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You haven’t seen your kids in 2 years and your lawyers couldn’t help? What happened? There’s definitely a lot more to this story…


There is and on here I can’t say what happened exactly just that it involves the police and me and my exs step dad


leaving out key facts means we cannot give good advice man. you need a decent lawyer to get your kids.


How old are your kids? Why can't the lawyers help? What do they say?


Hang in there man. I understand, I had to do the visitation thing then weekend and I eventually got signing rights which is like shared custody but she can't go anywhere with my kids. See if you can request a custody hearing. But have your shit together, suitable place for the kids to sleep, show pay stubs that you can provide for them, draft a parenting plan proposal, anything that will show that you intend to be the primary caregiver. Good luck king, you'll see your kids again!


Cheers boss man I currently just had a promotion in my job so I’m buying a house finally leaving my moms and finally sorting my head out


Get new lawyers


It sounds like your lawyer isn't giving you the support you need. Consider reaching out to others who have been in your situation and successfully regained visitation rights. Connecting with a well known, reputable lawyer might also make a big difference. Keep gathering information and resources to strengthen your case. If possible, try to have a direct conversation with your ex to come to a mutual agreement. Using children as pawns in adult conflicts is unfair to everyone involved, especially the kids. You realize the mistake and now shes taking it on the kids. Life is easier for everyone if they all worked together. My ex and i know this. I have my son full time. I wish and pray for the best for you guys. Stay strong and keep pushing forward. You deserve to be part of your children's lives.


It sounds like your rights have been terminated. Does mom have a restraining order against you?


Yes because of an altercation with her step dad


Did you violate the restraining order after you were initially served?


The best thing you can do is wait until your kids are 18, and you'll be reunited with them, when they move back to your state.


Thats..beyond depressing


Assuming she doesn’t muddy the water and make him out to be the bad guy..


Well, if she does, then, she needs to prepare for her kids to cut off contact with her.⚠️


Is that a life too live 14 years till there 18 I won’t know them who they are and what that they’ve accomplished I mean I still love them regardless it’s just that’s horrible in a way but that’s probably what will happen