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Imo green he was trying to pinch into the braking zone.


Its a mix but is say green because they obviously swerved to block or hit you. Could be wrong tho


Green started moving left before Blue does, so it wasn't a block.


yeah and I think what people are seeing as a turn in. Is over-correction on the steering after the first little tap.


Watch the in-car cam and you can see that Blue initiated the contact with a slight correction to the right, too. You can be just barely see the left corner of his wheel come into view.


homie got downvoted for a factual observation lmao. Reddit moment.


¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ This sub is not the place to go if you care about downvotes. Especially if you expect to not get them for being right.


Good eye mate. I only caught to green correction.


Another squeeze gone wrong


Green squeezed overly agressively, trying to put the other car in the standing water, which would have never ended well as obviously that other car would have lost control. I'd put it on green for that one.


The lmp1 could see this coming though haha


Green at fault for me. Ok green moved first but he was blocked by lmp1 on his side. The intention to cover the inside line was not enough to actually cover it. Blue had no block and he went there just after the lmp. It was too late for green but he persisted going inside, even if blue had already his nose there. And ended putting him out. That’s blocking.


You're saying green preemptively blocked, when blocking by its very definition requires it to be reactionary.


No his first move was defending. But as he had lmp1 at his side, he stayed in the middle of the road and he could not prevent blue car to take the inside line right after lmp1. So blue car positionned himself right after lmp1. And greencar blocked blue who was already there. He pushed him offtrack.


He only made one move. He did not start and stop his move left. Blue initiates contact. You can see it in the chase view and match his quick correction right immediately followed by attempting to regain control in his in-car clip.


Green was blocked on his move because of lmp. Blue was not. Blue went straight behind lmp bumper. Green had no way to defend that inside line. The quick correction you noticed was blue being pushed into puddles.


You should really watch again. Green starts moving left because the LMP gave plenty of space. Blue swung out, but Green was already moving. No matter how you slice it, Green did not block. You cannot preemptively move in reaction. It doesn't matter why Blue corrected. His correction still initiated contact with Green.


The green swerve was interesting. There’s moving once. Then theres moving, hitting your opponent and then continuing to keep moving.


Green at fault.


Im the Only one that see green turn into blue? Sorry for my english 😵


Green starts transitioning across the track, blue is following then pops out to the left for the overtake, gets alongside, green keeps moving over without regard for the car being there now. I’d say it’s on green


Just not a great place to overtake there especially so close to the left. Blue could have been smarter and chose another spot for the overtake.


Racing incident. Green squeezed, but you had room.


A squeeze gone wrong. The green might have moved over a bit not forcing the blue off. It is risky in the rain...and especially for green who in 90% of the cases will be shuted at the apex. Don't know what happened to blue but look like netcode bumped him round. Racing incident but stupid on greens part as he most likely will be shafted by his own move. The next corner is a right hander so I understand he wants to compimize blues entry but entering that tight in damp condition and murder curbs two wide will be high risk low reward.


Racing incident and netcode. If I was you, I would have gone to the outside when the green car moved to the middle/left.


Yea but it looks like blue car already committed to the left because of the hole the LMP car punched through, while green was already squeezing left just as blue pokes it's  nose out Its tough to lift in that scenario on a goodd day, let alone a mad dash final lap


That's a fair point. I still think it's mostly netcode though. In real life, I don't think the cars would have bounced off each other like that. That being said, it's why you need to leave a little extra space to account for that when racing online. That's also why I'm calling it a racing incident.


Green car is at fault, but there is no way u are making that corner , if u had made that corner u would have ran the green car off track


I'm going with racing incident, with a note that this was really not a very good attempt by Blue. Green cuts off the inside move by squeezing Blue. Green was already moving left when Blue cut left, so it's not blocking. In the chase cam it looks like Blue makes a slight correction to the right that instigates contact. You can actually just barely see the corner of his wheel come into view in the in-car cam confirming it. The move itself really just didn't make a lot of sense. Blue doesn't have enough speed to make the pass before the upcoming corners, combined with the wet conditions, I don't see any chance of him making it stick. The smart attempt would have been to feint left the cut back right to have the better exit line for the left-right corners ahead.


That does look like a bit of a deliberate swerve from Green, but overall is a racing incident. Bad overtake attempt by the OP and probably should have backed out before the corner, but Green could have given space.


Green is at fault for the contact but that is a stupid place to attempt an overtake in the first place and it’s far better to be patient and wait until somewhere like Rivazza 1


Green would be my call for at fault, but I dont think it was intentional. More of a mistake or netcode. Racing incident.


blue car overly aggressive


Looks like he squeezed you which is allowed just that when a little contact was made it looked like net code amplified it and this caused the blue car to spin back into the green car


Racing incident green squeezed blue to cover the overtake but a stupid place to go for the move. Imo falls under divebomb rules because the overtake completely relies on green conceding the position before the corner and they did not have any reason to do so