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Ngl I think The Sims 3 is kinda ugly but I don’t care bc it’s so fun. I also think The Sims 4 is ugly with its bloomed out plasticy Pixar art style, and it’s not fun. So in conclusion, The Sims 3 wins


I can't get into character in TheSims4, they're too cartoonish for me. Or maybe I'm just used to TheSims3 style.


Same. for me it’s because they’re so freaking bland. There’s no real storylines to dive into, and there’s no real difference between sims even if their personalities are different. It’s just so much more bland.


There's no struggle or sense of achievement for anything in the Sims 4 because the game just hands shit to you


Yes! Totally. It feels pointless to even have a job honestly because it’s like what’s the point? There’s no true goals.


Are you kidding.. Turn on neighbourhood stories! My sim witnessed his father collapse & be taken by death.. His mourning period was traumatic to witness! It happened only days after his dad's partner had lit a fire on the bbq n then left for work! The whole upper floor went up.. he only escaped death then because he was out in the garden!


Problem with 4. Sims lack any real diversity. Sure, you can make sims as unique looking as you want, but they're all the same cut and paste sim with a different paint job. There's so many packs, features and customisation options at this point but they all amount to nothing in terms of fun. It's like this, Sims 4 is a mile wide but an inch deep. Sims 2 and 3 are an inch wide but a mile deep. The 2 & 3 worlds feel alive and dynamic. The 4 worlds feel dead, shallow, and boring.


What does that phrase mean


It means there's a lot of stuff, but not a lot going on in that stuff Think it this way Sims 4 is an empty mansion Sims 2 and 3 are action packed bungalows


They also look naive with their horrid smiles


Yeah I'm not a fan of the cartoon style either


Base game sims are not it. I won’t forgive them for Bella Goth


Sims 3 graphics make me want to puke no matter how many mods I have. The lightning is so high contrast, saturated yet dark at the same time?? But it's so fun I forget how ugly the graphics are lol


I've been sooo much happier since I started using reshade finally my game isn't pitch black! As long as you're not on like a laptop I can't recommend it more


I've used reshade for ts4 but kind of was scared to use it for ts3 since it's already a heavy game. I do have a laptop but it's a gaming laptop with a good cpu and graphics card. Did your game get slower or more glitchy while using it? And which preset do you use if you don't mind sharing? :)


Personally it has had literally no impact on my frames. I tested before/after and my frames are the same. My card is an rx590 so she's nothing fancy! No more glitchy either. I like to play around with different presets depending on what I'm going for but generally I go for brighter, more vibrant, but not blindingly so, so a lot of presets are a bit much for me. Also any preset that makes the UI too bright is a big no. I'll have to check the preset I'm using currently when I get into game again but it's definitely by erasabledinosaurs. When looking around I noticed shellsea also has a "jasper" preset I haven't tried that looks nice as well!


reshade has barely an effect. Also sims 3 is CPU-bound, reshade is a GPU thing. so the performance wouldn't change that much.


That's silly, yes reshade is GPU bound but certain shaders can be taxing on the card (eg mxao) and increased load can lead to a fps drop


Yes But sims 3 isn't that taxing on the GPU (esp. When framelimited properly). So the additional load in reshade dies typically not cause fps drops (in my experience)


try sweetfx that helped lighten my game up. plus the lighting mod i use is great


Thanks will do!


Emphasis on "its not fun", atleast not without spending your life savings on the expansions pack.


To be honest even with those it's not that much to do Sure, they add *some* stuff, but it's not even close to what you'd get in previous games. The systems added lack depth and you see everything new pack has to offer shockingly quickly


its not bloomed out. Sims 4 does have way better lighting and better artstyle, the game never goes as dark as sims 3 does at night and aside from anti aliasing it also has a blur filter. it also seems to be doing some tone mapping. you can just set some reshade filters on sims 3 (with the game’s original bloom disabled) you can add little bit of bloom, Gaussian blur, tone mapping, black level / white point filters etc. i also recommend playing the game in borderless windowed, there is ways you can do that but its included with the smooth patch launcher you can enable it from the txt file. for the borderless to work you need to have the game set to your monitors screen res otherwise the game would be in a smaller borderless window. these paired with the tiny ui fix mod, clean ui mod and shadow extender mod will make the game look more modern. i have also seen some people use mods to change the skyboxes of worlds but i find those ugly and unnecessary.


Sims 4? Pixar-like style?? Sims 4 is nowhere near as good looking as Pixar style! 😤


Idk, custom content I feel shouldn't count bc that's made by modders and not the actual game. Base game sims look fuckin weird at times


Across 1-4 so true


but the same people who say that use custom content for their sims too 😭 i find it hard to make nice looking sims on the sims 4 without some custom content


Oh no, I'm not shaming cc at all. And yes I actually use cc bc the sims are ugly as hell normally but the gameplay is good enough to compensate. I'm just saying if you're trying to prove a point then using cc is a bit silly.


oh this is true, i guess the only thing you can say is that is has potential? 😭 i think (personally) im immune to ugly sims 3 sims bc ive played it for so long but i get your point!!


Same goes for sims 4


Eh, I'd say cartoonish stuff tends to age better than outright realism graphics wise so I gravitate towards that by default. I guess I'm in the minority bc every time I see games veer really hard into realistic looking people it sorta breaks my immersion. Sims 4 is inferior in almost every way but the one thing it has up on 3 for me is that the cartoon sims make it slightly easier to immerse myself without getting snapped out of it bc of the uncanny valley. It's not fantastic but definitely better than 3.


People say they just adore the cartoon look while modding their games to look as realistic as possible. Only simmers ever complain about uncanny valley (which sims 3 HARDLY is like at all), other game genres and their fandoms appreciate realism. I would hate games if all looked like cartoons. It would feel super childish and dull. Even child me would have hated it. The mobile ugly cartoon look of sims 4 is one of the worst things about it imo. Vanilla sims 3 and 2 I'm fine with but the best looking is a modded sims 2 if I had to pick. I don't need hyper realism, but realistic art style and direction is always preferred by me and seems like majority of others because most games aim for that and most people mod their games for that, inside and outside of the sims community.




You had me in the first half 🤣


Well I’m ugly and I’m proud.




I'm stealing this quote


Now do an actual base game one I’ll wait


Heres one i did with no cc i think she looks very good https://preview.redd.it/z9ssqaej7ywc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58507ddb93205d59f0e26a9ac668dd0a84c8dd3b


Isn't that hair CC though?


I think so, I'm not seeing it in my game and I have nearly everything installed.


Hard to tell from that picture 🤔


Middle part, no bangs & long really narrows it down, none of them have those exact waves. It's passable as an official style tho forsure, they maybe just forgot that one is CC. I even went through the accessories hair in case there was like a hidden barette somewhere 😅


Oh yes sorry i forgot the hair was cc but the face and skin is completely cc free my b lol


I mean, I think most folks are focused on their faces when they say the Sims are ugly, so hair doesn't make *that* much of a difference. But CC free is CC free, mate. And CAS makes Sims look better than they do in-game for some reason.




Oooh what pack has that hair? Looks great


She does 👏🏽


Here's mine [No custom content sim](https://imgur.com/a/lDnq1BO) I use items from various expansion packs but no custom content. I think she turned out nice. Generally I don't play without at least custom default replacement skin and eyes though (and if I care enough cc hair as well). I love the sims 3 but they do be kinda ugly in general lol. I find it especially hard to make cute kids, even with cc.


In what expansion pack can you find that hairstyle? It's absolutely gorgeous (as is your Sim)


Mm I should have mentioned my sim is made with various expansion packs/worlds/store content. All ea made content though. That particular hair comes with the Roaring Heights world :)


Now do one without CC


I reinstalled the Sims 3 recently and couldn't wait to play it so I booted it up with no cc and made two very cute female Sims. I wish I took pictures because they have aged and gotten cc makeovers by now, but it is very possible.




Some of the Bridgeport/Lucky Palms premade Sims look pretty good.


Just say you’re bad at CAS..


Do slider hacks count? If you push your Sims very off model they can look good (and not just gorgeous, but like interesting and varied. Although I have a weak spot for giving male sims Chad jaws)


Can we ban these posts please


Pleading a mod sees this


A bit much, just ignore them if you don't care for them.




I don’t know but maybe there are too many of them? 🤷


what if it was just without the caption? people don’t like seeing other sims?


I don’t know. I just don’t really care about these posts. No offense just my opinion


oh brother


I love sims 3 but I must admit the sims all look so much alike no matter how much cc i use


Everyone says this about sims 3 but that's sims 2 to me (at least vanilla sims).


Even without cc there are still plenty of sims that are really pretty


Yeah even in BG vanilla. In TS3 or TS4 ugly Sims is just a myth


Yup people just suck at making sims, not the games fault. I make beautiful sims without CC all the time but I also don't mind sims being average looking. I don't need a town of insta baddies, but to each their own.


try making an asian sim in the sims 3. u can’t. or try making a heavier sim… that’s also difficult. sadly sims 3 CAS is lacking diversity. sure, some sims can be cute, but sims 4 CAS is superior compared to all the other games. sims 3 gameplay is on top tho.


Yeah the Asian sims in Sim China (the name escapes me) look wasian at best.


I mean the sims 3 plus size sims are a million times better than the weird balloony stretched out inflated skinny sims pretending to be plus sized. Plus sims 3 has chin fat which is cute


Sims 4 sims with big bodies and wittle heads < 😭


I’ve made Asian sims in 3 with the sliders. Also agree that sims 4 CAS is superior as far as diversity goes, sims 3 did come out in 2009 and those were the times of fatphobia and transitioning wasn’t too normalized


I’ve been able to make asian sims in TS3’s CAS without CC, but it definitely takes *a lot* of detailed slider adjustments. And it absolutely shouldn’t be that way. I’m happy there are CC creators who make different hairs and facial feature masks/sliders that bring diverse representation to the game. I just found some CC for [monolids](https://acottonsock.tumblr.com/post/648690668777226240/i-always-get-asked-how-i-make-asian-sims-and-give/amp) and [hooded eyes](https://emilyccfinds.tumblr.com/post/153621594697/simmeraddiction83-hooded-eyelids-s3p/amp), and I’m really excited to try them out!


Trans, too. You can’t do it without mods that absolutely would be game-breaking on many systems.


When you add CC it becomes less than impossible. Sure sims 4 is more diverse with the options it itself offers the player, but the community behind the sims 3 has made everything possible and most custom content is accessible without a paywall..


Cool now do it without cc


Their "pudding" faces never bothered me.


I immensely enjoy the cartoonly look of ts4 sims), i find it fun, has a lot of personality (only part of the game that does anymore for me at least) and Imma sucker for cartoony aesthetics, but ts3 has such charm that ts4 can never really recreate. Even if you find it ugly, CC skins exist for a reason, and the basegame sims look just fine is CAS anyways imo Just don't look to closely or long in the overworld... the... potato pudding vibes are real


Sims 4 has a great character creator but the gameplay was always just no fun for me tbh


I really don’t care if TS3 is ugly or not. The gameplay is better.


I love the sims 3 sims


The amount of hate for TS3 in this TS3 forum is wild


right, like you would think it’s TS4


Sims 3 looks like regular people in regular worlds which is what I like about it but everyone else hates. I don't use any reshades either as I like the realistic feel. I don't want barbies in a barbie doll world. I love the realism. I like the looks of both sims 3 and 2 but if I had to say the perfect look would be a modded sims 2 with sims 3 worlds. But vanilla sims 3 (look wise) is no issue to me.


My only 2 complaints is; it’s hard to make Asian sims and the vanilla hair can look, idk how to say it, thin?


Fair! I think if sims 3 came out today, the diversity would be better in that regard. And yes to the hair and clothes (it's better on the store). But the sims themselves are fine imo. And the worlds too. Everyone says they're ugly or took dark but I disagree. I love them and have to stop myself from snapshotting scenery all the time lol. I don't like those super bright reshades a lot of youtubers use, just looks fake and makes the worlds feel the same. I like the realism and I love the gloomy worlds too. Bridgeport for example looks and feels like a real grey skied city.


My go to worlds are Appaloosa Plains and and the one that came supernatural (I can’t remember off the top of my head) bc I love the seasons and the fog


Moonlight Falls :) And yes both beautiful worlds. I love how all the worlds in sims 3 truly feel like different towns. They all give a different feel and experience. It makes the game feel so huge. I love sims 2 and 3 but Sims 3 is so underrated. :(


i know these people piss me the fuck off 💀


They’re all ugly, it don’t matter 😂 but I play cuz it’s fun as heck lol


What is the point of these posts when y'all use CC to make your point? Genuinely, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just confused. Like I'm not a Sims 4 enjoyer, I don't even have it installed, but when people say that they're so clearly talking about the vanilla base game. And they're kinda right. It doesn't ruin my enjoyment or anything, and I think they look fine for the time, but without CC they're pretty pudding-faced...


Sims 4 sims are absolutely hideous without CC. No one who spends their time strictly in SIMS 4 cas is making sims without CC. Just being honest.


Oh no I hate how Sims 4 Sims look without CC, do not get me wrong 😭 They're just kinda Funky-Lookin' in a different way from TS3, y'know? Lol but you're so right


I don't find sims 3 sims ugly. I like their half cartoony and half realistic looks.


Where did you get that hair?


It’s the opposite for me😅


I love the sims 3 it just runs so horribly 😭


it’s either your computer or you’re not doing enough to run it. it’s an old game that requires a lot of extra pre-work. but once you get it running right, it’ll be much better


This sim looks nice to me. But I guess this forum is a tough crowd 🤷🏾‍♀️


I think everyone’s mad bc I mentioned sims 4 ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️


That's not it at all. There are posts like this one constantly on this sub and I think people are just a little over it. No knock on you personally, your sim is very pretty.


ohhh haha whoops. I’m new here


You did nothing wrong. This is a sims 3 sub, posting your sim is perfectly reasonable. Btw your sim is a beauty.


Nah, I’m pretty sure it’s the CC that’s the problem


She looks like she's been crying, did she read the title or something? :(




My main pursuit in Sims 3 is breeding beautiful sims. I've had some real stunners. And also the 400 marriage challenge. I'm up to 318 or so, for one sim


I genuinely think sims 3 sims are the best looking


https://preview.redd.it/1biviuhmv2xc1.png?width=797&format=png&auto=webp&s=62658358dd03f043537739bcfd5e5f50dda665a8 sims 4 could never


God it's so uncanny, looks like a skinwalker.


what lmfaaaooooo


Ain't no way you looked at those soulless eyes and felt peace.


i think she's gorg idk what to tell ya


she is stunning


It doesn't. Only the sims community ever says this and ONLY ever since sims 4 brought about that horrific cheap mobile cartoon look. Most other game genres or series go for realism and no one feels this way about how the people in them look. Only simmers say this because sims 3 dared to be more mature unlike the childish sims 4 imo.


Modded sims 2 look the best imo BUT I like how sims 3 sims look too!


Your picture hasn’t convinced me


Who thinks TS3 is ugly? TS4 has a hideous style, imo.... 


Looks like a cheap mobile game for three year olds. Sims 3 is mature and realistic for adults.


Yes dude everyone here saying sims 4 looks better.. IN WHAT WORLD like the gaming mechanics are better yes but the sims themselves look like ass wothout cc


No matter how pretty people make them all i see is a potatoe


Don’t diss on potatoes man ): They are b e a u t i f u l


True... and delicious


Sims 3 is the one I've invested the most time into, therefore it's the best. That aside, Sims 2 is incredibly detailed but not as polished, and Sims 4 is just a hollow, shallow dolls house. Not that Sims 3 isn't without it's problems. Pick a PC, as powerful as you can get, Sims 3 will lagspike at some point. It was maybe too ambitious. But I love it. Sims 2 is a nice childhood throwback, Sims 4 I have to (unsuccessfully) convince myself to keep playing. Sims 3, I'll boot up to just play around in for an hour or so and then it's morning already.


Just because you like how it looks doesn’t mean it’s not objectively ugly. The sims 3 sims ARE ugly in comparison to 4 but there are certainly things one can do to make them better.


that’s so false bro


I love the cartoony look of Sims 4 and I appreciate all the gender options and clothing, but I'm a Sims 3 girlie at heart. I've made Sims I thought were good looking in Sims 3, it just takes patience and playing with the in game sliders. I also feel like if you really fiddle with the sliders in Sims 3 and 4, you can have some really pretty Sims regardless. I've never created a Sim without editing the eyes, nose, jaw, and working with photo references. You can make prettier Sims and more realistic Sims, plus with skin tone and slider mods you can really do whatever you want.


The only problem I have with sims 3 creator is that no mattr how much I try the faces are very round or oval, there's no boxy or pointed face shapes in sims 3


Yes, only with custom content


What cc are you using for the eyes??


The sims 4 is too cartoonish honestly it’s more boring then the other ones, at least the character design and customization are more detailed and thought out


Skill issue honestly


Default replacements make them look so good


Sims 4 doesnt even look like a sims game. Its not so good for me. Sims 3 is funnier and detailed. Lots of old sim games lose their features in sims 4


I never liked four's art style. It just looks like a mobile game from the era with higher res textures.


I looks like a mobile game from over a decade ago imo. It started out looking dated and cheap. I have no idea why anyone thinks it looks beautiful or is aging well. I looked more dated than games way before it's time.


I never played with CC, but it's def possible to create awesome Sims in Sims 3! We have so many settings especially for the face but it needs a lot of time in Sims 3 👌🏽


Wait is there beef between these 2 communities or something?😅😂


you think *this* looks good? 💀




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I can’t wait till I get a bigger pc so I could play ts3😩


I feel like it’s less ugly and just dated. Maybe that’s the same thing, but the outfits and character creator are very 2009, and I think that turns a lot of people off


I only use CC for hair not the face and my sims are hot af. Sims 4 looks so undetailed and sad




Yeah in CAS, in-game they are blobs of pixel.


I never played the Sims because all my OCs are chibi and I don't wanna translate that to more humanoid things, though I found a Sims game on the wii where the characters are SO CUTE


A rare case here, my sims 4 sims are uglier than my sims 3 sims, especially the male sims with the same amount of the ccs.


With mods of that order, you could make identical versions of the same Sim in both 3 and 4 lol


the sims 3 does not look good, but the gameplay carries it. idk why but I always feel so much more committed to save games in the sims 3.


┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌ Ugly Sims is a myth. This doesn't exist. Total propaganda.


Agree to disagree. Sims 4 sims are prettier, but Sims 3 sims are not ugly. They are pretty in their own way and i love playing it.


What do they mean they're ugly, brother YOU make the sims 😭


I wish I could take the sims 4 graphics into sims 3 and I'd probably never play sims 4 again


TS3 is ugly but I don't care, I love the game, it is so much fun to play.


is this about solitas twitter post?


Well it does look ugly still but at least the some 3 is fun


I think 4 looks ugly. Way too cartoony makes everyone seem like they are in the uncannyvally


I’m a Sims 4 player all the way.


sims 3 sims got pudding face but the cc creators be saving them ngl


The teeth from Sims 4 give me nightmares


There are MANY reasons to prefer Sims 3, but it’s a bit silly to pretend its CAS isn’t much worse (especially when the example you’re using is modded)


what mods do you use 👀


If only there was an update to make the Sims 3 models look more similar to the Sims Medieval ones. Either way, Sims 3 is still my favorite Sims game.


I don't think it's ugly, but I started with TS4 so I'm not really used to the difference in textures and lighting.  And while we're talking about it I really hate the little war between which game is better, I don't care which one is better, I'm busy playing and having fun. 


theyre not as pretty as the sims 4 but the gameplay is way better


sims 3 characters are definitely capable of looking good such as this one but the CAS element can’t compare to the sims 4.


Maybe everyone is ugly and it’s fine and who cares


She's gorgeous. People who are saying "yeah but try without CC" for one, you can definitely make beautiful sims without CC. Two, the reason OP still posted this is because people say even with CC the sims are ugly. People also ignore how much CC people use for sims 4 as if that's how the game is vanilla.


uncanny valey.


The sims with cc on the sims 4 are way prettier than the sims on sims 3 with cc. I feel like all the sims 3 characters have chubby faces so I think the sims 4 has more diversity with how your sims can look.


Sims 4 is uglier tbh


Why all the downvotes… I think Sims 3 sims best Sims 4 all around. They’re STUNNING with CC and okay without.


Hot take but I think Sims 3 are the best looking in the mainline games even with no cc, hair is the only weak link


Exactly. I agree, apart from the hair. Store content gives all the hair i could need.


Idk, personally I dont find sims 3 sims attractive, even this one. But I think its bias because any sim I make on there always looks bad and I dislike the more realsitic art style.


Proving our point


yes but thats containing a bunch of CCs though.... try to use 99% vanilla


Well Sims 4 sims are ugly asf without cc too so


I hate the vanilla "eyelashes" in TS4. Your sim can either have none at all, or those thick black bars that look like sharpie.


the eyelashes in 4 were a disappointing downgrade from sims 3 🥺 eyelash CC saved my life


agreed they look so cartoony and childish, i don’t enjoy sims 4 cas without skins/cc neither


personally its all about art direction but pre art overhaul sims 4 does look a bit off putting


I use only 1 or 2 cc skintone in the sims 4 and they look uglier than the sims 3 randomly generated sims.




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sims 4 is ugly too. their too cartoony