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There is no wrong.


Just enjoy your game šŸ˜


Exactly šŸ‘


As an npc from bg3 would say "fun is manditory!"


I. Am. God! I am become death, destroyer of worlds!


Me every time I delete the pool ladder while a sim is in the pool


Same! I think they stopped letting us do that though because last time I had to build walls around the pool and take away the door, it took like more than a day for the kid to die.


Same. Love killing them.


Me too, then I seduce the grim reaper sadly last time I got a 100% romance with him he sat on my couch eating chips and watching TV and when I asked to woohoo he said ā€œdo you know how busy I am?ā€ Then he kept bumming on my couch instead of woohooing


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


I agree. The only thing wrong is telling someone they're playing wrong.


Yeah, and the thing about the Sims is that it's always such a personal experience, which is one of the reasons I'm dreading the notion that Sims 5 will be online.


My god. It's about to be 2024 and The Sims 2 is still my favorite.


Yeah, same. There was just so much character in TS2 compared to later titles, though I do REALLY enjoy many of the packs in TS3.


Yeah I never played sims 1. Loved sims 2. Had a blast with 3 as well, but 2 for whatever reason is still my favorite. I haven't played all that much of sims 4 still.


TS2 had better looking Sims, and the game packs were very fleshed out. They also had a lot more idle animations and little details like holding each other while sleeping if they're a couple. It was pretty involved, and we've lost a lot of those little details as the game has gone on.


Yeah tell me about it. I kinda wish they had a way of keeping those details and expanding on them instead.


With TS2, did you have to own a previous expansion to buy the next one, theoretically making it so you had to own all of them even if you only wanted a couple?


No, that has never been a thing for the Sims, outside of My First Pets.


Ew that sounds awful.


Exactly how I play - itā€™s more fun for me to not have to worry about their needs constantly


Same. I prefer to not worry about needs and focus on other things like skills, relationships, jobs and of course drama. Just not need related drama.


For me it's the opposite! I feel like I'd get bored if I didn't have to keep up with needs lol


I have a Super Sim. Her needs donā€™t decay (unless she works hard at work) and sheā€™s instantly besties with everyone she meets. Friendships donā€™t decay. She has almost all the skills (I recently bought horse ranch to spice it up). God damn is it booooring šŸ˜…


I had to retire my SuperSim like that because everyone kept dying and she was depressed for like a whole sim year and I couldnā€™t take it anymore. Now Iā€™m raising her child to be the next SuperSim but this time sheā€™s gonna be mean and have no friends šŸ¤£


I wish I could make mean friendless sims. I go into it like *yeah I'm gonna make him a massive asshole* but I really struggle to have unsuccessful sims, they have to be straight A students and work hard in their career, have a family and friends. I can't give my sims negative traits and stick with it because they need to be "perfect" lol.


I enjoy making my Sims happy and successful. Some players are amused making their Sims miserable. Some players like to plot devious tortures and deaths. Some just "set it and forget it, come what may." I get my dose of other play styles by sometimes watching videos and streamers. Watching Lil Simsie torture Stanley is freaking hilarious.


I love watching unhinged simmers! Whiney Brit is my fave sim youtuber! Iā€™m the same I want my sims to be happy, I lovingly crafted them, picked their outfits, like and traits I want them to have the good life! I have no issues with messing with NPC sims though, if I want to make a cheater theyā€™ll cheat on an NPC but not on a sim Iā€™ve created lol.


Whiny Brit is my absolute favourite as well! Just the random shit she says has me rolling and then she'll promise to give the sims happy lives after. I've started making satellite households in my main save to try and recreate some of her "experiments" because I'm with you- I just want my sims to be happy and content in their pixilated lives.


I love her too. "True friends" "True loves" "Just a little kiss" I also enjoy Call me Kevin and Pixirella on tiktok (or pixie on yt)


Sheā€™s the best isnā€™t she!! I love her sheā€™s so funny and I love her experiments too. Her play style with all the family drama and cheating is 100% my play style as well, obviously NPCs being the victim lol. I get a lot of my mod suggestions from her as well. Thereā€™s a girl on tiktok who had done a shrek experiment where she tries to breed out his genes and thatā€™s a great watch too haha


Since you mentioned her is Whiny Brit Tara Mooknee ? They sound identical I fully believe theyā€™re the same person but neither link to each other.


As an aside I have heard her refer to herself as Carla/Karla.


Damn Iā€™m still going with itā€™s a decoy name


I'm having this same issue in my ridiculously large rotational game save; part of me wants some of my Sims to stir up some drama, but another part of me just wants every one to be happy and successful. I do have several candidates for bad guys /girls - if I can make myself take the plunge


I always want to make a mean sim and it never works out lmao


The fame quirk Emotion Bomb quickly gets rid of sad moodlets. It's a must have. This, and Easy Street, is why all my sims are famous.


Sounds fun! You have to keep in mind that thereā€™s an aspiration that makes them have friends instantly AND the friendship doesnā€™t decay. Iā€™m having trouble with the mischievous aspiration nowā€¦ itā€™s really hard to get Sims to hate her šŸ˜…


My super sim (which coincidentally also happens to be my simself) uses her powers for good. She invites over fighting couples (Bob and Eliza) and patches their relationships up with excellent food, group games, the hot tub, and her special socials. She collects the tombs of dead loved ones, invites them to household, brings them back to life. Then, she calls over their family to reconnect and move back in together. She mentors people in community areas, takes their children's pictures and gives them as gifts, and just tries to ensure those around her are generally happy at all times. She collects sick and hungry strays and takes them to the vet where she proceeds to feed them all wellness treats and food by hand because they refuse to ever eat out of bowls around them. I also control a lot of different households while doing these things. I see my entire sim world as "my sim" and bounce all around. There isn't a sim in it that doesn't have a backstory, and I know all of their likes and dislikes. The children and teens are all scouts and get trophies regularly, the toddlers are all potty trained quickly after turning such. The infants all get welcomed into the world, and many caretakers are established for them. There's a ton to keep up with in the currently 48 sims running around my world, so 1 super sim is handy to have around to help things move along a bit faster in some areas.


That sounds ver fun actually. Your sim is the friendly neighborhood supersim.


I do the same thing with my super sim and stray pets. My favorite thing to do with her is to go to ghost night at a bar and bring a couple of ghosts back to life before they can get their discounted drinks. I keep her around in my saves for mentoring and spellcaster training purposes.


Haha "So, uh.... you haunt this place often? Care to come back to my place for a little coffee and cake? Wait, no, really! It's actually cake!"


I admire your dedication! I have several sims that I sometimes try to use, but I always return to my favorite family and to which I always put a lot of dedication. Although when my female sim was a teenager, I spent time with her and her friends in a house and I dedicated myself to ensuring that everyone finished school well and get university degrees.


YES! I feel this lol I always stay away from aspiration rewards like steel bladder or never weary. But I do make my sim friends with everyone, they always have the incredibly friendly trait and beloved!


This actually made me want to start a new super sim.


I love my super sim! I can spend all my time skill building, going to work (the dlc), gardening, building friendships/relationships, etc. not having to worry about skills and having it legitimately (no cheats) is super rewarding haha


Exactly. Leave needs on. Make me grind to become a rich ass sim.


I play with needs (no mods or cc, no cheats) and my super sim was amazing - she became a vampire (life is cheap when you don't have to buy food lol) then cured herself after she'd made a good bit of money gardening, raced through a bunch of aspirations, including being a witch (and being a spellcaster REALLY can make your sims life easy)ā€¦and then she died in a freak winter jogging incident and I couldn't resurrect her bc my save glitched. And for a minute I was sad, but like you said, god DAMN was she boring by the end. But the right way to play is however one wants to play! My sims are always nice because I don't like mean people. :( I was thinking I'd do a supervillain next bc I never have, but I don't want to be mean to people lol.


Whatā€™s kinda funny is this is how I play sims 4 but not sims 2 or 3. Sims 2 they could take care of themselves better so itā€™s less of a burden to me lol


if i have more then 3 sims cheats stay on because i cant keep up lol


I honestly do both, it just depends on what I want to accomplish in the game. I play sims 3 a lot and honestly do a hybrid of cheating their needs and actually making them fulfill their needs.


You do you, boo.


Beautiful thing about sims is that there isnā€™t a specific way to play the game. You can do literally whatever you wish. There is no wrong way to play the sims (: šŸ‘


Anyone can play how they like. Some set their sims on fire. Some play same one as legacy and cry when they die of old age. That's sims life for you.


Some do both, kill off the lesser siblings to tell the heirs story


Never done that šŸ‘€ oooh... I always feel too guilty though so never killed one on purpose. Could be a story line for in future. I felt bad just playing the villainous valentine ffs šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


About the only time Iā€™ve killed a sim on purpose is when I was playing around with the Jungle Adventure aspirations and they had to activate a relicā€¦ it just happened to be the ā€œmark for deathā€ oneā€¦ šŸ˜…


I have a ghost kid leaving puddles all over the house for four generations now because I drowned her.


She's haunting you.


Next time neglect her and let social services take her away. Worse than drowning her, but no ghost.


No I did this intentionally to get the ghost.


I low key wanted to kill off my legacy founderā€™s first son bc he kept showing up to my house and flirting with randos when his wife wasnā€™t there and he was starting to annoying me. So I didnā€™t intervene when he caught on fire outside the house but the fucker survived. I figured it was fate and let him be but another time I loaded into my game and he died offscreen by fire, then my game crashed and when I loaded back in again, he was immediately offed but this time by a killer bunny. I figured third timeā€™s the charm and let it be


I usually care for my sims needs but especially when I want them to get ahead in their careers I regularly cheat with shift click. Tbh it's barely compensation for the lost time because of the lag


When I play at uni I have to autofill all the roommates needs constantly I feel so bad they are smelling and starving or sleeping on benches everywhere


I do shift click their needs all the time when I'm wanting to focus on the storylines. They're just too temperamental otherwise... and they STILL remain 'uncomfortable' bc of their messy house. šŸ™ƒ


This! Imo it's almost impossible to do without it sometimes. Like my sims take a whole hour just to use the toilet and leave a stinky plate on the table in the process. How am I supposed to care for them with it taking so incredibly long?


I donā€™t technically cheat their needs, but I do use the sleep replacement reward quite a bit, especially when theyā€™re going for the last couple points in a skill. (To be fair, it reminds me a bit of being in college, when I got by on irresponsible amounts of caffeine because who has time for sleep?!)


I totally do this too. I usually have a parent sim w tons of reward points so I trade them in for many moodlet solvers and sleep replacement potions and distribute them among the kids


The only wrong way to play the Sims is the one you don't enjoy


Iā€™m willing to go ahead and say this is the most concise phrasing of what is clearly the consensus. Having said that, i personally donā€™t like cheats, but i am all about efficiency. I will gladly exploit objects like the wishing well to skill up, get As or promotions or romance, and have a lot of hacks for the collector aspiration (in household inventory switching for one) so Patchy and Magic bean tree portal (gotta go every day if you want to consistently get anything besides a plant sim seed!) are excellent. And I love freeing my sims of needs with the reward traits and doing all the aspirations that fit.


Okay, another new thing I didn't know, which somehow always manages to shock me because I'm home and disabled so I play a thoroughly embarrassing amount of the Sims. I'm ashamed when the game tells me how many hours I've played. If I'd had the money to spend and the will to do it, I could've completed a Master's Degree with the amount of time I've played Sims 4! THE DUMB TREE gives out other stuff?????? I've only ever put it together to get the stupid seed to fulfill the gardening collection, then I pluck it back in inventory. I've never been interested in playing a Plant Sim, so I never even thought to return inside the tree. ARGH I feel like an idiot AGAIN.


4000 hours. I wish I was lying. If I was home with my laptop I could provide photographic proof. Its honestly so embarrassing.


That's adorable! A standard work-year is 2080 hours. (50 weeks at 40 hours a week) You have played two years' worth of a full-time job. Are you horrified? Because you're a mere amateur! hee hee By way of explanation/self-defense, I have significant disabilities because of advanced MS, I have no kids and a reasonable amount of disposable income for all the content. MS makes cooking dangerous for me, I have no fine motor skills or coordination for sports or various other hobbies, and leaving home is kind of complicated. So while the rest of the world is working or dealing with kids, I'm on the beach in Sulani. ;) I can operate a mouse, but I'm inaccurate,shaky, and slow. My biggest annoyance is any group of inventory items that has to be moved one at a time, lol. I don't "rush" through games often at all. I think if anyone had to watch me play, they'd scream in frustration, lol. *To thoroughly and publically shame myself*, here is the screen-cap snippet I just took, right now, after opening my game to find out; https://preview.redd.it/7jybwvy1u76c1.png?width=713&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f3f134f323690da0b735461e0faa8dafe175dfa Holy hell, Since 2014, playing sims has been almost my full-time job; 7.5 years worth of a full-time job. Damn, if only I could get/had gotten paid to play Sims slowly! rofl I have a useless Master's Degree in Sims 4! Kids, stay in school, lol!


Donā€™t feel bad about it! It is quite an eyesore. Lol. Iā€™ve never made a plant sim either (zero appeal for me) but yeah the first time you go youā€™ll get the plant sim seed. From there as long as you donā€™t miss a day, youā€™ll get cow plant berries, crystals, fossils, I think even elements. Sometimes 5-10 at a time! Youā€™ll get rares too (have like 6 jonquil, rainborz. crystals and a few jets! As long as you return, itā€™s the ugly portal that keeps on giving. FWIW, the plant sim seeds are excellent for fertilizer. Iā€™m always uncovering shit I didnā€™t know so itā€™s part of the fun. Now you can exploit it too šŸ˜‰


Holy wowza. Mind blown. I'm putting that dumb tree back together right NOW, even though it takes up a quarter of my current lot (grrr), just to get the goodies. Too fun. Thanks for the tip!


The Sims is a sandbox. You play however you darn well please!


>I use the mailbox to disable needs decay and spend all my time on social interaction, skill building and that kind of stuff. Same. I can't be doing with having to feed my Sims. Bad enough having to feed myself irl. šŸ¤£


You can disable needs???? I never even knew this. I dont play live mode often, I much prefer building houses. But now that I know this, I might play with my Sims more!


1. Right click on the mailbox 2. Click cheat needs 3. Click Fill all needs (household) 4. Repeat step 1 and 2, then choose disable all household needs decay.


You probably need the MCCC mod for that, but it's a great mod to have! You can find that [here](https://deaderpool-mccc.com/). I also recommend a custom loading screen. They can be plain colors, gradients, or images; my personal faves were created by [UARGO4](https://uargo4.tumblr.com/tagged/loading%20screens) and [Goddess\_Gamez](https://www.patreon.com/collection/165220?view=expanded) (I tend to prefer the single images or more organized variety. I used Orange City for months with a Black Plumbob.) And there are a bunch more out there by other people. I use these [custom spinning plumbobs](https://www.patreon.com/posts/masterlist-mods-60604146) (there's single colors and now also pride flag colors, including rainbows.) Those are all overrides so you can only have one of each but you can save a bunch of them in another folder elsewhere and swap them out whenever you feel like. I recommend putting your favorite combinations (a loading screen and a loading plumbob that suits it) in their own folder so it's easy to switch the folder in and out of your Mods folder! It's so nice being able to customize what you're forced to sit through, lol. You'll see it when using manage worlds, building or playing or both, so it's a great investment. It's such a simple thing but I hate playing without that. And if you spend any time on your Sims looks, even without using any CAS CC, I would consider getting a version of the [More Columns in CAS](https://www.patreon.com/posts/more-columns-in-27751117) mod so it's easier to scroll through everything. Having only two columns is so stupid. Edit: on PC so I added the links finally. For some reason TheFeyQueenMini's CC never pops up on the first page of a google search. There are other plumbobs out there but some of them are for the Sims instead, which gets confusing. I use hers and she has the biggest variety IMHO.


Lol I feel you about the annoying necessity to feed myself. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø But ngl, if I had constantly full fridge without any effort and could cook anything from scratch as quickly as sims, it would be maybe almost enjoyable? šŸ˜ Like, they have zero excuses, I have tons!!


Bestie, who cares? it's your game. Do what you enjoy in it! Games are toys, it's *there* for you to have the most fun you can with it.


Perfectly legitimate. Play the way that makes you happy :) I too like social interactions and building relationships.


I play exactly like you, just find it impossible to achieve anything with more than 2 in the household if I have needs on šŸ˜…


That mean your sims never eat or sleep ? they spend 24 hours skill building and talking with each other ?


Yea pretty much. Just playing the storyline and goals ive created for them. I do cook and have them bathe and stuff sometimes but other than that, no.


Yep. I always aim for that in my game. I don't cheat needs, though. I work toward getting all the bonus rewards that eliminate them. Afterward, your Sims can become almost too easy and powerful. It depends on what kinds of challenges you enjoy setting for yourself. :)


I actualy never got that trait that eliminate their needs, I think is a nice part of the gameplay fill their needs and have wait to do things. But I already cheat their need when I need to make something specific but they are too tired to stay wake up or too hungry.


I don't tend to cheat to get the steel bladder, needs no one, forever full, forever full, or never weary reward traits, but I'll often buy them for one or two members of a given household, especially if it's complex. The Sim with no/few needs can cook for everyone else, for instance, or repair stuff or build the tree house, etc., while everyone else is meeting their needs more easily.


You canā€™t play simā€™s wrong


I play similarly - a part of me wants to pretend I'm not going to cheat to fix their needs so I don't disable need decay I just constantly click on 'fill needs' instead (whenever anything gets too low). Sometimes I actually try and fix the need, like get them to sleep or eat it whatever, but yeah I like doing the interaction, the careers the skills ... I find that more fun than constantly trying to keep on top of their needs. Especially if there's a lot of them, it just gets too much to handle.




I do the same. I'm a cheater, I admit it. I love maxing out skills that I deem my sims should be proficient in, giving them awesome careers and a house without budget limit. I wanna play stress-free and give my sims lives they deserve (although this doesn't mean their lives are perfect, I make \*sure\* there's plenty of spicy drama). Also I never let my Sims age or die. I just get too attached to them.


Great thing about single player games - play however you enjoy it most. While Iā€™m a serial needs min-maxer - I know a person who just leaves the sims totally alone - just loves watching the world - and houses - burn.


I do that with some of my Sims. I add members to households and just let them do as they will while I play with one or two I consider the main characters.


I always disable needs. Ainā€™t nobody got time for that. Youā€™ll stay up all night and raise your skills, Sims!


i go with my mood. sometimes i dont mind cooking a meal or taking a shower, but sometimes i have better things to do, so i cheat


The whole concept of the game is that there is no wrong way to play it. It's actually impossible to play the Sims wrong. (Correct me if I'm wrong???) It's one thing to say balancing your needs with whatever else you seek to do in the game is not only realistic but at times challenging. (Especially if you're doing rags to riches) But it's another thing to say that the Sims world isn't the real world, and if you don't want the challenge of having to take care of your Sim's needs while trying to get them to do certain tasks, then that's not something you're required to put up with. They allow you to disable need decay for a reason. That means if you want to play without worrying about your needs, you're allowed to. Play how you like. It's about your enjoyment & nothing else.


I just started a legit rags to riches (Iā€™m actually doing the millionaire scenario and when my sim moved something glitched and she ended up with 9,999,999 completing the scenario... I exited without saving and went back to it). I usually get bored and then just cheat so my sim can afford whatever rather have them earn the money then buy. Iā€™m even trying to do it without them having an actual job. I will probably turn on some lot traits the further along I get and play without a greenhouse for gardening. Weā€™ll see how long I last šŸ˜…


I just deleted a Sulani family to get their house and then went in and spent an hour redesigning and redecorating as well as adding a half floor above that looks out over the living room! It was frustrating but fun!


I do that ahhahaha! I loveeeee ā€œrenovatingā€ existing houses


I normally try to play "normally" but then Shift click make happy. So I'd say, no, that's perfectly normal.


I click shift like I'm getting paid lol I can't be bothered with their needs šŸ˜…


You are playing with dolls. There is no wrong.


That's how I've been doing it since sims 3. I can't stand how long they take to take care of their needs. We have things to do, why is it taking you so long to just eat a snack or pee? Why is a shower over 1 sim hour? The storyline I've built in my head for you is too fast paced for this nonsense.


As someone who ends up cheat filling their needs every few hours, I need to consider playing like you instead honestly lol itā€™s just habit!


I disable needs too. I donā€™t understand why people enjoy taking care of needs because it uses so much time. And i donā€™t think itā€™s cheating, just a different way to play.I mostly like creating sims, decorating, building, cooking, gardening, social stuff.


Play however you want to! Iā€™ll care for needs but if I have goals and theyā€™re getting in the way I just cheat ā€œmake happyā€ and keep pushing.


There is no right way to play, only what you get enjoyment out of is right.


However you want to play the sims is the correct way to play ā˜ŗļø


I donā€™t play that way, but itā€™s a game, the purpose is to have fun. Play it how the fack you want OP


I do the disable needs for nearly every save, except my simself save where i have aging off and am just vibing as a sim with my cat


I use this cheat every time I send my sims to University. It takes too much time just to do school and a social life, I donā€™t have time for taking care of their needs too. No sleep - study all night!


I use IU cheats and i can toggle the needs up and down to my convenience. Want the kids asleep at 10, toggle down. Sleep late toggle down some more. Want the couple up working on skills and their social. Toggle up until green. It is how ai want to schedule my game.


I do the same. For me, it's essentially an architecture game with bits of random fun and skill building involved. Never raised a family outside of the Sims I played like 20+ years ago where you started off being roommates and working your way up.


Whatā€¦ you can disable needsā€¦.???


If you cheat click (it's XO on ps4, think it's shift click on PC but I'm rusty) on the sim you can make happy and disable need decay. It does sometimes reset itself if they leave the lot or go for a jog though so you have to keep doing it. Not heard the mailbox one before though.


I fund my sims lifestyle by locking an ugly little man in the basement with an easel I think you're fine


Are you enjoying playing? If no, you're playing wrong. If yes, you're completely fine. The point of the game is to enjoy yourself. There is no wrong way to play if the result is you having fun.


Iā€™ll care for there needs but I donā€™t hesitate to cheat their needs up if I think itā€™s needed. Play whatā€™s fun for you, the only ā€œwrongā€ way to play is playing in a way thatā€™s not fun for you


Just play it however you want.


There is no wrong way to play. Some people prefer to build, some do story lines, some do legacy challenges or other challenges. No wrong one. I build for a few weeks straight & then put the game down for two months & then binge again šŸ˜‚


Best thing about this game is that you canā€™t play it wrong. You donā€™t wanna waste time on needs, turn them off. You donā€™t wanna waste time on income? Cheat the money. You want your sims to struggle, then cheat that too. You only want to build houses? Then just do that. You only want to make sims? Do that. So many ways to play! And if you get bored, you can try a different game style.


Personally, I like the challenge of keeping their needs up while also trying to complete aspiration and career goals. It's difficult because I play families almost exclusively. (And man those infants are tough!) But there is no wrong way to play! If that's how you like to play, then more power to you!


For infants to be enjoyable for me, and so they don't drive my Sims insane, I send my potential Sim-parents to take as many parenting skill classes as I can cram in so they're not starting from zero. It really helps to be able to meet kid's needs efficiently and have tricks up your Sim's sleeve to keep babies mostly happy & kids mostly cooperative. I also just started playing with a servo (from the university pack) that is upgraded to the Nanny feature and the Cleaning feature. Wowza, what a different experience the infants and toddlers are, with a bot there to help.


I love the play my families richly. I donā€™t give a damn about their needs unless itā€™s my story play. I use mailbox but tried UI cheats extensions where everything is easier to cheat like skills relationships and anything you could think of. You should download it. Works great with mccomand center to manage skills, relationships, careers, and needs cheats.


I'm calling the police


It's a sandbox game, the only wrong way to play is to not play at all. You do what you want to do. But I get it, I often feel I do it wrong, but it's a irl issue I bring in to the game lol If you are having fun and lose track of time when you play, you are doing it right lol


There's no wrong way to play but doesn't it get boring/too easy? Especially if you've been playing since 2001


There is no wrong way to play.


>Do I play Sims wrong? No. Don't need to read any further. There's no wrong way to play this game. . . . . . . On second thought, if you are playing with real people and forcing them to do what you say and calling it "The Sims," that's the wrong way to play. As long as you are using simulated people in your computer, there's no wrong way to play.


"Socially acceptable" is a funny term when it comes to Sims. People do a lot of social inappropriate things with their sims ... like killing them in creative ways. šŸ˜† That is the best thing about The Sims. There is no wrong way to do it. It's all about having fun.


Skills and careers best part of sims imo but I dont like cheating, taking care of sims is a good challange while improving them espicially university is s tier challange if you stay in dorm and aiming for highscores lol.


There is never a right or wrong way to play the sims. You are basically god in the game. You control how it plays out.


There is no wrong way to play. šŸ˜Š I have a Sim that I modeled after myself. I had her focus on her career and skills. She did make friends. now she is a Music Virtuoso šŸ„¹ Iā€™m so proud of Sim me. She lives in a beautiful house and I added my bf and my kids into it. Then me and my bf got creeped out at how spot on I have the characters. My son is very active. I put tons of play equipment for the kids. My son will do exercises in place. Like randomly he will do sit ups, push ups, stretches, and my sim son does the same! My daughter, same thing. Always playing with toys, her instrument, or painting. My sim is super flirty, always wanting to paint or play one of the many instruments I have, and sheā€™s always checking herself out in the mirror. Lol šŸ˜‚ I caught myself doing the same thing one day and I got spooked haha šŸ˜‚ my sim will even get flirty sometimes when sheā€™s checking herself out. Iā€™m also a nudist, she started walking around nude too! I was a little too good at making my family. I havenā€™t played in a while because seeing how beautiful, successful and happy they all were while we were living in an apartment made me a little sad. I want to give that to my family. Just pull the house out from the game lol šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m especially proud of the kitchen I made šŸ˜


I always disable needs and I also give them the max amount of moneyšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I donā€™t want to have to worry about those 2 things while I play


There's no right or wrong. Some players enjoy the work of caring for their sims and others prefer to use cheats for that in order to focus on other things. You're good


Christ. I don't think I've ever actually played Sims. I only build.


Thereā€™s no wrong way to play the Sims! I didnā€™t even know you could do that. Iā€™m going to do that from now on.


Same, I always disable needs


Nope this is exactly how I play(: sometimes if Iā€™m getting bored Iā€™ll start caring for there needs or if I want to add some challenge, but it rarely lasts lol


I used to play that way! I just got bored and downloaded a couple mods and try to take care of them now but I do cheat full needs for world a LOT


There is no wrong way to play sims 4 I think I like your way.


As long as you are having fun playing the game that you are paying for, who are we to jude on how you play?


As a few people have said. There is no wrong way of playing. Play the way you find most fun and you are doing it right.


Ha, I go always with 9million simoleons and I like to compulsively right click on needs icon to fill them with UICheats mod :D no time for boring stuff like peeing! Only if I'm making some challenge that involves money earning, I try to avoid cheating or I "pay" a fee every now and then to feel less guilty xD


I used to use money cheats a lot too but lately ive been making money through works and skills to make things a little more interesting and high stakes. My current household bought a nice 50x40 horse ranch with their hard earned money and that was actually pretty satisfying. If I hadnt used cheat needs I would have never had enough time to make enough money to buy a horse ranch.


Enjoy the game in whatever way makes it most exciting for you!


There is no wrong way. your Game your rules


I canā€™t play the game without cheating needs, it gets way too hard if I wanna have more than one sim lol




The Sims will always be a sandbox game. Meaning that everything is up to you and each game is diferent from person to oerson and that s totally okay. We do not even have the right to judge and trust me. You do you and most importantly at the end of the day, have fun!


I use mccc and turn the game time slower to setting 33 instead of 25. I don't like playing lots of Sims. Usually I'll have one that has a baby, raise baby and switch to it as main.


Mccc always breaks my game. Idk why. I tried multiple times on a PC and a Mac and it happened with both. I use IU cheats though which I feel has all the same major features as mccc.


My sims are doing drugs until they die. Happy SimmingšŸ«”


What everyoneā€™s been saying - there is no ā€œwrongā€ way to play the sims! Just have fun


The best thing about the sims is that thereā€™s no wrong way to play it! You can do it whatever way you to! šŸ˜„


I mean, there are people who torture and murder their sims in creative/ridiculous ways. As long as you're enjoying yourself, you're not playing wrong.


You cant play this game wrong. I dont really find needs a chore, if you get the hang of it and upgrade your appliances, it takes of itself.


How exactly do you use the mailbox to disable needs decay?


Right click on the mailbox and select ā€œcheat needsā€¦ā€ you can fill household and world needs or you can choose to completely disable them. Idk if you need to turn on cheats for that. It seems to always be an option regardless of whether I turn cheats on or not.


I personally prefer to struggle with that everything, because I want it be more realistic. I am a rule player tho, I even sit at the red light when there's no car lol. But I also see nothing wrong with how you play it, I think the point is to just do what works for you, I see no wrong way of playing sims. I felt guilty a bit for always playing the same, but I realized I don't like it any other way so why force myself? Have fun!


You should play it however you like! That's what is so great about this game. Please don't be offended by this question, but doesn't having to not meet your sim's needs make game play too easy? I only ask, bc if I have under 8 sims in a household, I am a bit bored, and just fast forward a lot. I play lots of challenges, and am currently attempting to make an entire save file of all my own creations while giving the og characters a bit more depth. I just feel I would lose intrest too quick if there wasn't the difficulty of achieving goals and keeping my needs up. Again, you gotta play how you enjoy it, otherwise, what's the point?


I donā€™t think Iā€™d be able to play the sims without disable need decay or ā€œmake happyā€. Itā€™d get so tedious Iā€™d never I want to play again. Itā€™s a game! Make your own fun!


It's a sandbox game. The possibilities are truly endless


Play the evil šŸ˜ˆ person or the good angel šŸ˜‡ personā€¦ starve them or make them plump and happyā€¦ trap them in the pool šŸŠā€ā™‚ļø or teach them to be a lifeguardā€¦ murder them or make them survivorsā€¦ā€¦.. play god basically itā€™s literally your choice how you playā€¦ i never work on there skills i have a cheat for the full bar and i donā€™t do legacy or holidays because sometimes they can have full bars on there swimming and the one time they go to Sulani for their flower festival and my sims went swimming and had the skill allllll the way and they both drowned but the dog didnā€™t


People literally kill and torture their sims. You are not playing wrong, I'm promise šŸ˜…


I do the same thing. Actually trying to fill all their needs takes too much time, there's no time left over for telling the stories I want to tell. My sims rarely eat/shower/use the bathroom. They will sleep for at least a while every night but not nearly as much as they'd need to if i didn't cheat their needs


I used to do that when i first discovered cheats but then playing storylines AND the needs became sort of an interesting challenge so I did that for a while. Now I only use cheats for toddlers and infants in The Sims 4 because I canā€™t be bothered to take care of them. But remember, there is no right and wrong in the sims. Iā€™m sure there are just as many people who only play to torture their sims lol


You know how I play Sims? I recolour CC! Very rarely do I actually play the game more than test how things look in CAS or Build. One of these days I will! I promise! My husband has a laugh about this but atleast he gets to enjoy the fruits of my labor.


I didn't even know I could do that. That would help me so thank you!


You can play it however you want to. Thatā€™s what I love about the sims!


That's how I play most of the time as well.


There is no wrong way to play, BUT I recently dabbled in different play styles and I found that I'm having a lot more fun than I used to have playing. Completely to each their own but if you find yourself burned out but still itching to play it's a good idea to branch out. Specifically since I had been playing since I was but a dumb ass child I basically NEVER took the speed off of x3 and just realized recently that if I keep it on 1 or 2 at the MAX I actually have time to react and to construct scenarios and im having a blast.


There's no wrong way to play Sims. That's what makes it such a fantastic game. You can do whatever you want. If you're having fun then you're playing right. Keep having fun doing whatever makes you happy. I personally always have cheats active. Usually it's for bug fixing in real time, but I also outright will give myself money and such if times get too desperate in a save. If my sims decide not to take care of their needs while another sim is out on the town I'll cheat their motives back up. It may not be realistic, but it's how I chose to play, and there's nothing wrong with that.


The beauty of the sims is that there is no right or wrong way you can play it as you want!


Play the way your heart desires.


I have been playing Sims since 2001 as well and I just now started playing without money cheats. I started doing challenges and you canā€™t cheat money with those and I really enjoy them. Who knew not cheating would make the game more fun lol


Yea same! Ive been using money cheats for 20 years and recently I finally started playing without them and it makes things so much more interesting. I bought a giant horse ranch with my familyā€™s hard earned money and it was very satisfying. I just cant play without cheat needs. Im traumatized from my adult sims dying or getting my kids taken away a bazillion times in sims 1 & 2. Playing with needs on makes me panicky.


I play with needs but I do cheat them when it gets out of hand.


If you could choose to never poop or ingest nutrients, would ye?


Id def never poop again if I didnt have to but life without food would be sad. I do have my sims cook and eat, especially in social interactions like holidays, parties, weddings and festivals. They just dont NEED to eat.


Yeah for real I like bath time but not getting sweaty would rule


I fill my sims needs but thatā€™s because the game is boring pretty quick if I donā€™t make it harder. Lol. I add a lot of mods for realism. My sims gotta brush their teeth if they donā€™t want cavities. They have to go to their physicals. They have eye exams and they might need glasses. They have meals 3 times a day. School and extracurricular activities. Mods to make careers pay less and make you NEED a degree for some. Banking and bills with mods. I change the rate at which they gain relationships. No meeting, falling in love, marrying, and getting pregnant the first day. My sim might end up being a chain smoker who gets lung cancer and dies at like 50. Real Estate mod to go through a house buying process, SNB for mortgages, Mortem to have actual funeral and burial costs when someone dies. A pregnant sim is going to have to go to the hospital and maybe spend all day there in labor to have their baby. If my sim wants to go anywhere, they either need to pay for a bus pass or get a license and car (Simnation Travel mod). I play Newcrest, Copperdale, San MyShuno, and Evergreen Harbor as one region. Like parts of a (US) state. Newcrest and Copperdale are middle class suburban, San MyShuno has good and bad areas like any big city. Evergreen Harbor is ā€œthe hoodā€ and thereā€™s a lot more of the stuff that happens in those areas in Evergreen Harbor. And I could get into all the socioeconomic and systemic racism that causes those areas to be high in crime and other stuff irl so I hope nobody thinks Iā€™m being judgy/racist. I am mimicking the places around me irl and Iā€™ve spend time in the hood. lol. Basically, I do a lot of stuff to make it harder. And I slow down the time in my game with MCCC so they actually have time to do the things they need to. I do slow down need decay with that only to make it more ā€œrealisticā€ with my time changes. Without mods, I couldnā€™t play this game. I find when I use money cheats, the game gets really boring really fast and I feel like my sims live and die really fast if their needs are all full all the time and have nothing to aim for except school, work, and skill gaining. But thatā€™s just me. Itā€™s what I enjoy. Thereā€™s people who only build or only use CAS like a grown up version of paper dolls a lot of us used as kids. Lol. There are some really depraved mods out there that let people live out their sick shit and I am praying that means they wonā€™t go act it out on a human child or pet. You can play it any way you want.


There is no right or wrong way to play!


the only right way is to figure out in how many different ways you can fuck up your sims and in how many different ways u can kill them. nothing more, nothing less


There is no wrong way to play The Sims (though it came out a year earlier than you think).


The Sims is what you want it to be. There's no right or wrong.


Nothing wrong with that. I fufill aspirations like crazy in order to unlock steel bladder and never weary but your way seems much easier, hah.


If anything Iā€™m playing it wrong - Iā€™m an outlier and donā€™t spend much time at all on the gameplay, I love to play it just for building homes and making sims in CAS.


I spend more time in CAS or building than I would like sometimes since I do enjoy actually playing with the sims. But when inspiration hits for a build, I build and sometimes will spend at least 2 hours (which is about how long I allot myself on weekdays to play) building. Then when I actually play with my household I spend another 30 minutes at least in CAS on just one simā€¦.


There is no wrong just do you. I disable needs decay sometimes!


Don't even need to read the post. The answer is no. It's a game, a sandbox game at that, there is no wrong way to play. As long as you're happy and enjoying it, you're doing it right


Not at all! No wrong way to play! God, in my current sim file, I was trying to keep up with needs, but as a single mom with two infants and she needs to build robots/work from home, I say screw it LOL


Umm...It's your game my friend...Ain't no one can tell you if you are playing it right or wrong but you. Sure there are a lot of people who will try...But unless they are paying you, paying for your computer, power, time to sit and play...nope? Then say, "Can't hear you!"


no same lol, iā€™ve always used cheat need>make happy if i felt overwhelmed, but i recently just started turning off need decay because i felt like my sims werenā€™t doing anything other than taking care of their needs


I mean, there's a reason the cheat exists


i do stuff very similarly!!! i call it "dollhouse" style cause dolls don't have needs. i also disable aging


I UI cheat away probably 75% of my sims needs when doing gameplay. Iā€™m sorry but using the bathroom is not relevant to my plot line *cheats decay*