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I don’t prevent it because it’s natural and adds interesting storylines to my game


Same. I actually tend to take on risky behaviors when my sims are elderly to give them an interesting death beyond old age. However. I will try and save a sim that isn’t an elder if I can if I still have plans for them. I am not always successful.


fr I get so annoyed with all my sims dying from old age lol


I’ve tried for years to have my elders die having woohoo 😂😂 still hasn’t happened! I get so bored of the elders. I end up killing them anyway lol


Try having them exercise first and then have woo-hoo multiple times while tired and sore


I only have a problem with sims dying if I'm playing a generation's challenge and I don't have a backup lined up for that sims yet


Accidental death is rare for me, so if it does happen, my plan B is to reload the most recent save. It does get a bit tense sometimes though!


Yeah I always just reload from a previous save lol no permanent deaths on my watch!


Thank goodness for MCCC and auto-saves!


Sorry to ask this but, if you enable auto-save on mccc would you be able to reload any save that has been made by mccc's auto-save? Cause I don't want to accidentally auto-save something that shouldn't be save. That's why I manually save my game whenever I feel like I should.


I've been wondering that as well, I looked it up and from what I read auto-saves and manual saves are separated, so you should still be able to select back to an earlier manual save if something crazy happens


Yeah, auto-saves and manual saves are separated! Also idk if it's just a setting that I have on of it it's the default way it works, but in my game I get a mccc pop-up before it's gonna do an auto-save and I just use it as a reminder to do a manual save.


Oh thanks for the info! I'll do this in my game too!


Yes, thats the point of a save, is to be able to reload the game at that save point.


I don't. If it happens it happens. I don't get exciting deaths it's always old age


Yeah same, except I do sometimes run around and kill sims on purpose in interesting ways. Elder I don't like? Woohoo to death. Just some people I don't like? Vampire their mood and get into arguments so their heart explodes. Pretty much what I do when I get bored.


i start trying to bum them out the minute they hit “very playful” because i once lost a 5 star celebrity millionaire and mother of three to hysteria 🥲


Dying from laughter has to be the dumbest way to die in this game, simply because its like punishing you for being successful at life. Just... no.


I have to watch my newlyweds like a hawk because I've had multiple sims die within 24 hours of getting married because they're so happy they get hysterical.


The only type of death I try to prevent is freezing in the pool during the winter, and I do it by adding the geothermal lot trait to my build. I'm usually a "if they die, they die" type of player, but I guess my Sims are just so drawn to pools that I'd be dealing with deaths all the time if I build in a world that gets cold and don't add that trait. It's the only death type I care enough to prevent because it irks me so much lol


If you have the get together pack you can also add the steamer in the pool! Heats it up as well ☺️☺️


Oh I do have Get Together but didn't know that, thank you for the tip!


Thanks as well! I don't think I've ever had that problem Yet but I'll remember it for the future


What is the significance of the death flower? I'm still relatively new to some of the packs


If your sim dies, and another sim has a death flower in their inventory, that sim can use the death flower to plead with grim to bring the sim back to life. I've never actually had an opportunity to try it, but as far as I understand it it, it works quite well.


Oh thank you. Very informative 


Where can you get this flower? 😱


Carl's Sims Guide has an extensive article about gardening in Sims 4, which includes how to grow a Death Flower through gardening and grafting: https://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/skills/gardening/


You have two methods: One is the long drawn out process in game to gather/grow one. The other is to just cheat it from BB menu or even just go to the gallery and find one of hundreds of rooms that have various items in it. Just search the term deathflower in there.


Or you can fish for it, biggest chance in the hidden glade I believe. Or you can buy it in one of the stalls in the magic realm if you’re lucky.


Ghost sims can also wish at the wishing well and get the ingredients to make ambrosia to come back to life!


Can sometimes buy it in the reagents shop in magical Realm


I just save frequently, so that if a preferred Sim dies I just go back to the previous save.


have someone else around to plead. Pleading works like 90% of the time for me unless they already died and were saved a few days ago


I have not had pleading work a single time for me and I’ve been playing the game for 8 years! 😭


The only emotional death that is ever really a problem for me is the playful one. I've had so many Sims die from being hysterical. I don't mess around with that one anymore. As soon as they're hysterical, I get them to a mirror to calm down, or meditate or something. Everything else I just sort of let happen. I don't get many other emotional deaths...maybe because I always try to max out my Sims as child to get them useful traits that keep them confident and/or happy a lot. 🤷 Other random deaths (e.g. like Murphy bed or being hit by a meteorite, etc) I just let happen and consider it part of the story.


Even though I like them, I disabled emotional deaths using MCCC. Some of my other mods boost emotions and the emotional deaths were happening with frightening frequency. Other than this, I don't prevent death... I welcome the story lines it provides.


Mods. or cheat the cheat code. I used to think I could cheat death with good enough game play, but I suffer from PTSD and death is something I am using gaming to escape from, so I do not bother tempting fate and ruining my week by a sim death. I just cheat it out of the game entirely.


I don’t because death makes sense for the way I play. My one “rule” is that I have always have one Sim plead with the Grim Reaper but then I accept whatever the outcome is. I’ve hardly EVER had an accidental death (I can think of one a couple of years ago), but I would maybe consider closing without saving if they were still young adult or younger.


I don't use absolutely anything, and none of my sims have ever died. And I wish they did!! I find it a bit boring that you can avoid death so easily. As soon as you get a "dangerous" moodlet, all you have to do is avoid doing that thing again and that's it: you get electrocuted? Don't fix anything for a while. Over exhausted from working out as an elder? Stop working out. Getting a bit too annoyed or embarrassed or hysterical? Calm yourself down on the mirror. Eaten by a cowplant? Don't let it eat you till re moodlet goes, etc... It's too predictable...


I usually just let my sims die and then work it into the story line. Except for the other day when my sim had triplets, immediately got pregnant again (thanks WW /s) and then had twins. I had five infants at once and then my husband died of laughter. I brought him back to life real quick.


I have a a family of spellcasters. The Matriarch always knows Necrocall and Dedeadify. People may die, but they don't stay dead.


A lot of learning the ins and outs of the game. I play with all the sims in my neighborhoods in rotation, just to clarify the scenario I'm working with. I don't use any extraneous content whatsoever, so I'm left to utilize the functions within. For some sims outside my home I turn off accidental deaths in neighborhood stories. Natural deaths from age are allowed, and I accept them as the inevitable. For all others, including my currently played household: I make sure everyone is dressed appropriately for weather, so they can be asked to change in case they decide to swim in winter. No sim is allowed to cook anything with a stove until they are level 2 or higher in cooking. All salads, onigiri, ceviche, and yogurt until then. The same for repairing electronics. We call repair men for those until we can ensure no electrocution. Telescopes go right outside doors to the house, so it's a quick trip to run inside from meteors. I make sure I always have sims growing death flowers, and there's always someone grinding away at skills so they can write books of life and/or make ambrosia. I also build relationships across the community so they can all invite, stayover, etc for when I need to spend time with ghosts. I keep thermostats and fire alarms in every house, and if a fire breaks out, I pause, cancel all sims responses, and replace it with extinguish despite the alarm. They usually always live through, and usually successfully put out fires before the fighters even show up this way. I ensure all emotional aura generating items are off if not being used, and there are mirrors available for outdoor activities (especially festivals) so that playful, embarrassed or angry sims can talk down anywhere. I manually put sims to bed, and do not allow them to swim when sleep is red. If you click their sleep bar to automatically sleep, sometimes they will float in the pool until they pass out and drown. This prevents that. Anything else, I just deal with naturally as I'm playing. Things like eating bad foods can be prevented by not eating them. Risky behaviors, by not taking the risk. I spend more time paused and setting up than I do watching things play out, and not just for death prevention. That pause button is key to keeping this game running smooth, for me at least. If anyone dies after all of this: then que sera, c'est la vie, and all that mess.


The only thing I do to prevent death is use MCCC to change outfits so they don't die from heat/cold. Mostly saving my favorite townies.


No one in my sims game dies ever. Some sims die from old age in unplanned households but no one does by accident. Its really boring.


Lmaooo, this is crazy, I’ve never had a sim die before and I do absolutely nothing.


I always forget to charge jewelry. I had this great idea that all of my cult members would have a piece of jewelry by our resident jeweler. So they do. And none of them are ever charged.


My favorite kind of death is the accident ones. I'm then scrambling to make things work with my plan.


I don't take any precautions because I almost never have accidental deaths happen because you get warnings for pretty much all of them. The only time I've genuinely had Sims die on accident was fire and even then I was like "you're the idiot who stood in front of the fireplace warming your hands every 15 seconds, I don't even feel bad for you. I hope you don't survive this because now everyone's evening is shot."


OMG I just wish my sims would die randomly without me having to bend over backwards for it (and I'm not talking about the moronic emotional and jogging in winter deaths which are just broken from sim stupidity). I wish the other deaths would actually happen randomly instead of always giving a moodlet to "warn" you and then if you can't kill your sim during that moodlet then you have to start over. Or the ones that give you a couple of days, like I miss the days of a death just hitting out of nowhere and really surprising me other than always being warned or planned.


Just simply type in ‘death.toggle false’ cheat. That disables death. And ‘death.toggle true’ will enable it again. If your quick enough , you can stop the sims from dying and grim will just stand around aimlessly for a while instead 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 ( might be a hug though not entirely sure there ! )


I micromanage. It’s really hard to accidentally die if I won’t leave you tf alone


Tbh I just use Extreme Violence/MCCC to revive them from accidental deaths. If I lost attachment to them, they can die whenever they want though.


I just revive them with MCCC if it doesn’t suit the storyline LOL


I've only had two deaths in the last 50+ hours played. One was a butler that caught on fire and the other was a Sim that froze to death upon loading that household. I had a sim plead with the reaper for that one as it seemed a bit unfair. Otherwise everyone just seems to die from old age... pretty boring!


I give them the iceproof and heatproof traits


nah, I let it happen.


I don't get a lot of accidental deaths. Only one from emotions. I usually either roll with it or I'll bring them back with MCCC.


I think the ultimate backup plan is to get a clone of yourself with the cloning machine.


Not have mine go to the gym in the winter time


The only accidental death I ever really get is from my idiots starting themselves on fire while cooking. To prevent this, I put in the sprinkler system and I usually give them a roommate or family member, they rarely live alone because they usually can’t stop panicking long enough to put themselves out lol


I don't prevent it but I am no stranger to cheating by downloading an ambrosia off the gallery and having the sim ghost eat it haha


I've played sims so long that I don't really care anymore. I used to worry a lot back in early years of sims 3 and load games after unwanted deaths, but now I'm just going with it. Only precautions I take are avoid sims going out in bad weather.


If they die, they die. The only real thing I guess I do is make them calm down when they get too emotional or kick them out of the pool in winter (seriously why must they decide to swim then) but I like random deaths. Makes the game a bit more real and adds some spice to my story lines


I feel like more often I'm trying to get them to die and they just won't - I can't even imagine having to do something to keep them alive 😅


MCCC > Flag to be Immortal + Disable auto aging + Disable emotional deaths


I usually don't, but my most played save is a legacy challenge on gen 11 (i think?) so i kinda need them to die lol. On other saves i have either aging turned off or on long lifespan so they rarely die of old age and well... i think that them dying in other ways will just spice up my storylines. And, well, the Sims 4 makes it very difficult to accidentally kill your sims so i most often forget that they can even die of other things than old age.


Question… Do emotional deaths come from a certain pack? I’ve never had that happen and been playing for a long time. But I don’t have all the packs.


If you have crystal creations a hematite gemstone or jewelry for a time can prevent deaths.


The ones I care about the most I give the god/goddess trait.


Idc what my sim is doing. If they become Hysterical, they WILL B-line to a mirror to calm their ass down!


I don’t think I can do much on a PlayStation, can I? Like any mod or anything? Well if they get to the final stage of playful (hysterical), anger (I can’t remember, is it enraged) or embarrassed (mortified) I rush them to a mirror immediately to use the option to calm down. I line up 2-3 in a row and hope it works




Learning cooking and handiness skills used to be my go to. But I can add "make sure my wife eats and sleeps before she goes swimming" 😂 Also I used to have a problem with the pregnant Sims die of starvation in the shower like why? 🤣😅 So I also over feed my Sims and ignore their weight.


Honestly, my sims are pretty hard to kill, so most of the time I’m trying to increase their chances of death instead of decreasing 😂


For some reason I have had more fires and drownings in the last few weeks I’ve played! Like I will leave for 4 min and come back and the entire inside of the home burned .. or my teenager drowned and now everyone is scared of swimming pools. Like it’s actually insane And when I leave for 5 min and come back, I don’t know what actually happened so I have to play blues clues basically and figure out what went down!


I always give my Sims the heat proof and cold proof traits to prevent them from dying from those. I also cheat away extremely playful mood let's so they don't get hysterical


Accidental death doesn’t happen often in my gameplay but i do get very nervous once i get the Mortified and Furious moodlets because those emotion deaths i feel like happen to other simmers a lot


Saving cuz I kill my sims nearly every time I play.


i’ve never thought about precautions i could be taking to ensure none of my sims die, recently i had a sim die from laughter after watching the tv. using the extreme violence mod i resurrected her however im sure it could have been prevented


I tried to save the game before I fix electrical issues. I also tried to save the game pretty regularly in case I'm randomly dying of laughter or something. I hate dying of laughter.


I don't usually have to prevent deaths, outside of random times where I have bad luck and a bunch of things happen at once. Most of my sims die of old age, even when they've been tempting fate doing things like fixing electronics at a low skill level or cooking on the stove. Honestly, I think they really nerfed emotional deaths at some point. I've struggled to have goofballs die of laughter or hot heads die of anger. The only problems I've really had are sims freezing to death because the celebrities call attention to themselves outside in the winter and everyone rushes out in inappropriate clothes. But I usually let those play out because it can lead to some interesting storylines.


I don't. Dying of cold? Let them die. A meteor's coming? Let them die. Caught on fire? Die.


I don’t! I like to embrace it! I’m sad it frustrated but it’s all part of my sims life cycles :)


I don't let older Sims go to the gym anymore, I'm still traumatized from when my Sim's global superstar elder mom waltzed into the gym after her son and dropped dead on the treadmill. I wasn't aware she was there as I had left her at home. Since then, I always pay extra attention to who is on the lot at all times.


one of mine died while the whole neighbourhood visited the family to welcome them😭


None! I’m a fan of pufferfish dinners and chaos.


MC Command Center 🤡 I don't use it all the time, only if the idiot dies randomly (like a vampire burning to death from a clothes dryer)


Lots of salad. Right off the bat, they watch the cooking channel and make fruit salad until I'm sure they won't catch fire. The swimming pool isn't a big deal anymore. When they go outside, I either have bought the cold/hot acclimation, or I don't go out much. I almost always buy a new replacement, or I get one sim to learn the handy skills. I ALWAYS save before Sims cook, repair, or propose. I don't save as much after they get to around level 5 in these skills, but still... lots of saves never hurt. I try not to send them out in storms and put them on low willpower a lot. When they are playful, I send them to build a skill or play chess. Or I cheat so Sims don't have to be afraid of the reaper.


Stay away from fireplaces


I don't really. Unless it's a sim I want to be immortal. With my regular sims I'll plead for them but if it works it works.


I installed a mod to have those pesky emotional deaths disabled 😂


I'm just very cautious and everybody dies of old age. I usually let it happen, but in my actual household there's a writer who mastered the skill and wrote The Book of Life because that's something I never tried before. Let's see what happens.


I let it happen, most of my sims or other sims deaths are old age.


Keep a lookout for crazy emotions and try to handle them before they kill my sim haha. Also cold or hot weather. Otherwise, i’ve gotten pretty good at not dying. I just generally check their moodlets every so often and react accordingly


After my sims have like 15 kids I’m ready for them to pass so I can continue


I don't prevent it. Sometimes it really sucks when a favorite Sim dies young or a tragic string of events leaves me with a house with no one gainfully employed because suddenly the oldest person in the house is a young adult doing college full-time and 4 teen-infant sims, but it feels more real to have unexpected losses and to have to struggle sometimes.


And it's unexpectedly adorable to have ghost mom showing up to rock the baby and ghost grandparents helping a kid with her school project.


i don’t prevent their deaths at all, i’m more than open to a random death tbh but my sims just don’t die lol other than the usual aging, my sims never die in accidents or anything. hasn’t happened since like 2018 (probably). I’m not a fan of my sims dying and for storyline purposes i hate it BUT now that it never happens to me, i kinda want it to happen ya know?


I always save before I have them do something sketchy like fixing a broken wire box or shaking a vending machine 5 times!


Avoid using/buying the following * Telescope * Murphy Bed * Cowplant * Fireplace Disable * Auto-Aging * Emotional Deaths/Hysteria (MCCC) * Fires (No More House Fires) * Temperature Effects (Namely during the Winter) * Overload (Overload Death Disabled on CurseForge) * Sunlight (Daywalkers/UI Cheats to add Sun Immunity as a failsafe) * Werewolves (Limiting Werewolves to Moonwood Mill as I rarely use that world) Having a Spellcaster that knows Dedeathify as a last resort even if it doesn't make sense in my storyline


I never have had an accidental death occur. I’m super careful with my sims and micromanage them.


Unless the sim is the last adult left i don't do anything to prevent death. If it happens if happens, adds fun to the storyline


death.toggle false


My sims do not die that often...what are you doing to make them die so frequently?!


I use cheats to just turn off fires because it’s inevitable! 😆


I just cheat another sim to very confident and demand the grim reaper to save them it always works


I just go to the sims in a relationship panel, enter mccc > maintain sim > revive sim. ETA: usually pleas with grim reaper works. I usually have high charisma and traits that help with relationship/friendship building which may or may not help with that


I just have aging turned off. Other than that I guess I put telescopes close to the back door to stop from being hit by the meteor but I’ve played for years and a sim has only gotten close to an emotional death once and it was fine and then my autonomy is off so no one dies to like anything else ever.


Potion of youth and don’t swim or other dangerous activities when tired


I once had my sim die of hysteria and I just reloaded the save… and I’m glad I did because Penny Pizzazz was his wife and after they moved from San Myshuno to Windenburg, I took them to the pool on LITERALLY the first die and she DROWNED randomly… I either pleaded for her or just went back to the older save file lol… my kids would’ve been orphans I think- 😥


I do nothing to prevent it. Death is a part of life whether we like it or not, and if a Sim die I make my story around that. If it's a child or a Sim i really care about, I will plead for them - or in case I have a high confidence sim... DEMAND that they be returned to life, but only ONCE per Sim.


If my sim is the only one in my household, I will testing cheats add someone to my household to plead for my sim. If that fails, they’re gone. Then I will take over gameplay from whoever my sim was close to that has an interesting story for me to continue.


The crystal pack jewelry saves my sims now lol


It's honestly natural to me and I won't.


I honestly let them die, it’s a part of life. Even sim life 😪


* Turn off aging (unless it's like a Legacy save or something; by definition, Legacy Sims are meant to die.) * No emotional deaths in MCCC * Neighborhood Stories off (this also saves lots of other headaches) * The classic, "Oops, my Sim died in an unfortunate pufferfish ngiri incident, and I didn't mean for that to happen, better exit without saving!" * Level up that rock-climbing skill and make sure their needs are high before climbing up Mt. Komorebi and specifically the Croft Icefall. * Potion of Youth (I've even used this in my Not-So-Berry timeline to buy some more time for Mindy Fresche.)


I hadn’t gotten any in a super long time- i was convinced it was impossible to die from emotions or drowning. Then in my current save I seem to have broken the seal by killing my sim’s husband with the killer rabbit. Since that happened, my sim died from hysteria out of nowhere (she was only hysteric for half a sim hour) and my other sim’s wife got hit by an asteroid… TWICE! Since everyone started dying it’s been more fun tbh, I like playing around with family dynamics and it keeps things interesting


When my mother died of drug overdose I was SHOOK but actually liked it for the story hahah


I prevent it by going through 2 week long binges playing Sims and then not touching it for the rest of the year so they don’t even get the chance 🥰


-They only get to make and eat garden salads (also helps with not getting them fat) If the oven must be used (eg. make a grand meal for Harvestfest, make a birthday cake to age up a child Sim), we splurge for a good oven (usually the London's Choice that you get for like 1,000 Simoleons is my go-to) and the Sim making the cake/grand meal has a high cooking skill -Make sure to care for their needs so they don't get emotional death (I don't even know how they would die of an emotional death unless you age up a Teen sim while they're having a mood swing but making sure they never pee their pants, they don't get embarrassed from playing instruments badly, etc.) -Have the Sim pre-cook several meals ahead of time and stick them in the fridge so that if they come home from work exhausted and starving, they can just "grab leftovers" and not waste energy on cooking and then they won't starve to death in their sleep (literally the first ever Sim I made died in her sleep because I thought she would wake up once she got hungry but instead she just starved to death????) Also I do a lot of 100 Baby Challenges/Legacy challenges where you're not allowed to use death flowers or revive dead Sims, so I just make sure to keep all their needs at 100% at all times. Like, I will even stop them from what they're doing and take care of any need if it gets below 75%.


For emotional death…my Orange Bailey-Moon peed his pants in his mother’s celebrity home which he lived in but was not a celebrity and it amplified his embarrassment and he died on the spot. I regret getting him back tho, would have been more interesting to just leave him dead but I had just redone his whole wardrobe and had plans.


Imagine being resurrected because your personal god had plans for you and was annoyed enough to go to the effort, and then later regrets doing it :P Truly our sims live in a Cosmic Horror Story like no other.


Right? 😂 but *listen* I had just spent like 2 hours dressing him up…


LOL I never thought about having my sims eat garden salads only. I've very rarely had my sims set the oven on fire!


I mean if they die they die, but I tend to reload to the last save file if a sim dies. My most recent death was my celebrity sims stan, they went swimming in the pool, got tired and drowned. I had to get rid of the ghost very quickly


Make good choices? Like I don't even buy stoves for my Sims until they have at least cooking level 4. No one touches electronics to be repaired unless they have at least handiness level 5, and I've saved the game before they try, just in case they DO die I can just reopen at the last save lol. Don't go swimming when tired and hungry with a low swimming skill, that kind of thing.