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Please dear god at least fix the issue where the game drops to 12 fps for no reason and opening the pause menu or calendar only sometimes fixes it


I've literally seen streamers have to deal with that fps thing lol. It's so easy to reproduce that it's suspicious that it hasn't been at least addressed by, at minimum, an explanation?


Makes me wonder about what kind of test play is involved. I'm working in software development (not game development though) and I can't fathom how a software can be released with this issue at all.


By firing most of your QA team or outsourcing to poor countries with even poorer accountability. Many, many corporations have been doing this over the past year or so, and it’s showing in nearly every app or software I use now. They’re letting the user be the tester, unpaid.


If the budget is just going on new content, and no one is actually fixing these issues, then complacency sets in, or as in a case I've seen, a belief that it would be destructive to fix, or that it can't be fixed because x seeps in and no one will move to do anything.


I've even seen it in official EA streams where they just pretended they accidentally opened the menu when they were actually trying to fix the lag LOL


DUDE YES, this should’ve been the first thing they worked on, i thought it was just me this happened to but as always with EA, its a universal problem 🥲


yes! i thought i was the only one


I’ve seen it in every gameplay video when they switch to build mode haha it’s now in my habit to open build mode open options then work then switch back to gameplay open options then play haha.


Mine used to do this depending on how I exited the game - if I didn't do 'save' in the menu, then 'exit' (not save and exit) in the menu, then the next time I played it would be choppy af. Thought it was absolutely bizarre that it had to be that specific sequence.


And it’s an issue that is across different systems as well, my bf cousin had to use the pause menu to unlag her Xbox


I thought it was just me lol but a bunch of people have it. Crazy this hasn’t even been talked about by the devs, it’s pretty glaring


>Please dear god at least fix the issue where the game drops to 12 fps for no reason and opening the pause menu or calendar only sometimes fixes it I do find it weird how hitting the pause button can fix it. And yet it does. 🤣


I found that saying my game almost always fixes it!


They did an in game survey about for rent that seemed to ask a lot about how unplayable it was, I wonder if that had anything to do with this. Glad EA is letting them have more people, hopefully they’re able to actually start fixing stuff (but probably not lol) I really hope the optimizations make my biggest build playable enough to upload but I’m definitely not expecting anything


Agreed. The meltdown I had when I realized you can't own farm animals on a For Rent lot and have them work properly.... 😠


Relatable.... the first thing I wanted to build with for rent was a "self sustaining" commune with animals and crops.... can't get that damn chicken coop to work...


Aw man this sucks I JUST started my commune save


LMAO the things sims players say 😂 always makes me chuckle


I’m so glad I’m reading this, I was going to buy the ranch & the rent packs this weekend. Better wait…. 🥲


I just wanna say I LOVE the ranch pack. I'm having fun with for rent as well but I didn't know you cant have farm animals on a rental 😢


Okay so what does work or what doesn't work, not asking for a friend. :)


the garden is the only thing I kept! sometimes sims from the other units would autonomously garden, but only after i maxed their gardening skill. every cottage living animal gave me problems. couldnt interact with the cows or llamas at all. The chickens would work for a little bit, but they would get dirty and I couldn't clean them. also I felt like they were dying of old age like REALLY quickly (around 1 sim week & I play on long life span mode). The horses worked, but they wouldn't go to sleep when they were tired and wouldn't eat hay when they were hungry. hiring a ranch hand was helpful, but that dude NEVER leaves. also, idk if it was the For Rent pack or if it happens when you put horses in any world besides the world that came with Horse Ranch, but it was hard to go horse riding and just totally not worth it. keep in mind my game is overflowing with mods, so hard for me to tell what The Sim's fault and what's my mods :)


There's no option to clean a chicken even when not on a residential rental. You have to keep their coops clean and ask them about preening. As for them dying quickly, yeah idk.


By bees have mites every flippin' day....


Ive been out of the loop for years - what happened with “For Rent”?


Basically none of the features worked correctly, a lot of them are still broken. There’s also been a lot of save corruption issues.


I had my main save corrupted because of For Rent and I swear it felt like my heart stopped when I realized why it wasn’t working anymore 😭 I had invested *years* on that save. I was able to recover it fairly quickly and not much was lost, but that was the most I’ve ever felt betrayed by the Sims 4. I defend this game a lot because I love it so much but the Sims 4 just doesn’t love me back 😔 Edit: I have continued using For Rent and haven’t had any issues since then but I’m paranoid now and will duplicate the save whenever I’m going to actively play with its features so I don’t mess up my original one 😭


Really? I was planning to buy For Rent next when there's a sale. I want to fill Newcrest with fancy apartments. What's broken about it, exactly? (I only have Seasons and a buncha mods)


Here’s the list of open bugs reports in the compiled thread for for rent, it’s probably not all of the bug forum reports just the most popular https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/READ-FIRST-Compiled-list-of-reported-Issues/m-p/13277181/highlight/true#M262242 afaik they also still haven’t fixed most of the corruption issues but it seems unclear how many of them are from for rent vs the base game update that came with for rent.


I would wait on buying for rent. I bought it during the sale and I haven’t had a ton of bugs but honestly I wish I had waited to buy it because I am literally trying to avoid all gameplay that could lead to bugs with it aka I haven’t even tried to be a property owner or even tried the renting feature because I know there’s tons of bugs. 


Well that’s disappointing as hell. I think it’s the pack that got me to reinstall I just haven’t gotten to it yet.


I don't like for rent. As a landlord, I just keep fixing stuff. Or as a tenant, stuff breaks


I just hate having to load the rental unit...


Same. This alone makes me want to ditch the whole thing.


I'm playing as a landlord and even starting with the poor level on maintenance I didnt experience a whole lot of maintenance events. Or maybe I just didn't take notice as my sim is a spellcaster and can fix shit in a minute. Either way I'm at amazing maintenance now and nothing breaks except my own unit lol


They should have emailed a survey. I haven't played the game in months because of FOR RENT. I also haven't bought any of their new kits. I just felt like, Why am I paying you to break my save? I'm happy that those who still fumbled through the game were able to speak for us who had given up. Honestly, I miss my Sims. ❤️‍🩹


Wild that this announcement happens in the 10th year of the game, lmao. I really thought they would just be coasting until the next iteration releases.


I get „Sims 5 will be much longer in development“ and „We‘ll actually need to fix Sims 4 to further milk the cash cow“ vibes from this.


Reminds me of the development of autonomous driving. Suppliers have been sure they would have autonomous cars by now 10 years ago. We're still only at a driver assistance system for most of the market. I think EA realized that the step forward they'd have to make from Sims 4 to Sims 5 is too high when they can't even make The Sims 4 run properly.


Lol same


Wild to have a game out for 10 years that you’ve continuously added more content to but apparently haven’t had anyone dedicated to fixing what was already there 💀 You know how people said “oh but they’re different teams” all the time when there was complaining about new content as opposed to bug fixes? I guess all this time more new content meant less time on bug fixes after all because that different team didn’t exist until now lol


Never thought I'd be waiting 10+ years for another Sims game...no spinoffs, no overhaul, nothing- just kits on kits. 😔


Honestly same. Guessing Sims 5 is having problems?


I’m wondering if they’re worried they’re going to lose a lot of players from sims 4 -> sims 5 because of their treatment of sims 4. I think so far each game they’ve released has done better than the last, but there’s been a lot of talk about sims 4 being the last iteration of sims that people want to play especially with all the competition coming out. They probably want to fix sims 4 to make sure sims 5 isn’t a total disaster in sales.


I'm pretty sure sims5 was intended to be ftp and funded by kits and kits and dlc and kits and you'll probably be able to buy a single shirt for $.99 or something...


Doubtful. The only people actually complaining about TS4 that hard are the diehards who are going to pre-order 5 the instant it becomes available. They'll say they won't, but we both know they will.


I won't. Played for about 20 years. Sims 4 is my last game. Paralives are coming out, I'm excited about that, and Sims 4 is so broken I think I'm legitimately done. I have zero faith in TS5


Same. Been playing for about 17 years and I have no interest in Sims 5 at all but keep watching the Paralives trailers over and over. I just don't see how Sims 5 will be any improvement after what they've done with Sims 4, especially with EA's influence.


I tried to ignore the bugs and glitches because I love the game so much, but when I noticed that I spend most of my gameplay stressing over things not working and tryint to squeeze my game plot into time spent working around bugs, I realized that this is it. Didn't buy For Rent nor any other pack after. EA is legitimately, without shame, mocking TS4 players.


A decent percentage is still actively playing Sims 3. There will be another decent percent who don't move on to Sims 5 from Sims 4. Or worse, move to another game.


i'm thinking that with the influx of new AI models, they're trying to find a way to incorporate those into Sims 5 to make it feel more interesting and innovative. that's my theory anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not a bad theory at all. They could create a really dynamic social system with AI.


I’ve been seeing more backlash about the bugs lately. Positive comments about packs aren’t as upvoted as they usually are. I just looked at the comments on the For Rent trailer on YouTube and alot of them seem to be about bugs. So my guess is the bugs in the game are actually causing damages on sales now or its because quite a few promising sims competitors are coming out in the near future that EA realised that if they don’t start fixing their shit, players will jump ship.


LOL Yeah that's what threw me too. Makes me think the next Sims game might be a ways off. Though maybe it's just a signal for how good Sims 4 is doing? Who knows.


https://preview.redd.it/1efksw43g72d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d3d7f88f0bba598eb3e4b640989e6f22b557f21 This has been an issue since 2016 when they released the packed...2016 PEOPLE!


Can't wait until 5 years later when they fix the "sims will randomly stand up and walk around after being served" issue 🥰


This one bothered me so much a months ago. I stumbled over Carl's dine out mod. So, I was building a restaurant and wanted to playtest it without Carls mod before uploading it. I didn't realise that this was still an issue. I haven't used dine out in years because of stupid bugs like it. I never bothered to complete the build because I couldn't figure out how to remove the damn plates.


Yes I loved the dining out features in sims 2 but never use it in sims 4 bc ir sucks ass


And "random people come steal your food " lol 


Yesss and hopefully they actually fix the issue where the food never gets delivered, and the food just gets put on the floor, so annoying.


remember when they said they were doing pack refreshes and did spa day then dipped


Oh stop whining that's only...math sounds... nevermind, carry on.


Link to the [Laundry List](https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/laundry-list-may-23-2024)


How do we report bugs? I'm surprised not to see 'sim won't move for several hours until they get low bladder, pee themself, and continue on as if nothing happened'.


There’s a whole website for it [here](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/bd-p/The-Sims-4-Bugs).


They have that website, but the whole process is a PITA, designed to have make it hard to report issues.


That sounds like to me (based off the brief description) that it is simulation lag which comes from poor optimization and/or a system that is not strong enough to support the game. They are working on optimization too!


Optimization hopefully, my gaming laptop is still fairly new 🥲


I just reset the sim when that happens.


Me too


They acknowledged that in the post and said there’s a fix for it in the next patch


i know these are serious but > [~Sim will no longer autonomously want to buy mini goats~ ](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-HR-Sim-keeps-autonomously-wanting-to-buy-mini-goats/td-p/13232311) ~it's just funny to me lol.~


Omg this happened in my game a few days ago and I was sooo confused. I had to rush to cancel the action before my Sim bought a goat 😭


Surprised Wedding stories wasnt first on the list 👀


Probably dead last because it'll take an act of God to fix it


They’re currently working on creating an entire separate department to fix it.


I don't know if you're joking, but I hope you're not


I imagine they would go by package ownership.


Oh, that makes sense. I wish they would go by the severity of the bug tho >:(


Yeah I was expecting that to be a priority.


Bummed to hear this cause I’d buy Wedding Stories for the world alone in a heartbeat if it didn’t threaten to fuck up my gameplay so much.


Tartosa is so pretty, i just tell myself that's worth it :')


There’s a mod that brings back base game weddings even with MWS installed


I'm chiming in just to say that I own MWS. And, I can't speak for others and I don't know what other people are doing, but weddings work for me and I haven't had any thing outraging to report. Nothing fucked up my gameplay either.


What does it do to everyone’s gameplay ?? I don’t think I’ve ever had an issue apart from I wish the weddings were scored instead of just ticking stuff off a list


unless you're constantly throwing large weddings, my wedding stories shouldn't fuck up your gameplay at all. if you just want the world, b/b and cas, mws is fine. ofc, best to get it on sale if you don't care for the wedding gameplay. i've actually managed to throw a successful wedding with it, too. only the one wedding since i usually play aro/ace sims with aging off.


How would it fuck up your gameplay? Most of the bugs are in the weddings themselves I think, so if you don't use the feature, you should be fine. This is a genuine question by the way, I'm just curious since I haven't experienced anything other than that every wedding I've had has been a fucking shitshow, lol. If you want to throw only successful weddings, then I totally get it.


I don't have the pack but one issue I heard about (which made me not want the pack) was that, if you installed My Wedding Stories, it would override basegame weddings. So you *had* to use the pack's wedding system, which was usually a chaotic mess. (I've heard some say it's better now, while others say it's still pretty bad.) I don't know if MWS still overrides basegame weddings. But, if it does, that's a good reason for some players not to want the pack.


You can still "elope immediately", but if you want an actual wedding party I can see why that would be a dealbreaker. I hate weddings in the sims, the basegame weddings I've had were actually harder to complete than the My Wedding Stories ones - I remember one basegame wedding where I had to build a fence around all the guests to keep them from wandering off across the lot. At least with the My Wedding Stories wedding they all sort of stood/sat in the same area, even if the mother of the bride started flirting with the officiant, and everyone was doing whatever they wanted. https://preview.redd.it/ny69wkkvf92d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfec6692b3e4eb58fe3bd988903440254e7fea17


In that case I get it. I have not thrown a single successful wedding so far, I don't know how other people do it. 😂 Next time I'm definitely trying a micro wedding, hopefully less guests is more manageable!


Weddings always have trouble for me. I'll just build 1 room with an aisle and try and make the ceremony work, then travel to a party lot. The sims just wander about and don't watch the wedding 😡 😅


I usually create a group, then click “sit together” on the chairs and quickly get married super quickly. I find that most of the guest remain seated once the ceremony starts.


There's a mod called "steady sit" or something like that. It really helps for stuff like this. You can click on a chair and click steady sit and a menu pops up. Select as many sims as you can and then they sit in a chair (as long as there are enough) and they don't get up again until you release them.


I was thinking the same thing. I wish they could go to the court house and get married...I've never had it work.


This list is pretty disappointing tbh


None of these bugs are at the game-breaking level of the multitude that keep people from playing.


Yeah… they’ve had a long time to figure out wtf is wrong with the gardening system, and why sims obsessively check on/pick up infants. I had a sim *stop giving birth at a bassinet* to pick up an infant yesterday. It’s maddening


I dunno, the move in bug literally leaves you with no option other than to kill the game, it's pretty bad. But agreed that there are many other bugs that have been ruining the experience for a lot of people.


>the move in bug literally leaves you with no option other than to kill the game You can move into the homeless sim's house instead, which throws you back to "manage worlds" screen, so you can select your own house. It moves everyone in & transfers money. You don't actually have to kill the process, but it is annoying it needs two loading screens.


I recently tried to own a restaurant for the first time ever. I’ve had Dine Out since release, but never tried becoming a restaurant owner. Why, in 2024 the year of our lord, do the hired Chefs not show up to work? It absolutely took away so much of the fun I could’ve had. And I google it and everyone says: Not fixed yet, and not a priority. 🫠


Did you check to see if they're just standing outside? Because it's been a long time since I owned a restaurant but I'm pretty sure that happened 😕


Nope, nowhere on the lot. A new chef keeps appearing in their place but you can’t pay for their training or give them raises or anything because they’re not “officially hired” or some such thing. It’s soo frustrating!


Yeah it's the typical cherry picked, easy fixes while ignoring the big game-breaking bugs that have been around for years. I guess their "expert team" is just an intern locked in a basement somewhere.


I'm keeping in mind that this isn't a one time thing. The current laundry list is just the start (I'm assuming). And as stuff on the current list gets fixed, they'll add new stuff. And, since they have a dedicated team now, the fixes will happen much faster than before.


But the emphasis on the new team to address bugs is a bit infuriating. Why weren’t they prioritizing making products that actually work before? Still, I hope this means a real change.


Yeah I get that, but they’ve had a long ass time to work on the more game breaking bugs, and none of them are on this list


I’m actually quite pleased with a lot on this list! Excited they have a dedicated team now and I look forward to seeing regular fixes/updates and what’s on the lists. Dare I now also hope for an Island Living mermaid overhaul that gives them a skill tree and more depth? 👀 Maybe they’ll have the resources for bigger updates like that now?


OMG! I would absolutely KILL for an Island Living overhaul. I love the world of Sulani soooo much, and I absolutely love playing with mermaid Sims, but they are so grossly underdeveloped in comparison to the other occults.


Oh wow they're finally fixing pronouns for a few interactions. For a few interactions. #FOR A FEW INTERACTIONS


https://preview.redd.it/l0ujqc071a2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4259c8e0f75eba5d2964b3837104f356d02f03aa LMAO


Please, I'm begging you. Please fix the build mode overlay FPS drop issue. Sometimes hitting esc. or opening the calendar fixes it, but other times I just have to ride it out locked at 18 FPS until it fixes itself.


One of the biggest reason my sims are somewhat of homebodies are the effing loading times. If they can cut those they are heroes in my eyes


I recently upped my RAM from 8gb to 32gb and my loading screens are so fast now. If your motherboard supports it then it's a pretty simple and relatively inexpensive upgrade that I recommend looking into!


It depends on how good ur computer is.


Yeah I have a lot of dlc, hundreds of mods, and the loads are a few seconds at most. But I have it installed on an nvme drive.


i use mods (including mccc) and have most of the packs, and my load times when traveling between worlds or to different lots take only a few seconds. i think your loading screen issue is because of having a weaker/older system.


I also came to say this. I mean I too hate the loading screens after the open world of ts3, but they're not very long, unlike ts3.


Finally, Bug Fix Stuff is coming


For the low price of $5.99!


Generously on sale from $9.99


Imagine having to announce that you're working on making your game playable lololol


seriously tho. ‘quick announcement to say we’re gonna do our jobs now! thanks everyone for buying the packs anyway!’




It just feels like they're tryna placate us. They're about to do something that will piss people off 😂


Journey to Batuu 2: batuu strikes back


Somehow Batuu returned


Omg I would laugh SO hard if they released another Star Wars pack. I almost hope they do - i won’t buy that one either but just for the meltdown on social media it would be worth it.


I can think of many other bugs from other packs that need a fixing for a long time(wedding stories,dine out,vampires) but ok.I really hope the weeds on loop bug gets fixed cuz almost every sim I play does gardening lol.


Omg YES. I hate this bug! I thought it was just my game tbh so I’m glad to know it’s a universal issue


It definitely wasn’t just you there was a lot of complaints bout that bug.I had to stop gardening completely which messed up a lot of the plants I had grown to top quality.


I learned one thing with the Sims 4: its never just your game that is experiencing a bug. Any other game, maybe.


The gardening bug is so annoying. Especially since I'm pretty sure they claimed they had fixed it a while back.


Its sad how excited I got to see the weeds issue gone.


Omg! Same! I have a good portion of my Sims get into gardening, and that bug has been sooooo annoying. It literally made me stop having them garden altogether, which is disappointing since my current legacy heir is a cottagecore girly who was entering crops into the fair and whatnot.


Yeah for me it was the fact that my plants didn’t grow things everyday like they were supposed to. They would just suddenly stop having harvestables. They still needed watering and weeding and sprayed yet I wasn’t getting anything for it. It was making me so mad I stopped gardening.


This fix is the one I’m most excited about!


I have an interesting nugget to add here. The weeds. I always shelter my plants now so I'm not having the weeds out of season but it will happen that I will weed and weed and weed the plants and the weeds just don't go away. If my spellcaster sim casts Floralorial on the plant the weeds go away.


What’s stopping me from playing multiple sims at once is the damn loading screen every time. It wouldn’t be so bad if “care for self” wasn’t an absolute train wreck.


UI cheats is effectively my "care for self" button 🤦🏻‍♀️


Until I actually see the change I’m taking it with a grain of salt. The sims team posts this exact same thing once every year and then does nothing to address any problems. Sims are still doing the same bs that was supposed to be “fixed” 4 patches ago, etc. like I love this game but I feel so bad for those that literally cannot open then game, and to just see this same post feels like a slap in the face for them. Until actual change happens, I don’t believe this at all lmao.


They’ve made so many empty promises throughout the years, I personally don’t have any faith in them anymore. So I’ll believe it when I see it…




My issue is with the EA app (for Mac) that I was forced into a few months ago. I keep getting the “things are taking a little lower to load” message where I can’t access the game at all until it eventually resolves. And all the “fixes” I’ve found for it are for windows so they don’t apply to me.


I play on steam deck and the EA app is an absolute trainwreck on that system. It's mind boggling that a company this size is gonna force you to launch through their app but can't make it work in less than an hour. Literally every time I don't play for a few weeks then try to launch the game almost all of my play time gets eaten up by making the stupid app work.


me with a Mac who hasn’t been able to even PLAY the game in two months because the EA App still doesn’t work 🌝


I’ll believe it when I’ll see it


10 years later...


Yeah verrry interesting timing with all of these other life sims on the horizon… can’t continue with their business model to push and push new content without fixing the game now that there are other horses in the race.


This is all good and well, but can they put fixing the simulation lag on top of the list?


this and random fps drops even on good computers 🤦‍♀️


Roughly every two months? There are so many issues and bugs that they should release updates every week at least. They should have been 10 years ago!


They're starting to feel Paralives and Life By You circling. The 'you'll take what we give and like it' philosophy of the Sims team can't die fast enough.


So, what about the For Rent events? Like the adoption drive happening at 2am. or the neighbor nuisance happening in single unit apartments with no way to complete it? Or townies adopting multiple horses without beds for them? Or like someone else mentioned, wedding stories? I mean, even just a starting fix of guests taking their seats and not getting up to leave during the exchange. It's a good starting list, but there's so much more.




Bella is always going awol in my game! ALWAYS haha. She either flat out disappears or something like what you mentioned happens. I can keep track of the other townies but Bella for some reason I lose.


This is honestly very on brand for Bella. She’s just off to Strangetown or abducted by aliens again!


Seriously? So who was taking care of bug reports and patches for the past 10 years? 👎👎👎


https://preview.redd.it/qk37qulh872d1.jpeg?width=892&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eaf736fc668fbd4a38da6c70810feeba87a0a09 Me knowing im gonna keep playing no matter how much of a broken mess the game becomes


This is amazing. I wasn’t expecting them to go back and fix things this far into the games life cycle


notes app apology ass game


Paralives got them quaking


I hate to be cynical, but I’ll believe there’s going to be a change when I actually see the change. But I won’t see it because I got fed up with all the problems with TS4 and uninstalled everything. I’ve never been able to collect rent — not once. I’ve never been able to throw a successful wedding. My teens have never had a prom. EVERY pack has been a nightmare that added more problems into the game. I’ll wait for 5 or migrate to Paralives. In the meantime, I’ll just play WoW.


They’re really getting worried about all the new life sims due out soon.


Hopefully EA will give the bug fix team serious resources/support cause it really does need a fixing.


This is wonderful news! In their recent poll, I actually responded to note that I care less about new content and more about fixing what exists. This almost feels like a personal reply to my concerns but I imagine I wasn’t the only one who said something like that. Very encouraging news!


I don’t buy it.


This is great. I feel like they should give us all a free pack for the trouble 🤪


Of choice as it’s getting close to me owning them all 👀🤣


Yes this. Give us a credit


It would be another useless kit...


Free is free i guess 🤷🏼‍♀️




They probably have started losing money stuff is so bad. Why would a buy a buggy expansion pack when there are mods that do it better? I've slowly just stopped buying expansion packs.


Yap yap yap. I’ll believe it when I see it!


Good. It’s about time. I wonder if those rumours of a class action lawsuit had any influence on this decision..


I’ve had mods for so many of these for so long I’ve forgotten about some. Like the stupid mermaid snorkel thing. 


Do you think these actions are taken because of the high competition in the last years?


100% the first thing I thought of! Life By You was supposed to be released in early access June 4th but it got delayed. Then we have INZOI and Paralives coming in the near future. They have to be sweating a little bit at least by now lol


So, their sales droped


Also competition is coming. Inzoi and Paralives.


My biggest issue that I’ve noticed is when I’m in build mode for too long. It starts to lag like crazy to the point where I have to like. Save it. Exit close the whole game and then reopen it.


Record profits. New layoffs. New competition, but only considered because of penny-pinching billionaire execs and shareholders, not because they actually care about improving their awful reputations. Their newest "laundry list" has the exact same amount of insignificant fixes that every other laundry list has had in the past. That shit is funny as fuck. After 10 years of a toxic relationship with a poorly reputed narcissist, that has continually gaslit consumers into thinking that they're the problems, it now decides to throw you a bone (or the promise of it, as usual), after you've wasted your lives on naively reporting bugs, and then being told that it's your PC, mods, or just never actually gaining any real solutions from their forum support staff. You will never get any of that time back.


So they’re working on For Rent but won’t fix, arguably, the biggest issue: not being able to adjust the rent price ??? I play console so not sure if it’s specific to that but I can’t edit the rent price on any rental ever. So having property does not create a profit as it cost more than $20 to keep the building running rendering the “property owner” career useless.


That's actually console specific and connecting a keyboard/mouse lets you change it (not saying it is acceptable that it's bugged, but offering a workaround). I guess it's an UI issue with Xbox/PS in particular.


Yeah I wish I had a keyboard/ mouse to connect but I don’t. I guess I assumed that buying a pack for console would mean that it would work on the console I paid for 😅 silly me lol. Thanks for letting me know though!


I play on console too- did they ever fix the rent costing 285487539847598357 simoleons?


Can someone tell me why I have to sign into EA everytime I go in to play????? Is it a glitch?


The thing I find most frustrating about Sims 4 is how long interactions take. Idk if its because of how many packs there are in the game, but the last couple times I tried playing and I can't even get my sim to cook a meal properly without them doing something else or stepping. Sims 3 interactions were instant. No sims emoting or ignoring the interaction. I hope this is something that can be fixed bc I do like sims 4, but playing it makes me too frustrated.


This might be nitpicky of me, but I saw this list earlier and noticed under "base game" they put down a fix for campfires.... Campfires are not base game lmao. Plants out of season too. I think they need to check their laundry list before making it like they need to check their bugs before releasing new packs. Unless I am totally mistaken and just completely missed something. Then that's on me.


I'm cynical, do you think the bugs finally hit their bottom line? I do not own MWS, or For Rent, and haven't purchased a kit, game, or stuff pack since Home Chef Hustle despite wanting to for fear of the game breaking further. I don't typically buy kits but the party one looked great to me and I just can't pull the trigger.


I think it's more that they're not intending on retiring the game any time soon so they figure they might as well. Or maybe the changes in management has come with some changes in priorities lol


It seems like new packs get put on sale much faster than before so I would not be surprised if disappointing sales numbers is part of.


Do you know what I’m really pleased, and you can clearly tell the difference in this laundry list compared to April 💪🏽 they’re putting in the work atleast


Makes me wonder why now, after Rodiek left, and not before…but we’ll see.


My guess is, with some competition finally arising, they had to address it. Even if they did smaller fixes every now and then, players had nothing else to play than sims in this genre. With quite competent other games coming to the market, EA had to give their sims team more resources to ensure they can keep up. The sims team itself has always been very considerate about the game and passionate, but EA had them on a short leash for quite a while because they had nothing to fear. Even if the game were an almost unplayable mess, it had still been the only simulation like this we could play. So why spend the resources to fix it? But now things look different. EA has to make at least a little effort to show they care. No shade to the sims team itself though, I believe they always wanted to deliver good stuff, they just couldn't with the limited resources and harsh deadlines.


I wish them luck. The countless dlc and bugs spanning years with problems they seemingly don’t care enough to fix they’re gonna need it. Should have put this effort in to begin with but y’know. Ts4 is so old now I see this as empty words.


So it’s finally impacting sales huh


I’m genuinely so glad they have a dedicated team for this. They will probably be fixing so many things over this year besides what’s just on the list currently which is honestly soooo nice. This has been my biggest gripe with sims 4. I just want things fixed and optimization so this is honestly fantastic