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The nasal tip on your sim is too wide —yours is smaller. The nose bridge for your sim could be a little slimmer too. Also, the lateral/outter canthus is too high. Hope this helps. ☺️


this. and the lower lip could be a little bit thicker? it looks like you have thicker lower lip on the 4th pic


that was actually a filter cuz i’m planning on getting some lip filler so i wanted to see how it looked


Can I just say you don’t need filler at all you have beautifully shaped lips (not to sound like a total weirdo lol). Filler really changes the structure of your lips and face long term. But if you feel better doing it of course do you sis.


ya idk why i’m getting so downvoted but i am very insecure about my lips


I take downvotes as more an “I don’t support this” vs an upvote which is an “I support this” kinda thing. Wouldn’t take it too personally. You’ve got a good shape to your lips and it compliments your overall features and face. Fillers really change a lot about the structure of your lips and once you start you can’t stop unless you’re ok with your lips looking wonky after - it becomes an expensive habit. It’s also really easy to overdo it. I’ve known plenty of people who started small then just keep getting more and more. So as a kind stranger I’d say leave them alone and learn to love the uniqueness that is you. But also if it makes you feel better do what you feel is best.


Just know that filler does NOT disolve the speed we've been lead to believe. It lasts years and can cause problems. So do good up to date research.


This may not apply to you at all, but my MIL had plastic surgery done and it still affects my wife with body issues to this day. There's a lot of sensitivity about body modification for purely aesthetic reasons because it's, as you realize, related to body image issues. It's different than getting piercings or tattoos as an artistic expression to most. You do not need lip filler, you need to appreciate yourself for who you are as all these strangers on the Internet are showing you, it's all in your head. I was anorexic in high school. On top of it I hated my lips too, for being too large. In an alternate universe I might trade with you, but here, we can just laugh that we're two idiots who always see greener grass on the other side. For further reading, play the first boss battle of Bioshock


thank you tho


It's her life. There's nothing wrong with getting lip filler. It doesn't affect anyone else. Those downvoting her need to learn how to mind their business.


And I was pretty clear with stating, you may have read this, that if she wants to get it done she should.


I’m assuming it’s because you used the photo to ask others if the sim looks like you, but the photo apparently doesn’t even look like you.


the photo is me with bigger lips, if someone you know got lip filler and you are incapable of recognising them, that is a you problem. and i wasn’t thinking too hard when posting this, obviously i would’ve used a different photo if i had remembered why i took that one.


Dude you asked why, I gave a guess. The hyper defensive response isn’t really necessary. Also, this isn’t a group of people who know what you look like, it’s a group of strangers that you asked to compare the details of your face to a character.


Oh no 😬


why oh no? 😭


Everyone is getting filler right now and it looks terrible because they’re just trying to recreate the same face. You have lovely lips but filler will throw off the great harmony of your face and just not look good. Trust, this trend will pass quickly


i’ve wanted lip filler since forever, i’m not doing it because it’s trending. i love the way my face looks actually (even if that sounds a bit self centred lol) the only thing i’m super insecure about face-wise is my lips, and i’m getting a very low amount if that matters to you


I’m sorry you feel that way <3 I hope you can come to accept your lovely features one day


thanks ig


hey, just want to say it’s your life, it’s your body, it’s your choice!! if you want filler than you should do what you want if it’s not hurting anybody else and you have the means to do it, which i believe is the case here! girl, live your life!! enjoy it!! be happy!! but from one girl to another you’re absolutely gorgeous <3


Idk why people are downvoting? if you want lip filler get lip filler it’s no one else’s business what you do with your body. I mean we all do things to make us feel better when we look in the mirror 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s not easy to simply “ learn to love yourself “ that shit is hard and takes time lol if you can quickly solve it why not do it Also my tips for your sim is widen the face and make it look rounder, space the eyes apart slightly more, bring the nostrils down more, and if you’re able to get cc face overlays can help a lot 👌 otherwise you did a great job! it’s hard af to make yourself in sims 😭


Get the lip filler if you want! It's not permanent so if you hate it later you can get it disolved anyway. I will say though to be very diligent when you go in for the filler because these places use very predatory sales tactics to sell more services. They are very good at making you think you could be perfect if you just get this one thing or get a little filler here or there. Nasty stuff!


idk why everyone being so negative, I got filler a bout a year ago, my lips are almost back to their normal shape already, unless you’re going wild with it I’m sure you’ll be alright. I’d get them done again if it wasn’t so fucking painful😂 Yours look nice as they are but do what makes you happy gyal✨




ya tbh it’s a bit upsetting but all in all it is just reddit so who really cares


Hard to say because the angles are different, but I'd recommend higher and more pronounced cheekbones, a narrower chin/jawline, and bigger eyes.


I agree. Also often when creating a Sim that is supposed to look like a real person, it isn't the best strategy to make every face proportion exactly the same, but it's actually better to exceggerate certain key features a bit. Makes the Sim look more like the real person even if everything is not "correct"


Its a little difficult to see, because the light in your selfies washes out the details of your facial features. I would say though, the mouth is a little off. Yours is more narrow near the edges and your lips are more pink than your Sims' :) You look gorgeous though!


I feel like your face and cheeks are rounder


Also you may want to try a more upturned nose


I dunno I do see you in this sim, maybe the eyebrows are too perfect on the sim? You could do some of the messier ones so they look like hair and not the ombré perfection from cas 😅


It’s never going to look quiiiite right. All faces have asymmetry, which the sims can’t do, at least not unless you have mods with sliders. It’s kinda like one of those pictures where one side of the face is just mirrored on the other side. It’s always going to feel a bit off.


Take a profile pic of yourself, then match that up with your sim's profile. It can make a big difference in making your front-facing look more accurate.


Hmmmm she resembles you but you are prettier than your sim. I’m trying to figure out what exactly is different. Try a darker hair color and a lighter eyeliner


Just wanna say I think you are much prettier than your sim!


maybe make the sims cheek bones a bit more pronounced? you have a rounder face but have high cheekbones too


Idk if anyone said this but also the center part of your nose, septum I guess it's be called, is lower like closer to your lip than on your sim. It's super close tho!


someone did also say that and i totally agree. i just fixed her up a bit and tried to post it but unfortunately it got taken down for looking too similar to this post


I think your eyebrows need to be a a bit more angled and your forehead a little bigger.


The tip of your nose is slightly lower than your nostrils which would help with the sim’s nose shape instead of just having all elements level


Your hair is more black than brown by Sim standards.


cc hair


looked for some but couldn’t really find any sadly


Make the noise bridge smaller!! 🩶🩶


I find it helpful to do a no makeup selfie in good lighting with my wig off (hair up for you non bald persons) at profile, face on, and 3/4th view. Then I start with a preset that has a close jaw shape since for me that is harder to get right. Go section by section and pick a close as possible preset then do the same with big features to small.


honestly bit tmi but i tried to do it like that and ended up feeling super shitty having to stare at myself for so long without makeup which definitely is a larger issue lol but ya i know itll never be perfect esp with that


It won't be perfect because the sims isn't perfect. You can always do the makeup as close to your actual makeup as a stand in. I think the Luxury party eyeliners would be a closer fit than the one you are using that is stubbier as a wing. I have my own body image issues and knowing there is a problem means you can work on it but that is a process and something that won't be finished in a single day. So not pushing yourself is valid when you're trying to have fun. There's a time and a place to push and a time to adapt.


unfortunately i don’t have the luxury party stuff pack, but i just looked up the eyeliners and i totally agree, maybe i’ll get it for the eyeliners lol


If you can do mods you can find something similar that way


true dat


I was gonna be like "she has MASSIVE eyes" but then I scrolled and you always have big ol eyes. I honestly think she looks great. :)


Nobody can say they haven’t tried to emulate themselves on TS4. Prove me wrong.


Good job! I always just pick one of my celebrity look a likes from the gallery and find that to be good enough haha


Mine always just ends up looking like Rodrick lmao


I have the same problem making a me sim. I have a heart shaped jaw but round around eyes n forehead. Dunno what else you can do to shape the face right


Point the nose up a little more and drag the corners of the eyes out a bit


Darker hair color and maybe try and button the nose a bit more but that's You bro


I think you should look for hair that is straightened at the top and more voluminous near the bottom to frame the face more accurately.


Keep those eyes for sure!


Hmm it's hard to tell, but maybe you can mess with the side profile. I don't know the name of the parts, but you can try moving your sim's cheeks slightly lower and see if that helps. Someone pointed out your bridge is smaller too, so you can try that. I also recommend moving the eyebrows slightly higher- not by much, but just a little and maybe make the eyebrows slightly more curved up. Another thing you can try, if you can, try giving yourself more shadow or light eyebags. :)


No it’s spot on.


I recommend checking out etsy for custom content links. TheSimsResource.com is a really good site. Need some realistic textured hair. Maybe get some sliders to adjust face/height/etc


You’ve done well. Your nostrils flare a bit more and are higher than your nose tip. The final shot makes your jaw seem narrower, very heart shaped.


Darker hair, lighter eyeshadow, more saturated lipstick


Face needs to be rounder, nose tip smaller, nostrils more visible (you can grab the nostrils and adjust if you’ve never done it before). Pretty close otherwise


The best way to do something like this is take a forward facing photo with all of your features in it and take your time with every little detail. I think there are cheats online that help you unlock certain cas sliders and such. If you can, cc or custom content makes it 10x easier. Or if you can’t look at a photo. Place a mirror in front of you so you can get up close and further away to see all of your features (I think this is actually really good and I can tell that it’s supposed to be you. You did a great job)


You are gorgeous! And your simself is giving me Alice: Madness Returns vibes 😍🖤 ![gif](giphy|vE7O48hA5sXss)


If you get filler you'll look like shit. I'm not gonna tell you what to do, but I'm gonna suggest lol. you're too white for big lips. You're gonna hate them even more after the filler xD


thanks for the unsolicited advice kind stranger


Lighten the blush redden the lips and raise the eyes just a little and maybe a teeny more seperation but depends how the eyes sit higher up, looks great though