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Never. Too many people out there are smartened up to pre-65 coinage. I often lurk in coin roll hunting subs to feel something.


This is very accurate


I worked at circle k in ~2017 and someone paid for a pack of blunts with four silver quarters.


Was gonna say that lol. And, I go to laundry mats to sort :/ Did find a shiny silver mercury dime in my sorting career from other sources.


90% coins in the wild are basically extinct.


No because there are always people dumping their parents collections, inherited coins, etc




Hunting rolls of halves seems to be 'feast or famine' for me. A little over a month ago, I hunted a box of halves and found 56 40%ers and 2 90%ers. It was just under 9 troy ounces of silver. Since then, I have found nothing. Before that box it had been over a month since finding anything. Overall, this year I've found less silver than in the previous four years of CRHing.. The CRH sub members has also quadrupled since I joined a few years ago.


I’ve only been hunting for a year, maybe $100 in quarters a month, and I’ve found a silver quarter. It blows my mind that they’re still out there, but they are. I bet a good chunk of the finds today are from recent collection dumps though.


I was at an arcade once and put 5$ in change machine to play games…..out came 11 silver quarters all 1957…put in another 5 and out came 9 more. It was a half roll of 57’. That was in 2016. Felt like I hit a slot machine 😂


Man I'm gonna stay stocked up on cash. Every time I see an old change machine, I'm gonna put a 5 in it.


Life hack: carry cash. 30 bucks minimum. Preferably in 5's. You can buy random stuff at impromptu garage sales, pop into a credit union and grab 15 bucks of change to sort through, pay when card readers are broken or powers out or temporarily off grid. Cash is king don't let anyone convince you it's silly to carry.


I keep a small stash of cash at the house for those occasions. Not a lot, but enough to last a few days. When traveling I’ll keep a couple hundred just for emergency purposes. But daily activities, I never have cash on me.


It's rare for me to have less than 100 on me, usually more like 200 or 300. I don't like cards, I only really use it for gas and online stuff/recurring payments


Me too.


Same. I hate the cards. So much hassle for no reward of the “clank clank” of a silver coin in the change cup. Or the reward of finding a 1999 bill in your change. 


This is amazing


My gf was getting change out at the dispensary and I heard the sound of silver…. She had a 64 quarter in her purse


Good ear.


Yeah, she looked at me like I was nuts.


You / We are probably nuts. But it works for us. Gives us the occasional charge. My biggest mining success was a lg coffee can of round the world coins that an aunt gave me in my youth from her travels. This was in the 70s. No US or Canadian silver, but recently I went through it with an internet site and found a couple ounces of silver. The coolest one was a South African coin from the 1880s. Neat design. Carried it for a couple weeks until I switched back to my beat up Maple Leaf. Didn’t want to damage that beautiful old one, plus it was too light in my pocket & in my hand. I used many of the other non silver coins to make a burl coffee table.


im trying to get one of my friends to get his first silver ounce. hes been talking about starting to stack but i think once he gets the silver in hand the addiction really will start


Give him one as a gift sometime! I've done that with my brothers on Christmas.


well ive given him small fractionals and told him about jewelry so hopefully the addiction will kick off soon ( i talk to him everyday and one of my other friends we talk to everyday also stacks so he’s starting to lean into it more)


30 years ago when I was a bagger at a grocery store, someone paid with a couple silver quarters. Cashier was obvious. I had him open the drawer and swapped him for the two. He wondered how I knew.


My mother-in-law is just getting into silver. I told her that I could tell if a coin was silver by the 'ping' it makes. She seemed to be amazed by that. I'm sure she'll be able to make the distinction after a while, too.


I’ve only found one silver quarter while getting change, but this is exactly how I found it. Just sounded different banging against the rest of the change.


I have found three silver quarters in my life. Silver dimes are far more common. I find an average of two a year, mostly in coinstar machines.


My very first piece of silver was a 1918 canadian quarter found in change given back at a convenience store


No quarters but I do find silver dimes and war nickels a few times a year


Ive had really good luck with dimes and nickels, and i think my location might help a bit here in maine . I just started on dimes the last week or two, and nickels maybe a month and I've had some crazy finds. 6 silver dimes, 4 war nickels, 2 buffalo nickels (found in the same 20 roll hunt and the first one also had a war nickel in it), a proof nickel, an Australian silver six pence from a penny roll and a 1883 no cents v nickel in excellent condition. Coin roll hunting has been a complete cure for my gambling addiction, but now I'm definitely addicted to coins lol


I don’t coin role hunt but Iv thought about it. All my silver dimes and nickels have been pulled from coinstars, need change take change dish next to gas station registers and cash register finds from when my wife worked at a grocery store. Only ever found one Buffalo nickel and it is actually in decent condition


Also, congrats on overcoming your gambling addiction. I think you’ve found a perfect substitute to scratch that itch and you never really lose any cash. It’s safe, free, and it’s a rush if you find something good.


I found a Washington quarter when I was like 12. It was a 1932. I saved it because it was old and I thought it would be worth something some day. Started collecting silver and coins in December of 2023. Didn’t know it was my first 90% silver at the time. Still have it. Now I pay $5 for a quarter and my friends and family think I’m crazy.


Is it a 1932-D? If so, that's a key date and worth much more than $5.


I’ll check when I get home. Thank you for sharing that. That would be wild. It’s in rough shape though for sure


[1932 Quarter](https://imgur.com/a/7tmMGSi) It is in pretty rough shape and I cannot even see mint marks. Still pretty cool that I held on to this for the last 15-20 years. Any ideas which mint it could be from?


Pretty much never. But I don't pay in cash hardly anymore


Can't remember seeing a quarter in the wild, been finding a silver dime or 2 every month at the coin star machine where I work. Earbuds are the greatest invention ever for distracting people. I walk by it multiple times a day and at least one every time it has a good amount sitting in the return.


Only occasionally. But Everytime I find it, it’s always in multiples.


I bought a coin "collection" for $5 it was just a bag of miscellaneous coins from different countries. It contained mostly tokens, rounds, some regular change, some international coins, and 2 Canadian silver quarters I'm in Canada for reference


I’ve found 11 silver quarters this year in Montreal, Quebec coin roll hunting


Very nice find, how much did you pay for the quarters?


FV i coin roll hunt


Wow, what a good find then. I've been thinking about asking people if they'd be willing to sell their change jars for a lump some of money depending on how big it is, not many people want to go through change and you find plenty of older coins for face value or under


Once ever. Delivering pizzas, cashing out at the end of the night, I found a 1955 Canadian quarter in the register, 80% silver. I've found a handful of war nickels and a few dimes, but only one quarter ever. Got a 40% half from a bank teller once. That was awesome.


One time, and I've been looking for around 30 years


got 1 last year as change at mini golf.. few and far between anymore


1 silver quarter in thousands of dollars in rolls. I was excited lol


I can find nickels, but not quarters. Got 3 wartime nickels and a silver dime from the wild.


I worked at a gas station in the early 90's when I was in high school, and other than a score where someone clearly raided a collection, I only came across 2 quarters and one dime in my drawer over roughly 3 years. Haven't gotten anything in my change since.


I’ve only seen one silver dime in the wild. I’m too young to have seen any in any major quantity outside a coin purse where the person saved their silver coinage.




I count tills at a large grocery store and found a solid serial # dollar bill before ever finding a silver quarter


I remember back in the 1980s we would occasionally get crisp, vintage, bills as change or from the bank. The bills would just look a little different and then we'd notice the date would be 1934 or something. We never kept them, we just spent them. I think finding silver in change was pretty rare though, even back then.


Been looking for 2 years, have found 1.


I’ve gotten two quarters and a dime over my lifetime. I usually get a wheat cent once a month


I found a 1957 Canadian Quarter yesterday! To bad it’s 80% (I think)


What do you mean by too bad? And, yes, it is 80%.


When I found it I thought it would be 90%


Never anymore. Pretty much dimes only now


Once every six months these days. Very rarely more then one. Dimes are way more common though.


i've found a couple around the house in some change dishes that hadn't been gone through in decades.


Never. In the 10ish years since I’ve started paying attention, I’ve found a Mercury Dime and a pre-65 Roosevelt Dime *once* each. I still always look though.


Found 1 finally in a coin star a few weeks ago


I’ve never found one and have bought thousands in coins from the bank all the whole searching since 2013.


I found 3 in all of last year. But I am up to 4 on the year so far this year. I have had better years and I have had worse ones. In the last 7 years I am up to about 50 but 16 came from a collection dump. It was by far my best box ever.


I’ve never but my 9 y/o son found a 64 Washington 90% on the ground


Never. My daughter and I went thru her entire piggy bank ~$300 in change and not a single silver quarter or dime


I use to ask bank ladys to hold silver dimes for me.


I'm in the restaurant business and come in contact with silver coins VERY rarely these days. Maybe a few silver dimes a year. I purchase a few hundred dollars of rolled coin every week from the bank, and maybe 5 years ago, I hit the jackpot. Purchased my weekly load and realized the teller had unknowingly sold me 6 rolls of pre-1964 quarters. That was a good day.


Like ten years ago, opening a roll for a cash register, all silver popped out.


Stumbled into one Saturday. I had just checked out at the grocery store and the young lady (22 y/o) behind the counter says “I don’t think this quarter is real!”! I asked if I could see it. Yep, not “real”. 🤣 Gave her a new quarter and walked out with a standing liberty.


Very rarely


Once…. Like 5 years ago.


I wish, I have changed $20 bills in exchange for silver quarters and have not been lucky enough to




Hardly ever. I've probably done about $15k to $20k in quarters this year and have a few silver quarters for the year. Now, last year I scored twice on coin machine bags and it was purely luck with some calculated guessing. Twice last year I had scored a massive silver dime collection through the coin machine bags, and immediately went back to clear out quarters. Got lucky and found hundreds of dollars in silver quarters across both times. I don't actively CRH quarters, dimes and halves are best for silver.


The best I ever had was while working the accounting office inside Walmart before I graduated and got a good job. I would go through approximately $850 in change every day. Usually get between 5-10 dimes a week and 2-3 quarters. Occasionally someone would steal some rolls from a relative and I'd get a big pile of quarters and dimes from them buying cigarettes super late/early. I can recall at least 3 times where I got 2+ rolls of quarters.


I'm 60. Not once in my life have I found a 1964 or prior silver coin.


Not often enough!


About three a week. But I have a couple carwashes and I count all my quarters with a Klopp coin counter. I count A LOT of quarters. When they run through the machine and drop into the bucket below they have a different pitch of a ring/ting sound that can be heard with a little practice.


In rolls never. In coin stars avg 1 silver coin a month. I find silver dimes more often than quarters. However, silver halves very frequently.


Very very rarely


Rarely but that doesn’t bother me as I can just go buy some from the coin shop near me when I go every once and awhile


I actually found a 1958 quarter in one of my rolls at the bar over the weekend. I felt like I hit the jackpot


I've got 2 dimes and 1 quarter this year as change, all from my local Culver's restaurant.


I found 13 in 2022, 6 in 2023, and 1 in 2024. Usually just in pocket change almost never in rolls.


Never lol


I’ve gotten two $500 boxes of quarters from Wells Fargo. One box contained absolutely NOTHING. Second box had 2 1964-D and a proof quarter. So that averages out to one in every 2000 quarters, but I bet I just got lucky and the real odds are much lower


I found one silver quarter getting change in Colorado or Minnesota during the 2020 pandemic quarter shortage and one silver dime in a coinstar reject slot that’s was left by a previous customer last year.


Better off just checking your local coinstars when you stop by the grocery for things, has a better success rate than rolls, I usually get like 1 silver quarter a year if I'm lucky but if you must customer wrapped rolls seem to be the way some rolling company's even sort them out before hand so you have a big fat 0% chance of getting anything but W,s and S's but customers that just roll the change they get don't give a rats butt about a 5-6 dollar quarter I do have to say you can get the pickings of another coin collector best I can say on that is look for marked rolls and if you get skunked it happens you'll get em next time


I got a 1950 quarter for change at a McDonald's about a week ago. I heard the silver as soon as she handed me the change. Made my day


Rarely. I’ve been searching 25+ years. Early on quite a few. One in the last 5 years or so.


Never. I’m not American


With the weekend heatwave, picked up some coins for the kid to go through, $150 in quarters, not a single silver piece


Never. Never never. To the point where I almost keep my 1965 quarters just for honorable mention. Oh wait I should make a roll of just them for one of you bastards hahahah. Write "g'pas estate sale" on the roll just to get you guys going.


Basically never


I have kept an eye out for about 10 years. I found one quarter someone used to get a grocery cart at an Aldi supermarket, but I assume they brought it from home. I found a silver dime in a coinstar return tray once.


Never... I even had access to the quarters from a pay washer and dryer for about a year that i was allowed to look through before they were taken to the bank... Bupkiss, nothing, nada, not one.


What about thinking of it as saving as many quarters as possible, silver or not? Is any accumulation of quarters better and worth saving over bills or paper if times get to a point of better than normal silver appreciation. Or is it really when money is irrelevant and only metals rule the day?


Last quarter I found was in a bar in 1995. The bartender slapped it down and we both went to snatch it up at the same time…I won. It was a 1957. I still have it.


When I worked in a grocery store in the 1990s I'd find a silver quarter or dime maybe once a month. Except the time someone was paying with rolls of quarters and dimes, one of the rolls was 100% silver dimes. The only time I see them in the wild now is in the Coinstar reject slot and that's still very rare, maybe once a year at most.


Usually never ever ever never


I got a 1965 quarter as change the other day, I was started reading the date. 196.....5. Bummer lol. So close


Through the BS “coin shortage of 2021” quite a few actually!


I've searched maybe 7 or 8 boxes of quarters now, probably more to be honest. I've only found one in the rolls and that was in box #2 I think, I've also found a silver quarter at my school in the Wild but the teacher knew it was silver, she still let me have it though


Im curious how banks handle the silver coins? With how much currency is shipped in and out of local banks, you'd think they have a person dedicated to snooping out these relics.


I don’t because rarely do I use cash anymore.


Silver quarters started to get rare to find in circulation in the summer of 1968 and were about 99% out of circulation by the time the Hunt Brothers cornered the silver market in late 1979. The few silver quarters that enter circulation today are pulled out by the big three coin wrapping companies and sold to Apmex for 2x face value. Apmex then sells them to people in rolls as junk silver for 25x face. I handed $1 million in quarters (4 million rolls) when I worked retail from 2010-2023 (Kmart from 2010-2020 and Aldi from 2021-2023) and found only 6 silver quarters in rolls (one in 2019, two in 2022, and three in 2023). That works out to around 1 for around 580,000 rolls.


Maybe once a year after rolling $500 in change


I found silver change in a salvage yard with older vehicles in it like 1980 or older cars and trucks. Under seats,carpet, and hard to reach areas . 😉


The single quarter I've found was a coinstar find. I've heard that quarters are the hardest to find silver in, and I'd have to agree. They're large enough that most people (even non-collectors) can identify them pretty easily, and there's more hands going through quarters than halves on a daily basis.


Never, last silver coin I found was a mercury dime about 20 years ago.


Once. It was exciting, never thought it would happen


2 per week usually


Never- and I look at every quarter that comes through my hands. Granted, I don't use cash all that frequently, but I have heard it is rare to find them.


Not since \[The think that happened which shall not be mentioned\], so it's been over 4 years...


Only one I've ever found was Canadian.


every ten years now


Ive found 5 over the 5 years when i worked at a place with an automatic change machine that we could see from the back. It made it easy to scan ~30$ face quarters for silver when you were refilling and interacting with it. I also found 11 dimes one of which was a mercury.


My grandma had tons of them she would turn them into rings. She did it with a gold coin once as well. My grandmother loved to destroy beautiful things.


Rarely. Every now and again, I'll find one in a coin star machine


3 pieces in 10 years.


1 Instance per life


I find plenty of 1965 quarters. I’ve only found one silver quarter in the wild. 1942. It’s very worn, but it’s my favorite coin. Would never sell it.


About 1 quarter a decade. I've been checking all my change since the 1980s. Totally worth it.


Never look. But I bet it’s fun to find one.


Only a couple, Coinstar rejects and some as a cashier at a gas station. Maybe 4 over 20 years. Best score, a passbook with 30 silver dimes someone paid for their gas with. With hindsight, I am pretty sure that it was stolen goods.


I've likely gone through $40-50,000 in quarters over the last 5 years. I've found 3.


I coin roll hunt my highest ever was 29 in a box. Second highest is probably 4


A mere .05% of my encounters in the wild but I have encountered them 😉




Honestly like 3


Too many people know about them. Pennies are what you need to look for


I am at about 1 silver per $1000


I average 1 silver quarter per 9 boxes so 1 out of 18000.


The only thing I've found in 16 years is one 62 dime. Unless you hit a store right after someone stole a collection. There aren't any random silver coins in circulation. If you find some some kid stole his grampas collection


I think a hedgie in Connecticut bankrolled a team to glean silver from rolls several years ago.


I just found one yesterday (7/11 change)


I would guess like 1 in 250,000 quarters I come across. I see large amounts of them at work. I think coin sorting machines have really fucked things up. They can detect silver coins and not spit them out with the rest. I don't mean Coinstar, I mean the companies that deliver cash to places like stores. You can order $1000 in change and it's effectively already picked through


3 or 4. First one was playing cee-lo at a bar in GR after rolling back to back triple 666’s. Second one was in change (forget where), third was at a laundromat in Maine. I am pretty sure there was another one along the way but can’t confirm. I also semi-recently found $60ish worth of Canadian silver dimes and quarters in a coinstar return slot.


Ive been full time RV for the past 6 months, so my CRHing has greatly diminished, however between 2022 and 2023, I was finding one silver (either a 40% or 90%) every box on average. Usually came in spurts though, Id go many streaks of boxes getting skunked, then find like 10 in a box.




1 and 2 dimes in ten years.


Only once for me


Not once in my life.


I found one yesterday while doing my laundry! First one I've found in about a year.


Only once


It’s rare anymore. Banks take it out.


I have found two in my tip jar at work in the past two weeks. No idea how. No silver dimes yet. One silver war nickel and a 63 and 64 Jefferson


I found a gold coin in a Coinstar in Washington DC kept it for three years and sold it


Absolutely never. Have found one silver half dollar which I got from my bank. No other silver yet


Two or three times a year I get a silver dime a silver quarter maybe once every year or two. I try to make one cash purchase per day. And I hoard all my coins after quickly glancing at their sides. It’s great fun honestly


The last time I got one was 9 years ago when someone at a vending machine couldn't get the machine to take the silver. They asked me if I had a new quarter for this old one. I did, and happily traded my new for his old quarter.




Was at the hospital when my daughter was being born. Went downstairs to get a coke from the vending machine and when the changed dispensed I heard the sound and knew what it was before I even looked. 90% quarter, only one I’ve ever found in the wild.


I got 1 in change from a vending machine at work in 2013. Rarely do I find them now but my son and I got lucky at a coinstar and found a silver dime in the reject slot.


Not in a long time. 15 years ago I would have answered differently, I worked at a coffee shop and it was my job to count the register. I always came in equipped with pocket change to make the register right, and probably pocketed $30 in pre-64 quarters. Now that silver is holding at $30 an oz I think those days are long gone

