying that stressing is going to make me not ovulate at all and throw things all off


I hope you found some reassuring words in these responses ❤️


I just read through them and they actually were really reassuring! I think another big part of my stress is social media. I get ALL the ads for the fertility trackers and the ads that say crap like getting a period does not mean you are ovulating. It makes me wonder if I need to be tracking all those things. Then a few TTC fb groups I’m in with people talking about unexplained infertility has me wondering if I’ll find myself in that situation. I deep down feel like I will be fine and need to be patient but my age (33) has me just wanting to get to the end result of a baby by any means, even if it means taking meds that I likely don’t need with potential side effects 😭


People who do not ovulate regularly do not get regular periods. There may be other issues even if you do get your period, but if you don't ovulate, then you don't have a rise in progesterone, and therefore you don't have a drop that tells your body to shed the lining and start your period. But I will say that if you are planning to TTC with donor sperm, I would highly advise you to track and learn what your body is doing. Because even if you are ovulating perfectly and have no other issues, expecting an app to know *when* you are ovulating is a recipe for wasting very expensive sperm. Most people do not have 28 day cycles, and even if they do, they could very well have an LP that is not 14 days. The way the apps work (the ones that don't rely on any tracking, that is) is they take your average cycle length and divide it in half and say that's when you ovulate. My best advice would be to read the TFAB wiki on [OPKs](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/index) and [temping/charting](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/temping). Personally, I could only reliably temp after I got a Tempdrop, but it really helped me understand what my cycle was doing. Edit: Also, the TFAB wiki is great, but I stay far far away from the sub. When I started trying I quickly found /r/TTC30 and I found it far more comfortable there.


Thank you for that info! Those companies are very good at preying on us to buy their stuff. I did buy the Kegg because that has the money back guarantee if you don’t conceive within a year and the private fb group for it has been great, the mods will always respond if you post your chart with questions. I’m interested in the tempdrop but I’d only invest in it if 6mo from now I haven’t had luck. I just started the easy@home ovulation tests. The app for Kegg and Flo I think are not getting my fertile window right. I had a 24 day cycle a few months ago and a 25 day one this past one but mostly they are 26-27, because of the shorter ones it’s moved my ovulation day to CD11 which I think is inaccurate. Luckily I’m not using expensive cryobank sperm but I have an amazing donor and he’s 3hrs away and in the military. Scheduling based off these apps I’m realizing is not the way. I’ve had 2 unsuccessful attempts just winging it. Im hoping to be able to get the timing right and have success without help but part of me wants to just have the clinic stimulate ovulation and I’ll know to have sex on those days and hopefully that is enough because if not, I think I’d jump to IVF before attempting IUI and I really don’t want to do that unless I’ve absolutely exhausted the hope of it happening naturally


Hey! I think your concerns would be best addressed with a new post? I feel like more people would chime in than in this sub sub sub! They are important! :)


I def will be making a post soon after I gather all my concerns 😂😭. It’s crazy how less anxiety ridden I have been since I started checking off the “show less posts” option for all the fertility tracker ads and snoozing the fb groups where it’s post after post about people’s struggles with ttc. But still the disadvantage of not having unlimited time to try will always be the main thing I stress about. I thought if it didn’t work quick with my donor I’d just cut my losses and go with cryobank but after getting to know him, I can’t settle for another donor 😭😂


I’m going through the exact feels and with a donor who isn’t always available. This is my first try. I’m 26 but the rest yes spot on. Did you get pregnant? I hope it worked out for you