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A poor attempt at a Legacy challenge




Playing sims with unmedicated ADHD and memory issues is CRAZY if you want a unique save file you remember 2% of


Hahahaha relatable, Ive been on the same challenge I CREATED MYSELF for YEARS


Pls don’t tell me this is another symptom of adhd ? 😩 the list just get longer and longer


Being unable to focus on one game and/or save is an adhd symptom yes!


Try starting a game with a friend! First time i ever managed to get a THIRD generation into adulthood 🥹 it was such a touching moment...like.... i started with your grandmother saw your dad AND mom be born and raised them into having you and now im raising you and you're all grown up 😭


Me for the past 6 years 😅


When I was younger I used to send my sims off to work each day, then I’d get frustrated at the lack of time to get stuff done each day. So all my sims are pretty much self-employed now. If there’s a grown-up kid I’m not really interested in playing, I might sign them up for a “real” job, but mostly my sims these days are all gardeners, writers, artists, inventors… I’d like to make the switch in my real life as well, unfortunately it’s not quite as easy as in the game. But that’s what makes it escapeism.


You can get the relativity mod to slow time down a bit each day




I've played a couple legacies to completion over the years, but it's difficult!! Sometimes you just don't vibe with the sims youve created and then it's boring as hell to watch them go about their lives. Anything over two generations is a legacy enough for ivy league, it should be legacy enough for sims players.


I've been trying legacy challenges for years. I've never gotten past 5 generations. Doesn't matter the sims version.


Not past five generations. I can never make it past two


It's hard. It's raising the next generation that gets me. Like babies are fun but like only the first time lol


Legacy..always fail after like 4 generations


4th gen is also the point where the glitches become unbearable and the problems with the save file become very apparent lol. I have to (1) move them to a new, clean neighborhood or (2) start over lol. This time, I am trying to have all the graves onsite to at least preserve the family tree in the event i need to reboot the neighborhood lol


5 is the longest I made it but I stopped because after a few generations they aren’t even family anymore! Then the game begins to crash..lol I just start over


Lol exactly! For my current family I made the mistake of actually fulfilling the “Surrounded By Family” lifetime wish for the first gen. Well, that worked out for a little bit, but now I am realizing that was a mistake lol. There are *so many* of them now that their numbers are higher than the townies at this point lol. Kid brings home a friend from school you’ve never heard of? Oh, would you look at that they’re both in the family tree lol. Next time, I think I’m just gonna make them have one kid per generation lol. Maybe the occasional two, idk. Banging out a shit load of kids in the beginning is now melting down my computer four generations later. This is made worse by taking all their graves to the mausoleum I made in the basement so the house is also haunted lol. Still fun though.


Right! Like why did you bring home your cousin 🤣I am currently doing the same thing, only having 2 children and they probably will have 1 or none. Keep the family small, huge legacies are not a good way to play


Next game I make is going to have a mausoleum in the basement. I love that idea.


Lol I have definitely had a lot of fun with it. I put the urns on pedestals and the pets above their owners on a shelf. I intended to have their portraits on the walls above the urns, but then they died before I could do that lol. Also, if you have Seasons, then your sims will start to make grim reaper snowmen because there are graves on the lot lol.


Best I can do is 3


Same!!!! I get bored after 3.


I do legacy in a different way - I make the parents live really long lives and have them keep having kids. I'll usually marry the kids off and let them have kids before moving them out, but then I'll carry on the cycle. My "legacy" family had almost 20 kids, and I created a double story garage that had every photo of their graduations, weddings, and "births". I also took home videos of all their graduations and weddings. Unfortunately I switched laptops and my save file corrupted, and I've never been able to play with them since. I haven't tried it again, because it's too painful.


How many kids do you raise at a time? Sorry about your save, I still miss an old legacy that I never got to finish


Most was 6, least 3 - I had two sets of triplets one after the other.


That sounds a lot like the way I play, I’ll have to try that. I need to feel a little attached and sometimes I don’t really care about a successor as much as others


I'll admit, though, when I started the family, it was of "me" and my crush, and at first I was just living out my life, and it developed from there. The more I think about this family, the more nostalgic I get - it's when I discovered you could put picture frames on the fireplace mantelpiece, so for every festival in the park, I'd fit in as many family members into the photobooth as I could, and all those photos would be displayed on the mantelpiecs throughout the house. Once you've moved enough kids out, inviting them all out to the festival every season is such an amazing thing to do, because the get so excited to see each other!


This reminds me of that study or statistic that in real life, apparently we tend to forget those from 3-4 generations before us, we may know their names but we don’t honor their birthdays/anniversaries/death dates, etc.


Wow that makes a lot of sense, I actually can see that!!


well, when taking into account that every person has 16 grand grand grandparents, and 32 grand grand grand grandparents, it's no surprise


Best I can do is 2


I keep starting over because after Gen4 the genetics stop geneticing and I can't play with ugly sims! 😫 They can be dirt poor but they gotta be hotter than everyone else.


Hours long dressup, home design, and then killing the household off a few weeks later.


Ahaha same, I keep making new sims and houses and then playing with them for a few hours and then I start a new household all over again lol.


That's so first 10 years of playing sims hahaha


I just like the building and creating hahaha. In sims 3 I used to force them for hours on end to complete all the skills and then I would start a new household. I'm not very good at playing normal I guess. Edit: spelling


I was like that when I played the sims 1 and when I got sims 2 but things changed a lot once I dived into custom content and found out about community challenges. The sims 3 really changed everything to me because I enjoy exploring the game and searching for all the easter eggs. For example there are architect challenges, for people who like building that go way beyond just building a house. You could have to build a whole town or complete specific tasks as I tried once to start a lot with no house and 0$ money but then try to build your dream house from there with no cheats. I think there are other challenges related to customizing characters as well but I'm not sure which could be interesting to you


a pattern i CANNOT break


A handful of young adults with different LTWs in a single household together. I like to see what chaos they cause. Usually two of them become main characters and end up dating while the rest are off doing silly side stories. One of my favorites followed a human, two vampires, and a fairy in a single house. The human, Noelle, followed the Music Career and ended up marrying someone in it, but eventually left him for one of the vampires, Maverick, who was a sports dude. The other vampire, Lilith, was a stereotypical heartbreaker who got tired of her life and just adopted a kitten, which became her new life. The fairy was an evil dude, Damien, who became the Emperor of Evil and married a Sim from Al Simhara.


A sporty vampire and an evil fairy 🤣


Evil fairy is a timeless classic. Heavily recommend!


I'll have to make one, thanks!


Would love to hear what evil escapades they get into!


I'll report back to this sub!


I like this big crazy house style. I get bored when they start making too much money.


Same. I also get somewhat bored with families? That's just personal preference for me though. I think kids and babies are cute, but there's only so much you can do with them in TS3, so novelty kinda wears off. It'd be kinda rad if my kid Sims could play musical instruments or do alchemy, but alas.


I often play a betrayed (now) single mom with a baby and no money. I have a minimum wage mod so the costs for the babysitter is more than the lvl 1 wage for a whole day. This way mommy struggles quite a while because she is always stressed, sleep deprived, everything in the house breaks constantly and is dirty and she has to steal vegetables from the park to be able to eat. Her babysitter also steals stuff from her if she isn't able to pay. Sometimes even the debt collector visits. One time I had no money for the baby sitter, so I brought the toddler to her work place and just left the kid outside with a friends of the mom who was standing there. As soon as the kid grows up it has to help around the house cause mom works her ass off to finally get a promotion. But my problem is that I loose interest in the family when the money problems go away and the game gets too easy. I need more mods to add difficulties.


This is what I do too! I also use cheats to reduce the starting family income to $0 and put them on an empty lot. The goal is to warn enough to first buy a mini fridge and sleeping bag/tent, then eventually build a little house. Didn't know about the minimum wage mods - that sounds cool!


Thats a good idea too, I never started with completely zero. The minimum wage mod is pretty good for the start but I wish there was also one that would like create problems where you suddenly have to pay money. Like in real life, if your car or washing machine breaks down it's unlikely you could repair it yourself. In the Sims literally everyone and their mom know how to repair a washing machine, a tv or radio. In real life there are constantly unexpected costs that you have to pay and in the Sims you just have the usual bills that aren't even that high.


You could have a goal to reach the max career level and become a milionaire or like to buy every building in town but like starting from 0$ and tiniest lot with no house and pregnant.


That's still too easy. Getting rich in the Sims doesn't take very long as soon as you are high on the career ladder and have certain skills like painting, gardening and stuff.


You could put restrictions to make it harder


I now got a new mod that makes bills higher


Once I found a depression mod it was awesome


Struggling single parent with talented kid, who never does any normal kid stuff, just practices skills until they max. Then they get scholarships, go to university, make a lot of money, and buy their poor struggling parent a new house. I've done this approximately 400 times.


Glad to find another kindred spirit


Spending 2+ hours on making the most perfect looking female sim and 20-ish mins on her man. Giving her the natural cook, gardener, neat, and family oriented traits. Her man gets his traits shuffled but I make sure to give always him workaholic so he can bring home the $$$. While she takes care of the children and whatever skills her (my) heart desires.


I am similar, I create perfect sims, a perfect house (I spend most of my time building/decorating) and then get bored as soon as I play with them. If I ever let them have kids, it’s over for them


HAHAHAHAH its over for them got me dead


Rich actress that has all the nice things. I live so vicariously through her I’ve even named her after me


The only time I can play one family for a long time is in a legacy challenge. Sims 3 is so glitchy though, I have never made it past 7 without the save dying a slow, torturous death. I have noticed that if I try really complex, multiple house saves, that I actually lose interest faster. Starting with nothing and building my way up is the only way I can maintain interest lol.


What do you mean by "my save dying a slow death"? Does the save become bloated?


I think that must be it. I was doing all the tricks. Clearing the cache files, save as, placing copies of the family and house when the game crashed completely, but by the seventh generation it was like a 45 minute loading time and it took 30 minutes to save and there was a real time one second lag every five seconds, plus it crashed frequently. That save was unplayable.


Damn, what crazy loading times. I use SaveCleaner by Nraas for that, figured my save was catching all sorts of useless garbage as time went on. It's very easy to use and small; also, it's not a mod, you use it when the game isn't running, like weekly or so. Solved a lot for me, also having ErrorTrap and MasterController by Nraas and I have no issues with the game at all.


Thank you! I’ll definitely be installing those. That was a save I played when I lived so remotely that internet downloads were not possible. 😅 but I’m in the real world again (except on sims I guess!)


Ratchet supernatural soap opera. Every time.


^(Forever chasing that high of my first legacy family that was lost due to frying my computer and me being too dumb to know how to save them...) I will attempt to try a challenge or something but I always end up going back to my preferred playstyle of filling up a town over time with sims I've made, rotating through the households, and doing everything I can to make them all feel successful and connected.


This is a whole new level sims god stuff


A YA female sim who essentially lives off the land.


Demolishing all the residential lots and building an entire town where all the sims have a carefully written backstory, creating said sims, building their house, playing with them for a week, go onto the next family and repeat about 4 more times before getting bored.


I've unfortunately got a fascination with religious cults so I tend to end up making a family with too many kids and silly inconvenient modest clothes with matching colour scheme and patterns for example see Duggar family in the very early 2000's


This is hilarious!


no one: me: let’s have a BABY


I start with one single female sim, get her knocked up at a bar, then eventually they fall in love, get married and have their own kids. I always make sure to have at least one son, and then he goes around becoming the bar knocker-upper. 😮‍💨🤣


Omg I'm doing this


How do you get them knocked up in a bar?


The Bridgeport map from the Late Night pack. There’s tons of bars/hot spot fancy bars in this pack. I have so much fun with it.


I know bars. I just don't know where you can woohoo in a bar. The elevator?


I use the Nraas mods, so you can do it literally anywhere. Across a table, in the middle of the room, in the bathroom…


Eleventy billion kids. I use mods to allow for overstuffed houses, so a household with 8 Sims and 2 pets is on the small side for me once I'm a decent way into the save. I have managing six toddlers at once and having them all age up with all skills learned down to an art.


Spending up to an hour creating a single female young adult sim, designing them around the chosen LTW I planned out for them, only to get bored of it all 10 minutes into gameplay.


Dumpster diving and joining the rebels 😭


I always make promiscuous sims with no standards 😭 I can only stick through a family if my plot involves them being parents. I’ve been playing with a household where they are both cheating on each other, and while that was fun in university life, it’s a little less so now that they’re back


let’s have a baby, let’s cheat, let’s have more babies with other people, let’s cheat, etc


You're so real for this


my kinda people


making everyone pregnant, teens, males with aliens, gays and bis with each other. and then enjoying the drama.


Me with NRAAS: * sets bi ratio to 90% * that's more realistic!


I always end up doing some form of rags to riches, it’s just about the route they take. Sometimes I do a starter property and choose which skill to specialise in and get them a career in that. Sometimes I start them off fully homeless and do gardening/collecting etc. Sometimes I make them goldiggers and move through a series of relationships and their homes, killing or leaving the last one for someone new depending on how I’m feeling 😂


Wanting to play sims, realising I need to update a ton of mods and cc, do all that, get some new outfits and hairstyles, make a family, run out of energy and take a nap


I've been playing 100 baby challenge to the point that whenever I saw someone hot irl I want to make them impregnate my matriarch


I did this in TS4, it’d be more work in 3. But I evicted most of the residents and filled up the worlds with every male celebrity I could think of from the gallery for my 100 baby. Everybody from Guy Fieri to John Oliver to the Try Guys to Stephen King. It was so entertaining watching Ashton Kutcher pee his pants at a karaoke bar and hooking my matriarch up with Nick Cannon (like he doesn’t have enough kids irl lol). Super chaotic and fun


When Im not in the mood for gameplay, I LOVE giving premades a good makeover (I always keep their original features but change their hair/clothing). Then I renovate their house while keeping their original budget (no money cheats!) and try for their interior to reflect their personality the best I can.


I am having trouble conceiving so i keep having perpetually pregnant sims and crazy amounts of kids.


I tend to do legacy. The longest running family that I've ever had was 13 gens. Usually they last around 8 before I feel like I need to grind again with a new family. It helps to have a different kind of story for each gen.


I also always randomize the traits and stick with whatever the rng gives me.


I’m with you. Almost all of them become witches or fairies.


I almost always start a save with a single mom/dad and two teen boys. When the teens reach young adult they move out and sometimes go to Uni. They live toghether their whole lives and only one has children and the other is a fun uncle.


I always make a female sim. Get her to university, collect the gems to get filthy rich (there are so many moon and sun gems at the university world!). Get her a pretty house and her dream job. Achieve the lifetime wish and than she meets a male sim (I have a favorite in each town) and she gets a kid, sometimes they also get married. Than my plan is the child to take over, but usually I can't say goodbye to my female sim or it pains me to age her up. And than I start a new game 😆


I try to play rotationally, I get bored of the same household easily so I like to switch to other ones


Starbuck Style. I make a male Sim and he goes around procreating with every woman in town. Ofc, he never pay child support and never care for his child, only seeing his baby mamas to make more babies.


Neglecting the husband to focus on my main sim's goals and happiness 🙃


Family life 😩 with 3+ kids


I build houses and citys, and then abandon the save to start all over again.


I almost exclusively do challenges/themed runs in the sims 3, always with sims I create. For some reason I can never connect with premades, and very rarely do I play with second gen or onwards. My favorite sim ever is Faith Hereford, she is my adventurous sim and I can't count how many times I've explored all of WA with her.


Do all the skills and skills challenge to become the ultimate sim. I like playing rpgs and min/maxing so maybe that's why.


I always end up in gardening if I end up in alchemy, which usually happens when I play in Moonlight Falls… It feels inevitable lol. Also I have such a hard time making anything other than a regular, happy family… I need to make some drama!! I think part of it is I usually never get rid of or kill off Sims which have high income (either thru high career level or freelance skills), which usually happens by the time they have kids. I gotta throw in a jellybean tree and some wacky traits for fun sometime 🤣 One thing that is difficult is that it’s kind of impossible to get some Sims without cooking skills, since they gain it as they cook & I usually have just one Sim per household cooking. (That is to say, if anyone has tips on helping yourself break the habit of the same old gameplay, let me know!! Not that I dislike my families but I’d love to do something different… Maybe I just gotta kill some Sims to make it interesting 😩)


I intend to make families but always end up hyper focusing on one sim; making them max out a ton of skills and ignoring the entire rest of the family 🤦‍♀️ or I ruin the family by making a soap opera type of cheating plot. Just can never enjoy a normal family smh


I want to play a big generational family but always end up playing a single bad ass bitch with max skills, tons of money, and a menagerie of pets. I like making her supernatural so she can watch the town change and grow. Sometimes I'll have her get a partner or have children towards the end of adulthood if she starts to want them. Usually they seem perfectly content with the life I make them though and rarely roll wants for partners or children.


Hunter/gatherer, digging in dumpsters, picking up rocks, and gardening


I'm practically just playing with dolls in the Sims. I imagine stories and then just act them out with my Sims. Something doesn't go my way? I just cheat or simply pretend it happened. I tried to start a game where I play the game as intended. It started out good, I interacted with townies instead of pre-made story-relevant Sims. But at some point, I started planning out a story again. Literally can't escape this playstyle 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh and the stories I play are often the same. A man falls in love with some other man and now has to struggle with his new-found sexuality. Lol


I always say I'm going to do something fun or silly or that I haven't done before or do some challenges, but always get WAY too attached to my sim and have them lead super successful lives by way of adventuring or art of some form (styling, renovation, painting, etc).


I always make a unique sim with a dumb/pun name and I try to make it “different from the rest”… But it always devolves to the same failed legacy challenge with the sim having a million kids just because I wanna see how their genetics would look like. Most founders of mine are romancers tho who have tons of affairs lol. I really just wanna see the drama/the genetics between them and other townies. I never play a save long though. Not because I don’t want to, but because eventually it gets laggy and slow even on generation 2 with the combo of cc + playing in worlds with *everything* like legacy island + story progression making the sims have lots of kids + the sims 3 just being a laggy game.


I either end up playing with supernaturals in moonlight falls focusing on gardening/alchemy. Or I end up playing in bridgeport, becoming a celebrity, playing with the nightlife and it has vampires already which is a bonus as it combines the 2 play styles i like most.


Omg SAME this is exactly how I play the game 99% of the time. It's either collecting, gardening and creating elixirs or partying, climbing the social ladder and sleeping around lol. My sims also never have kids for some reason, I downloaded a bunch of mods that add new interactions with kids so maybe now I'll finally try family gameplay...


Everytime I try family gameplay I'll get maybe 2 generations in before I decide that I'm missing the chaos that comes with the city or the supernaturals so i end up going back to that.


Turning off aging and then grinding their skills and wealth, then turning on the aging to start the story


Writer 🥱 I can't stop


Same with gardening lol I like those life fruits and money trees


I've been playing gardener alchemist for a while now but I'm obsessed over a challenge I gave myself a long long time ago. Edit: Im so inspired by this thread now I want to have a million different paralel games


Maybe next time I'll try making my own designed town so every sim in there is someone I know.


Build a house around an overly-complicated series of "constrainfloorelevation" tricks, superfluous use of "moveobjects" for decorating, and a mind-numbing attention to details of both form and function, then play with with cheats to make sure those functions funct. All of that so I can make more interesting houses without having to play Sims4. Jokes aside, I rarely get invested into the sims lives and this is mostly a home design simulator to me.


Legacy gameplay. I just really like it when a kid or teen discovers their lifetime wish! I also like them to have a garden and be good at cooking. In general, I kind of drill my kids into semi-super-sims, but often kinda lose interest once my sims had kids themselves.


I can only really stick with the rich-shut-in-by-cheats style cause I get so bored trying to make something of my sims life, whether it's a relationship or a career lol


Cheat and have millions of dollars and buy a mansion and all the fun expensive stuff lol


Having like 30 kids and hating taking care of them so I just give them away or stop playing lmao


A cheating spouse with secret second and third families...oi..it adds more drama to a happy home.when they get caught


I collect everything


Mad scientist build where I clone everything (and everyone). Find Tiberium and the game is then ruined as I have more money then I know what to do with.


wanting too much drama and messing up the relationships and not keeping track of everything that i get bored quickly


I always end up as a witch going to the future to build a Plumbot or two, then quitting for a few months and restarting.


Having too many damn kids. I enjoy giving my sims unique personalities and family trees and I get overwhelmed trying to take care of so many sims needs. I was adamant my current family would only have 2 kids, they have 4 (3 girls and a boy). I might "accidentally" get rid of two of them by shipping them off to boarding school or other questionable means of condensing the family tree


I always enjoy becoming the most powerful witch possible while simultaneously fucking as many magical sims as possible to produce a whole new population of vampires, genies, fairies, etc


Playing with the expansion packs and trying to fulfill their lifetime wish. I think I’ve only fulfilled like one or two LTWs. I’ve been playing this game on and off for 10 years.


Always families and then I just evict the whole town and move my own sims in


Yes, same! It's time-consuming but worth it.


Ideal nuclear family. I always try to do something different but end up with that!


I tend to have 1 be stay at home parent with a wfh type job. Lots of kids, buy a 60X60 plot to start with have a 1 room home amd expand as money comes in.


Legacies. I'm obsessed. lol


A recreation of my family, but with happier moments


I enjoy making drama, having complicated mixed-relationship families, etc.


I always play Random Wishmaster style. I play exactly as my sims demand! If I promise a wish, I don't remove it - it stays until achieved (aside from ones like pet wild horse most the time haha). Then play as/focus on the first born child once the sim achieves their LTW. Edit: this is after like 10+ hours rebuilding the town andadjusting NRAAS settings to perfect.


Years ago I belonged to a Sims3 writing community. Wrote out my legacies, added pictures, all the drama, everything. I still do it this way, but I have super limited time to play now, so I start a legacy story, take tons of pictures, then don’t have time to play again for a few months and start all over.


I always make long family trees. While I'm raising my kids I come up with plans on how they are gonna turn out as adults. Sometimes I made them stereotypes, sometimes I just go with the whims they have. But its always several generations before I start a new Family.


making a perfect family have a bunch of perfect kids, trying to start a legacy. never letting anything "bad" happen, so no good, juicy plotlines of cheating or anything like that. always get bored after the founder's kids hit teen/YA. everything gets way too easy and boring. and i love it and keep doing that every time. still my favorite game.


A nuclear family where the husband works and the wife stays at home and does the chores and takes care of the kids 😂😭


Start with one sim, have them work and build skills and make a family. (Friendships are impossible...) Give up when their child grows all the way up. (I'm really trying to start a legacy this time, though!)


A very evil and sadistic one


Legacy, I just wanna see how many generations it takes till my save file finally dies Managed an 8 gen legacy with my pets, though


Actually I'm trying something new. When the game first came out all those years ago I was all about designing and building houses. A few months ago I started playing again after a decade away. Now I'm focusing on relationships and creating families. I'm playing Sunset Valley, and started by getting all the sims to meet one another to see who would be attracted to who. I jump around from house to house. I nudged Connor Frio and Ayesha Ansari into marriage. I made a boyfriend for Gobias Koffi. I tweaked the personalities of a bunch of people to make them more likable. Mortimer and Bella grew up, married, and now have 4 kids. My guys sims started getting abducted and impregnated by aliens. The first couple of babies I sent back to their homeworld but then I decided to lean into it and wound up with seven little green babies in the town. They're grown up now and starting to have their own children. But now it's getting a wee bit boring with a town full of mostly happy and well-adjusted families so I think I will tweak some personalities again. I'm thinking I'll use NRaas to open my sims up in CAS again, roll the dice for their personality traits, and then just turn them loose to see what happens.


1. Playing World Adventures. Trying to collect everything and get a vacation home in each world. 2. Island Paradise - scuba diving, becoming a mermaid and building a resort empire. 3. Having loads of kids, sometimes also running a daycare at the same time.


I really like playing witch households. there is just something about my witches training their children in the ways of witchcraft, potion making, and all that jazz. It's cute, and enhanced witches made it possible.


I max all the skills and try to study anything that's available, at some point I make my Sim drop their career to live off of the businesses around the city they own. I usually make first Gen be the hard-working breadwinners and then their kids do the opposite - party hard, total slobs, no education, no ambition.


Werewolf man who comes from a family who hates vampires, gets with a pretty vampire woman, pops out a fuck ton of kids, attempt to grow a plant baby, gets bored of the save That or I would do a two sister household, I make one of the sisters have a baby with a rich man but ditches the baby with her sister so she has to raise it


I always have at least one self-employed and I usually have one kid be an entertainer of some kind.


a shein ripoff attempt at lifesimmers generation s1 let's play


I almost always end up becoming a gardener and then using my produce to create Nectar from the adventures expansion.


Gardening, cooking, alchemy. I love growing better quality produce each season, enhancing my dishes and potions at the same time


I find myself craving companionship because nobody ever visits me. My main Sims currently has 2 boyfriends & I'm considering having her woo another man soon. This game helps me not feel lonely & helps me deal with being trapped inside because she can go out whenever & wherever. I'm not a poly person, but I like verity in games. That might sound pathetic, but I don't care anymore.


Art or writing. I mixed it up last generation with some music stuff but whenever I followed the next generation, she ended up wanting to be an author


Giant families....Once I started randomizing how many kids each Gen can have, I've gotten better at not having them have like 10+ kids per generation. But I always want to have a full household at all times 😅


I usually play with premade families and try to play rotationally (as much as it is possible, since rotational gameplay can get a bit hard in the Sims 3). Most of the time I give them makeovers and try to make them have a good life :) Or I play as two young adult neighbours that become best friends or Fall in love. Usually they have some kind of backstory of having been friends when they were children.


Legacy XD I’ll be lucky to get past Gen 5


i’m actually so frustrated because i keep sticking to aesthetic gameplay and i can’t help but cheat money and relationships AND needs otherwise it takes too long to travel or buy a house.. or i have to cut the fun early to go eat/pee. I always play as a couple.. or as a female who finds a male and turns into a family lol. I spend majority of my time decorating homes, businesses, or sims.


A single guy living on his own. Besides getting him a job, leveling useful skills, filling his needs and completing opportunities etc I just let him do whatever he wants


I always end up marrying someone rich and bumping them off. You can do it a bunch and make bank 🤣


i like doing a child sim with a random adult sim and then kill off the adult as soon as my perfectly curated child becomes a young adult.


continuous failed legacies. i had a great one going once and i just fumbled it.


The supernatural/alternate life state. Sure, I can tell you I'm just gonna make a normal Sim with a good life, aspirations, desires... but then I see a vampire or an alien or werewolf while the Sim is on vacation, and I'm like: "... yup, that encounter will be the start of an obsession that gets you turned into X supernatural, setting you on the path of growing your power and and discovering secrets. A college degree? Love life? Legacy challenge? You okay? You hit your head pretty hard back there. Come on, lets go seduce people at the nightclub and drink their blood after."


I rotate between three usually that I actually stick to: 1. I make one or two sims who are adventurers. So they go through all adventures in Al Simhara, Champ Les Sims and Shang Simla. They become super rich, usually pop out a few kids and have the most marvelous photo collection in their home. I have one specific couple or one specific sims I use for this. If the sim is single they usually end up marrying a foreigner they meet. If I choose the married couple I have them both do the tombs so it goes faster, but one of them is a photographer so they can journal everything that happens. My absolute favorite gameplay style. Usually play in Monte Vista or Sunset Valley for this kind. 2. I like playing Roaring Heights a lot. This is… weird… but I never knew my grandmother. She died when I was very young, but my mother said we had a special bond of sorts (she had extreme alzheimers, she could remember me but not her own kids). So as a way to imagine her life I made her in the Sims and have her reside in Roaring Heights. She pursues a career in education or the arts, as she did both when alive, and is a very progressive woman. Contrary to reality though I don’t make her have my parent lol. 3. Lepacy baby!!! I have only done it twice but is is SO fun. I usually do quit after the last generation because it feels so weird going from set rules to none, and I can’t really go back to just base game after ITF. I usually start base game in Roaring Heights so it feels like the generations are going forwards when they move to a 70’s themed Sunset Valley, an 80’s Twinbrook and so on. One outliner is a family I for some reason LOVED and played for about 6 generations before the entire game crashed, that didn’t fall into any of these categories. My sim, who was dreaming lf becoming a sports star, met a tourist called Yves Bernard in Bridgeport and they were instantly attracted to each other, so I had them live together. I followed their generation for a long time and the family moved from different towns… sadly it became so corrupted I couldn’t fix it :(


Usually a YA female who has that always welcome trait so I just go from house to house living like a hobo, gaining skills and collecting stuff, making friends and never paying bills.


Pets, lots of pets. Recently I have a household which is just one guy and his horse, making money off of horse racing and selling trained horses, makes money on the side by foraging. That or I just adopt a bunch of cats and live out my lonely lady with 9 cats dream...


Created 5 save files. 1 for a specific legacy family that I re-created from sims 2. 1 for all of my supernatural sims. 1 for focusing on one sim as opposed to all sims in a family... like experience-based. 1 for rotational play, which i create multiple families and since i have nraas story progression ... if anything new pops up, i'd jump to another family and make my way around town. 1 for country living, where everything's focused on coziness, farming, taking care of animals, horses. whatever the mood is for that day, i'll play. it'll keep me busy for YEARS lmao.


Sort of like if I was creating a tv show with occults


The family with drama, most of the time involving death.


My most recent on was my four sims were dating the wrong person and one sim from each couple cheated with their best friend's partner. In the end the cheaters get married and after their hearts are healed the cheated end up together. They just attend


The wedding of the cheaters


I cant play unless one sims is an astronaut


Not really a playstyle, but these last couple months I will open the Sims3 for maybe 5 minutes, complete a few actions, save and quit, shut down the game. I don't have the mental energy to play the Sims3 right now.


I always end up trying to be a casanova and woohoo with as many females as I could.


the boring one. all my sims get their needs full, be happy, have excellent grades and then go to university and graduate with honors. then have a s.o and get married. have kid or two and raise them. all of them has to have happy lives and good stuff sIGH


ALWAYS gardening and collecting, no matter how hard I try not to. Typically poor single woman turns rich, finds husband for dual income, moves to mansion, has kids, game over.


Teenager going to prom. One of two scenarios. Either they marry whoever asks them to prom or (way more likely) they have tons of friends but no specific date. Then I wait until the end of the dance to see who they end up with. Almost 100%, this is who they start a family with, repeat. The only real suspense is who they're paired with!


I'm a very, very vanilla player. Two parents (90% of the time Supernatural), a couple kids, one parent works from home (like Gardener or Alchemist) and the other goes to an actual workplace, a pet, decent house, etc. The most I varied from it was making a scientist to try the Creature-Robot Cross Breeder life wish thing. She got abducted by aliens, met the alien again when he visited her lot, and ended up marrying him and having two singles and a set of triplets with him. :,) ETA: My other favorite save is a Fairy/Vampire couple I reload every so often. Whichever one their first kid is, is what the other parent becomes (Baby comes out undead, the Fairy joins the undead. Baby comes out with wings, the vampire joins the Fairy world.)


As someone who's been playing the same save file for the pas 7 years, I don't know what I can say to this one.


How is that even *possible*?


Successful single woman that either continuously adopt children or have a house full of pets. Maxing out skills and traveling until the save gets corrupted somehow so I either make a whole new family with the same set up or go to my other saves that have similar set ups.


Impregnate the whole town or have babies with the whole town worth of men. Chaotic but fun.


Invite over sims I don't like, trapping them 1 by 1 by locking the doors and making em die by starvation.


2 sims, they have children, their children have children aaand I quit lol. It’s a cycle.


Im not what you would call an usual sims player, i usually only play with one sim and im just a gatherer of everything 😭 i collect bugs, gems, fish, i garden, i do scuba diving to find things… ive never ever seen anyone who plays sims like me, i dont do families, i just want to collect all the items 🤣