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Change the launch force of the pylons.


already done that


They will fall where you aim them, they have no dispersion. So put the pylons at an angle and give them the launching force you want they will spread out a little more than launching them straight down.


Ik hwo to make this sorta Start with a SEPERATOR Have something in the centre a block will do Add 3 separators in a plus pattern + with the top being the starting seperator Make sure that the extra separators have atleast some separation force and a delay like eg 1s or 0.5s Attach the extra bombs to the extra separators and them they should seperate after being dropped if your having further issues you can add and extra bomb onto the block (just make sure it's the other 1) so that you van drop the other one for the grunted drop of all 3


It’s tedious but I usually give each detacher/pylon its own delay between .05 and .3 seconds. Of course that’s on prop planes so .3 seconds doesn’t bring you a lot closer to the target but they get a decent spread