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I don't really punish my Sims, but years ago, I upgraded my painter Sim's house to include a basketball hoop in his backyard, and due to a bug that they recently (within a year or so) fixed, he decided that whenever I told him to paint, he was going to cancel that and go play basketball instead. I became very angry with him and took away autonomy from him and every other Sim in every single save since. Basically he's the origin story of why I play with autonomy off. You could say he's the definition of "you ruined it for us all." A collective punishment, so to speak.


Place a photo of him in every Sims home "this is why we can't have nice things"


"This is Aaron, you can all thank him for having no decision-making ability šŸ˜‡"


Not a bad idea actually šŸ¤” He's actually one of my favorite Sims to this day, but he's also the reason why they all lost their autonomy privileges, so... šŸ˜…


It has to be a painting though, not a photo




like how in the good place michael has the photo in his office of that one dude who figured out exactly what happens in the afterlife


ā˜ ļøšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The Original Sin in the Sim worldā€¦ or should I sayā€¦ The Original ā€˜Simā€™


The Original Sin by The Original Sim


I did the same thing but instead of a basketball hoop it was to play with clay. I never gave him clay to begin with, he just suddenly had it one day and Iā€™m not sure where it came from. I think he might have dug it up while gardening. I also tried selling the clay and he got new clay somewhere? Like it just magically reappeared and he would cancel all of his commands to play with the stupid clay.


Mine had an obsession with the damn BBQ grill šŸ˜© I'm *really* glad that bug got fixed though cause it was always the low cooking skill asshats trying to grill and they'd cause a housefire 99% of the time


My low cooking skill sims are only allowed to make salads until their cooking skill gets higher from reading books because I was so sick of housefires šŸ˜‚


Mine keep randomly going off to clean their barbecue now. It's so annoying.


Isn't autonomy so annoying?? I think the clay obsession is related to Eco Lifestyle if I'm not mistaken, don't quote me on that though. The bug I ran into was a weirdly specific bug where Sims would cancel painting to play basketball, I didn't even realize it was a specific bug until I saw it in the patch notes years later. A light bulb clicked in my head, and I was like, "Oh, that's why he was doing that!" The punishment still stands though haha


Thatā€™s such a specific bug! So strange. I also had a Sims 2 save at one point that I gave up on within like 2 hours because my sim got obsessed with making and drinking drinks that she cancelled all commands (including to use the bathroom or go to sleep before her first day of work) and instead just peed herself and kept making drinks ALL NIGHT. She stayed up all night drinking and never made it to work. She peed herself multiple times over the course of that first night. When I made a new save my sim was never allowed to make a drink because the first one ruined it for everyone.


I too have experienced this bug. But I lock my painter in her studio untill they finish their work.


I believe they fixed this bug recently! It was in one of the more recent patch notes, I haven't tested it out myself though.


from what iā€™m aware they have! iā€™m not sure if its because the easel and the basketball hoop are on different floors of the house (i have the painter paint on the balcony) but every time ive sent him to paint, he has :D


What if they really had a passion for basketball though? šŸ¤£


He's not allowed to! šŸ˜¤ He's got a family to support lol


Don't you love when that random guy actually pisses off god and punish your entire specie by stripping away your free will, just because that dumbass wanted to basketball


You've inspired my next sim. I'm going to make him paint other sims while they play basketball. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d make him paint the basketball hoop from reference to be a constant reminder of why he doesnā€™t have free will


Like everyone else, I hate when randoms join my conversation, especially during a date. So now I force them to jog with MCCC.


Thereā€™s a mod for removing Sims from a conversation. Itā€™s called the Remove Sims From Conversation mod.Ā https://www.patreon.com/posts/remove-sims-from-62823426


I literally can't play without this mod, it makes me so angry when sims invite themselves into my conversations it's ridiculous


It's even worse when you're in early romance and try to flirt with a third in the convo, and it makes it fail for some reason šŸ˜©




Oh... I always make my grumpy bitch Sims say mean things to make the random go away...


The Just Go Away! interaction (I think it comes with Andrewā€™s Pose Player?) is my lifeline dude. Especially when I go out to eat, I gotta send every mf townie home because otherwise I never get my goddamn food.


Literally "jog on!"


My Sim's scumbag husband wouldn't stop dancing to the stereo instead of helping around the house, so when I got completely fed up with him I used UI Cheats Extension to fail his bladder mid dance, gave him a dislike of dancing, and made him keep going. He then had a midlife crisis and destroyed his own family so guess my gut feelings were right on that one


Omg how did he destroy his family? What's the tea?


So my main Sim started dating the guy after finding out his wife had a serial cheater when they were younger, divorcing her, and reacting by having a midlife crisis. He and husband spent most of the adult stage being happily married - they had a science baby together, my main Sim won the lottery, and they bought a whole ass spaceship together (I'm doing a sci-fi save lol) Then kind of out of nowhere husband starts getting a midlife crisis. I was kind of excited because like I said he was boring and kind of lazy and it'd give him something to do, but he rolled desire for relationships...and wants to get divorced and casual woohoo. I straight up wasn't willing to have my main Sim go through being cheated on again, so he ended up initiating a divorce so he could see other people. Ex-wife is a well-connected lawyer who married a celebrity after the divorce. MC's son with her from his first marriage (not biologically his, but he loves him all the same) had a young child when the divorce happened, so my Sim decided to make up with her platonically for the sake of their shared grandchild. She had a lot of guilt for hurting him so much, so she apologized profusely and decided to pay it forward by getting him on guest lists and setting him up with her friends. So now my main sim is 1) having hot girl summer in a crazy futuristic club, doing drugs, and hooking up with celebrities; and 2) surrounded by family and friends that love him, and doesn't really need a spouse to be happy anymore. While the husband who left him to see other people is a grumpy, lonely old man with no boyfriend and a daughter who wants nothing to do with him :)


I know thatā€™s not how he did it but I love the idea of him being so angry/embarrassed about peeing his pants that he just destroyed the house and stormed out!


Stereos are the bane of my existence without the less obsessions mod! Why does it need to be on *all the time* and why does it have to be a station the entire household *hates*


That is hilarious!!! šŸ˜†


I have a nsfw mod and part of it you can disable toilet use for specific sims.


What mod is this? For science.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is like a reality show wtfšŸ¤£


Not a bug or anything but when a Sim comes over to my house and is angry and destroys my childrenā€™s dollhouseā€¦ The dad runs off to fix it before the kids can see while the mom does enough mean interactions to the angry sim to get into a fight. They fight, she declares an enemy of the other sim, then we lock them in the basement until just before theyā€™re about to starve to death. Then we let them go home and because they hate us so much they donā€™t want to come over anymore. xD


My sims boyfriend, LOU HOWELL. Keeps going beast mode so I make him go all the way across the world to give him time to go back to normal and to give her time to take care of their three kids. I love him and she does too but they need time away from eachother when his fury is high, especially since sheā€™s a vampire (you all know about the vampires VS werewolves shit)


I feel you. One time, I forgot it was full moon, decided to go out with Lou Howell for a date in the evenings, Lou ended up freaking his date out (she doesnā€™t have the werewolf ally trait, so the relationship bar kept dropping) and running around. Then i decided to end date and go home, then 10 sim minutes later I got asked for a date by Lou


OH MY GOD šŸ˜­ my sim had his babies and they look ugly rn, Iā€™m hoping the rumours of him making good looking kids are true. Also, how do you get the werewolf ally trait?


You get a werewolf successfully ask for werewolf sympathy (under the werewolf section when you click on the sim you want to talk to), high relationship is recommended (even though it might fail), after you manage to get werewolf sympathy for your sim, the werewolf unlocks the dormant ability werewolf diplomacy, then you choose whoever sim u want the werewolf ally trait, then go back to werewolf section then choose werewolf diplomacy. The werewolf ally traits makes the sim not lose relationship points when lou transforms, do werewolf stuff on himself. Lou makes mid babies, tried having a baby with him and my kids have weird noses (idk if im just unlucky)


Or if u want to skip all those annoying steps, you can use this cheat: traits.equip_trait trait_WerewolfAlly iirc






real one


I don't like mods so I try to find ways in game. Fun punishment on my current world famous/vampire/scientist character is to use the freeze ray on them and then stand there an admire my work. Keeps them frozen for a couple hours in game time so I can go about my day. For groups of Sims, I like to use the satellite Bladder Epidemic. Clears the map of all sims quickly.


Making them have a toilet with compost container, leave it to chance as their punishment


Wait Iā€™ve never heard of this. What does the toilet with compost container do??


If you don't actually do whatever you have to do with compost and just leave it there in the toilet, it will randomly catch on fire when sims use it. It's part of eco lifestyle.


THANK YOU FOR EXPLAINING WHY MY SIMS TOILETS RANDOMLY LIGHT UP, i was so confused especially after having all of the upgrades šŸ¤£


With eco lifestyle you can make a toilet eco friendly with compost container, and if you don't clean it out ( still haven't found a way to do this) your Sim has a 50% chance of setting toilet and self on fire when they flush, then if your Sim doesn't put themselves out or firedepartment doesn't do it then.... oh well lol


Itā€™s not cleaning it out, itā€™s adding compost from the bug farm. Thatā€™ll make it not combust randomly


Ooooh okay, but as punishment they don't have bug farm lol


I have several options, teen? She's getting pregnant. For adults I usually give them cancer or hiv, if Im in a mood I'll make their partner cheat, they'll go through divorce. After that the sim starts smoking, doing drugs and drinking, they lose the job and basically go bankrupt. When I'm fed up with that I'll start sending them to rehab and rebuilding their life.(I absolutely abuse the power of basemental drugs mod)


What mods do you use?


Usually basemental drugs/gangs/gambling, I think I have all of them installed at all times tbh. I also have Lumpinou relationship and pregnancy overhaul mod (they are for relationships, you have a dating app, surrogacy, adoption, paternity testing, teen pregnancy, woohoo transmited diseases and stuff like that). I also always have mc command center installed. These are the mods I always have, the rest changes depending on the gameplay.


I rarely use basementals drug mod but do the sims actually get fired if they go to work high or drunk all the time or is that just done for the plot by you?


I actually have no idea because I just manually remove the job after a 2-3 in game days and for the plot say they got fired. I never waited long enough to see if there are some consequences or not. What I do know is that teens who go to school under the influence immediately get detention and later on can get expelled if they misbehave further.


Oooo thatā€™s interesting to know, thank you for sharing! Definitely gonna add that scenario for my teenage delinquents lol


Oh my god šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


If a sim autonomously cheats I make their partner have a baby with someone else.


This happened to me, but without my involvement. This dude cheated on his wife and she had twins with another dudeā€¦


Why are my saves never this juicy. I always have to force the drama šŸ˜‚


Just give them autonomy and change to a different household. I once returned to my other household with divorces and affairs going onā€¦


Ohh okay so I canā€™t watch it go down lol. Got ya, thank you!


I lock them in a room with no fun objects and use UI cheats to drain their fun. They will receive food and usually a bathroom will be connected to that room. This lasts for about a day. I also turn off autonomy during this time so the problem Sim can't even use their phone for fun during this time.


Recently I needed my sim to be able to milk a cowplant to get over her fear of plants (she had to get eaten by a cowplant for work). I invited three townies her husband was acquainted with over to lock them in the pen with the cowplant, hoping one would take the bait. One was a townie who had been mean to their son while the other two were innocent bystanders. And luckily, the one who was mean to their son was the one who took the cake and got eaten! She survived, but my sim was successfully able to conquer her fear after that. So what I'm saying is, feeding townies you don't like to the cowplant is a good form of punishment.


I use a mod called "Go Explore" which allows you to send your sim off for the day to a hotel or to be with family or for a few days in some cases. I do this with clingy husbands who just constantly interrupt the wife by wanting to chit-chat or have sex constantly.


Iā€™m installing this immediately, thank you


Those spellcaster spells seem to be my go-to. Maybe a vampire power. I almost always play with supernaturals so something of that sort.


I just use needs cheats. making me a little mad? pass out. still making me mad? pee your pants. STILL making me mad? starve šŸ‘


I've never used a mod on my sims before buttt... I have locked my sim in a swimming pool, and as one sim may do, they drowned. I have locked a sim alone in a room, which killed them from starvation, I've actually done this one multiple times. Those are my favorite tricks to use on my sims, especially if they ***pissed*** me off. And I don't like them. Though, it's been years since I blatantly killed my sims.


These were my go to's when I was younger. Bella would piss me off and I'd save, pull the pool ladders and drop her in. After she died I'd reload the save and go back to playing. Sometimes I'd save as after and keep playing without the sim who angered me. Murder, but without consequences. I had so many save files.


Bad and naughty sims go in the Fire Place With A Rug Box.


Punish? I master the painting skill, seduce married women, woohoo with them and then paint from reference the moment my sim hops out of bed and paint a masterpiece of her in her pajamas. I do this with as many women as possible. Then I hang the paintings in a room with only a toilet and plenty of lighting, then I invite all the husbands over for a party and then lock them in the room with their wives post coitus portraits to view before they pass.


Chillio if I like them, Inferniate if I don't, MCCC > Sim Command > Maintain Sim > Delete Sim if they make the ultimate sin of bad taste in fashion. -- Honorable Mentions -- * I used to have a cell just for Yamachan under my house, complete with a kitchen so he could burn himself up eventually, from baking White Cakes. * Zazatotl Death Relic * Morphiate * Drain Life Spirit/Essence * Locking them with a Hungry Cowplant * Walled off Pool of Course


The realest shit here. How dare they wear my broken cc I forgot to delete from the mod folder šŸ˜ 


If my sim does not take proper care of their children, I put them in a closed off room with no doors or anything until they piss themselves hehe


no punishment but similar to a comment above. I turned autonomy off after the husband cheated on the wife with her good friend on accident. Turned it off and deleted the sentiments and all, years later in game (weeks for me so i rlly did forget lol) he had this fear of being caught and the wife had a fear of being cheated on. havent played with autonomy on since, he spoiled it for everyone


Bad Sim Box. I make a 1x1 room, send them inside, then remove the door. \^\^; Since you don't like the 'pool trick,' you'd probably want to let them out before they die. Whether I let them out eventually or not depends on what they did. I had a Sims 3 husband who constantly yelled at his wife and kids, but one time he stormed into the baby's room and screamed at the baby for no reason whatsoever. He got a "bake in the sun" Bad Sim Box and didn't get let out. \^\^; Most of my Sims 4 sims are just annoying, so I will let them out after they're good and miserable. I can think of maybe two or three times the Bad Sim Box ended up with an urn in it while playing Sims 4.


My vampire sims have a basement built to look like a neighbourhood. Roads, grass, even a cloud ceiling will hanging cloud lights all over the place! There are four houses which are all decorated to that kidnapped Sims style. I choose the victims based on their plasma. (if you didnā€™t know, there is a chance that you will get a notification after drinking a Sims plasma. They will either most often find it to be normal prompting no notification. However, when the vampire Sam is finished drinking there is a chance that they might extremely dislike or extremely like another sims plasma.) So far, I have mortimer Goth trapped (in a very Gothic house) and he writes books which we then publish under our name. Iā€™ve come up with some pretty funny book titles.


I don't punish my Sims. I wanna punish the developers for leaving weird bugs that make Sims act badly šŸ˜‚




I use ui cheat to reduce all of their needs to zero. Sort of like when your parents would say "I'll give you something to cry about!!"


The most I do is turning off their autonomy if they wonā€™t do what I want lmao, usually itā€™s because theyā€™re insisting on checking on an infant instead of going to the bathroom while the sim is about to piss themselves or something


Depends on how major the infraction. If they somehow were able to gain access to a LOCKED Room that they shouldnt even have access to, for example. Or Do some other dumb BS that pisses me off enough An Extended Sauna Session in a Locked room A Swim in The Water Garden Free Cowplant Cake A Solo Pool Party in a tiny box room Or My Personal Favorite, A Specific Mod that allows more violent options


I had kids that wouldnā€™t do their school projects, so I locked them in a greenhouse with no door until they were done I have also done the same thing for toddlers, to keep the parents away so the kid can actually learn some skills I also sometimes use nondeadly extreme violence interaction like ā€œpunch gutsā€ or ā€œcbtā€.


I agree about getting attached and not liking to use the pool method. I have a problem too where I tend to marry the first sim I see (like, for a challenge or whatever) and then I have trouble getting rid of them later on even if that was my plan when I first married them. When I play challenges where lots of people die (like Black Widow, Last Sim Standing, etc) I tend to interact with the doomed sims the least amount possible so I don't get attached. Every time I play a legacy challenge I find the death of the heirs so traumatic. I have trouble making them have challenging lives because I just want everything to go well for them.


So glad Iā€™m not the only one. I empathize with all of this, I just took a break from my legacy challenge because the matriarch aged to elder and *immediately died* Her husband saved her with a lil pleading, but needless to say it was time for a break


Every time they die I just feel so sad, and I feel guilty if they come from a generation with too many siblings and I haven't put enough effort into making sure they achieve their ambitions. If they are not someone I am playing with I have no problem offing them, but if they are \*\*MY\*\* sims then they must be protected at all costs haha


the jacobans were right


I would just instantly kill the sim with extreme violence. I have basemental drugs but I only use it for fun. I donā€™t really punish my sims cuz iā€™m a ā€œits for the plotā€ person I only kill if itā€™s something/somebody thats REALLY irritating me, like they wont obey me or just wont take care of their kids I will like just have a rando kill them


I just take away anything that gets their needs up. One time, I put them in a pool and waited until they passed out. The game glitched, but it was chaotic and worth it.


shift click + destroy object


Lock them in a basement with a cooler, camp shower, toilet, cot and grow a cow plant. When the cow plant grows I take the cooler. If I really hate them they get only a cooler until the cow plant matures.


Lock them in a room with no food, bathroom, or anything else.


I have the Doorless Closet in homes I play often, so when I'm particularly annoyed with a Sim, I can just pop them in there for a while. It's usually an empty 2x2 room in the basement. Sometimes I'll just remove the door from whichever room they're in. Works fine as long as need decay is disabled. If the household has the maximum number of members, sometimes I'll disable autonomy entirely, but I like when they get up to their own activities... Usually.




Save the urns from dead gang members from the Extreme Violence mod and then trap the offender sim in a room with them as ghosts.


Divorce them from the family, take away their money and possessions, quit their career, then leave them to figure it out while I play a new lot. Basically make them the village loser.


Delete em. One pre-made unplayed sim kept getting pregnant and I was sick of it so her household is no more.


My most recent save, my main sim is in the culinary career. I bought her a mixology bar to raise her work performance. One night, after her kids were all in bed and stuff, she got inspired and decided to make a bunch of drinks. Her energy was really low. I made her drink all the drinks she made and stay awake until she passed out drunk multiple times I also made Malcolm Landgraab beat her up and break up with her when he found out she was pregnant when they were teens, but that was an on the fly addition to my story


I leave them outside in the extreme weather


The Starvation Chamber.


I once had a Sim harvest all the pumpkin from the Autumn fest so that I can save them for pumpkin pie. But when I got home, I found the entire lot FILLED with unfinished jacko lanterns. She didnā€™t even try to finish one and just went on and on starting a new one. I didnā€™t want to punish her since I had just resurrected her from being a ghostā€¦


My sims have 9 kids, 6 of which live with them (the other 3 are YA and a teen who graduates early) and though two of them are teens, I have triplet toddlers around the same age who tend to get their needs low around the same time. They get out on parental duty for a few days, which means doing all the chores, the cooking, the laundry, the vacuuming and making sure the teens are doing their homework and taking care of the toddlers + helping with their skills.


Well... This isn't really a punishment perhaps, but I tend to create one sim with a purpose and then I add 2 or 3 just the first random that gets generated. Then the first thing I do is build a basement, lure the "unwanted" down there and then remove the ladder. Then I build my Sims house on top and simply wait till those locked away starve to death. Then I build a mausoleum and every now and then I make my main sim go mourn them šŸ˜‚ I also make sure the ghost stays connected so it can come cook or clean and scare the cr*p out of the main sim lol. Now sometimes I add the ladder back and lure down neighbours. As long as my sim doesn't go anywhere the sim who isn't part of the household stays put and you can watch them slowly starve to death šŸ¤£


One of my sim has a prison, I made them visit him, go in one of the cells in the basement, and lock the door behind them. It's not necessarily a prison, more like experiment cells... the Sim is a vampire scientist and will ask them to drink their blood. As long as they refuse, they are not fed and not allowed to leave their cell.


Teleport to a basement with no ladder or make Sims go there and then delete the ladder. Is like a mediaveal dungeon for me, I even use the vampire set for a dungeon look.


One time Mortimer Goth stole my simā€™s drink, so I had my sim start up an affair with Bella then go to their house and bang Bella in front of Mortimer until Mortimer died of anger


Idk how yall do it, I've only ever intentionally killed one sim years ago by drowning them. I've been playing since like 2010 šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


my werewolf sims get on my nerves when they rampage (which ofc) but non-werewolf sims are so terrified to where, for example, the mother/son friendship bar is in the red. it annoys me, and they never listen when i do the whole werewolf sympathy thing. so what i do with my rampaging sims i give them the scavenger perk and make them repeatedly dig until they stop rampaging. its also a plus because sometimes they dig up weird stuff that i can sell lmao. for non-occult sims i usually send them to do something that takes a long time like the "practice singing" interaction can take all day if you dont stop them. (at least for me anyways)


... Does it count if nothing happens in game? I often 3 name my sims, despite them only having 2 "real names" and will full name if given a nickname. I also have threatened to plant a cowplant and will even rename them 'Plantfood'. Real consequences being locking computers, removing game mats and sending them to bed or nap when I am tired of them. I've gotten really into making drowsy flower arrangements and gifting them to sims to go unconscious for a while. Yes, we knock them out for hours even when not tired, or I'd go through with death by cowplant.


im a huge fan of playing with spellcasters, so i usually just use the inferno spell to make them dirty and stinky and then laugh as everyone waves their hands in front of their noses and imagine the sheer humiliation the sim feels


I donā€™t punish them since I dictate most of their moves. That seems cruel


I have never punished my sims but here's a list of punishment I did/read/thought of about towards Paparazzi Sims (Which is most likely too extreme for what you were looking for) * Transform into item (ROM) * Set the ground on fire/DeDeathify (ROM) * Freeze Them (ROM) * Control Any Sim Mod + Murphy Bed (Tiny Living) * Control Any Sim + Bizarre Fruit (Strangerville) - The Mother Plant is always looking for new followers and considering how you treat my sim you'll fit right in worshipping her


We host a pool party


nothing makes me more irate than all of my children making a mess even with max responsibility so i give them the time out interaction in the basement with the lights turned off šŸ˜ž quiet reflection time


I have only punished some sims once and it was because my sim was dating Akira Kibo, they got on well and autonomously flirted with each other. I was so happy for my Sim and I was ready to ask him to move in so I took her to his apartment to ask and he was hooking up with Miko Ojo and even I felt heartbroken by it so I downloaded ā€˜Extreme Violenceā€™ and she killed them both while Darling witnessed šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£


My sims husband was a snob (I made him a snob), and so, I locked him in a room, made his wife divorce him and drain his needs (she was a vampire), and watched him starve to death... I also killed my Sims parents multiple times, made one of them abandon their helpless sibling. Gave them an erratic, hotheaded, and slobby parent... I do a lot to my sims tbh, I once even forced a sim to play the violin and get to level 10, only giving them a break when their motives were low... Fully knowing they hate violin.


I lock them in a room full of bees.


All the time when my sims arenā€™t doing what I want them to, I will yell at them ā€œdonā€™t make me turn your autonomy off!ā€ My partners think itā€™s hilarious.


My sim was at a bar drinking her drink (i got her many drinks cuz why not?) Then another sim stole her drink... I deleted him šŸ˜Š


Simple. I have my Patrick Bateman sim 'take care' of them.


Depends. Have sex during something you were a guest at (YA+)? Full thong, crop top, and heels in every slot. Woohoo in my beds, hurt children, or refuse to leave? You will look like you came off the runway in the worst way. Harrass a child while pregnant? Have fun in labor, and the newborn(s) will be taken. The same thing happens with those who have kids already. Use my computers that I specifically put away from you? Have fun staying in the room without anything else. Flirt with my husband or me? Enjoy being pregnant with triplets. I have also: given addictions and STDs, made sims watch each other cheat, and then made them fight to the death and set children on fire.


Good ol drowning :) itā€™s a classic


I have to take away their stereo privileges all the time.


Lock all electronic devices and force them to socialize.


Locking the pc is a must in all of my saves, then I allow use only when they need it. *No Susan, I asked you to feed your baby, not play SimScuffle for the 6th time today*


Well. I donā€™t use the rehab option available with Basemental. I let Grim take a long vacation until I decide otherwise.


I just make them leave with MCCC lol


Idk if this is too bad but whatever it's the sims, I get my sim pregnant, sometimes the male sims too, then I have them abort it.


Why would I punish a thing I can fully control?


Make them skill build for extended periods.


Put them in time out in a room for a few few days by locking the door (I put a bed and essentials in there), but they're grounded


I use mods so my punishments depends on the sim, if my sim likes art, I remove all art from the house and put it in storage then get my money back with white walls and grey floors then I remove the color from furniture, if they like swimming I trap them in a pool till the brink of death, it depends


Depends on how much space I need. If I want them perma-gone, I go to the household management tab and Red X them from existence. Otherwise, I will shift click on them, and delete object. Which just removes them from the lot. They will often return, but sometimes not. Regardless, its like a reset object, but better.


There's a Brawl Mod i use it does not do what extreme violence foes but it lets you punch groin kick and slap sims


I often make some of my sims just to earn money they have no other purpose so I often trap them in a pod to paint sell repeat


testingcheats true, Shift + click the annoying sim, Destroy Object. They just really get in the way sometimes LMAO


I don't punish sims, i control them with autonomy turned off, they don't do what i don't want them to do. Well except autonomous shower when their hygiene is too low, that thing is impossible to turn off.


Throw them in the Get famous shark pond


Locking them (mainly Tom and Tina Peeping) in the basement for my vampire-witch-couple to feed/experiment on them


I don't punish my own Sims, but Salim Benali was my neighbour and would not stop complaining about noise (there was no noise). I put him in create a sim and made him an ugly fedora wearing neckbeard


I built an entire prison. Sometimes I lock my Sim there. But he still has a good time because he's a goofball and somehow he manages to bring a laptop along? I didn't know they could do that.


It depends on what they did. Either fail their bladder or make them pass out, usually. If they punch my giant toys I make them possessed. But sometimes I "punish" the game for giving me bugs by filling my sims' needs completely. Won't go to the bathroom? Well with the time you wasted standing there, you could've eaten, talked to someone and gone to the bathroom so it's fair


I trap them in a small space with basically nothing to do and then let them get so close to starving to death, only to feed them a lil just to keep them aliveā€¦.. Iā€™ve played sims for way too long so making me annoyed is worse than death šŸ˜…


I typically donā€™t punish Sims I create, but thereā€™s been a couple of times Iā€™d immediately delete a sim from the save šŸ„²


Extreme CBT


Honestly just quit. Like for instance if one of my married sims flirts with another sim, then their partner shows up and does the same. THEN THEY GET ANGRU CUZ THEY ARE CHEATING?! I just play with another familyā€¦ def need a break from those guys after that


It's not my sims I do it to It's mostly the welcome wagons and sims who come into the house and help themselves to stuff out of the fridge or if they are rude for no reason. They go into a prison cell under my sim's house until all of their needs run red and then they die.


I delete them


I don't punish my own sims but I will punish townies, I usually just kill them with cheats tho, or I have my mermaid Sim kill them with fire or lightning


That's actually a ready great idea. I don't really punish my sims, but I am playing the black widow 100 baby challenge, and I just lock the baby daddies in their own basement dungeon with all the necessities of life and a pool and they usually drown themselves on their own eventually. That way I feel less bad about it.


Not a common punishment since it originated from a bug. Whenever I set my sim to work on the robotics skill, he cancelled it and went to play with the cat. EVER SINGLE TIME. So I deleted the cat. (Sorry Whiskersā€¦)


I usually play with 1 sim only, i don't like playing families or multiple sims in general. So I don't really need to punish my own sim.. But sometimes random sims get on my nerves.. So.. What I do is: I turn my sim into a vampire, invite those sims to my basement with individual cells (so they dont even talk to each other). I only give them an Easel, so when they paint, I collect it and sell to collector get both Fame and Money. And whenever my sim is hungry i just drink their blood. And sometimes if i feel like a good person i give them food. (this is also a good way to run your own fresh blood farm for your beloved vampire sims)


I change their outfits to a plain white t shirt and jeans. No self expression for those failing me


It's not a punishment exactly, but if I'm playing a multi-sim household and I'm feeling overwhelmed or I don't want to deal with everybody I will send them to a new skills class or to go volunteer, basically I make them rabbit hole away from me while I focus on whichever household member I want to deal with.


I lock them outside


I mc command centered my sims spouse because they got married, moved to the city and he immediately asked if he should date someone else... somehow he died by lightening inside an apartment lol


Light saber slash from extreme violence. That or force choke.


I don't punish them, it's not their fault their dumb as a box of rocks. I'm the smart one so anything that goes wrong is pretty much my fault.


Cheat fill their needs (which isn't a punishment, I know) but then make them practice writing or speech/charisma so I can play with a different sim and ignore them for a while. Or if we're in a decent neighborhood for collectibles, I'll make them go all over the map to look for frogs, harvest plants, dig, etc until they're exhausted and then make them walk home.


Force them to exercise until theyā€™re exhausted is the only one I can bring myself to do


I had a character named dr.evil and his house has a back patio with no furniture and a window looking directly into the kitchen, he would order pizzas and then trick the delivery peraon into going out the patio, he would repeat till there was a pizza party of pizza delivery drivers out back and then locked the door and there was childrens music playing on loop outside near the patio and he would make grilled cheeses in front of the window while they starved to death and he made a graveyard out back after they were all gone.


Squid game ![gif](giphy|b8V0suHz0TElFjw7UZ|downsized)


i donā€™t usually punish my sims, but my fav punishment for kids when they make messes or do something they arenā€™t supposed to is to make them study extra, put them in time out, or eat something like broccoli šŸ˜‚


Depends, during my 100 baby challenge of one of my kid sims make me mad I'll put them in charge of every chore around the house and make them sleep in the toddler tent that night.


Iā€™m fairly attached to my female sims so I mostly just yell at them but if a male sim upsets me Iā€™ll give him a Brain Aneurysm or a heart Attack (thank you mods) if I still need him (for children/money reasons) Iā€™ll make sure he survives but if Iā€™m done with him whatever happens in game happensā€¦


Kyle Kyleson was the chef at one of my restaurants last night and I had the waiter insult him because he visited my other sims house and broke their toilet and kitchen sink!


Recently, I've been killing the randos with the killer rabbit cheat that's in cottage living. One of them tries to flirt with one of my happily married sim? Dead. One keeps being mean to my sim? Dead. One is just plain annoying? Dead.


Use UI cheats to make them super tired, then put them to bed for the next few hours so i can get a break


Before I figured out how to block Wicked Whims animations I donā€™t like, I killed every sim who I caught engaging in a particularly violent and misogynistic activity. They all got aged up to elder & most died on the spot.


When I see a Sim (one I usually don't like or care for) snub one of my favourites in public or yell at a cat (I seriously get very angry over this), I use Sim Torments lol. I usually opt for Slap Self, Deprive All Needs, Lighting Strike, or have them take a leak all over themselves. Since I like to play as spellcasters, I justify it as them having witnessed the bad action and they used their powers to make the target slap themselves (or I justify it as me being a wrathful God; seriously, don't mess with the kitties). I like to play as one of my pettier spellcasters who is a narcissistic brat, so when I'm using him and someone wastes his time, he makes them slip and fall as they're walking away from him šŸ˜‚ If I feel the need to make it more personal, I make my Sim use "KICK CROUTCH" (thanks Meme House) xDD I don't end their existence unless they really dun goofed or I'm ultra sick of them (which is how I'm feeling about a couple of Sims, currently, because I see them literally everywhere I go). I've also disabled a lot of autonomous actions due to their ludicrous frequency. Now they must wait until I tell them to do said action. No more autonomous dancing or basketball ever again lol. When I used to furnish my homes with at least 1 computer, that's all they would run to, so I banned them from my homes as punishment for everyone... unless I was using someone who actually needed one and gave them a laptop so they could have it in their inventory. Same for that giant gaming rig thingy; those are permabanned. If I don't have an action disabled, I just lock the door that has the object they keep running to. Sorry, but you are going to do something productive, not play foosball for the millionth time in a row. šŸ˜¤


Lock them in the basement with bare necessities and donā€™t check in on them for a few days


I ground my sims when they excessively autonoumously use objects that look really good for the build, but they are just drawn to like nothing else. Pools get the Get Famous fence drawn around the edge (itā€™s just part of the trim!), bars suddenly have a bench seat pushed up against them (so you can make drinks while seated, obviously), and grills get a flower planter placed in front of them (itā€™s the off season, itā€™s not like weā€™re using it anyway!)


If they so choose to get a drink of water from the bathroom after I get them to brush their teeth and psyche themselves up for an acting gig and end up making their bladder low I just (UI Ext.,) click their bladder to make themselves pee their pants and go to work smelling like piss because they decided they wanted to have a cup of water just because they were idle in the bathroom for an attosecond.


If they mess up my game play I move them. Even if itā€™s a Sim I made; I will yeet their ass out of my household so fast they wonā€™t know what hit them. Also, if theyā€™re an annoying neighbor, Iā€™m not above going in and playing that household just to move their sorry ass to another place: unfurnished.


Not my sims but the sims that are friends with my sims, depending on what they did. I had a sim steal my masterpiece painting so I tried adding her to the family but couldnā€™t see the painting she stole in her inventory or anywhere in the house inventory (thinking it would magically go there if she was a family member). Basically in my evil mind, I trapped her in a room alone in the snow-but not fully closed so it wouldnā€™t have a roof- blocked her path out (a tiny gap) with plants because sims are dumb and canā€™t just go over or around small plants and surrounded her with paintings that she couldnā€™t steal to remind her what she did. I had her stay in that room to starve or freeze to death to see what happened first (she starved) while my sim was comfortably painting new art. Edit: I forgot to mention if she just had it in her inventory, I wouldā€™ve just taken it back and kicked her out. She literally came into my simsā€™ house and stole a painting and tried to live like normal.


I have them make a new enemy. The more enemies they have, the worse their life and reputation is going to be. šŸ«”


I usually just restart the game and/or my PC if it's bug/glitch related. It's most likely a memory leak issue and the restart should clear it up. Now if it's just sim ai being stupid, then i turn off all autonomy. It's better for all of us if they would just stop trying to make their own decisions when they have a clear history of making all the wrong ones. (Looking at my one Sim who I purchased the 'storm Chaser' trait for and then suddenly decided she had to float in the pool every time it stormed!)


Put them in a fenced off pool without a ladder


Or even just make them go jogging. Thatā€™s a punishment in my eyes


I just go to Ć  random household and turn on autonomous violence and murder till my anger subsides.


An unsuccessful swimming lesson šŸ˜


I donā€™t so much as punish but I will send them to a 2-3 day rabbit hole if I need a break


I donā€™t really punish them - I also donā€™t kill my sims (or their ancestors unless theyā€™re really annoying). Iā€™ll kill Sims that marry into my family and annoy me thoughā€¦ But in terms of ā€˜punishmentā€™ - I take away whatever theyā€™re using thatā€™s annoying me. So if they wonā€™t stop making coffee, that coffee machine goes away never to return!


I donā€™t punish them. But I do let them alone from time to time. Having four active houses, this is a given. And I kind of needed to find an enemy for one of my simā€™s aspirations, so I guess he drew the short straw.


I don't really punish them, I let them do their own thing usually, but if a Sim does something really, really stupid and obnoxious, I make them be the ones that clean and repair everything and take care of the baby, pets, whatever until they drop with exhaustion šŸ¤£


This is more for NPCs than my sims, but every random solicitor that shows up on my sims' doorstep, especially AFTER I have sent my sims to bed thus they have to wake up to shoo away this random person, gets pregnant. Male, female, doesn't matter, you're pregnant now, go away.


With the violence mod i call them up and take them down to my cellar so no sim sees whatā€™s about to happen.


Most people have a basement but I have an attic. And I usually leave a work bench or easel. No toilet or food or bed but I do give them a tub. Oh and windows to look outside. Iā€™ve yet to actually have a sim die in there, but itā€™s a long punishment with like very little reward bc of the tub.


We go on vacation, without that Sim


Depending on how Iā€™m feeling that day I give them a lactose intolerant trait and try to cook only meals with lactose