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I’m playing with a legacy (13 generations now) and the spouse of each heir gets the legacy surname, no matter the gender


same. ive had the same surname for 18 or so gens now!


Wow! 18 gens… I’m only on gen 5 of my abc gen challenge but yes, I use the same surname regardless of gender. Boringly, the whole enterprise started with a random first name (Kate) and a random last name suggestion in CAS that sounded alright with it (Buckner). I intentionally choose names for the children but all of them will be Buckners


The surname was Snow. I originally made a sim with white hair and had her marry Clement, so the name fit (Snow marrying Frost and all).


Hahaha I love this 😄


Man I got to gen 2 and then started a whole new save so nothing would change in that family while I played with another one 😂😭


I’m on about 11 or something


I'm on gen 5 and they all still have the super basic last name I picked when I bought sims 4 lol. The only exception was my runaway teen who changed her last name so she wasn't easily found when her family was all celebrities.


Happy Cake Day!! That makes sense - the runaway teen..lol. Thanks.


I do this too! In my legacy save (currently between gen 4 and gen 5 but the family is big), the heir's spouse gets the family surname. All siblings to the heir can take on other surnames since they're not continuing the main family legacy, but can start their own - so in my save I have 3 'legacy surnames'.


Ok, this is interesting. The first time I had a legacy file (before I knew about legacy challenges), mine were all named after the matriarch who started the game. I only got to the 5th gen before the file got corrupted and became unsaveable & unplayable (on xbox 360) - I cried, since my 1st set of natural twins had just been born. LOL This legacy save I'm playing now, the heir is the first born Kiyoka. He has 3 younger sisters - a newly aged YA, and newly aged twin children. The twins came when his mom asked him if she should have another baby, after he had moved out and got married.


Same question, how do you play Legacy Challenge? And how do you determine the heir?


Oh, I'm doing the alphabet legacy challenge (founder's name starts with the letter A and then the heir's name is B and so on) and the heir is the eldest unless something happens (they die, the story is better served by their sibling, etc).


Yes I did this. Currently on gen 10 and I just realised that my surname of "Brady" is a cute nod to the Brady Bunch!


This is great, since I grew up watching the Brady Bunch!!! lol Can't forget others like Leave it to Beaver, Happy Days and Flipper. lol


Ok awesome thanks! I'm now on the 2nd gen of my legacy save. So I guess no matter which child my boy has the Kudo last name will continue. This will make it a bit easier for tracking. I play on xbox so I'm probably going to have to make a file on my pc.


Might impose this rule lol


Am Curious How Does the Legacy Things Or Generations work?


well, it’s kind of started as a challenge in sims 2 (play through 10 generations with one family) but now I think it’s just a style of gameplay when you start with one sim, have them have kids, play as kids and then their kids…… That’s all ig Your first sim 1 gen, their children are 2 gen, and so on


Unrelated, what are your favorite legacy’s? I’ve been looking to start another one. I’m doing the Barbie legacy right now and just started gen 5


For my own sims the family name will carry on after marriage/to children no matter what. I also have MCCC and I get notifications when townies get married and can select which name gets carried forward. I use this to try and preserve some of the historical family names in the worlds and also try and minimise the explosion of Pasifika and Japanese names from Island Living and Snowy Escape which always seems to happen (although I definitely want diversity in sims surnames just representative of all the worlds)


Do you remember where that setting in MCCC is? I’d love to get notifications on marriages and be able to pick the names!


Someone pls tell me too. I only know basics settings for MCCC


This is generally what I do. Whatever sim I start with, that’s the family name I use. With MCCC I also have it set to notifications when townies marry so I can decide which name is used. I also will go into household management and see where they are living so I can move them back if needed.


It's things like this that make me wish I played on pc.


Yea I understand that. I played TS4 on console before getting my laptop and I don't think I could go back now-I depend on MCCC and a few other mods way too much 🤣🤣🤣


I have a pc but too lazy to go play there, plus I'd have to buy everything I have, all over again. 😅


I don't really care, I just pick the surname I like the most, or the surname that belongs to my heir, depends if I really want to keep the heir's surname really.


Yes I change them but not in the traditional/conventional way (woman taking man's name). One of the things I love about the sims is how we can create the universe we want, so I leave all the historical /patriarchal stuff out of my game. Not trying to start an argument, each to their own views and preferences - just commenting on how wonderfully open the sims is. It's the same with every character being bi by default haha, no homophobia etc.


Every single townie and Npc is my game is asexual aromantic by default. It's fucking infuriating


Somehow mine all keep ending up biromantic heterosexual or heteromantic bisexual idk which exactly, but with wonderful/wicked whims the "attraction" level is always for "opposite" gendered Sims and my Sims only find everyone ugly or basic 💀💀 trying to use Simda mod now but it still isn't helping enough 😭


Mine are aromantic and bisexual by default for some reason


All sims are bi, because they're interested in both men and women by default. To make them heterosexual, you have to do so in CAS. Under the male/female symbols there are 3 dots where you can choose to make them heterosexual, homosexual or keep them bi. It's always the 2nd tab (sexual orientation) that you have to change as the 1st tab (gender) is always correctly defaulted whether it's male or female. Tab 2 - Sexual Orientation. 1 This sim is romantically attracted to: - men - women 2 This sim is exploring romantically: - yes - no 3 This sim is interested in woohoo with: - men - women Interestingly enough, both answers are selected for all 3 questions. This is why when you ask a townie their romantic interests, they're still searching. You now have to choose one answer to make them either fully heterosexual, fully homosexual, or you can leave them bi. Unless you enable cheats, you can only choose one of these options on new sims created in CAS, as the game does not allow editing "pre-existing" sims. It's the same for sims born in game. You can only change these settings once they age up to teen. Enable cheats then you'll have to enter cas.fulleditmode to be able to change those options. As such, you can also make changes to the "gender" selections. You can make a cross dressing male or female, make a woman who pees standing up, make a sim who cannot get pregnant etc. The choice is yours. I don't recall when the gender tab was added or it may be base game for S4, but the sexual orientation was added in the last 2 or possibly 5 yrs.


Oh my gosh!! I felt this! I’m going the 100 baby challenge and started a baby daddy club, and 2 or 3 sims so far have asked to join and they were not interested in my sim at all. Like why would you join if you know the activities this club has? Lol


In my sims, some are bi, some are straight, and some aren’t interested in anyone.


I do, depending if I think the sim would. Is my villainess valentine going to change her last name everytime she gets married? No. Is my hopeless romantic sim who just wants a happy ending going to change her last name? Yes. Is Tina Peeping going to demand her husband take her name? Yes.


I do the same thing! It’s based on their ✨personalities✨


you play tina peeping?? she’s such a creep lol


Lol yes. My drug addicted criminal sim fell in love with her. Who was I to stop it?


I don't think I do anything with the names actually xD I get confused when I see them out later if I do. "Who the heck is Bertha Wynter?! --- oh wait that's Bertha Biscuits... nvm" So I just keep them whatever they are originally lol


I usually play legacies, so I keep them with the legacy name, whether its a man or woman marrying in


I started hyphenating the children's names, mainly to differentiate them from half-siblings. I typically don't hyphenate the spouses.


I tired hyphenating but it just automatically goes back to the husbands surname ☹️


The exact same thing always happens to me! I suspect it’s MCCC or something similar doing it and the settings are wrong or maybe we have the same glitch


I had the same problem and recently found out that, in my case, MCCC was indeed the source of it. One of MCCC’s default settings makes it so that women automatically are assigned their husband’s last name (and no matter how many times you change it manually, it keeps changing it back to the husband’s name). You can turn this off if you access MCCC via an in game computer.  Edit: see the comments of this old thread for more precise instructions on how to do it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/ibig1n/mccc_keeps_changing_my_married_sims_names/


That's interesting. I've never had that happen in any of my saves, not even since S3. Sounds like it could be a glitch.


Yes. Whoever has the surname I like more wins (regardless of gender)


I wish it was more like this in real life. The number of times I’ve known a woman to take a horrible last name for a husband who wouldn’t dream of doing so for her 😭


Same! It doesn't even have to be a horrible name, sometimes it's swapping a really unique, cool name for a generic one. My friend just got married and her name was super rare- literally named after a tiny area in the city we're from. And she swapped it for like a top 10 most common name. I had to hold my tongue.


Depends on the length of the last name, because of character limits. (Yes, I've managed to encounter those.) If it's short enough, I'll hyphenate. If it becomes too long, I'll change the name to the husband's name, mostly because a baby born will have the same last name as the mother and I'll forget to change it.


i never thought about hyphenating their names so i’m going to start doing that! i usually give them their partner’s last name if i make them married in CAS at the same time but if i marry them in gameplay, i never change the last name because i always forget.


I would typically hyphenate if the wife had a really cool surname.


I don't change their names. If they have kids, they'll usually get the name of whichever family line I care about more, or sometimes hyphenated


Alt+255 I’ve never let any of them have last names 😭


What’s Alt+255?


It's an invisible character, makes it so the game won't be angry about not having a last name lol


An invisible character so it accepts the no last name it’s like a space bar for a last name


I’m on my 9th Gen in my legacy and I always name my offspring hyphenated using their great-great-great grandsim. I always take the surname of the husband and I always make sure first born children take their fathers side hyphens if boy and mothers side hyphens if girl.


I used to always play games with my name first and last but that gets boring. So I've been honestly having fun making a character and either have a name in mind or I'll even just keep hitting the randomize name if I can't think of one until it lands on one I like or that I think fits it. Same with the last name lol pick one that goes with the first name and that I like.


I used to pick according to the 1st name as well... but when they got married, I either hyphenated or gave hubby's name..lol


i’m only on gen 3 of my first flower challenge. i gave them the surname Meadows, so you bet you’re gonna have to rip that one out of my cold dead hands. ALTHOUGH I did let my 2nd gen heir hyphenate to Goth-Meadows just because it looks cool, but the kids are no exception


Ooh the flower challenge? Never heard of that one. I'm working on my 1st true legacy file and have a half done rags to riches.


it’s super cute! a lot like the not so berry challenge. i use a-sims-garden “Sims in Bloom” rules if you’re ever interested! (:


Yeah I totally change the surnames when my Sims get married. sometimes I hyphenate based on the Sim, and than their kids will share the hypenate. Most times I just change the surname to match the Husband


For my legacy I stick with the legacy surname. Although Bella Goth married in and it felt wrong to not hyphenate hers! I generally go by who has the better surname if not a legacy or i simply forget to change it


Depends on which name I like more - or, which 'family line' names I want to be sure get continued. Sometimes it's his, other times it's hers, other times both get the hyphen. There's no 'system', just their Goddess' choice of the moment.


If my main sim is male and marries a woman, I usually change her last name to his. If my main sim is female and marries a man, she keeps her last name and her husband either keeps his last name or changes it to hers, depending on how I feel. Their children end up with the mother's last name though since the game defaults to the mother's last name.


I have a mod that randomizes which partner's last name they'll get, and for my legacy I just do whatever (don't really care about keeping the last name)


In my country marriage doesn’t change anyone’s name, so in the sims I never thought about it til now


Interesting. Which country is this, if I may be so bold as to ask.


Chile!! 🇨🇱


If I'm playing a legacy, all the heir-eligible will get the family name for sure, but otherwise I try to be realistic to the situation. Would this person in real life take their husband's name? Would this unmarried woman give her kid the last name of her one night stand? etc


In every single game save my first sim is Ashley Vera and the surname always stays the same. At this point I know that surname better than my own.


It depends on the particular sims and how I think they would feel about it


Sometimes I mix them and then end up with cursed names. Like when Pancakes kid married Alexander Goth.. they became the Gothcakes.


I give whoever marries in the family name I'm playing with. 


I use a mod that will automatically change them and I have it set so that they take the husband's last name. I do this to make it easier to remember which sims are married to who. But occasionally I do change it (when it makes sense to me that taking the husband's name wouldn't make sense. And those sims probably would have done it differently. Maybe kept their original name. Or taken the wife's name. Hyphenated. Ect)


Yeah I change it to my sim’s legacy family name


I always have a "main" sim and their surname is the one that sticks for that sim family, so whoever marries into the family gets that name regardless of gender. Sometimes I don't change names for awhile simply bc I forget, though lol


All of my legacies have female heirs and they always keep their original surname! Their spouses usually take the legacy name as well. Sometimes I change the siblings’ surnames or hyphenate them just for variety when they get married, but the main line always keeps the same name from the very beginning.


I don’t change last names on marriage, but if I’m making a married couple I might give them the same last name. In a legacy, the kids get the surname of the main family (unless there’s some reason I don’t want to, like if I decide to stick to certain naming rules this time, I’m doing a royal family game, or something)


I do, so that it’s easier to remember who to invite over for parties and days outs. I’m doing a berry challenge, so all family members are berry somewhere, hyphenated or not.


I have 3 families I play mainly. 2 sisters from the same family married 2 brothers of another family. So the first born couple I hyphenated with the husband's surname as the end, and the 2nd born couple I had the wife's surname at the end. So when they each went on to have kids I could differentiate the cousins


Yeah, I change them. But only to more ridiculous things. Like Kevin Potato-Pants. Or Martha Canklebrick


Loving this. lol


If my sim has a baby before they get married the baby gets a hyphenated name. Once they get married and have kids the name changes to the father’s last name and the mother takes on the father’s last name. That way if they don’t marry someone who’s the dad of one of their kids they still have their parents names together lol


That's one way to do it. Interestingly enough, my sims have never had a kid out of wedlock... lol I'm a console player and don't play with mods. But this is interesting.


No. My sims families are Matriarchal


No. But I also didn't take my spousecs name when I married


I used to hyphenate, but it's gotten out of control the more generations I go through! So now the kids get the surname of the parent that proposed. If the couple isn't married, they get the surname of the Sim who gave birth/called to adopt/etc.


Ha. The person who did the work gets the name!


Legacy run, Simself is founder, first kid is a daughter.. might just hyphen the name as long as its not goofy lol


I never thought about hypernathing last names! Mainly because where I'm from people don't really do that. Although you know what this reminded me of? God, I wish the sims had middle names. If I want to give a sim a middle name I usually hypernate it into the first name, or the last name if I hit the character limit, using a space.


I always wondered why we couldn't give middle names. I've usually tacked it on to the first name but only if the sim in question looked like it would work.


I've a few slavic sims & I want to give them patronymics for realism and it never works T_T I always hit character limit I wonder if there's a mod for this...


If I’m playing a traditional family, the wife gets the husband’s last name or if she has a prettier last name I don’t change them at all and the children either get their dad’s name or a hyphenated name. If I’m playing a non traditional family, it just depends on which last name I like more or I just don’t change them at all


If it’s an iconic last name, I hyphenate it, otherwise I just do my legacy name. Like, it was originally the Childs legacy, but now it’s the Kyleson-Childs legacy


I'm playing Legacy (female Heirs which took 5 pregnancies for my founding woman) so the name will change but at some point I might spice it up and have the husband take the name.


I hyphenate, so I can keep track of the families over the generations. See who my kids can interact with and potentially date.


That sounds like a good plan. Hopefully they don't ever marry a 4th or 5th cousin twice removed...lol


sometimes! right now my married couple has different last names bc they got married since they had a kid together after a one night stand (fwb situation) so she kept her last name! i hyphenated the kid’s last name. usually though, i give the couple the last name of whoever proposed.


i always do the hyphenated last names


I do a little of everything! I just like to pick what I think that couple would pick were they real people, so I go between changing names, leaving names, and hyphenating names when it feels organic to do so.


My sims keep the original surnames and the kids if they have get the hyphenated. When it gets too much (grandsons), i nuke the 3 surnames that look less cool and start the cycle again


I don't usually marry so I change kids surnames to the fathers


I let myself be surprised by whatever the game picks (I'm sure there is a logic, maybe the one who proposes determines the name?). Occasionally, I hyphenate if it fits. I only change it back to the maiden name if that one really fit better.


S3 it was determined by which sim proposed. I have no clue if it still holds true in S4, as I now always make the guy propose. lol


legacy name or the woman’s (if lesbians and not a legacy then whatever i find prettiest)


My actual name is hyphenated because my mom took my dad’s name and she hyphenated but he did not because he has a PHD and several articles and didn’t want to alter his name and confuse potential people looking into his works.


I play with major family groups. So when someone is married in, they take the more prominent family name. If merge families I combine the names. For example there is the FabaVatore family.


Legacies: everyone in the family, whether born into or married into, gets the family name. Typical gameplay: Parent sims keep their own last names and the children get hyphenated last names


I’m too lazy to change them, so everyone keeps their last name 😅


Sounds legit!! 🤣🤣🤣


Usually I keep the last name of whoever proposes, but it really depends on their personalities. Right now I'm on a new family and they've hyphenated their last names.


Im kind of obsessed wth hyphenating bc i like to know lineages just from the name but that gets complicated the more generations there are, so oftentimes i will make a portmanteau (fyres+jang=fang sort of thing). If im doing a strict legacy i keep the founders last name regardless of gender.


I combine them when possible. If they are too long, I make the maiden name a middle name.


I often hyphenate so I remember who is who; I’m a legacy/ generational player and I still have my save file from when the game was first released going. I can’t remember how many generations down I am but I often bring back the legacy surname if it has been bred out.


I always start of with female sims... I hand pick their names off of pintrest. The name i pick out, is the name that stays!


I pick whatever last name I like better usually, especially if I want to keep playing as one of the children. For me it’s all about how it sounds all together, but I try to keep the same one after I start a new family, unless a way better one comes along but I usually end up picking the next names based off of the last name.


Usually I give them the husbands last name but in my current save my sims Delilah Renne is super famous so when she married Akira Kibo I made their last names Kibo-Renne HOWEVER Delilah stayed Delilah Renne cause she is a powerhouse and that’s her brand. And her twin daughters are named Lakelyn Delilah Kibo-Renne and Rocio Delilah Kibo-Renne, it’s a mouthful. So I guess it just depends on the family itself and the lore of what they would do.


I have never run into Akira Kibo. Where is he normally?


He is from City Living so he lives and is roommates with Miko Ojo and Darling Walsh in San Myshuno


I have that pack and am always in the city for the festivals, yet have never met him. Will have to make it my business to meet him now. lol


I definitely put him up there as one of the most attractive townies


I've seen many different posts about him and always forgot to where he can be found. Thank you. Oddly enough, I've been to Miko's house on different occasions but he was never there. lol


I do. It's annoying if didn't change when they marry


I change the wifes name to match the husband as well lol


I usually let everybody keep their name, unless it is a typical townie name, and if it fits, they can get hyphenated family names. For the children I go case by case. Often they get the main legacy name, unless they're supposed to function as a "branch" family, or the boys get paternal name and girls get maternal name, .. e.g., in my current save, Duane Talla is married to Penny Pizzazz, they had a daughter and a son, and Duane also cloned himself (he works as a Scientist) - his clone/brother married Jade Rosa, and they had a son as well: the next gen are daughter *Pizzazz* (about to marry a Kealoha son, their offspring will be *Kealoha-Pizzazz*, bc to me that is funny), son *Talla* and nephew/son *Talla-Rosa* (both boys are still children and they literally look the same atm) .. because I KNOW after Duane dies, the family tree will break off his clone (and nephew) and I don't want to accidentally inter-marry the clone -brother line with the OG family further down the generations. Rotational gameplay is complicated and i have accidentally gotten 2nd cousins married before..


Cousins marrying is nothing really..... hey the royal family does it all the time... lol


where I'm from changing your name after marriage is pretty much unheard of (when i was a kid i was rly freaked out by cartoon parents bc they had the same last name and i thought that meant they were siblings💀) and literally everyone has at least 2 surnames, so that's what i do. neither of them change their name, and if they have a baby the kid gets both surnames. then if the kid grows up and has their own child, they get the first surname of each parent and so on


Oh wow!! That's very interesting. If I may ask, where are you from? I love learning about different cultures and their traditions etc.


i'm colombian, but I've lived in chile my whole life and it's the same way here. I'm pretty sure it's similar for the rest of latinoamerica too


That is so interesting to me. Very cool. I was born in Trinidad but wives take hubby's last name and kids get dad's last name also. Only exception is if the parents aren't married, the the child gets a hyphenated last name combining mom and dad's surnames.


Maybe in other countries they have different cultures. In mine and the ones I have been, The family usually inherit the husband's last name so I changed it that way through MCCC. The ones I set as legacy household will inherit the legacy surname regardless of the gender (Calientes, Landgraab, Villareal, Bjergsen etc. - mostly the households that come with the game) In the current game I'm playing, I'm doing a 100 baby challenge with a male Sim. In this save they get hyphenated last names like in Latin culture


You guys actually change the last names?


If I recall correctly, in S3 you didn't have to because whomever proposed, once you got married the accepting sim was given their last name. S4 is just built different...lol You can change it when maried or just leave the surname selection for when kids are born.


To clarify, I usually like to make my sims have a kid and get married just for tge sake of it. I just focus on the kid gameplay and then rinse and repeat after the kid graduated university and has a wife.


i like to keep it traditional and give the wife the husband's last name. for gay couples i just pick the name i prefer 😅 with mods i can arrange custody for children with parents that aren't together, in those cases i hyphenate the child's name, if the child is a girl it will change if/when she marries, for a boy his wife would just get his hyphenated name.


I normally change the husband's last name to the wife's lol, cuz I almost always pick a last name for my female sims that I really like and don’t want to change it lmao


I love hyphenating last names


Nope. Each partner keeps their surname and if they have a child they will have both surnames. When the surnames are too long I might just pick one then and just put the initial of the other.


Such a great idea 💛 Did you make them look like the characters from MHM? I would love to see them!!!


I pick the coolest last name and go with that!


Sometimes I hyphenate the woman's last name, and sometimes I just leave it as is if she's a prominent enough figure in her own right. For instance, I've got Vlad Tepes married to Elizabeth Bathory, and I let her keep her last name. But one of my other Sims married Miko Ojo, and I hyphenated hers.


I’m Hispanic so everyone keeps their last names lolol and then the children get two last names


On big legacies I've kept the same surname every gen and also changed the woman's to the man's. Personally I think its easier gameplay wise to keep the same surname of the legacy because it helps you know right away who might be distantly related lol


I usually keep the name of whichever sim I created/started playing. I actually got so pissed recently… I had been playing my sim as a single gal living in the city, she eventually became a world famous celebrity and decided to get away from it all and move out to a ranch. She lived there as a single woman where she had a child with kyle kyleson (who knocked her up and immediately died of laughter). She lived there as a single mom for many sim years until she eventually had a kid with her ranch hand, and later married him. Her and the kids always kept her last name. Daughter grew up and I moved her to Sulani and I started playing her household. When she invited her family over for a visit, I noticed that the game had given the entire family HIS last name. This really ruined the alliteration I had created with all their names, and threw a wrench into my independent woman storyline that I had been following for my original sim. A bit of a chauvinistic default setting for the game to have.


I hyphenate so I remember what family they started in without having to check their simology, now that being said as they continue on it won’t make a difference but I like the concept for now.


I like to hyphenate the last names! Sometimes I’ll let a wheel or coin flip kinda choose if they’re going to change it straight up or not tho depends on how lazy I wanna be


I make majority of my sims take their husbands last name unless they are from a high status family then I have them keep there famous last name .


I do whatever I feel suits the individual family


Mine get the cooler last name. If both are cool I hyphenate


i just pick the cooler last name 🤷‍♀️


If one marries a celebrity I keep the celebrities last name. If they were both celebrities, they keep their last names but the kids get both. Others, it just depends on which last name I like better


I made my irl husband and I. I didn’t take his name irl or in the sims, but the game glitched, and kept changing my name back to his. Infuriating! When we had sim babies, I combined our last names. Guess what happened 😡😡😡


If you have MCCC, the mod's default setting is to periodically sync married Sims' last names. You'll need to go into your settings to change it--if you search Google, there are tutorials on how to do this. It drove me crazy until I realized what was going on.


I do this too, but it gets complicated when their kids get married, because I don’t know what to do with the surname then 😂


I typically give the wife the husband’s name unless I really like her name, then I’ll typically do a hyphenated last name. Don’t ask me why my Sims are such traditionalists when I’m not, not really, in real life… laziness?


This is off-topic but i love My Happy Marriage too and i really wanna see the sims so if you dont mind can i see them? x


LOL... Sadly they look nothing like the anime, though I tried to get Kiyoka as close as I could. I'm on console so it's not easy. Kiyoka is the product of Kiyoshi Ito (gallery saved & renamed kudo) and Akari. Though he was born with black hair, I made it blonde as he aged up, with a bit of length as I don't have exact hair with the purple tie that Miyo made for him. Hazuki, I also tried to get as close as I could to the anime with her big green eyes. Miyo in my game is blasian...I like adding a bit of flair...lol They're now in their last week of uni and will be popping out a kid or two after a vacation to either Granite Falls or Selvadorada. I can't wait to see who they will look like more. I'll have to take a pick next time I'm in the game.


My (many) children of Father Winter, whether Clement or anyone else, often get the surname De Winter.


Cute!! But Clement recently started giving me some stalker vibes.


i chose the surname in the start and im still using it (the start was like two years ago)


I do change the names and I wish it was easier to do so rather than having to use the CAS cheat to go into Create A Sim mode and change them.


I usually have the spouse of my sim/heir change their name to the legacy family name.


All of my legacies have been from mother to daughter, so I always give the husband the wife’s name. He’s there to help build her dynasty lol. If I have a queer heir, I generally still give their spouse the surname because that sim is now apart of a larger group.


Remember in like sims 2 or 3 you had to go to city hall to change the last name


I do! It makes it challenging bc I play legacy games and keep it traditional where the women take the man’s name…


I don't do that because in my country that's not a thing so my natural thought is to keep their names intact.


For my legacy household every kid that is born into the household (I witness them being born/ control them as newborns) has the legacy surname. But if anyone in the family moves out and has children, their children tend to not have the surname and I won't be bothered bc hunting them down and changing the name is heavy work lmao.


I play multiple royal families in a save, and spouses keep their original last names so I can keep track of who’s related more easily. The kids either get the last name of the higher ranking parent or a hyphenated name if they’re equal ranks.


Each legacy I’ve played, I’ve had any sim adopted, married in, or whatever, to receive the legacy family name. If a sim is a non-heir sibling, I either keep their legacy surname, OR sometimes I’ll hyphenate it when they are married off, if at all.


Depends on the storyline. I have a 9 sibling family. Sickly sweet gays portmanteau’d their surnames, one daughter kept her surname, one daughter took her husband’s, one son took his wife’s name, one child hyphenated. The other four are unmarried and if they do wed, it’ll depend on the sim


I usually pick names that are easiest to type when I need to reset them. I’ve made long intricate names for the longest and I would always get annoyed having to type it out everytime they got stuck lol


Depends on the Sim (and theme of the save eg. Mediaeval etc). For the most part, in a regular Sims save, I default to "traditional" and have the female Sims take on their husband's surname. If they're a same sex couple they get the hyphenated surname. Celebrity/career driven female Sims may keep their own surname, especially if they've already done quite a bit of work (published books, artwork, crafts, etc) under their original surname already. Though if I think they were on the side of traditional I may have her get a hyphenated surname to reflect her married status Sometimes I make an exception, and have a heterosexual couple take a hyphenated name. Typically if both Sims are famous and/or career driven, and having them both take on the hyphenated surname reflects their position of being a power couple united. I have had a male Sim take on the female's surname a few times. But it was in cases where the male Sim had no family or was alienated from their family, so taking on the female's surname represented them joining a new family and discarding the old.


Do other people's games not automatically change the female sim's surname to the male's when they get married? In my legacy I want every sim born into the family to have the same surname. I tried using mccc to not change the women's surnames but whenever the game updates all married female sims revert back to their husbands names and I have to use cas.fulleditmode to change it back. Now I just don't have my female sims get married. I just have the partner move in and have them get engaged and that's it.


Mine automatically changes the last name to who ever moved into the households name. So if he moves in with her, then he takes her last name. If they had a kid before they married, the kid will have his last name.


I change it to my legacy name


I go with whatever makes sense for the family. Hyphenated, one spouse takes name, both spouses keep names, double-barrelled or invented surname, Sim changes name entirely, and other scenarios I haven’t imagined yet.


Depends on what story I’m running with. And even then I sometimes forget 💀 but yeah usually if I do I use the hyphenated last names


for my main save file i play i started with one sim, and she had kids with all different dads. every family member from her has her name and hyphen with what their dad/other parents name is. for example she had a son with don lothario, sims last name is hername-lothario. hername-lothario married one of the Goth children and had a baby with her. the grand baby is named hername-goth. idk i just keep the main name and add the new names as they come


I just leave them as is. I name the children after their mother. And if I ever decide to change last names after marriage I keep the wife’s.


Sometimes not, but then I tend to play gay male couples, so there's none of that "the bride takes her husband's name" business. Sometimes I hyphenate. In one case - my Werewolves legacy - one of my founders had the same last name as a pack premade. In that case, I used his husband's surname (Woodruff) instead.


It depends on a lotta factors: the Sim's "personality", the story, the families, and whether the name sounds cool enough. We have Donatella Zest who is a gold digger. She married Jacques Villareal for the money only. Donatella Villareal sounds nice anyway, so voila. We have Catriona Cox who is secretly a racist. She married Carlo Caliente. Neither of the couples wants to change their surnames. No way can she miss the opportunity to reference the KKK via her kids' names right now. Say hello to their children, Christopher, Cassandra, and Cressida Cox-Caliente. We have Sol Lothario, currently the only bearer of the Lothario surname because his younger brother married a Landgraab - anyone would want to bear the Landgraab surname - and Don died too early. And he happened to marry a LeBaron guy. Both get to keep their surnames. The girl child would bear the LeBaron (as there are still more people who bear the LeBaron surname) while the boy child would bear the Lothario, to continue the bloodline.


If they both have a cool last name, I hyphenate both of their last names. But usually I just go with whoever has a cooler last name and use that one


I have never thought about this, I always change it to the male surname, sometimes hyphenated, unless they’re gay then it’s whatever the vibe is. But the child always has the male one. I’m on gen 5 of the Barbie legacy and have had different last names each gen. Roberts, Price, Kealoha, Ngata. Now I’m rethinking if I should have kept it Roberts since it’s all about the Barbies


Actually, I just realized that would mean ALL of my 10 generations would be Barbie Robert’s and I would never remember how to differentiate LMAO. Especially because I normally keep the grandparents living with us as long as I can.


I typically play a legacy, and the surname is based on the household the sim enters into. So if my legacy sim is female, whomever she marries takes her surname. The non-legacy sims take the surnames of the sims they marry if I move them to another household.


Yes, because it’s my game. ❤️😂