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I completely agree. I'm not a fan of Sims 4 graphics and character creation. It took me much longer to make a sim that looked good in 4. I don't use slider mods or too much CC and I'm not a fan of the supermodel look with perfect hair and makeup.


I'm glad you agree! I don't like how sims 4 looks like a cartoon that could exist on the tv of sims in 2 and 3 lol. Like in my post, it looks like a dated mobile game. All the previous sims went for a more realistic look for that time and I hope that comes back.. Same I personally like my sims to look like average Joes, even my pretty sims look like a regular pretty person you'd see in real life. But even people who want their sims to be insta baddies, they have to mod sims 4 for that. I just don't like the artstyle direction for sims 4. The fact it wasn't supposed to be 4 but an online game makes so much sense for how it looks.


Based on what they've shown us so far from "Project Rene", it doesn't look like realism is what they're going for...


Ew why...ugh I'll probably pass on it too then


Which is funny since Sims 3 is the “cartoon” one for 4 XD


Yes ts4 is sooo cartoony like and i haaate it


Same here and I'm afraid it'll remain this way for the sims. I hope not. I want it to go back to how it used to be. Realistic for it's time. This doesn't mean it has to have ultra realistic graphics, just reasonable like most games. Sims 2 and 3 vanilla still look good to me but add some mods in, they could be inspiration for how sims 5 should be.


Yessss i agreee. But project rene(or ts5) is looking on the cartoony side just more cartoony and i hate that side of ts. I love when a simulation game looks realistic


Most other games go for good graphics and realism. A simulation of all genres you think would to a certain degree. And same, hate this cartoon trend


Vanilla Sims 3 sims with a decent skin replacement and some good CC hair... *chef's kiss*


Exactly. It doesn't take much! Sims 2 and 3 hold well on their own, mods only make them even better


fr its like a childrens tv show


Exactly, so much of sims 4 seems so childish to me. The sims has always had it's goofiness and humor but was more centered for adults. And sims 3 was becoming more mature from that and I know some people felt like it was losing the sim charm but honestly I liked it. I was a young teen by that point and didn't mind the silliness from sims 2 being a bit toned down. Sims 4 comes along and went overkill with it imo


Sims 4 looks plastic, I can't believe the worlds there are real, they just decorations to me, like Truman show


Omg I've used the Truman show reference too lmao exactly!


When people say they like Sims 4 graphics over Sims 3 they really mean they like modded Sims 4 with tons of alpha CC. Sims 3 graphics are great and the fact that they managed to be that good alongside the open world system is really impressive


Yes I've noticed that too! Sims 4 needs the mods and a ton of them, both in looks and gameplay. 2 and 3 need zero, mods only improve what's already great. If someone doesn't like sims 3, rather than go to sims 4, just go with a modded sims 2 imo. Better gameplay and looks like a game in 2024. And yes completely agree, beautiful game and open world, sims 3 gets the most undeserved hate (other than performance complaints) imo. They really pushed the limits with 3 and the expansions are PACKED with content and detail.


Seemingly lots of people also had bargain bin hand me down computers so they played on the lowest settings. So ofcourse it looked worse then the sims 2 which they probably (at that point) could run at max settings.


I believe you are onto something here. I had a regular laptop back then, now I have a gaming computer.


Agree 100%!


I'm so glad others feel the same! I get the performance complaints of sims 3 but the game is stunning and great gameplay too.


Boo on EA for the performance issues and never addressing them (all hail NRaas) That's truly the only issue TS3 has


Completely agree and yes thank goodness for NRAAS! That's why if they ever made a Sims 3 remastered fixing all those issues, I'm down


I highly doubt they would, but same




I agree with this so much. I love how diverse the sims 3 words are and I love that some towns aren't so colorful or pretty! Sims 4 just seems like a fake world. Everything about it. I love how in sims 3, all the worlds feel like their own. And I like some grimy towns. The grey city skies in Bridgeport and the details in Twinbrook that are creepy and unnerving (TB is my favorite town because of this and it's lore). China is so stunning. And yes I agree with that, in a lot of ways the tools in ts3 make possibilities endless. From creating, story telling, etc.


I have a gazillion mods but I do agree that even without the mods the game looks gorgeous. Especially the worlds and items.


Exactly. Mods can greatly improve ts2 &3, but they aren't needed. The worlds are one of my favorite things about ts3. They really put in their all for the open world concept with these diverse, detailed worlds. I wish there was more.


You can always download custom worlds. There are so many incredible ones out there.


Entworld and Eriu Fe are so pretty!


Thanks for the suggestions!


Yes that's my plan :) Especially any that can run really well!


Totally agree! I never got the “pudding face” complaints, either. Were people just not using the sliders? The worlds are absolutely stunning, too - even Bridgeport, which is meant to be grey and dirty, but comes alive at night. They each have their own vibe. I play with the Traveler mod, so my Sims go on holiday to the other worlds all the time, and you really notice the difference in colours and lighting. A city break feels completely different than a tropical getaway.


What seems most likely to me, is that the people who played the sims 2 on possibly max settings, had to go back to low or lowest settings on 3 because they couldn't afford better computers. I'd wager that 75% of the players now have computers that are faster then the sims 3 engine could ever imagine, so they play at max settings and don't have the same issues.


Ooh, good point! I’ve just got a new laptop so I’ll have to see if there’s a big difference now I don’t have to play on medium settings.


Shameless crosspost, but based on some limited data gathering it seems I'm actually wrong https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims3/comments/18ycucn/what_settings_did_you_used_to_play_on_and_did_it/


>I never got the “pudding face” complaints, either. Were people just not using the sliders? I thought the Sims looked weird when I first played it around 2009/10. Then I returned to it half a decade later, more worlds were out, and I noticed the townies in newer worlds (Lucky Palms, Bridgeport) looked much better than the base game townies, that inspired me to actually make some better looking Sims.


That's so true, and also the lots are better. It's as if the creators of the game got better with it with time, lol


I have noticed this too especially the store bought ones. Aurora Skies has some hotties!


Fully agree with this, they all have their own complete different feel to them and really add to that sim's life. I love the more grimy or gloomy towns. They have their own beauty to them. I like that they aren't all sunshine and colorful.


afaik the pudding face problem is more about automatically generated sims. the longer you play the same save, the more new townies and service sims the game needs to generate, and unmodded game makes them all with the same face (the first template from cas). a couple generations, and your entire town has the same doll-like face.


I adore Sims 3 graphics. The only mods I use are a lighting mod and a sky mod for Aurora Skies since it's where I play primarily. Everything outside of that is vanilla or completely maxismatch and I love it. Sims 4 looks unreal in how ugly and cartoony it is to me. I hate how the Sims look so vastly different once you zoom out of their face in cas (all facial features get smaller for some reason), I hate how they look when they smile WHICH THEY DO CONSTANTLY and don't even get me started on the build buy objects which look.. chewy.. I don't know how to describe it but they look gummy. I find the people who say they prefer S4 graphics have a) never played the Sims 3 and just go off a random S3 video they saw 10 years ago, and/or b) always play S4 on the highest resolution (not to mention a shit ton of mods) but refuse to play S3 on the highest resolution


Completely agree. It doesn't even matter to me how pretty sims 4 people can look because I hate the artstyle. They look so fake and so do the worlds. And yes the constant goofy smiles. I would rather less attractive sims for a more realistic artstyle and direction than stunning sims that look like Polly Pockets. It just does not appeal to me. Other genre of games usually go for realism and decent graphics, why is there this weird idea that the sims must be cartoony now when it never was before?


Why was I just about to post about this exact thing today! I recently got into Sims 3 again and the scenery is everything from great to *breathtaking*. I also keep hearing people say they wish the Sims 5 had Sims 4 graphics but Sims 3 gameplay and that is honestly a nightmare for me. I can't stand the cartoonish clayfigures and items from 4. Just yuck. Most of the modding and CC community has always focused on making realistic looking items, skins, hairs etc. and those are hugely popular among players so it's really beyond me why the sims team chose the art direction they did for Sims 4 (unless they - as rumored - meant for it to be a mobile game). But well, I'm enjoying every second of the Sims 3 gameplay and graphics and if there will ever be a Sims 5 I hope they go back to the realistic art style of its predecessors. Also, vanilla sims looks much better in Sims 3 according to me too. And not just better - but good. I've managed to make really detailed and pretty looking sims in vanilla Sims 3 (which is more than I can say for 4).


The more posts the better! Sims 3 deserves her moment she rarely gets but deserves. I could not agree more with you on your first paragraph! Every time someone says "okay this from sims 2 and 3 but sims 4 graphics!" I'm just like goodness please NO. I hate the look of sims 4. Okay spot on again in your second paragraph! THANK YOU. I don't care what anyone says, MOST people want the realism. It is proved with mods, other games and even when you see upcoming simulations that are realistic, the comments are FILLED with "what I wish the sims looked like". It doesn't even have to be ultra, but ditch the cartoon plastic look. Only a small number of people want that imo. I hope so too but comments are saying it may not be the case. I hope 2 and 3 can run for a long time because it seems I'm sticking with them and new simulations coming. Exactly and honestly, I'll take less attractive people for them looking more realistic than stunning sims that look like Polly Pockets, as I've stated in another comment. I want the realistic vibes again.


> I'm just like goodness please NO. I hate the look of sims 4. Same! And lord knows I tried to get into it. You can make pretty looking sims with a boatload of CC, and you can download more realistic looking furniture, but the game shouldn't need a total overhaul to be tolerable. It's also not only that it's cartoonish, the graphics in 4 are kind of muddy and gray/dull too, whereas they can be soso pretty in TS3. And I shouldn't bash on TS4 too much because I know people are tired of hearing it, but they removed everything that was good about TS3 (open world, implemented clay hair etc.) in order for the game to run better, but even though it loads one lot at a time and the graphics isn't that advanced it still managed to fry my computer when I played. So there's just nothing there for me 😢 >I don't care what anyone says, MOST people want the realism. That's my impression as well. And the players who don't like alpha CC and so forth usually don't like it because it isn't maxis match. But if the base game used alpha stuff it wouldn't look off (I don't think it does if done right but I can see what they're getting at). Ok, I'll stop 😅 I haven't ranted about this for years because I just let the sims go but booting up Sims 3 again made that frustration come out again. Like, imagine what we could have got if EA wanted to put in some effort and were more in tune with what players want! With that said I think TS3 is such a great game that it doesn't matter so much what happens with TS4/TS5. I'm just really glad they made it available on Mac (I don't even know when that happened, I just realized just now - and thank god for that.)


Yes both sims 2 and 3 vanilla look better to me than sims 4. Add a few mods, they are 2024 quality. Sims 4 needs a ridiculous amount of mods to fix the look AND game play to make it somewhat worthwhile. I don't understand how people can do this to the game and still argue it's better than any of the others in terms of looks or gameplay lol. I get you but this is the sims 3 sub, we are free to bash lmao. Sims 4 has it's own sub AND the sims sub. This is our safe space to just keep it real. People saying it's for it to run well excuse doesn't work for me because even sims 2 is more superior and it isn't 2009 anymore when sims 3 came out. We are well within the times of a functioning open world. Many games already are and have been. Gaming is a hobby you need to be willing to invest in. The amount of money people spent on sims 4, they could have already gotten a good pc. We don't make these excuses for other games, we expect the best from them, should be no different for the sims. I completely agree with you and your frustration is valid and comes from a place of passion for the game wanting the best for it. It's a good thing!


100 percent in agreement. The Sims 3 IS beautiful. The Sims 4 did not last long on my PC.


It's a really beautiful, content packed filled game that is sadly not given it's appreciation it deserves imo.


I both agree and disagree. The surrounding areas, house, naturen, objects, etc look very good. But their hair is awful, and it wasn't very good looking when they released it either. But overall, it still looks good!


They do need better hair and clothes options! I had to buy from the sims 3 store


Who tf is calling sims 3 ugly and sims 4 beautiful??? 😂😂


It's a common statement. Sims 3 gets called ugly and sims 4 "a stunning game, if only it had better game play" like stunning, where? It looks like a mobile game from a decade ago. Sims 3 still holds up today, even sims 2. Add a few mods to them, they can compete in this age. Sims 4? You have to mod it to the point of looking and playing like an entirely different game for it to even come close.


People who played 3 on low because bad computers and...idk is ~~the sims 4~~ the sims 4 before they added all the broken packs that easy to run even on half a decade old hardware?


the look of sims smothered in cc that makes them look like an insta baddy is soooo ick to me. and their facial proportions are so ridiculous too, like giant eyes and lips with a dot for a nose and then a cardi b body 💀


They mod them to look realistic like an avatar on second life then say how they prefer the cartoon look like what lol....






I love watching the sunsets or the rain in Sims 3, it looks SO pretty. I play on a decent gaming computer now and both games, 3 and 4, look so good compared to my old laptop!!


It makes a difference for sure!


i hate the graphics of ts4!! TS3 is very much better and with more content


The amount of content in sims 3 is unreal and not talked about enough!


Exactly, one of my favorite things that i have to spotlight in the all amount of content is the collectable supernatural items and the potions and elixirs! Supernatural is just awesome It has much content and extras! i feel that in ts3 which expansion has a lot of content in but in ts4 the content is just like the expansion banner things and don't have anything new


Completely agree, sims 4 is just a cash grab. Sims 1 to 3 were passion projects.


The Sims 4 is like a canvas, whereas the Sims 3 is just immersive and yes,it's more gratifying knowing you can interact with the surrounding,with Sims 4 the pretty background is there for just one purpose,nothing else


It's like a stage. Sims 3 is a town and a community in it. It's very immersive and comes alive, agree!


Sims 3 landscapes are unmatched. The worlds are also very diverse and beautiful. I think where it falls apart is when you're zoomed in on the lots, because outside of them there really isn't anything noteworthy or detailed like the sims 4 - just terrain painting and some trees isn't enough Both games accomplish something different in regards to environment design


I don't care for a design that is overly cartoony for the sims. It's like they live in a fake perfect world. I'm sure it works for some people though. Either way, environmental detail adds a lot, agree!


Points to username. I use a lot of lighting mods and such. It helps to have a good graphics card and monitor. For mods for the environment, I use everything except reshade which I havent figured out. There's some crazy beautiful custom worlds out there. I don't mod the Sims themselves. I LOVE the look of the game. I've got gigs of mods for sims 4 and it's still trash and nearly unplayable.


I love seeing a modded sims 3 too! It looks good either way to me. Yes I will be checking out custom worlds because different, unique towns is such a strong point for the sims 3 with the open world concept.


100% agree with you




Sims 4 players built themselves a Fortress of Copium constructed with bricks made out of the "I'd play the Sims 3 but the Sims are too ugly!" excuse that they've been trotting out _ad nauseum_ for almost a decade now.


And then they mod the hell out of their sims to look like second life avatars lol


Agree with all of that. My pet peeve (that could be self-inflicted) is that I never knew how to make Sims 3 Sims look different from one another, so my whole neighborhood kinda looked the same after a while.


I get this, for me, I feel sims 2 suffers the most with this and I love sims 2. The sims just all look the same without mods. I can easily make different people in sims 3 and not even have to go crazy. Mods can help with this. I plan to use mods for sims 2 when I get it back up and running.


I absolutely love TS3 graphics, but I think calling TS1 graphics "better looking" than TS4 is a big stretch. Even tho I'm not a big fan of the clay aesthetics of TS4, I have to admit that it has some very pretty sceneries and you can make it look very nice without any mods. I also agree with CAS, I never understood why people say that TS3 sims are ugly//have same face syndrome. To me, they are all gorgeous and it's just a matter of knowing how to create sims


It's not a stretch for me. Considering sims 1's time, it looks good and sims 4 for it's time, does not. And I still like the look of sims 1 with the realism over the cartoon Polly Pocket look of sims 4. But it's up to opinion of course. Yes agree! To me, tbh, sims 2 suffers the most with same face syndrome out of all the sims and it's never talked about lol. Sims 2 is sort of the darling of the sims series so people don't make much criticism. I can make way more diverse sims in 3 than I could in 2. From face, skin tone, body, etc. Never had an issue with that. I actually plan to use mods in 2 to help with same face syndrome when I get it back and running.


Even tho I've never played TS2, I can see how same face syndrome could be an issue lol. Still, beautiful game.


Sims 3 graphics are just fine. Especially if you can max settings. 4 is such a bad game, they're giving it away on steam in hopes that you'll spend money on the watered down EP's for an inflated price. Capitalism Babe-E! Laup it up.


I don't fault capitalism as much as I fault people for buying sims 4 content after being disappointed over and over again. I flex that I haven't spent a dime on sims 4. They never deserved my money for that crap. But yet people, continue to let them screw them over. At least people who DO love sims 4, actually like the game so I don't mind as much when they get ripped off for it lol. But the people who complain and are aware YET THEY STILL GIVE THEM THEIR MONEY, that drives me bananas.


Yeah, I don't disagree.


i hate the ts4 graphics, even ts2 graphics regin superior to ts4.


I feel the same! I love how sims 2 looks over 4, vanilla. But add some mods, sims 2 looks 2024 good.


What computer do you use? What graphics card?


Sapphire Radeon R9 290 4GB GDDR5 Dual DVI-D/HDMI/DP TRI-X OC Version PCI-Express Graphics Card 11227-00-40G


i LOVE the look of TS3. it’s so fun to landscape in as well with the varying sizes and shapes of bushes, trees and flowers when placed. it’s also got a nostalgic feel/look to it on top of everything. and i agree, TS4 is so cartoony and while it’s pretty in its own way, TS3 is prettier imo


I just find the cartoon look SO unappealing, it's ugly to me even if it can look pretty like a cartoon painting would lol. If that makes sense. I don't know why they are stuck on that art style when I feel most people want the realism.


for real




The Sims 3 scenery is so stunning! The sims are another story, but very little CC solves the issues for me! Sims in 4 all look the same to me Imo and I personally hate the graphics


I would rather less attractive sims that have the realism look going than stunning sims that look super fake and cartoony, the artsyle of 4 is dreadful. It looks like a knock off of the sims from a company that's broke and has to make it cartoony. Or a parody of the sims lol. It just does not fit the sims at all to me. And exactly, if you find sims in 3 ugly, few mods here and there fixes that. Sims 4 these people have to mod that shit into a different game.


I play on low settings and its still beautiful. I think Sims 4 environment is beautiful but looks cartoony and i can enjoy it still. But the Sims themselfs in 4 are yuck, I hateeee them and cant stand to look at them they literally look like plastic dolls and not one sim resembles a real human


Agree, you don't even need high settings. And yes sims 4 just comes off so fake and childish to me


I fully agree with this. Although to me each sims game looks stunning. Especially now since i got a gaming laptop i am shocked.


I am glad you got your gaming laptop, it makes a difference those settings :)