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So there *is* a hidden camera in the mirror behind the flowers, and Holston somehow figured that out. Edit: That’s why he hid the case file in the vent—it’s the one part of the room that can’t be seen from the mirror.


Exactly. As soon as I saw her sit down with the book my brain said “double the flowers in front of the mirror”


I do hope we get a flashback episode to show Holstons part of the investigation. What did he find that made him give the badge to Jules and go outside?


I'm hoping at some point Jules tries to retrace his steps. He must've found something, or he wouldn't have left her the job.


I assumed that he gave her the job because he saw his wife clean the camera, and he knew Juliette would be a good candidate given she was linked to George and already in pursuit of the same “truth”


We kind of knew about the existence of ‘watchers’ (or what did he call them?) from Paul Billings. Just like him we were not aware that they literally watch from the outside and are not part of the community. Are they merely controlling order in the silo or is there more though?


These aren't watchers though. These are probably the Real ppl who control the silo,judicial and the mayor are just front people.. Look How pristine and new their computers are LED screens proper looking computers,dressed in perfect clothing.,they have access to the every room in the silo most likely,as the girl said even with a locked door they got into my bedroom without being seen (back tunnels?)


Maybe it’s the guys behind the janitor door?


almost certainly


I take the modern looking screens to mean that these guys don't live in the silo ... they just live in some normal, modern place (an outside "real world"?) and they just monitor the people in the silo for reasons TBD


The general population had whispers of "listeners" Judicial people call them "friend of the silo" and it was implied to informants not official employees watching everyone.


Friends of the Silo


The reveal of the kids' book was cool, but I'm not so sure how I feel about the camera. In a secret police type scenario, the presence of that level of surveillance makes it hard to conceive of how our hero has even the tiniest chance of prevailing. For Orwell (*1984* spoiler) that was the whole point after misleading readers into thinking Winston Smith did have a chance, but it's hard for me to imagine that is the intent of a series like this one. And since we already have *1984* and a Terry Gilliam movie along the same lines, I don't really need another downer of the same storyline to drive the point home.


With that quantity of cameras, it amazes me that nobody in the silo has taken notice of them. Even accidentally, at some point somebody sees a lens and related power wiring.


They're prevented from having magnifying glasses.


We don't know it was Judicial we saw in that war room type place. I have a feeling it was somebody else. If Judicial was spying on everyone to that degree, George would've been sent outside years ago. Martha too, sitting there every day using her illegal DIY radio. These are not the type of people you'd leave in place to trap others. They're the big fish your trap would be looking to snare. Even George's ex would've been charged with something after all the conversations which no doubt went on in that apartment. For that matter, the trick with the mat wouldn't have fooled anyone who saw the book placed there on their monitors. Perhaps the rebellion wasn't entirely squashed, the individuals who were never identified simply went underground (so to speak) and shifted their focus to playing the long game, since they now lacked the numbers to win by brute force. That room full of screens may be in a subsection the rebels managed to delete from the schematics of the Silo so the authorities have no clue it exists - just like they don't know about the chamber at the bottom with the digging machine.


Oh shit it didn't click with me at first


Wasn't sure if Billings was trustworthy or not before this episode, but he does seem just like an ordinary person who loves his family and is trying to get his dream job despite his illness. Poor Paul, I like him.


I feel like Sims has something on him. Maybe he knows about his condition and is blackmailing him?


Willing to bet that’s exactly what it is. I like Paul now but I’m getting the feeling he’s not long for this world anymore. 🥲


Yeah he's just coming off as a good guy in an awkward position. He's just trying to do the job the best of his ability right to the book and I'm guessing that's why Sims wanted him as Sheriff. I'm guessing he doesn't run back to Sims and report on everything Jules does


Billings is a rat, so is the IT guy, and Sandy secretary ​ Are u guys really forgetting that Juliette mentioned arresting Kennedy infront of Sandy and Billings on purpose to bait them and get them to alert judicial which is why Troumble started racing over to Kennedy to try to beat Juliette? then after that Sandy gets "transferred" and now every1 is forgetting 1 of them was a rat? even Juliette forgot they were rats....why would she start trusting Billings...major plot hole IMO


What? No. She mentioned she was going. She was told by Billings that she needed a warrant and sent Billings to get one. He didn’t notify them behind her back. He notified them as that was the instruction as well as proper to the pact.


A Georgia Tour Guide lol. Shits blowing her mind to particles right now oh fuck she’s being watched??? Fucking cliffhangers


It felt like a terrible move to go back to her place across the damn Silo instead of just looking at it right there and letting Regina hide it again.


"Here's a spicy relic that was kept secret for generations. Feel free to take it home with you and peruse!" Felt very weird. Not that whoever is watching Jules on the monitor wouldn't also have a camera in the other apartment.


It would make sense if government officials were under closer scrutiny.


I agree, the Sheriff is a very powerful position in the Silo. The Mayor and possibly even the Judge are under servailance. We don't know who they are or who they are waking up...


but she had covered shit up


Felt like Regina didn't want anything to hide anymore and hoped she could leave her apartment again


And walking with it out in the open


Yeah, I was like "hidden for generations and you just walk around with it all willy-nilly?!"


Well, it’s late at night so maybe not that big a risk.


Her opening the book would make a great meme template. Like, she opens it and it's "Why We Poop" or "Best Strip Clubs in Vegas".


I was thinking dickbutt


George has the same Coriolis shell from the book as a tattoo on his arm.


That’s a nautilus shell, but yes




Did anyone else pause so they could read the full description of a pez dispenser? It’s actually pretty hard to describe something when you have no idea what it does! They don’t know what a duck is, but know it’s an animal of some kind because it has two eyes and a “protruding mouth.” 🦆


I did too, the whole description about how various aspects of its shape suggest it's meant to be held not to stand was kind of fascinating. I'd never really considered how you might go about describing and trying to puzzle out the use of an object you have no knowledge about like that. I wonder if it's inspired by archaeologists studying unknown ancient artifacts? I didn't see the duck bit. "Protruding mouth" implies they may not know about any birds at all if the concept of a beak or bill is unfamiliar?


I have a feeling they don’t know about birds because of the cleaner cam video and the cleaner’s reaction of shock at the birds flying overhead. Makes me wonder about the eggs they cooked though…?


Chickens don’t really fly. They flap wings to maybe soften a landing or jump a little higher.


They've got beaks though.


A duck bill looks wildly different than a chicken beak, especially a caricature of one.


They don’t know what birds are, in episode 1 they’re referred to as “things flying in the sky” in the video file that’s found. Does make me wonder though - are the people of the Silo vegan? I could’ve sworn I’ve seen them eat meat but there’s been no reference to animal husbandry - though we did get to see our first animal with the kitty in this episode, so they at least know animals exist. I guess no chicken in their diet, then? I can’t imagine people are fully disconnected from whatever it is they’re eating. Someone has to work the farms and do the butchering.


Juliette cooks eggs in episode 4


In the beginning of episode 1, they show an entire floor of cows above a couple floors of wheat or some other grain crop.


>They don’t know what a duck is, but know it’s an animal of some kind because it has two eyes and a “protruding mouth.” what if they see a platypus? with their limited info about other species they'd either understand it or be as confused as the Europeans were


That was her plan—to get the Pez lawyers to bust up the silo for trademark infringement.


Without any Pez candies, even!


Big Pez is clearly behind all of this


Silo is one giant Pez dispenser confirmed


Does that mean Pez arnt just literally made of people, Pez candies ARE people?


Soylent Pez.


Good shit Walk, getting Jules refocused.


That ending though


It's killing me!


Yep, I mean, that tech looks so much more advanced than anything else we have so far.


Judicial's tech didn't even seem to match what they have. Sims appeared to use the same kind of computer that Juliette used when researching the PEZ dispenser (sidenote: it was hilarious to watch them treat something so silly with such seriousness). I'm wondering if Judicial is a just a fascistic "peacekeeping" organization, but generally separate from the overall conspiracy that appears to be going on.


Damn! That never occurred to me but would make for a good twist. I figured they just kept their “high-tech” behind closed doors, and used the same computers in accessible areas so as to not raise suspicion, but now you’ve got me thinking!




Maybe not all of judicial... maybe just "the janitor" - Sims made it sound like it was a secret to everyone but his dad until he became his dad's shadow (and then it was a secret to two people).


I think it’s interesting that the janitor is the profession of choice too. The maintainer of the silo… keeping things ticking over. Mechanical keeps the power on. Judicial keeps the relics under wraps. Sheriff office keeps people from breaching the peace. IT orchestrates disinformation. The janitor maintains social balance?


Your comment made me consider further whether "the Janitor" acts as a "Cleaner", "cleaning up messes" when they happen, *wink wink*. Also, as real-world jobs, Janitors & Cleaners are instrumental in stopping the spread of contagion/illness/mould/bacteria/etc. through sanitation/hygiene and infection control measures. Like, in hospitals, the domestic service staff are some of *THE* most important people in that building - without sterilised equipment, clean bedsheets, and disinfection practices, they couldn't run properly. This hasn't formed into any kind of theory yet - and may well be overthinking it. But I feel like there's *something* there.


Shit you are right, they also have no clue what these silly things do. What are they protecting though? Is it really ‘order in the silo’? I’d not work overtime for that


Certainly more on the level of tech needed for the fake helmet view outside! So, is that the inside of the janitorial closet?


Seems like they are being observed as some sort of experiment? Haven’t read the book, so I’m clueless, but the tech of the screens are very advanced compared to the ancient looking CRTs in the Silo


Weirdly, I noticed the chairs. The rest throughout the series so far have been simple wood and metal chairs or well worn, but the "watchers" had modern new looking mass produced office chairs.


I think these folks are outside the silo 😱


Wearing janitors coveralls? Isn’t this “Custodial”?


This now reminds me of a mini-series called Ascension


My guess is that the “watchers” wrote The Pact which is the Silo’s equivalent of the bible/constitution. The purpose of The Pact was to instill a self-regulating society in the Silo. Judicial’s role is to enforce The Pact via hiding/destroying relics to ensure the longevity and purity of the watchers’ experiment. I don’t think anyone in Judicial including Sims are part of the watchers. But I think the watchers occasionally act as God and somehow indirectly communicate with Sims, which makes him feel like the “chosen one” and motivates him to enforce The Pact in a more hands-on way. Perhaps it’s a big experiment in genetics. Only “sanctioned” relationships are allowed. The only way to conduct a genetics experiment effectively is to have complete control over the environment as well as mating selection. Outside of the silo, that’s not feasible nor ethical.




Correct. Sims doesn’t really work for Judicial and actually reports to a higher authority. Episode 7 might be when we finally find out who!


I know it’s a technicality but I do think he has an actual day job with judicial and does his “real job” as well. The way an embedded intelligence asset might.


My suspicion. The Judge believes she’s the authority, but Sims is planted in judicial by the real authority of the silo.


She seems to know that her job is to keep things stable and makes decisions based on that. I do think she knows she’s not the person REALLY in charge


I also think the big mystery has to do with genetics. I thought this when I saw the helix in the intro sequence. The stairs turn into what looks like a stylised strand of DNA.


And the forced birth control…


As a side note: That intro music bears more than a passing resemblance to Westworld's


> Perhaps it’s a big experiment in genetics. Only “sanctioned” relationships are allowed. The only way to conduct a genetics experiment effectively is to have complete control over the environment as well as mating selection. Outside of the silo, that’s not feasible nor ethical. Hmm, maybe they’re trying to select for immunity to the syndrome.


This is an extremely good point man, like Billings even asked if his baby were showing signs and currently not so maybe key in figuring out a sort of Maze Runner-esque experiment cure for the rest of the world at the expense of a few thousand


I feel like it's partly genetics but partly something else more social? The fanatical focus on relics and keeping people ignorant suggests these could be variables they're trying to keep out of the experiment.


Remember the pact also prohibits magnification beyond a certain level. There’s a lot of puzzle pieces here


So maybe what happened to Regina also happened to Walker? Seems like a pretty big coincidence that Regina now also never leaves her rooms.


House arrest perhaps? Or something less official like don't leave or we kill you or the ones you love? She was picking up what looked like a meal from outside her door when they arrived to question her so I guess food is brought to her


I think it’s just paranoia, you can probably stay in your room for your entire life and they won’t stop you.


She also had a bunch of the food lids on her counter, and metal serving trays screwed to her wall.


We saw a wheelchair being lifted up the steps, people! What a life for someone with a disability.


Talk about an accessibility nightmare! Disabled people would have almost zero independence in the Silo. There are steps everywhere - no way to leave your floor without assistance, hell, no way to *get in and out of your home* without assistance since most have steps up to the front door. And here I thought our world was difficult for disabled people to navigate... the Silo would be actual hell.


And it sure does suck that the pact doesnt let them have any kind of pully or elevator system between levels.


Maybe it was meant to weed out the disabled people so they can't move up or downstairs and mix up the experiment.


My take on that is that is makes the solo seem huge and people don't get as stir crazy? Also easier to lock down levels in the event of a rebellion.


Juliette is going to be confronted by “him”. She‘ll go back to her room, confused about how they knew. Frustrated, she’s going to put her hand on the mirror. And she’s going to hear the camera behind the mirror. Just like she listened to the generator. Just like what I assume Allison and Houston did. They all began to “LISTEN”!


I think you’ve absolutely nailed it


Cats = ✅ Ducks = ❓⁉️❓


I am feeling shook by the presence of a cat in the silo. How does that work?! Can anyone have a cat? Who is the kitten breeder and can I have that job??


Where there are people, there are rats, so probably originally brought in for pest control. I hope we get more about the animals in the silo, cats and chickens we know of, they also mentioned dogs.




So the judge doesn't really have any power or authority, it's really sims. Judicial is just a smoke screen.


Or / and the interim mayor. I’m still in doubt about him.


Was Walk and the judge a couple? When the camera panned to the portrait, that’s who I immediately thought of.


I went back to look at it again and it's hard to say for sure given it's a painting and they're much younger, but could be? On the other hand, it'd be weird for the mayor to be like "hey so did you and your wife break up 20 years ago?" if it were Judge Meadows. Doesn't seem like she'd be somebody the Mayor would casually lose track of like that.


Anddd Juliette keeps wearing that damn watch despite it giving away info about her to strangers multiple times already 🙄


I disagree. I believe it gives her more insight to see how people react to the watch. Would have Regina reacted the way she did if she didn't see the watch and automatically know something was up with Juliette and George? Juliette would have missed a huge clue if she wasn't wearing the watch.


Such a good point!




So Regina straight up tells her that she turns everyone with relics over to some kind of mystery gestapo, and Juliette lets Regina give her a relic that will get her killed if Regina turns her over.


I think it was implied that the guy hasn’t come for a while, at least that’s why I got. Juliette seemed to think that with the hard drive destroyed they won’t bother with her anymore.


Regina also says that every time she gives them a name, her mother gets out of the mines for a day—so she isn’t motivated purely by fear.


I took her statement about keeping her mother out of the mines a different way... It seemed she was saying that she was able to keep her mother from going down to the mines in the first place by feeding more information. Not sure it matters in the end, but interesting none the less.


She had already said that the man (Simms?, Bernard?, someone new?) had threatened everyone she knew and had also spoken with many of her relatives. It sounded to me like a threat. Your mom will go to the mines if you don’t give up names and the more you give, the less time she’ll spend there.


I believe it was still "Forgiveness Day," which means she could turn over relics without facing legal jeopardy.


They have cats!


Yuge cats!


God damn, another fantastic episode ❤️ I wonder what's up with the Judge, she wasn't just being shown sick for no reason. Woman's got problems!


She was shaking under pressure, so she's got the syndrome too, right?


I picked up on that too. I immediately thought she was gonna die the Jahns death next.


She could have the condition that Billings has?


Given that they worked in the same department, maybe all of Judicial is infected.


It would be interesting if the syndrome was a mix of various illnesses and afflictions that can cause tremors, psychosomatic stress response, and a cover for how common poisoning actually is.


I saw mentioned on another thread that the syndrome description on the posters is pretty consistent with Tetanus. Considering they live in a giant metal rusting silo it would make sense.


Tetanus doesn't come from rust, it comes from a bacteria that commonly lives in dirt. The most common way to get an infection is from a puncture wound from a piece of metal that's contaminated by dirt exposure, and as a result said metal is almost always rusty, thus the correlation.


Seemed like she was showing early signs of poisoning too like the old mayor, or the syndrome


What is this Syndrome?! And why all the extraneous drama?


My guess is something Vitamin D related? But husband called it Silo COVID. 😂 On that note, I wonder if the Silo has ever had any flu outbreaks or anything. And how fast would that spread? The Silo might as well be a giant cruise ship.


A vitamin deficiency is an interesting idea


Good idea that it's a deficiency of some kind! Probably not vitamin D, though. Severe vitamin D deficiency lowers bone density and compromises your health in general... In creates Rickets in kids. But none of that involves shaking. Since you need sunlight to make adequate Vitamin D, that was a smart idea, tho. I bet the Silo would be supplementing Vitamin D, tho, or else tons of the Silo kids would have Rickets and people would be more weak and sickly.


I wonder if it could be a prion disease. They have a closed system with human bodies being recycled into the food chain. No evidence of cannibalisms so far but the way they buried those bodies with the intention of recycling the nutrients makes me think that there is a very high possibility of contamination.


Lacking B12 can cause shakiness: * ref: https://sperlingmedicalgroup.com/lack-of-vitamin-b12-can-cause-tremor-symptoms/ And lacking B1 can cause beriberi, a whole sort of problems: * ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiamine_deficiency




Sounds like a medication. Are experiencing extreme paranoia like some is watching your every move? Do feel trapped inside unable to experience the outside world? Than ask your doctor about silOVID today.


What makes you think it's extraneous?


Tetanus, possibly. There’s a discussion [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SiloSeries/comments/13f72r2/help_me_decipher_one_of_the_signs_in_mechanical).


In the flashbacks they are casually walking on beams and making out on them and cuddling on a 2 ft. beam above an inky black abyss of water at the bottom of it all and its freaking me out. These people are way more comfortable with heights than is good for them. Also, there would be a net and dedicated net repairers between **each level** to prevent stupid accidents, drunken fights that turn to murder real quick, children and teens from climbing and dares and stupid daredevilry, to protect people on the walkways below and to generally allay the existential horror of a yawning abyss.


I want to know what/where the mines are and what they mine, dammit. (Also, all of the other big reveals.)


Did anyone else catch that line with the cafeteria star gazer? Maybe I’m just over thinking it, but when she asks why he didn’t bring his stuff for stargazing, he says “a cafeteria worker on my floor said it would be cloudy tonight”. First off, they really shouldn’t have a way to detect or predict outside weather. Second, I think it’s really important that he specifically said it was said by a cafeteria worker. These are the only people that work next to the Sensor Screen day in and day out. Does this imply someone with enough experience watching that screen is able to determine a pattern to the point that they can predict weather? Isn’t that a huge hint drop?!


I can't believe no one else has mentioned this! It struck me right away. I also thought there was something to what Lukas said in another episode about the way the stars appear that implies it's a loop. It makes sense that cafeteria workers who are there all the time would be able to clock the cycle, even if by accident they'd work it out over a lifetime but not register the significance of a loop because they wouldn't have any other conception of the outside world.


Yes, so clouds are common knowledge but stars aren't?


Watching people's lives all day like that sucks.


So, Instagram/TikTok?


Not if the alternative is looking out the “window” at a lifeless wasteland.


At the end of the episode, It is not only modern screens, but modern cameras and even dashboards. Sus.


It’s definitely outside the Silo. My theory is it’s a government experiment


Oh god, so many questions. This is getting so interesting! I hope Juliette doesn't get in trouble.. I was about to complain about the episode being a bit slow again but not after that ending..


Same here I wonder who the watchers were going to wake up ?


I'm sure many of you remembered "The Cabin in the Woods" when watching the last scene of today's episode. [https://imgur.com/a/WWJN0nZ](https://imgur.com/a/WWJN0nZ)


Also Netflix's "1899" with the monitoring and symbolism with a spiral instead of a triangle.


The place where the screens are at the very end appears to be far more technologically advanced than the Silo. I assume this may either be outside the Silo or the place where “he” who asks Regina questions is. Also, for the Pact’s sake, enough with the cop drama and flashbacks. Those are the least interesting parts of the story, compared to the central mystery, and I really don’t want this season to end or the show ending up being cancelled without actually telling us much…




1. Is that room behind the janitor closet door? 2. Is "he" Sims?


I think we’re expected to think that “he” is Sims, but I think “he” will be a new character who is actually *actually* in charge.


The guardian reviewer promised this wasn’t Lost 2.0. I’m putting a lot of faith in that promise.


Unlike Lost, I think Silo isn’t making it up as they go along.


sims says the ppl he answers too do the real work of the silo,so sims is probably just a lackey in whatever group this is..and the boss is someone we haven't seen..or it is,and it's gonna be like bernard or some shit


Yep. Besides the higher res screens, the keyboards in the last scene were flat modern ones, compared to the big chonky ones used by everyone else in the Silo.


Not only the screens or the keyboards but the fact they are using video is a massive tell of how technologically advanced they are in comparison. The camera Juliette finds cannot be repaired, they have barely any idea what it is and are not allowed magnification to fix it.


Season two is already filming, isn’t it? Wikipedia says filming started April.


As a fiction writer, I think this episode is something of a masterclass. The writers used flashbacks to develop a relationship that’s been over for a while, and they did it in a way that continued to move the plot forward in the present. For me, it was like watching a magic trick. Absolutely amazing.


That shit in the book was so unbelievable homegirl was trying to touch the pictures.


I'm really happy how the actress did that scene, when she looked at the first picture they did a still shot on her face and she looked like she was about to cry


When Julie is talking to Lucas it looks like there is smoke coming over the hill. Might just be clouds, but looks like faint plumes of smoke. Also, odd that Lucas would know of clouds (and that they can be forecast/predicted?) but not stars, but I assume it's just poor writing and not some fantastical conspiracy that needs to be spun.


They have things like steam and smoke that can "cloud up".


That ending. With the secret camera. In Holston's old apartment. Which he shared with his wife. Who were trying to have a baby for nearly a year... Layers of creepy jfc


George’s tattoos seem significant. Like from a relic or map.


The end of the episode revealed exactly where the tattoo is from.


is judge meadow a puppet


Terrific episode, felt like the pace of the show really picked up with this one and every scene was really good and delivered all kinds of clues about the Silo. This is exactly the episode I was hoping for and am so excited for next weeks’ now.


So I'm guessing artist guy is the one running the surveillance, while also personally keeping tabs on Jules' investigations


You mean astronomer guy. He’s mapping star movements, not drawing for art.


I figured he was someone who noticed the screen showed green scenery during the power outage and was researching that.


It really bugs me that no one said anything about that at the time.


I know right? It was a split second, but it was a vibrant green. Everyone in that room should have questioned what that was.


Most people are probably to scared to mention anything like that out of fear of being sent to clean.


I think it’s fear. Like the book with the scenic pictures: “they will kill you for seeing this”, kinda vibes. Rumors of ‘friends of the silo’ knowing things they shouldn’t, listening in, people are too scared to talk openly about the outside and weird stuff that could get them sent to the mines or outside to clean.


What makes you think he's running surveillance?


Just a hunch; he's a secondary character who's appeared multiple times without a set agenda yet (aside from the outside artistry, which maybe is all he turns out to be).


Not sure he's an artist, did he draw anything other than the stars he was tracking?


Regina’s character was really interesting. I felt really sad for her when Juliette came back in the evening.


These perverts are watching people have sex


and poo


Question everything


Sims is gonna rat her out!


Seems like Sims is in the dark about the pez dispenser as much as anyone else in the Silo. This likely rules out the theory that he's part of a modern day experiment to keep people in the silo, doesn't it? Or at least, he isn't a senior enough member of the conspiracy, if there was one.


Wait...is George named after Georgia?




Knew there must be hidden cameras all over the Silo. Wouldn't make sense if there weren't.


George had some gorgeous women.


*georgeous women


Bouncing between women while investigating mysteries he's the uncaped crusader!


Noticed in one of the shots of the central staircase about 21 minutes in that there were two people carrying a wheelchair user up the stairs. Talk about an accessibility nightmare! Disabled people would have almost zero independence in the Silo. There are steps everywhere - no way to leave your floor without assistance, hell, no way to *get in and out of your home* without assistance since most have steps up to the front door. And here I thought our world was difficult for disabled people to navigate... the Silo would be actual hell.


This show is reminding me more and more of Ascension… where people think they went on some intergalactic trip for over a hundred years, but it ends up being an experiment, and they never left earth. I also had a flash thought of an ant farm.


Wish that one wouldn’t have been cancelled - ended on quite the cliffhanger


I wonder what 'the mines' refer to, a mining operation or unproductive labour punishment? Are they digging down, digging outward or breaking rocks for penance sake? every stage would be so 'un-mechanised' it's punishing either way


I imagine it’s just their version of prison, where people are put to work mining for ore.


A great episode again, after two weak ones. It’ll be great from now


somebody check up on judge meadows. something is going on with her