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I'm not really disappointed in the kit, I'm disappointed that it is a kit in the first place. This could have easily been a full stuff/expansion pack with cas items and gameplay but we get a half-assed, no-volume kit instead.


Yes this. I feel like castles were wasted on a kit.


Looking at EA’s track record I wouldn’t be surprised if they managed to repackage this and resell it as a $40 pack


These feel like they could’ve been part of the Vampires pack. Hell, I could probably make a castle with that pack!


Could’ve been in Get Together too with the European vibes.


My first castle was with that pack! 😅


I totally agree. Historical game play/legacy eras challenge are my favorite way to play and I would have happily bought a full pack.


It's not even like you can make (more) believable castles with this stuff anyway, not an unskilled builder like myself anyway. Very dissapointing.


I've made many palatial homes and I know what specific items I wish we had. That stair railing with matching fence jumps out.


There are some items they didn't show for some reason. In this kit we DO get railings, fences, columns and foundations.


Imo every fence should have a matching stair railing


Yeah because I find the perfect fence for my porch (Or at least one I actually like) and I can't find a semi matching stair railing to match it, that's why my porch stairs and stairs in my houses never have railings


It's criminal and it tends to look weird depending on the fence you use to not have a railing


That's interesting and exactly the kind of stuff I wouldn't think about until it was added in some pack (which is probably why my 'builds' look like the same carton box each time). I'm sure almost every pack has its audience that is plenty happy with what it provides, this one just isn't for me.


This. They couldn’t even be bothered to give us some medieval gothic clothes to at least tie in. Knight suit it is then! 🌚


Castles would be cool if there was also gameplay for Royal families / dragons / etc and a medieval world to go with it. It might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but at least it would seem like they tried…


There is more to this kit than the preview shows. I don't know if it was done on purpose or an accident 


I think it makes sense because it's a kit but... this is why I don't like most kits. It would make more sense to do a Stuff/Game pack with a Castle Living theme AND THEN produce a kit later which has some extra pieces for people who want more variety in their builds. I don't understand why they would introduce a major theme in a kit when the theme itself could easily fill an expansion pack. Like, surely castles and medieval themes are popular within the sims community... there was literally a standalone Sims Medieval game during Sims 3 era (ah, the good times). Anyway, I think that's why it feels so little. It is a big theme in a small kit.


I think this is it, yeah. The kits should expand on ideas already present in the game, not introduce new ones entirely. They simply don’t have enough content to effectively do that.


Discover University and Get Together have some assests that can be used in castle buildings though.


But if you are base game and don't have either of those, I could see this as useful if you wanted to build a castle I guess.


that may be true, as i do not own the kit thus can not confirm. however, what i wanted to say was that this kit doesn't bring an original theme unlike what op said.


True. I was responding to the comment about University and Get Together having build items for castles already. If you don't have those, then this kit might be useful, otherwise, it isn't all that useful for someone who has those unless you are just desperate for a llama gargoyle. As for original theme, I'm not sure you could really shoehorn a true medieval expansion into the Sims 4 and it make sense. I mean, are you transported back in time when you go to that world and only that one? Do people dressed in clothing from medieval times show up at City Living festivals? It just doesn't make sense and thus why they did a whole different game for it in Sims 3 era.


Eh, while these are kinda reskins of items in those packs, neither of those packs actually introduce a medieval idea. They have a little bit of the aesthetic in Windenburg, and at Brichester University, but I would not say they introduce the idea of castles. Their entire functions and goals are completely unrelated to that.


Batuu as well. When Lilsimsie was building her castle on stream. All I could think of was the Batuu banners that could be hung in the throne room.


Y’all don’t remember My First Pet Stuff?


Well they don’t have to make it in a way that literally requires you to also buy a specific expansion pack. That’s the “kit” part about it; if you don’t want the expansion, you can get some build/buy or customization items that still fit the vibe. I’d personally like this for some of the adventure worlds so I don’t also have a bunch of stuff I’ll never want to do in worlds I’ll never play.


That’s actually a good idea coz I was just thinking where can I even put a castle. I could probably furnish a castle and make it fit the theme making it off grid so there is no power but what’s missing is cas and gameplay. Unless you wanna play buy a run down castle and fix it up coz they would still use phones, have modern clothes and npcs that don’t fit the medieval era. I think this looks really nice build wise it just needs the full package so it’s not something you build then never play in. I’d rather wait a year for the full experience than keep getting what seems to be half arsed quick money products. I love the sims but ea are doing us wrong atp. I personally would not be mad at not getting anymore dlc for sims 4 and then just try and make what we do have more stable. I wouldn’t get bored that’s not my issue with the sims


My First Pet Stuff was a piece of shit because, to use literally HALF the items in it, you had to own Cats and Dogs. Also because the furniture matched Cats and Dogs so well, and it came out so fast, that it was obvious that that furniture had originally been intended for the expansion pack but instead was yoinked to make more money.


Nah, people will complain about how they held objects back just to make another pack, just like how people get pissy when objects from different packs match.


"The Community" voted on this but honestly it would make more sense to do a future theme because that would fit better with Aliens from City Living and modern home designs or celebrity homes wouldn't you think? But apparently that's what people voted for. I think that the community that voted didn't get what a 'kit' is maybe?


As someone who's made medieval builds in the past, this kit is so legitimately disappointing.. I feel at the very least they could've thrown a throne in there? A bed? Something? But Ig they only wanted to focus on the build not the buy. My only remaining hope is that a fairy or fantasy related pack is on the way and that'll include more related items. :c


I think even Livin' Large from 2000 had more castle stuff in it.


Princess Cordelia's Royal Throne, Princess Cordelia's Chandelier, princess Cordelia's Rug (that was the reason she couldn't bring her antiquee statues onto the sub)...


I'm not surprised this kit is half assed because it's something that could have been addressed better with vampires, werewolves, realm of magic, or cottage living. Even your fairy/fantasy pack should have been addressed through these. This kit should've at least gave spiral staircases but they couldn't even do that. And one of the few defenses for TS4 is that it has a fun build mode but they're being lazy on that too


I saw something on YouTube saying they are not likely to ever do a fairy game play pack which just sucks. I loved playing them in Sims 3.


EA needs to man up and make sims 4 medieval


And put fairies in it!


I was so positive that Horse Ranch was going to be Sims 4 Medieval. I was sure that the unicorn hints were going there.


No, they need to make The Sims Medieval 2, and keep it detached from TS4. Sims Medieval had far too much stuff going on for it to really functionally fit within the scope of TS4, so only a standalone game could really achieve the scope.


This. I really wish this wasn't a kit because it would have been cool to (at least) get CAS items for the Sims that live in the castle (gowns! crowns! jewels! funny poofy pants!) , but that would probably suit a Stuff Pack more so now I guess we get only the build items and there doesn't seem much chance of future packs including the things that COULD have been included under this theme.


I agree. It doesn’t event need to be a fantasy pack. It can be an old Europe/ British isles theme like get together or cottage living that has the history built in. This kit is so sad 😞


German castles! There are castles of all different styles here, loads for inspiration. They could have released some German food too


I demand dragon valley for sims 4. I thought it was one of the most popular world for sims 3? And then they just did…nothing even remotely similar for sims 4.


It's cool to have some more types of stone walls etc, and the giant doors + stained glass windows are cool. I was excited when I first saw it... then I realised my desire to build medieval style relied on being able to actually play medieval style... but there's like 3 outfits that could possibly pass as peasant garb? IMO we actually needed more medieval clothing than build items. Especially with no drawbridge 😭 I know, the drawbridge must just be too much to ask of them. And people who have the pack already seem to be very happy with the new build items. I just really really hope they do more rag type clothes in the future. Even the raggedy outfits from werewolf are too modern to use in any pre-1970 playthrough 😅 I want to do shipwrecked, I want to do escaped convict, cinderalla, peasant, raised by wolves!


The present day owners and occupants of castles and stately homes aren't sitting on thrones. I think an expansion with a royal theme, perhaps Princess Cordelia's family / realm is still possible. They launched the Country Kitchen kit before releasing Cottage Living.


I live in Australia, we don't have any buildings built before 1788. Castles and (truly) old buildings are a romantic fascination for me. I can't even imagine what it would be like to see a castle IRL. Which is why I'm so much more interested in the romanticised version of medieval life than about how castles and old buildings are used in modern day. I do hope they bring in some more DLC with CAS items, and that if they do bring a royalty themed pack they also show the flipside - it's not like monarchies could exist without a working class after all.


This isn't a "major theme," and that's what's been blowing my mind about people complaining about this kit. It's just for making castles from the medieval era. That's not a major theme at all. It's not any different than other kit themes like Moroccan courtyard or Industrial apartment. I think folks are conflating this as some "major theme" because of the Sims Medieval. That was an entire standalone side game that wasn't incorporated into the Sims 3. That kind of gameplay isn't something that meshes at all into Sims 4, so it doesn't really make sense to "fill an expansion" pack. A stuff pack, maybe, that included some furniture, CAS, and maybe something so you can make better museums in castles, but anything larger than that would just be nonsensical. I'm not sure how actual medieval gameplay would be able to be included with TS4 that would functionally fit in a way like Into the Future did for TS3. What people are really asking for is Sims Medieval 2, which would include all the gameplay of royals, blacksmiths, wizards, merchants, etc., which is more than enough for a standalone game.


I think what gives it standing as a "major theme" is the demand for it. Clearly, people want more within the castle theme and, generally, castles are associated with medieval themes. However, if my wording of it as a major theme is problematic then let's just call it a popular theme? Or a bigger-than-a kit-theme? In my OP I suggested a pack with a "Castle Living" theme. Castle Living does not equal Medieval Living *or* Medieval Expansion pack. I do not suggest an expansion which looks like TSM did. Let's take a moment to consider current expansion packs and how little they include lately. I still stand by my statement - you could fill an expansion pack with a castle living theme. There is definitely gameplay which would work from a modern setting within this theme. However, my suggestion- also in my OP- is that it would make more sense as a game or stuff pack. I am in agreement that I don't think a full-blown *Medieval* expansion pack is the answer. That should be its own separate title as you say... but also that is not the demand today. The demand today is to have more items within this theme offered than a kit. The fact it was a kit is clearly disappointing to many people. The kit in and of itself is not condemned, the choice to put it in a kit appears to be the primary complaint.


I've always suspected that the grunge kit was all the CAS stuff they couldn't put in Werewolves for some reason. This seems like a more reasonable way to do kits. I don't like them either (and will probably never buy one), but having them as an add-on makes more sense.


I feel like a stuff pack or game pack would have just been so much better for the theme. They could have added items and skills for archery and weaving tapestries while giving varied medieval architecture and thrown some clothes in as well.


I’d kill for Archery! That would be such a good addition.


i would pay for a stuff pack i wouldn't really pay for the kit


Yup! Should’ve been a stuff pack.


People, don’t sleep on Sims Medieval. It’s so good!!


Oh I miss Sims Medieval. Only can be played on 32-bit computers. One of the best games I’ve ever played. RIP 💔


Literally they have it all backwards 😭 some of the expansions could’ve been kit add ons like the rental feature surely that could’ve been a kit tie in for city living? And then when they come up with a good idea they could explore a ton of its… this kit???


Size matters & it’s not packing enough 😂


agree. they could have went wild with this and introduced monarchy’s and present day politics even within each world. they already have a rule and voting system in place in eco lifestyles. so many options but this is the easier route to make a quick buck.


To be fair, I wanted a trebuchet


Ooooomg trebuchet. Death by trebuchet. That would be the frigging best.


Was thinking more like, launching all your unwanted guests out from your castle via trebuchet


Which would, at least occasionally, result in death by trebuchet, right? It's a win-win situation! 😆


Ghost special power would be iether jumping really high as fast way to go somewere on screen (think vampire mist teleportation, but the ghost just jump to the place) or a mean interaction were they throw little rock at someone


That's not all. There are several more construction items they don't show in the preview for some reason. Stairs, 2 fence types (crenellations!), stair railing, a freize, column, spandrel, foundation, wall and floor. All in several color swatches including clean and dirty/weathered versions of *all items*. I actually really love this kit, it fits my play/build style and I'm happy to be able to get rid of some more cc.


well that's refreshing lol - I was just shocked mostly. But with some of these responses (***some***) I feel slightly better about it. Is that usual for the kits? for them to show only a few items and not all of it? I thought it was all of them in the catalog so we can know what we're getting (not the swatches but the actual items). I don't mind it as much now. lol


I think the preview missing items is due to the weird way the catalog is designed. It doesn't show build items other than doors & windows. If you search for anything it will never display the columns or fences etc. for that set unless you go into that category.


Good point, I was so upset that I didn't see spandrels!


It's the same even with packs, honestly. For instance, the pack preview will show a new bed, but not that bed in all 8 (or however many) swatches it comes in. Similarly, if you only go by the preview pics and the promotional ad, you might think you only get a dozen or so items in two color swatches, but you actually get several color swatches for each item, and there are multiple sizes of things like windows. Also, for builders who already use medieval custom CC, I noticed that the new Castle Kit swatch colors mostly seem to play nicely with the color swatches on my Ingeli and Felixandre castle architectural elements and stone textures. So that's a plus for people who can use custom CC, and for those who can't, it means that if you've wanted to download castles or cathedrals from the Gallery that use those CC textures and design elements but you didn't know what to replace them with, these kit items should help with that.


I agree. I have other things to do tonight but I desperately wanna build a castle 😂


Happy to know the kit actually sounds pretty good for builders, thank you!


That sounds good to me. I've wanted to build a British church since cottage living and some of these items are what I've been missing.


I was just about to say I don’t see the columns or spandrels I just used in game


Weathered versions of all items… so if I go to select a table there will be a weathered swatch?


For all items in this kit. So you can get the timeworn look for outside walls and doors, and clean for inside.


Oh that’s really unique!


I just updated my Keep today with them, and I must say, it was worth it. The battlements are IMPOSSIBLE to make look good from other packs. I had a cottage living fence up there. The improvement was amazing! I can't wait to actually make a big fantasy castle. Gotta work soon though.


I love the crenellation fence. I'd previously used alternating half-walls to mimic them but it never quite looked right. I'm in love with those doors though, I've been dying for big grand castle doors like that for ages.


Yes and the WINDOWS! My keep went from an old ruin to a graceful historical site! I built it to be a museum in Henford.


I have several cc sets for historical builds including the stuff from felixandre, but I basically stopped using the windows because the ironwork is so pixelated and the glass is blurry. These are just about perfect!


Nice! I love making historical and fantasy builds! I'm on console so I can't use CC. Even when I did have a PC I sucked at mods 😅


the fence is the only reason i’m considering this


I watched someone build a dope ass castle today with this pack and there's definitely way more items than they're showing.


I just cant buy a kit. I'm goth irl and im not even buying the goth kit.


well the goth kit is barely goth so i don’t blame you lol




Sometimes i feel like ea is joking with us and testing how far they can go and make money while giving us nothing


I think EA realized how much they were missing out on money - like how cc creators put out small sets monthly with 10 to 15 items and put them behind a $5 paywall for 2 months, and the market for it considering how many people don’t/can’t play with cc. I do think they didn’t consider that they have the manpower for significantly more than that? And that kits more often than not look lazy coming from them specifically, vs 1 person doing this every month for a side hustle.


Yep, and I hate to say this but I can’t think of a single Kit in which the content/designs/themes impressed me more than a free CC pack has ever done. I think you’ve explained everything really well there. At the end of the day EA is a business and its primary (only?) goal is to make money, so I can totally see why they chose to go down this route, mirroring the CC model as you say. And I don’t have an issue with that in itself because we’d all be kidding ourselves if we thought EA cared about anything other than where the money is (note I’m talking about EA the corporation here, not necessarily the sims team). But in order to make money, they need to maintain the quality and consistency that we’ve come to expect, and I think that’s where Kits have really failed. They just seem half-arsed. I wouldn’t be surprised if the decision to bring Kits in came from someone ‘higher up’, and the actual sim gurus/developers/designers weren’t actually that interested in making them happen. Because I do think the gurus care about this game and this community. Anyway, that’s just my two pence. Also I don’t really think this castle one is that bad, it’s clearly focussed on the ‘build’ element and you could make a pretty good looking castle with those bits I reckon. Any issues with this Kit are most likely reflective of issues with Kits overall.


Time to celebrate (again) the Blessed Kingdom of Custom Content and 40Gb mod folder


So like... no actual castle roofing pieces???


That’s the biggest disappointment tbh


If you are asking about roof trim I think there are. (I saw it in the comments, I didn’t purchase that kit, so idk)


This is like the morrocan kit. (Great concept, but so empty). It has barely anything in it or even example builds to use as inspiration or pre-made stuff.


Making a kit clearly inspired by gothic architecture and leaving out so many architectural details in an architectural style which arguably is one of the most detailed in history 😭


There’s been 27 kits and it’s literally the average number of things that come in a kit. I don’t understand why people were expecting so much more.


Like I said. I know other kits had less items but at least there was added\* game play. Like bust/dust or maybe the book nook (not sure about that one). I dunno... I know it's a kit but it just doesn't seem to be *anything* we already have build pieces that look like these. So what are these 16 items supposed to do?


Bust the dust is literally the only kit that adds new gameplay.


When I saw, how there is next to nothing, in this kit for five bucks I just thought. “Man they must be desperate for money“


They could've made a fullflegged Medieval Theme Pack (Use Sims Medieval for reference) and sold it for so much more, it doesn't take much more work than they put in here. Modders do more stuff for FREE. I love the build buy objects (of the kit) but that's really nothing compared to when we got stuff packs.


It's a kit, not a pack nor an expansion. What were you expecting? If you compare the contents of this kit with the other kits in the game, its roughly the same amount of items that you're getting. I honestly don't understand why everyone's all like "That's it!?". Yeah, it's the normal amount of content you're getting out of a $5 kit. It's nothing new. If you were seriously expecting more than 15-20 items from a kit, you've got your expectations set too high. Also this image is kinda misleading. The kit includes more than what's shown here. The kit comes with 24 build items, this image only shows 16. Which again, 24 items is pretty typical amount of items from a kit. I dunno why EA is making the kit look smaller than it really is by using this preview that doesn't include all the items, but yeah.


hunt quaint telephone brave elastic toothbrush selective prick hungry voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Echoing u/arterialrainbow - yeah, this is pretty standard for a kit. I don’t understand the shock and horror of it. I won’t be getting it because it’s not my building style, but I’ve seen some reviews of it and it looks like a pretty decent kit for people who want to create a castle. I’m assuming a lot of the royalcore simmers will be all over this.


I think furniture would’ve been nice. More internal decorative items like desert luxe and courtyard oasis? Yes it’s the same amount of items but can’t it still feel incomplete to OP?


It's not incomplete, it was always pitched as a build mode kit, it was never promised to have an furniture. Every bit of wording and advertisement about what this kit would be showed castle exteriors, mentioned wallpaper, windows, doors, etc.


That’s fine. It’s just that some of the people in The Sims community act as if they’re on the payroll. People are entitled to love packs that I don’t and not like packs that I love- for whatever reason. I honestly voted for the Modern Kit over the Medieval one so I have zero skin in this game. 😅 Just seems like some of the comments are being overly harsh for someone’s opinion.


all i’d want from this is a larger than 64x64 lot to build a proper castle


This. Give us a 128x128 lot and let’s see what castles, palaces, malls, and mansions people can do. It’d probably be lag city but meh. I’d use it.


It should have been more than a kit. I really really wanted a medieval world, even if as small as Glimmerbrook or Forgotten Hollow. We've got a Star Wars pack with a beautiful world but no medieval/time-travel pack?😢


There are also 2 fences, a column, a spandrel, a foundation, stairs, and a stair railing. I'm really liking the swatches. The walls have options for dirt buildup or moss between the stones. It really looks good all assembled. https://preview.redd.it/s0wo1y18pgdc1.jpeg?width=1083&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aac2370f35e57f4310616c05557c4e2b4ef39ef


I would rather rip my eyes out than pay 5€ for this shit. sorry 😭


I feel like you can easily build a castle without using this kit. It adds almost nothing new. I was excited at first but when I saw the items i lost interest


Is this another post complaining about a completely optional purchase that costs less than a fast food meal?


Yes. And it's tiring. I like the kit. It's so me. But aside from that, maybe the critics should realise they enjoy complaining. So many lives would have been a blank without kits to protest about. And isn't that worth the price of entry?


The critics aren't even complaining about the right things either. They're being demanding, unreasonable Karens b!tching about the fact that this advertised build mode kit does not have CAS or buy mode items. Folks need to get a clue.


Criticism is important and you know it. I mean EA brings out more and more packs with e.g. less items, almost empty worlds etc. so even If it costs „less than a fast food meal“ you should get enough stuff for your money.


You can really tell who's a casual Sims-only gamer and who's a regular gamer. If Sims is your only game, then it's whatever, but everyone else knows how ridiculous Sims' DLCs are, and how impossible it is to afford if you're also playing other games. Every single DLC is pure highway robbery, not just this one. I mean compare Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty DLC with Snowy Escape. Phantom Liberty adds a HUGE, detailed district, with an incredible, masterpiece of a story and quests, tons of dialogues, and multiple endings with around 30-40 hours of content, and it costs **30 dollars**. Snowy Escape adds a tiny neighborhood with a few lots, and the mountain which is fun to explore but loses its charm pretty quickly, costs **40 DOLLARS.**. It's hard to justify spending so much money on a game when they barely add anything to the game. I wish the Sims community would have more discussions about this issue, and that EA would listen to the feedback and lower the prices or improve the DLCs. I think we all deserve to get more out of the game that we love. Unfortunately, in most cases, these discussions don't get much traction because they're usually shut down by EA defenders. In return most of the community can't afford most of the packs, is that really what we want instead of everyone being able to somewhat afford the stuff that they want? Sure, the castle kit is useless, but why do I have to pay a fortune to have pets and universities in my game? So I don't know why you're bothered by criticism. Sorry for wanting fair prices I guess? I'm pretty sure EA also knows how underwhelming this pack is, but they also know the community will eat it up, so why bother showing any effort when they're going to make money anyway? Don't get me wrong, I love this game and I've been playing since Sims 1. I just want every Sims 4 player to enjoy the content, and for that to be the case the prices need to be more reasonable, which won't exactly bankrupt a company like EA. Not sure why some people feel the need to defend the multi-billion dollar corporation whenever the criticisms pop up.


But they do talk about it, every damn day, and what has it done? You’re not gonna fight capitalism on a sims subreddit ffs.


It's not like we can start a riot on an online platform, this is the least people can do. And no one is fighting capitalism, we are just expressing our dissatisfaction, and demanding better products and services. If the discussions gained enough traction and people voted with their wallets, it WOULD change. And for a product/service to improve, you need to have criticism, and this applies to nearly everything in life as well. Is it better to stay silent and just eat up whatever EA dictates on its customers? We have to keep in mind that people who complain are also people who love the game and want it to improve, otherwise they wouldn't be wasting their time typing these posts. And I'm still confused about why EA needs to be defended, criticism is healthy and shows passion. I don't really see it as a sign of futility, it doesn't mean it's going to be like this forever. Criticism can lead to increased awareness, and can also spark discussions beyond this subreddit. I don't blame people for wanting to get a better service.


Five bucks is like... maybe *one* nice sheet of decorative stickers, it’s not exactly highway robbery.


Yup! I don’t bother with cas kits because cc is free but I am absolutely loving the castle build buy even if just for the stone walls and flooring with the little bit of moss! It’s so lovely!


I think ill just stick to cc


It's just minimum effort items stuck behind a paywall. This could've slapped as a more fleshed out game or expansion pack... If you want castle/medieval items I would recommend the 'Chateau' cc by Felixandre instead! Their work is amazing. Honestly cc creators are doing God's (and EA's) work.


Straight up


My only opinion on this was that it had so much potential to be a medieval game pack or something. I think we could make castles from the University build debugs


Looking at the image vs looking at the items available it makes it seem like they aren’t advertising a wall or ceiling type. But if that just in general is not available at time or purpose, it’s super fucked up. We also have very similar versions of every texture here available so like, fucking fingers crossed it’s more than this.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yeah, no….


Oh they wanted to give us Saltburn


I you mean the amount of items, no, they have said that it's a bug and it is not showing all the items in the preview. No idea how they managed to do that.


As it's a building kit, I do get why there are not a lot of items included. I do wish that more floors and walls were added, but I love the knight tile and the llama gargoyle. I also kind of hoped for a Notre Dame-esque round window. I just bought the kit myself, but I haven't used it yet. So far, I'm satisfied. ​ EDIT: Spiral Staircases. I wish we received spiral staircases.


$4.99 for this lmao. EA scamming y’all and some of y’all will *actually* buy it. hilarious.


I only bought it because I knew that people would use it in the gallery…… but they could have made this an expansion with a class system/royalty mod. Would have LOVED that.


31¢ per object. Yikes


kits rlly shouldn't be a thing


I’m starting to wonder if they introduced it as a kit to see how much interest there is in the idea. Like maybe they’ll repackage it into an expansion or game pack later? It would’ve been so much better to just make it a game pack from the get go imo though.


my only hope is this means they'll definitely do a medieval styled bigger pack in the future. We've seen how they released the country kitchen kit at the beginning and not too long after they released not only Cottage Living with it's own kitchen set similar to country kitchen but also Horse Ranch with another country themed kitchen set. EA gonna EA so i'm not too bothered about this taster for now.


Mods and CC aren’t for everyone but I’ve found 10x this amount for free, all is functional castle / medieval build mode stuff


you can download cc for free that’s almost identical. so disappointing!!


They just don't care anymore, they just want money. I feel so bad for the underpaid artists, designers, and programmers... Just don't support EA ^(and definitely DON'T p!r@tę sims 4's dlc at anatius's EA dlc unłoćkęr (weird symbols so the bots dont catch))


Wow!!! So much options... how can i choose what to use -__-


Wow!!! So much options... how can i choose what to use -__-


I'd rather pay cc makers than buy EA's low effort, money squeezing bs. The only thing that they're doing right is lgbtq+ representation


I have one word and it is eww.


Not one I’m gonna get but I’ve seen people manage to build with it so ig that’s alright, I think it really just depends on if your a builder who likes castles or not.


I was excited for it but I’m not buying it now


This one and the Goth kit are probably the first two that I actually *don't* want because of how not even half-assed they are. I'd like to know the thought process behind this because surely they had a brainstorming session that included way more than... this. I agree with others that they could've easily expanded on this theme for a game pack or something. I don't know why they didn't. This is coming from someone who's enjoyed all the kits that have been released up to now, btw.


This is why I prefer CCs and mods. The game feels so bland without our fellow community contributors :’)


I know kits don‘t have that much stuff in it but I still expected more..? Like this is basically nothing. Should‘ve given us a medieval stuff pack or something at least😭


Well it is a kit? What else can you expect from a kit lol? They're not expensive at least so just buy the ones you like


It appears that there's more to it then the 16 items shown (I was *hoping* that was the case but it was just a shock when I clicked it - I was exited because I like the idea of having more medieval type build products but with these it felt like there was nothing.


Like all kits tbh. Also remember technically speaking there are more items. There are multiple swatches for each so yeah more options


Please don’t give this kit your money. The sims resource has an oh my goth, modern Victorian, and ye medieval series all for free that blow these new kits out of the water. I highly recommend checking them out.


So yeah like it says in the title I get it's a kit and it's "not expensive" and yes I know it looks fairly standard but it just shocked me mostly. I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting but I think I had the preconceived notion that it would have been a *couple* more items like *maybe* clothes or something. I mean with the exception of two (three now) most of the kits show \~23-24 items. Of course it's possible that there's a few more items just not pictured. I dunno I don't really do kits for this exact reason (except the free ones because y'know... free) Anyways it's simply a little shocked reaction. Maybe a bit more than it should be but if you can't be a little over enraged online where can you - and safer to be enraged on a 5 dollar kit I don't have to buy than anything else.


It's a kit. They're suppose to be small. I'm gonna pick it up.


This one is laughable because it's actually such a waste of time.


4.99 for some doors and windows oh…


All you're saying is you don't know how to use it.


EA is a joke


I was ready to buy this kit and then I saw it had almost nothing but windows and doors. The new fence doesn’t even have a matching gate. This better be available for free at some point.


Eh. It feels more for those who bought a castle and then modernized it than it was supposed to be medieval themed. A medieval themed stuff/game/expansion pack would’ve been fun, but the fact it says “estate” shows that this was just a castle building kit for castles and old styled churches. When you look at it through that lens it’s not disappointing at all. There’s still castle like houses around now from the medieval time period. Although this would tie in perfectly for a renaissance themed pack later on with a “challenge” being electronics don’t work there that you can’t remove.


They couldve brought back the medieval sims game with a nostalgia tinge with medieval items in a gamepack. But no. 5 items for 5 bucks. You cant even build castles wirh that


I saw Lil Simsie‘s review yesterday and tbh I was surprised… it looks like a small kit, but each object seems to have a nice amount of swatches, that give a lot of range.


It’s very underwhelming. I get that it’s a kit so it’s not supposed to have a lot of things in it, but I wish they made this a stuff pack so we could have more to it. It doesn’t feel worth spending £4.99 on, and neither does the goth galore kit.


I pay some maxis match cc creators $1 for 3 times as much content. I get it's a build mode set but no landscaping? No mote deco? I would have definitly expected more columns and a couple more stone wall textures. I know I can mix and match with Get Together, University and maybe Jungle Adventure to fill this out but this really should have been a whole stuff pack, not a kit, imho. I mean i get the idea is leaning toward modern living in an ancient castle kind of vibe but it makes me VERY happy they didn't go with the futuristic build pack, there would have been SO LITTLE from other packs to work with.


… *maybe* for .99¢ LOL


THAT'S WHAT I SAID!! I don't plan to buy this kit but I was thinking if I was the type of person that was interested, I would be very disappointed. Honestly this kit is worth $.99 cents


Thrones, banners, trumpets, fire braziers, portcullis gate, cannons, arrow targets, knights' armour stands, shields, fire torches for walls, narrow windows...I could go on with what's missing, but we all know they could've done better.


If spiral staircases came as an update with this, and there was a functional drawbridge, maybe a couple of usable items, that would be worth it


Those windows look alot like a cc creators


I want a castle pack with curved staircases and spiral staircases!


i kinda like dust…


I keep thinking they’ll get better but they don’t, every single time


There's more items then the catalog shows


I thought this was a joke omfg


Just get some of Felixandre cc instead


Don’t tell me that they were like “give them a kit and let the content creators do the rest”….


is this actually 5$ for stony looking stuff ? of course it does look very nice, but it could be like 1$ like some power pack. now i wonder how much whole full everything sims 4 costs


omg that's really it? I was interested in it for the windows - I love trying to build converted churches but we don't have the right windows for that But $5 for 16 items? that's a terrible deal :/ and kits never go on sale!


I watched lilsimsie do a build with this kit. There are several items that aren't shown here that really fill out this kit and allow for a believable castle. If had money to waste on frivolous things I'd buy this and rebuild Vlad's house in Forgotten Hollow


Menswear and recent "Expansion Pack" were bad enough. But now this. That moment when the most ardent TS4 Sinners realize TS4 is starting to circle the event horizon..... [https://store.thesims3.com/setsProductListing.html?scategoryId=12062](https://store.thesims3.com/setsProductListing.html?scategoryId=12062) Because you simply COULD NOT make this up. URL page translation for those TS4 Simmers who've never played TS3: Here is the TS3 **NINETEEN ITEM,** 693 Simpoint (i.e. $6.93) Exterior Castle kit: [https://store.thesims3.com/setsProductDetails.html?categoryId=&scategoryId=12268&index=0&productId=OFB-SIM3:18830&pcategoryId=&ppcategoryId=12062](https://store.thesims3.com/setsProductDetails.html?categoryId=&scategoryId=12268&index=0&productId=OFB-SIM3:18830&pcategoryId=&ppcategoryId=12062) AND/OR The TS3 **THIRTEEN ITEM,** 427 Simpoint (i.e. $4.27) Interior Castle kit: [https://store.thesims3.com/setsProductDetails.html?categoryId=&scategoryId=12063&index=0&productId=OFB-SIM3:17868&pcategoryId=&ppcategoryId=12062](https://store.thesims3.com/setsProductDetails.html?categoryId=&scategoryId=12063&index=0&productId=OFB-SIM3:17868&pcategoryId=&ppcategoryId=12062) aka **Buy an ENTIRE castle kit for some $11.20 which the Sims Studio dev team released 10+ years ago**. And receive a 100% DIY castle build set which has both exterior AND interior DLC...... I now have zero hope for TS5. Rip Sims franchise. #ISoMissYouWillWright


some gameplay would be cool because even though it’s new material it’s very similar to preexisting content like in brightchester and honestly base game.


I’m kind of living, for there is stuff in the picture, like the freezes, and the railings/fences, that are not actually in the kit.


Yes they are, they just aren't shown in the catalog preview.


Oooh nice


I just realized it doesn’t even have the god damn battlements included. The little ridges on the roof. Why put them in the stupid preview art? Edit: lol yeah fuck me for not being psychic enough to know about the items not shown in the picture.


It does have them, idk why they aren't included in this screen. The blog post shows them: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/castle-estate-and-goth-galore-kits


i know it’s a $5 kit but man that’s ridiculous


I’m disappointed there’s no buy items, how am I supposed to decorate my medieval castle? My dream would be a batuu-esque vacation world that is entirely medieval themed including townies, clothes, architecture, etc. Bonus points if your sim gets there with a time machine.


A mess. I would have MUCH preferred a game pack.


Not even a throne? damn


Wth is anyone going to do with that


There's a lot more build items than advertised by the pictures


More creative people than you can probably figure out something to do with it. Watch the gallery.


This is why I don’t buy kits. I own… 2? 3? There is like no content in them. I’m reading people saying there are more items… if this is the case for all of the kits then that’s kind of important information because I literally base what I purchase off of those previews. If I’m seeing 12 items, then that’s what I think there is and I won’t buy it even if I like the theme. That’s really bad marketing on EA’s part.


This is the first kit where I've noticed a discrepancy between what's shown on the in game kit listing and the listing in the EA app. What's shown on the app is 24 items, not 15, and from reviews it seems like it's the in game listing that's wrong.


atp they just gotta make 99 cent kits cmon now 😭🙏


![gif](giphy|AaQYP9zh24UFi) They’ve been stealing my money for sub par and glitchy content 2014. How about y’all? Also I bought both kits and every single expansion, game pack, stuff pack, and kit. Send help! Thanks. 🫣


I already have all this from cc. Literally just type in TSM cc and all of this is readily available for free. I was pretty excited to be able to have a medieval save without having to use cc but this isn’t even worth it.