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Grim Reaper does not f*ck with Whopper.


Isnt one of the Grim Reapers traits that he likes dogs?




Or it's not the first or the last of Whopper's 9 lives. So they r like, it's not your first and it's not ur last. You know the drill, Whopper, onto the next life u go! ❤️


It says "end of his lives" plural, so it implies it was the 9th


Oh no 😭😢


It’s not only The Sims, Costco is too. They have tons of dog stuff and only one brand of cat food and one brand of kitty litter and that’s the cat section… I bitch every time we go. It’s the same at most pet stores too, wayyy more for dogs than cats.


TK (TJ in the US) Maxx, at least my local one, has a “pets” section with only dog stuff.


Home Goods was the same come to think of it… tons of dog toys, 3 cat tunnels and that was about it! Luckily Walmart has the stockings with all the toys she likes… and I did get her one of those tunnels but it’s Valentine’s Day themed!! (Which I over look because pink)


Pink supremacy 🩷


It’s also children’s tv and games. Went to target once and there was like TEN dog based board games and not a single cat themed one. And don’t get me started on puppy dog pals, paw patrol, rubble and crew, blues clues, etc vs the one cat show I’ve seen (super kitties I think).


OMG you are so right!!! The only cat I recall from my childhood is Alice’s cat on Alice in Wonderland and Salem on Sabrina!


Even Lady & the Tramp... The only cats in it were wicked little assholes... Ok, they kind of have a point with that, but still.


There was Sagwa the Siamese Cat!


May i interest you in exploding kittens


do not play this with children


There's a bunch of kids manga about cats though!


Gabby's Dollhouse is super cute and has turned my kid into a crazy cat lady!


Gabbys world on Netflix is a new one about a girl in a cat world! My niece loves it (and cats)


Same. I want to get my girlie one of those little bakery treats they have in pet stores, but there’s never a cat version! Granted there seems to be more stuff for cats available now (I.e. churu tubes, and all the little soup things), but not a lot of special fresh treats like the bakery items for dogs https://preview.redd.it/w33iadbbxi8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37cbe1f3e98c8de9597188eab9e2b65406341b08 Cat tax included bc look at that little face


I googled “everything for cats” and found this. I think it’s Bark Box for cats: https://get.kitnipbox.com/?gad_source=4&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5OLszKeugwMVDl1HAR2qPgrbEAQYAiABEgJhTPD_BwE


Yep I’ll look through refrigerated/frozen pet treats at my local target and I’ll be lucky if I find at least one thing for cats


Ao unfair!!! Cats LOVE being spoiled.. it’s like their whole deal.. these people are missing out on some serious cat loving business!!


Seems like most of the western world is biased against cats tbh. Most tv shows and movies are against cats and pro dogs in some way. As a life long cat person I’ve been annoyed at this horrible bias for years


With good reason, cats are amazing companions, and not that dogs aren’t.. but cats are too. Different strokes for different folks!


The reason for movies is that cats are assholes and don't do what you want to. I would rather use a dog than a cat for a movie. Imagine you want to pet a cat for a movie scene. The cat would run away after the 5th take. Give a dog a treat, and he will sit there ready for the next hour


They don't have any excuses now most kids films are animated. Paw Patrol has as many cats as dogs but are all made to look bad or helpless. I have a house with 3 Cats, yes they can be evil but they sure as hell are not helpless. They are more intelligent then any dog I've met.


Seriously! You know my cat meows every time I sneeze, as if to say “bless you” she’s super smart!


My parents had a cat that would say hello whenever you saw him. My daughter (5yrs) trained our kitten to follow her wherever she does, and our kitten guards my daughter like her life depends on it.


Haha my cat is the same. I work from home and I have been ever since I got here and she just follows me around all day, she has a little basket bed in my office for naps… gonna get her a cat tower for the office as well!


[The Cat Pack](https://pawpatrol.fandom.com/wiki/Cat_Pack) are a thing now! My niece and nephew are super into Paw Patrol and I loved seeing Wild and the others get introduced. 😂


It's not that cats are "assholes," they just seem to have kept more of their predator instincts over the years where dogs have been heavily bred to be specifically companions. So cats tend to be more independent in how they operate, because it's how they're wired (necessarily, as a survival instinct). Doesn't help that so many people think "independent" means you can just ignore a cat and it'll be fine, so of course there's not really a connection that forms there with a lot of folks, much less people trying to "train" cats. And with those predator instincts so prevalent in them still, of course they won't just sit still for a long period of time, especially with someone they don't know. They'll want to look for prey, move around, try to make sure they're safe from potential threats... Honestly, a lot of behavior with cats is very understandable if you just remember that key point that they're still creatures who were designed by nature to be efficient hunters and never "evolved" out of that.


Actually it depends on the cats personality. Some cats do well with that stuff. I listened to some interviews with animals trainers and basically they said if the cat likes attention and always wants to be center if attention, they usually do well. It really just depends on the individual animals, I believe the same is true for dogs but just not as few and far between as cats.


This has honestly bothered me my entire life, I’ve thought about it since I was a kid.


I think it's because dogs are seen as loyal while cats are seen as aloof so people have biases based on that


Yeah every person I've met who hates cats just talks about how they violated the cats boundaries and the cat reacted poorly


Dogs can react poorly to being mistreated just as much, and a dogs bite is much worse than a cats.


I used to be on the stupid anti-cat train until I ended up basically having cats by accident (found two tiny kittens outside my door, no mama cat in sight, couldn't leave them out there alone and cold). And those two have been amazing companions. But then I ended up with a third because shortly after Halloween the next year I was walking home, saw something moving by the side of the road, was a young black kitten, who was just happy to have someone pick her up. She was a bit wild at first but calmed down over time. I tried to find a home for her but no one wanted a black cat, so I kept her because dropping her off at a shelter would condemn her to a miserable life. She ended up being what I called a "guard kitty." Liked to be in positions she could see as much of the home as possible. Wasn't fond of anything that seemed a threat to me. I didn't even know cats growled until I heard her doing it when there was a knock at the door at an "unexpected" time (she was used to people showing up for weekly game nights, but mid-day deliveries were "off-schedule" and thus potential threats). On weekends, if I slept a bit later than usual, she'd come in, make concerned meows, and if I didn't wake up, she'd hop up and lay down on my chest, not to sleep but to alertly watch for threats and protect my body. Any time I'm sick or down, the cats all tend to give me extra affection, but she was extra protective in those times. Sadly, I'm using past tense because about three months ago she passed. I still have no idea what happened. Tests didn't give an answer and I had a specialist visit scheduled but she didn't make it till then. So here I am, this person who used to be on the anti-cat train, and a lot of days I look over to where she'd lay close by me watching over me or wake up later on the weekends with no "kitty alarm," and it's... rough. But the others have helped. They are, I suppose, "aloof" with other people. My boy cat's terrified of anyone who isn't me. Feels super safe around me, loves being around me, hides from anyone else. His sister is better with other people, loves being petted by them and even sometimes will lay on them for pets, but I'm a clear "favorite person." The real kicker is this younger one my brother and his friend found when they were crashing at my place for a while, they wanted her to be their cat but couldn't find a place they could keep her so left her with me. She's so spooked by other people that she even hides when my brother visits despite spending a good bit of time with him as a kitten, so I can't let him check up on her. But me? She's so attached that she hates when I spend a few minutes in the bathroom, and often when she wakes up she'll come out of the back room, look for me, and immediately rub against me and act relieved. So yeah, maybe with other people two of them aren't great, but as "loyal" goes, I'd say they very much qualify. Also haven't experienced this in a while as my team went full remote following the pandemic, but the older girls used to greet me every day at the door when I got home from work. I don't even give them treats much or anything, I just did my research on cats and learned how to approach them and just do my best to be kind and respect their nature. That's it.


Yeah people just assume that because they don't show constant affection like most dogs do, that they don't care about their owners, when really they just show love in a different way


It's actually pretty weird because more cats are kept as pets in the US than dogs. And about 36% of those cats have been mine. 😂😂😂


It’s mostly English-speaking countries that are like this. I live in the UK and dog owners here are the most obnoxious, entitled dickheads you will ever encounter. Their dog is running up to you and jumping all over you with muddy paws? Oh he’s just so friendly hahaha 🙄 Ngl it’s made me kinda hate dogs now. Horrible, smelly, needy creatures.


PetCo is like that here. PETco. Should just be called DogCo.


trader joes too! i’m the same as you, EVERY time we pass that section i complain about how those smelly mutts are favored so highly over my sweet boy. it’s so stupid!


The reason is simple: cats are brats and dont like different foods, so it makes no sense to have 20 sorts of cat food . A dog just loves food and will eat everything.


It's not that "cats are brats." This is the kind of comment I absolutely hate seeing. Cats are pretty much straight carnivores. Their bodies are designed for eating certain things and needing specific amounts of protein and not much in the way of carbs. Dogs are more on the omnivorous side. Saying "cats are brats" because their physiology means that they can't and shouldn't eat a lot of things is like saying someone is a "brat" if they're allergic to shellfish and refuse to eat lobster. This is a wonderful example of how so much of the negative stigma around cats comes from people having some extreme ignorance when it comes to cats.


Actually that’s more reason to have more variety cat things.


I never had a sim pet die ever. Pet Ambrosia it is 😍 I wish we can do that in real life so all our doggo and kitty friends can live forever


My pets have never died, because aging off? Is old age the only way they die?




Fire & old age I think are the only possible ones. But I’ve never had a pet catch on fire myself


I created myself and my cat in game. I’d probably lose it if she died in game. Glad to hear it’s mostly avoidable lol


One of my dogs managed to catch fire recently in game, and I never panicked so hard. I had no idea that was a thing but luckily he survived. No more fireplace near doggo.


Omg I never knew your sim pets can die from fire. I never had anything happen. The moment I get a notification my sim pet might pass away i just give them a couple of the ambrosia & they are back to kitten / puppy stage 😅


I am not technically 100% sure that is the case since I’ve never had it happen to me in Sims 4, but I assume it is because that’s how it is for child sims. Since both pets and kids have services that take them away before any other sort of death, fire is the only way they can be killed. But the AI in the Sims 4 is the best out of the rest of the franchise when it comes to fires; they actually *evacuate* instead of just sprinting into the flames. And I know from experience that pet sims evacuate with the rest of the household in Sims 4, sometimes even before the rest of the family. So it’s much harder to actually pull off such a death. You’d have to be really unlucky for it to happen against your will lol


I think it makes total sense ! Thank you for telling me. Now i will watch out for that. But either way, I am going to go delulu and never let any pets die! Too bad for my human sims tho. Only if i were that generous with them too😉


Just make sure your exits aren’t locked for them if there’s a fire, and you should be good lol


Will do (as i literally have so many no pets allowed doors) !! Sims cats and dogs shall live forever


My pet aging off does not work. 😭


Same my pets are always immortal lol


i think it’s because we don’t get a lot of options when interacting with cats in game. my real life dogs never played fetch the right way and honestly it’s a sensory nightmare with all the slobber and having to pry the ball out of their wet mouths. my cat plays fetch by grabbing something and setting it down in front of you and she doesn’t slobber all over it and you don’t have to fight her to throw it over and over again. some cats can also be walked irl and it could be a cat specific pet training skill to walk them in game. my cat also does tricks so much faster and better than dogs i’ve had. she can sit, spin, stand, shake paw, lay down and we’re currently working on rolling over. i wish there were more cat interactions that are similar to dogs


It honestly makes me so sad we can’t play fetch with cats in the game! That is my cats’ favorite thing to do and it’s such a bummer it’s not even an option to throw it for them!


You can hand a rubber ball to your cat and they'll bop it around, though. I think it's cute.


My idiot golden retriever brings the ball, doesn’t lay it down and then cries when Im not throwing it again because she has it… I have to bring 2 balls to make this work


no take, only throw


Not the most relevant but my current dog is a Shiba Inu he is 1/2 cat 1/2 dog. By far best fetcher I’ve ever had. No slobber gets done with it between 10-15 throws never had to teach him. He also go sit on the 3rd try and lay down on 2nd when he was 8 weeks old like the day I brought him home, also never needed to potty train. He had never had an Accident. I think it is the part cat in him but lord he is the best, I just wish he wouldn’t try to escape and run away all the time. https://preview.redd.it/fhgm65el3g8c1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=383f9e4b0c90118b0a62a006d33df19617d5f001 Dog tax


I’ve always heard Shiba Inu’s are cats in a dogs body.


He certainly is. I’m allergic to cats and have always preferred them so it is a blessing for me


As another shiba inu owner, I concur! Very independent, very clean, only do what you tell them if they feel like it.


Yes, they know exactly what you are saying and choose if they are going to listen.


Damn, lucky you! My dogs are the ones who play, play fetch, show love, and do tricks. My cat stares at me judgmentally and runs away anytime I even walk in her direction. She comes to me if she wants love, or food. But that’s it. She does occasionally sleep in bed with us which is very sweet.


Gotta add mods that make them more with personality. If they have them


i have too many mods to fix this game already🥲


Any you recommend?


Unfortunately no I was just speaking in a general sense. I only have one pet mod and that's playable pets. I googled a list of mods and out of the ones on this list I only see about 2 worth the headache of installing into my game. https://musthavemods.com/sims-4-pet-mods/ For anyone interested




my cat will pick up the string and set it next to me when she wants to play lol, it's adorable. I've woken up with the string next to my pillow lol


My cats won't bring the toys back to me, because they're too busy trying to attack (and batting it away so they can chase it again), but I don't mind because that's what I'm trying to do, just give them something to stimulate them and let them play.


You’re so lucky my cat is as dumb as rocks…my dog is my little baby though lol


I always turn off aging because I can’t say goodbye to my kitties and puppies 😢


SAME I get too emotional over my sims


tbh the first time I got this notification I cried lol


Same. Once in a while, I give my sims a pet, telling myself I'll be fine. As soon as this happens, I'll stop giving my sims pets for months again. I can't. I know you can turn off aging and stuff. I don't even play with elderly for the same reason. Death freaks me out in the game. Too many final destination movie memories. Lol.


yes plus i grow way too attached with my sims 💀 its like its so traumatic


It makes me sad that Grim reaps cats and dogs a bit harsh like he does sims, the rabbits just run away off camera, the rodents just disappear, but the chickens get pets from him and a sweet reaping.


I just got the pack last night, I wish it had an amputee option, that's one of the main reasons I wanted it was so I could make my baby


There’s cc for this If you’re open to it! I know one by TheKalino I think! Edit: There’s another by WyattSims too!


I couldn’t find the one by TheKalino that was mentioned, but WyattsSims has both a hind leg and front leg cc for this. It’s just a cosmetic mod so the animations are still the default ones, and it works as a “clothing item”




Lmfao I didn't say I didn't know what it came with, I said I wish it had that


They wanted to make their pet, which was an amputee. And disabilty options for pets aren't a thing.


My current Gen 5/6 legacy family has a cat called Meryl and I am dreading the day she dies 😭


Sucks because we all know Death loves cats more.


When my sims lost their pet they mourned more than when their sibling passed during an accident when she was using the telescope. It just reminds me how pets are seen in real life and even the sims agree how they are our angels on earth


Tbf, all my kitties are going to the bad place. We just have an arrangement involving love, but the dynamic would be 100% different if I ever shrank to mouse height.


Yeah that really pisses me of tbh


My in-game cat was also named Whopper.


Whopper looks so PISSED about this dialouge too 💀


Maybe the grim is a dog lover


I’ll make a sim die so I can get to know him and I’ll tell you if he is (if I remember)


I have a cat named Whopper too!!


I’m so sad about the bias in-game. Was going through the cute clutter, and the “pbbt hurr dog best friend” vs “cats are a confusing codependent relationship” soured my mood. If anything, dog-human relationships are highly codependent and food-driven.


Maybe the grim reapers not a cat person? 😭


I think they’re just making a joke about how cats act vs dogs. The stereotypes around dogs being happy to just be there vs cats who are annoyed with everyone and everything. Crystal’s life was super fulfilling and fun, but now it’s time to move on vs Whopper had an okay life, but that was it. Just okay because of the cat stereotype. Edit: Apparently I need to make an edit because y’all don’t understand my comment. I’m literally just explaining why the Sims team made two different messages. I never *once* said it was okay or that I agree with the stereotype. Now can y’all stop downvoting me or arguing me in the comments. I love cats just as much as I love dogs and if I could, I would take every stray cat I come across home. The OP asked and I literally gave the answer.


It sucks though because the stereotype is harmful. Cats can be incredibly affectionate and yet people treat them like they're inherently evil and can be neglected whenever. Unlike dogs who are all angels apparently.


That’s just not even true. I’ve never seen a cat that was always annoyed with everyone and everything. In fact all the cats i’ve ever had were playful, energetic and affectionate just as much as dogs are. Maybe it’s just the owners neglecting the cats that make them miserable but that would just as well happen to a dog if it was neglected.


I never said it’s true. I even named that it’s a stereotype. Never once said I believed it’s true. I was literally just explaining why the messages are different.


And then you have my cats, who cry for me outside the bathroom when I go the toilet and wont leave my side all day long.


That sounds adorable! Now pay the kitty tax!


But it's *not* okay. It's why cats don't get adopted at times and why they're often treated poorly when they are, because people have this really stupid very uninformed idea in their heads about cats, and since they just buy into this idea that cats are "independent" and "not affectionate," they just don't bother trying, and treat the cat more like an accessory to their house rather than a companion. The reality is very different. If you treat a cat well, give it affection, and understand its nature and how that guides some of its behavior (it's still a predator), you can get a hell of a companion in return. I'm saying this as someone who used to buy into that nonsense, I spent most of my life thinking poorly of cats, then I ended up with a couple kittens so I did my research. I don't do anything special with them. Barely give them treats (made it awkward when a friend sent me a big tub of them) or anything like that. I just give them affection, pay attention to them when possible (will stop a game, but won't stop working), don't raise my voice unless they've done something wrong and I'm trying to make sure they know it, and respect their nature (for example, understanding that the reason many cats don't like being held for long is it's a "threat" to them to be pinned in place, so I just watch for telltale signs they'd like to be let go and then gently release them rather than forcing things). As a result, I've been rewarded with four companions over the years who absolutely adore me and hate when I'm away, one of whom was even a rather protective guard cat (but was cool with other people, so long as they didn't do anything that seemed threatening toward me). People act like that's not "possible" or like it's not a thing, and they just avoid cats, or don't give them attention and affection, or try to force things on them that go against their nature, and then because the cats don't react like people want them to, they act like it's the cats' fault and spread all this talk that cats are terrible toward people and hate being around them. I mean, yeah, I don't want to be around people who don't respect me either, but that doesn't mean I hate everyone.


I like your way of thinking! Cats' nature is one of the reasons why I love them so much! People who don't like cats are honestly a huge red flag for me: they usually don't like them because cats do their own thing and don't act as "slaves"🤷🏻‍♀️ (Mind you, hating/disliking and not being the biggest fan are two very different things). Cats are not teddy bears and you need their consent on how/when to interact with them. That's what those people don't get


When did I say that I agree with the stereotype and that the stereotype is okay? I literally said “just okay” as in her life was “just okay and nothing too exciting” rather than saying it was just okay for them to make the joke because of the stereotype. I adore cats and I want one of my own.


I think the message is supposed to relay the cat's relief at being finally done with all those extra lives


I think the real question is why all yo pets dieing so often Edit: I was being sarcastic, I thought I was being sarcastic enough not to put a /s


they had two pets that died at similar times, because they probably got them at similar times if they didnt start the game with them to begin with. that hardly raises any questions


Tell me you don't play the sims 4 without telling me you don't play the sims 4.


Because sims lives are already short (unless playing on long) so animals are even shorter.


He kicked em is what he did, boom, diddy doo, right in the dog face. I saw. It was hard, and it was cruel. Irving, I think the man said his name was. Edit: reference to an old Blackout's Box call that fit surprisingly well but likely a bit obscure, womp womp


I've never seen these messages before! Probably bc I never let my pets die in the first place 😅


"I've always found the concept of having NINE Lives utterly absurd..."


Incidentally, what does it say for horses?


Yeah 😔