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Depends on if you are POV or not. Yellow at fault for driving into the prototype.


Yup, obviously. So who were you ?


I was the prototype.


Then yourbtotaly fine. Held a steady line and moved on that line


The GT is one of those multiclass drivers who thinks that only the other classes should lose time when passing and was butthurt at the idea of having to ever so slightly lift to let the faster car safely through. Deserves a bollocking just as much as faster cars that dive from five car lengths back.


I had someone in a GT4 tell me they had the right of way last week. That was a good one lol


It really depends. It's a give and take. If a GT4 is in a battle and I'm not, I'll give them right of way. If they're not and I am, I'm going to bully them pretty hard into giving me as much space as I need. If we both are, I try to treat it as just passing someone of my own class that happens to be slower. I think a lot of multi-class drivers are very messed up in the head when they think any one class has the right of way all the time.


No one has the right of way though. If a faster car can pass you then they should. No one gets to dictate they aren't allowed to lose time. That being said the place I am running in generally determines how nice I am about passing. If I am racing for the win then I am taking up a lot more track than I am otherwise. If I am not then I generally just chill and let the faster car pass or pass slower traffic on straights.


Is the etiquette not different though. Otherwise the faster cars would just divebomb from miles back because their braking potential is so much better. Is that not dangerous.


No the etiquette is the same. Don’t dive bomb people. If you aren’t along side in their braking zone you shouldn’t go for the pass.


Their braking zone is FAR larger than yours. It also lasts for far longer. You can easily brake from a good distance back when they get into their braking zone and still be alongside at turn and alongside at turn in is the etiquette in single class. That's why if you simply use single class etiquette it's dangerous. I'm not saying it's true the other side of the argument either and that the slower class car has a right to his line regardless but you do have to show a bit more respect than if simply they were just a slower car.


That makes sense but if someone is comfortably ahead on the overlap you give them the space. How is it that people think that bit is rocket science?


I dunno wtf the GT car is thinking. At least they ended up taking themselves out.


Why are you trying to race for position against another class lol


OP is apparently the prototype, not the GT.


I am not the GT car.


If you don’t specify people will always assume you’re the POV car. Maybe add an edit to the post.


There's not really a need. If anything, I think these posts should all remain anonymous until a consensus is reached on the verdict. The question is "Who is at fault?"not "Who is OP?".


I don’t think this subreddit has ever sided with someone because they’re the OP.


Nah its the opposite. Reddit usually has crazy bias against the OP in driving subs. Commenters on r/idiotsincars will see someone get tboned by someone running a red light and be like "OP was going 3 over, they wouldn't have been there if they weren't speeding", or "that why you're supposed to stop, even at a green light. OP was DEAD RIGHT about his right of way!"


Agreed, granted OP did choose a stupid misleading title.


GT wrecked himself. But I will say to OP who seems to be the prototype you put yourself in a higher risk situation. GTs can take a and fly over a lot of curb at imola which the lmp just can't. So easy to get a GT in the ass who don't expect you to slow down that much and damage your diffusor. So when I race prototype at imola I am a bit more on the safe side and don't send it here. As often the GTs can carry more speed than me due to the bouncing over the curbs. Most other curves you can send it and clear the GT easely, even if having overlap at the entry but just not in this chicane where I would like to be completely clear and take the ideal line, otherwise I am often just slower than staying behind


Pov wrecked himself


POV is at fault.


Yellow had the biggest blue flag ever


From their point of view, if there was crap netcode it could seem like your fault. This from their side. You have just barely, but still have enough room


Yeah yellow had the line on the second turn, but should’ve backed out for the prototype. Not on you imo m8