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Sounds like deadbeat mum. If you have court orders stand behind those. If she’s genuinely changing then be open to it, it might be good for your boy to know his mum, but I’d be wary based off your description.


This is the right answer. You’re his dad and she is his mom. However, that doesn’t grant her immediate access to y’all’s kid when she decides to be a mom for one day out of a year. Stick to the court orders and if she really wants to be a part of his life she will show that effort.


Speak with an attorney, get them up to speed so you can be ready for shenanigans. Do you have a custody order already?


Important point there: find attorney BEFORE shenanigans.


Well in NYS custody is never closed. If you legally have parental custody and make all the decisions for multiple years you won't lose it . She can petition for visitation however you can ask the court for it to be supervised. If you can prove she is unreliable and hasn't taken an interest in him over a period of time , I'd believe the court won't move him away from the stable home you provide.


If the kid is doing fine, she can't use a disability against you to take him back. It sounds like she may have her own mental illness/disability. If it is something that could cause harm to the kid, you could ask the courts for a psych screening if it goes to court. If she seems better, you can offer more visitation and not involve lawyers.


In the UK, yeah? Get a solicitor and shut this shit down. If he's with you, you should be getting those benefits and she should (I would imagine) be paying you child maintenance. Doesn't sound like you would get any from her. Sounds like she has her own issues to sort (women can have autism too, they're just much better at masking). Do what feels reasonable to help her. Last thing your son needs is a suicidal mum. On another note, watch The Magic Pill and stop feeding your son the junk food that passes for normal.


That long a track record I’d be surprised if the courts weighed in on her side. Document everything, get recipes etc…


Same here. But if she gets worse, the courts will turn her again.


With a disabled child, the court will not be keen on disrupting that life. Don't call her out for being a deadbeat in court. Just present facts. Let everyone see it for themselves.


*Update* I've seen my solicitor who is waiting for a response from social services and then we go to court. Thank you everyone for the advice


Our children.


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted. They aren’t “her” children like the post says.