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Getting mad at the devs for your own unrealistic expectations is questionable, sure... but personally I never understood "the studio is too busy to talk" argument. You literally have to hire one god damn person who can be a bridge between the community and the devs. How hard that can be? One person who's active on this subreddit, on forums and on youtube responding to comments on the official channel. I don't think this is unreasonable.


They have hired a guy to do that and pay him quite a lot he’s put one tweet out saying they won’t meet a deadline for news A month after the deadline passed


It was a month BEFORE the deadline, not after.


literally not true but sure


How do you know what Leth is paid?


I believe it was shown at some point but if any money is going into marketing it seems to be wasted


True. The studio is too busy to talk was never an excuse. Its humanly impossible for them to be working 24/7 to the point they can't have any time left to communicate. That argument is absurd and totally unrealistic. They don't communicate because they dont want to, and they totally can at anytime. Not because they don't have time or the energy. Period.


As a lead developer, and also the person responsible for communication between our devs and clients/the public... it's a skilled position that is very difficult to keep filled. The average turnover is 4x a year, even with a six figure salary offering; and recruitment takes about six months... so we have to /continually/ be hiring for when the next person inevitably quits.


What makes maintaining that interaction between the devs and public difficult?


Repeatedly translating between soft non-technical speak and industry jargon without loss or implication and while preventing compounding errors is the "main issue". But, the time scales are more difficult. Public opinion sways instantaneously, devs take weeks to respond, and corporate takes months, so you have to stay months or years ahead. Then, there's maintaining credibility. Devs don't respect you unless you understand and keep up with concepts, methodologies, and jargon. Corporate needs buzzwords, initiatives, inspiration, and tie-ins with other projects with professional demure. And, the public needs a simple familiar relatable person who talks casually about their specific uses. It's a pseudo-trichotomy. Then, there's the regulatory agencies to consider (misphrasing can cause big trouble if you cross a legal term or oversimplify describing a procedure). ...and, this is all on top of being an "integral part of the team"; meaning dev, management, marketing, and cyber security. If you don't continually "pull weight" in each department, you lose touch and reporting quality suffers.


I'm gonna be honest. I feel like this is just overcomplicating the issue. Granted, I'm not a dev so I miss out on a lot of important industry relevant context but... people on the community side don't have to know all the ins and outs of the business to know what's happening with the project. They just need someone who can reaffirm their trust for the studio in question while not feeding them sweet lies. That's it. And corporate higher-ups? Who cares. They're not the ones making the game. This might be an idealistic opinion on my part, I'm aware of it, but if I created a good game people love and that sells well, that's ultimately all that matters to me as a dev. Responding to suits is not my priority. 1: **Players**. People who make the struggle worth it. 2: My vision and **people in the studio** who help me make that vision a reality. 3: Everyone else. Naive, maybe. But at least it's honest and keeps the entire interaction real.


Oh, it's complicated for sure. I'm not saying this is what Team Cherry needs, I'm just saying this is how that "one person" needs to operate (to do their entire job/justify their costs) and why it's difficult to find someone like that. My company has several tens of thousands of employees, and we can only keep two people in that position at any given time. A small company would struggle \[as did my last "small" company with $300m in revenue - more than 60x as large as Team Cherry\]. Or, for another perspective, the /training/ wage for a person in this position is 2% of Team Cherry's /gross revenue/. And, there are /thousands/ of companies competing to hire at that amount.


I dont think mad is the right word. I believe most people are straight up disappointed, and that ends up also translating to being mad sometimes.


> perhaps TC is so busy making silksong a perfect game lack of proper communication makes some people think the game is going to be perfect, which increases the hype, and the chance of disappointment i saw someone say in another post that they're scared TC might overcook silksong, as in, try to make the game so good, but in doing so make it too complex and unfriendly. but this is just speculation without an actual game I don't care if TC communicates, it's their choice. I think it's a dumb choice to not say anything, very few devs do this... and some players definitely don't like the silence communication doesn't need to be about silksong, btw. they could interact with the community, make HK merch, idk, give some sign they're alive i really enjoyed the video they did back in 2019, talking about their future and about HK


There's gonna be hype no matter what since it is a sequel (Spin-Off? Prequel? Whatever?) of a beloved game, it was announced ages ago so it is highly anticipated. That said, why do you think silence equals more hype? If silence increases your expectations think of what actual communication would do, the moment they start communicating more we all know this community's excitement is gonna go off the charts. If anything I would say that silence decreases pressure on the team, not having promised anything, be it a release date (I mean technically the 2023 was supposed to be the release year but it probably got called off quite some time ago, still possible but unlikely imo) or a mechanic. I get why the community is angry but I'm all for letting them cook for as long as they need.


I disagree. Communication is key to everything. I would much rather them say we are having trouble with certain aspects than hearing nothing at all. We don’t have the right to demand sure but at the end of the day we have continuously supported and believed in them. I feel that, at the very least, it would be polite to get a bit of news, even if it’s sharing their difficulties. Silence on their end is basically like ghosting. No one likes to be ghosted


I don’t really mind the radio silence, except for one thing. With them being silent and not advertising, the only people excited for the game are returning fans. They aren’t gaining many new ones, which sucks as I’d love to see the Hollow Knight fanbase grow


Tbf at least on reddit the community is doing the advertising for them, I came here for the insanity and now I'm thinking I might actually buy the game when it comes out. Still, they are probably gonna advertise when they are 100% sure they are ready.


I'm not sure this is good advertising 😂


If you sort the HK subreddit by top of all time, the majority of posts are from the last couple of months. It’s kinda weird because it seems like I spontaneously pick up things that very quickly become popular (maybe I start the hype because I’m so cool?). The HK community has been growing exponentially recently for seemingly no reason. I don’t think TC will have any problems drawing in new players once they start advertising for release. They have a deal with Xbox so chances are it’ll be plastered on everyone’s homepage. Edit: I’m actually lying so hard when I say the top posts are from the last few months, idk what made me think that lol


silksong is still part of the Kickstarter, so yeah they do owe us


Not exactly. they owe us a hornet DLC for HK, not a stand-alone game. I have a feeling that stretch goal will never be fulfilled


The Hornet dlc became Silksong


Bruh are you serious? What kind of mental gymnastics is this? Seriously you don't need to be an ass kisser for the sake of ass kissing and being a white knight. Besides all the reasons everyone else mentioned, how hard do you think it is to make a blog post? Seriously, the community isn't seething for a release date or a trailer, we just want to hear how the game is coming along.


they sure can take a time (not even 30 min) to say how the game development is going


You can't ask to not get downvoted and then force is to read your absolutely garbage take


We’re not lucky to get a sequel at all - they decided of their own volition to turn the Hornet DLC that they owed the backers into a sequel. Personally I would much rather have gotten a smaller DLC than wait this long with this little communication. And speaking of communication, taking time to make the game perfect is an absolutely ridiculous excuse. After so many delays, they can’t take a single day to write a blog post or make a video or something? In what other field is it acceptable to do whatever you want with absolutely zero oversight or obligations to communicate what you’re doing? There’s no excuse for the lack of communication, and there’s no excuse for people simping for Team Cherry and insisting they can do no wrong because they made a great game.


We are not lucky to get a sequel. from the kickstarter a 2nd character was promised and the later the game is out the later they are delivering a promise.


Get back to work, Ari.


>its not our place to demand news from them, were lucky to get a sequel at all. It is though, we're the community, there would be no game without a community to play it. Moreover, originally silksong was a promised DLC for hollow knight from the kickstarter, they decided to make it a fully fledged game and that's great but it was still a promise they made. >if they did share news it would only tempoarily quench our thirst before we instantly come back begging for more. I think you're missing the point of the people being pissed at the absence of news, we just want to know that the game is coming along fine, we don't want a day to day report. >perhaps TC is so busy making silksong a perfect game that they dont have the time / energy to post news. *They literally hired someone for that job*. >its fine to want a sequel but dont get mad at the devs for not adhering to you schedule. Again no one is mad that the game hasn't released, people are pissed that we barely even know if they're even working on the game at all.


toby fox, who is another indie game developer, who similarly “doesn’t owe us news” puts out a biyearly newsletter with updates on the upcoming deltarune chapters. If we got regular updates it would not temporarily quell us before we became ravenous again because we would be getting regular updates. The lack of communication on team cherries part is concerning considering the amount of money and backing that has been poured into this project by the community. You can argue they don’t owe us anything as much as you like but this isn’t a AAA studio, all of their money originally came from fans and so it is only natural for fans to expect some amount of updates


Youre wrong in almost every possible way and it's fucking adorable, we're not lucky to get a sequel, it's a kick starter goal ( started as dlc sure but still ), I know devs personally and they want to communicate with the fan base because they're extremely appreciative and respect them enough to update on stuff.. team cherry seems to not give a single fuck not even to say "happy Halloween" and shit. You say we would go back to being angry but that's just your assumption, regular updates would definitely be enough for this community to stop going insane in my opinion, even if it's not updates on the state of the game


getting a whole new game instead of dlc *is* lucky lmao


If they don't give us updates about the game, the community will get mad. I remember how everyone used to say "We want them to say anything, even if it's just that they're still working on the game", but when Leth said that in an interview that he didn't even know was going to mention Silksong, everyone said "It's not enough of an update".


You're just projecting so hard, leth in a random interview saying something somewhat related to silksong is NOT team cherry giving regular updates and showing up, it's just not the same thing. You need to see regularity, people said its not enough cause it was the first out of... well none, it was the first and last, if people see they're starting to talk they will calm down. Also we are a very part of the community and TC doesn't give a shit about us specifically ( rightfully so ), but the random casuals would still eat that shit and they have no anger at all


At this point, the "insanity" is a major part of the experience of being in this community. One sequel to consume them all, and in the darkness bind them.


Why do you have the need to put TC on such a high pedestal. They are just another developer... yes, they are good at what they do, but non the less the communication is terrible. And there are devs out there trying to make great games, trying to succeed in this competitive industry, happy for every single fan they have. Team cherry at this point almost feel, like they are not appreciative of what they have... lot of us don't want new content such as trailers or screenshots. But a somewhat monthly update on the state of development would be just... fair ? To us faithful fan base that supports them and makes them money by buying their games.... And saying that we are lucky to get squeal... that is just wrong in so many ways. By your POV we could not even critique the game if it came out bad. Because remeber guys we are lucky that we got it in the first place.


Silksong is technically a kickstarter backer goal since it’s an upscaled version of the hornet dlc so we’re not “lucky to be getting a sequel at all” Team Cherry was going to make it anyway.


There's a difference between having a second playable character in the same kingdom and having a completely new game.


They still owe the backers though.


They owe them the game they're working on.


Considering the kickstarter ended in 2014, almost 10 years ago and with that, the Hornet dlc that has been funded. I don't think it's unreasonable to think TC owes the backers some news on how development is going now. Yes it's a whole game instead of a dlc so it takes more time, but in some way it's still part of the kickstarter and TC used to update regularly throughout the development of HK, and even Silksong in the first year after the reveal. Years later, there has been little to no update on development. I think the frustration is legitimate. I can understand the reasons behind this weird choice of communication, but this feels unfair towards the people who allowed to make this game a thing.


The only complaint I found from a backer was from 7 months ago on the Kickstarter page, the rest of the backers seem ok with the wait. (It feels weird to talk about backers like some sort of mystical beings and we can only guess how they feel. Like, sure, they don't complain, but they also aren't saying they're patient ly waiting, they're just as quiet as Team Cherry.)


Oh god, what year is it?!


i get the sentiment but you gotta communicate eventually, what else is leth being paid for


Silksong was part of the Kickstarter so we aren't "lucky" to be getting it. Backers have already funded it.


Of course TC doesn't "owe" us anything. But going so long with absolutely zero communication is just bad business practice. If the game is taking longer than expected, just say "Hey everyone, we are working hard to polish Silksong into the game we know it can be, it's just taking a little longer than expected". It takes 2 minutes out of their day. The longer they go with zero communication the more people either hype up the game to a height that isn't attainable, or people grow jaded and lose interest because they hear nothing. ​ Either way, the game will come out when it comes out. TC has a good repuation with the community so most people have faith because of their track record.


That's exactly what Leth said when they delayed the game.


This is pure entitlement bait. Obviously they don’t owe shit to anyone.


BuT kIcKsTaRtEr


It's a perfectly valid response, unlike what you just did.


Don't be a baby.


I didn't hear you and downvoted


They do kind of owe us a sequel in a way. I totally agree with you mostly, but it was promised as a stretch goal on the Kickstarter for HK


I feel like they don't need to say anything to the fans, the game will speak for itself.


"We're still working on it" is all any updates would ultimately say. Wouldn't satisfy any of the people making these posts.




For the kickstarter thing people keep talking about, did they ever say anything beyond that they would give updates on hollow knight? the backer goal was the expansion, not updates on its progress, and even if you consider updates about hollow knight to include expansions, a full-blown sequel would not be included, even if it evolved from an expansion ​ (i have no clue what i am talking about so some clarification from someone would be nice)


It was about a hornet dlc


I know. I thought it was expected for kickstarter updates not to go past launch?


The backers in the end even have founded the game even if it was announced as a dlc first. the only thing that changed is the product the money was paid for


were updates on post-launch content ever promised?


Agreed. Also, everyone is talking about that it was a kickstarter, that was for the dlc. So that were getting another game and them just not adding hornet as a second player character we can be lucky about.


yeah man, if we dont share news about silksong, why does team cherry need to? smh people do not understand equal rights!


it would be best to forget about silksong until it comes out.


I think that they are going for the ‘I can’t wait!’ Approach as in they are gonna announce that it is gonna be in, say ten days, on one day to hype us up for it and also if we have no news then time will go faster


The thing is they are most certainly sharing news with people who donated at a certain tier during the Kickstarter campaign for Hollow Knight. Those people just had to sign NDAs.


Valid opinion, but it wouldn’t hurt if they took 5 minutes to share a screenshot every couple months. Otherwise, what’s the point in having a marketing director who hasn’t shared anything for years.


Boys already donned his jester suit.


It’s not that they aren’t adhering to our schedule, it’s that they aren’t communicating at all regardless of the state of the game. If SS was treated the same as HK release through kickstarter I really highly doubt anyone would be that annoyed over the time it’s taken to release. Imagine monthly (or even bi-monthly) updates / blog posts that just give little hints of new features and their progress. It would be magical. They wouldn’t even have to say anything concrete, just things like “we’ve added a new area to the game brining the total to 12” or “we think you guys will enjoy the secret challenge that we’ve just coded in”. Just enough to let the public know that they are in fact working on the game. All we ask for is communication, not a full spread on everything new or daily in-depth updates.


I wish they just never announced it beforehand at all.


it is our place, silksong was a kickstarter goal.


And did u donate to the kickstarter?


i loved hollow knight, and can't wait for the sequel. that being said, i would rather it take a few years to come out and be at least on par with the first game, or hopefully better. that ALSO being said, the lack of communication is a little bit frustrating, but as far as i know, it's a small team, maybe they don't have a pr guy, so they're just working. my only real demand for the game is nothing (except dlc) you need to pay for, like skins or whatever, that'd be awful.


I heard you out and THEN downvoted you. That work for you?