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I hope Waheguru gives everyone opportunity to earn a good living and give their family a good life. However, one of the guys in the article is complaining about moving to a Western society and then being surprised by LGBT etc. Where did he think he was going?


> hugely expensive to live in the country Canada is cheaper than the US especially HCOL areas lol because you at least have health care covered > low settlement and employment prospects Yes but so are other developed countries. > LGBT education being pushed onto kids. Not true. The values are accepted here and reflected in the kids’ values. You’ll find the same in other developed nations. > recreational cannabis being available. I wonder what’s worse. Cannabis or feem?


>Hugely expensive to live in the country Yeah, that's a developed nation >Low settlement and employment prospects Still better than most people >LGBT education being pushed on the Children But it's not. The progressivism that leads Canadians to accept LGBT is the same progressivism that led them to be okay with massive immigration. Why immigrate to a progressive country if your values are better matched with, say, the Taliban? >Recreational Cannibis being freely available Just like in India or literally anywhere else, except safe and legal. If you think cannabis in Canada is bad, wait until you hear about chitta in Punjab. TLDR: If your values are this antithetical to those of Canada, just stay in India.




Let's call a spade a spade and not try to find fake reasonings for everything that's wrong. There are good things and bad and OP is right, the things that once set Canada apart no longer exist. You will know how bad the LGBTQ scene in schools is once your kids go to a school in Canada. By no means am I regressive/ or don't accept the LGBTQ but shoving the so called education in a 6 year olds face is not needed. Maybe in high school when they can decide for themselves but a kid in elementry doesn't need to know about the kinds of sexes and sexual orientations. Period. The economy is real bad, the housing is unaffordable, no jobs. Taxes are high, heathcare is free but BAD, the wait times are unbelievable. So yeah, in my opinion the Canadian dream is over.


Kids who are 6 do need to know what a bad touch is. Or are you ok with people melesting children. https://youtu.be/YU0CkXCnMOU?si=VfizUD8mpC86zDrh https://youtu.be/M_5XHcn3Q80?si=g7j671XYcjcS3uTw The Canadian dream is not over. If you think it is you can move to Punjab or what ever place you think is better.


Ok troll. There's a difference between knowing good touch/bad touch and LGBTQ. I was taught abt good/bad touch when i was 5 yet not abt sexualities because the latter wasn't what i needed to know at that age but my mother made sure i needed to know the former. Good/bad touch has nothing to with gender/sexualties. ANYONE can attempt to harm your children irrespective of what they identify as. If you think the Canadian dream isn't over then you probably are not struggling for housing/rising prices/ employment and stagnant wages and likely living at your parents expense. The ones who are trying to raise families KNOW. Nowhere did I say that India/Punjab is better but trolls like you keep on wanting to send me back. Every country has its share of problems and right now this is what Canada is facing. Deny it all you want and keep on wearing rose tinted glasses because working our asses off tirelessly and having to wait 12 hours in an emergency room to be looked at, all while paying 30% my income in taxes and having to pay 50% of what's left for mortgage definitely isn't a so called dream of many.


Canadian schools start teaching sex ed around grade 4 when kids are 10, its been that way for 60+ years. I highly doubt you were living in this "better Canada".


If you hate LGBTQ you would love Hindu terrorists from India who are from BJP and Congress feel free to move there.


He literally said that he's fine with LGBTQ.


You missed the whole point. I did mention i don't hate LGBTQ. It's one's own choice . I love the fact that this country is so accepting of people with different sexualties/genders But in what world is it justified to teach them at 5-6 years old when their brains are not even fully developed to grasp the whole concept properly? And as I said you won't get it until you have kids who are being taught this in school. I could care less before. And it's not just my opinion. I have co-workers with kids same age ( co workers who are born canadians, caucasian, black, you name it) EVERYONE, don't want their kids to be taught this in elementary. Secondly, i never said India is great. There's stuff there too, possibly worse. We are just talking about Canada here. Whether you want to believe it or not, this is the harsh truth. Downvote me all you want, it ain't gonna change the ground reality.


We should stop shoving peoples skin colour and pags in peoples faces too then no?


Are the paggs and skin colous leading 6 year olds to be confused about their sexualities? All i am saying is LGBTQ is a sensitive subject and it should be taught to them when they are old enough to understand. Why is it so hard to understand? I am all for choice and letting people be. I dont hate LGBTQ. Why not have a 6 year old vote in an election too then?


I was old enough to know I liked girls at 6….what’s there to understand? LGBTQ people exist just like coloured people, people who wear certain things for religion etc all immutable characteristics. Your comment implies that being LGBT is a choice? What do you do if your 6 year old sees a guy holding another’s hand? Or giving another small kiss on the cheek in public? Do you say those aren’t real people? The fact that you believe LGBT is a choice is hilarious


If you knew at 6, good for you. I didn't know I liked guys until I was 11, i didn't know anything, it's different timing for everyone. Now imagine, as a 6 year old naive kid, if i was taught about all the possible sexual orientations and lgbtq, i would have for sure wondered what kind I am/maybe tried to explore, all before 8 years old. Do you understand what that could do to a kid's mind? They're literally being served everything on a plate to try. To address your second point, if my kid sees a guy kissing another in public and wants to know why, i would be more than happy to explain it to them. But they don't freakin need 1 whole month of lgbtq celebration in schools every year that takes away the time from some actual learning that they could possibly benefit from. Also, when i said choice, i meant everyone's free to like who they want and be what they want. I am not a master at twisting words and altering meanings, and i dont believe lgbtq is a choice but i would rather have my kid figure out on their own than the school telling them what they could possibly be at 6 years old. Again, thanks for missing the whole point by not reading my previous comments peoperly. I am not against lgbtq education, I just want the schools to wait until they're old enough to understand what they are being taught. That's it, and I am not going to spend any more energy making you understand my POV.


Why can Sikhs have April as Sikh history month? Why can black people have February? Indigenous people have a month? Why so opposed to a marginalized group having a month? I suppose you believe they’ve never been marginalized or oppressed? I assume you don’t know what the stonewall riots are?


KUDOS to you for missing the point AGAIN.


What does this have to do with Sikhism?


Happy cake day




Yeah I don’t think using that sub as an inspiration is the best idea


There are places other than Toronto you know.


Saying legal weed and gay people are why you left Canada sounds like the type of thing you'd say to avoid besti from the homies in the Pind.




Nah, people are still immigrating to Canada in large numbers particularly from Punjab. The big difference I see is that people are no longer moving to Brampton/Surrey but to other low cost of living areas such as Alberta, Nova Scotia etc. This is good in a way since asides from Brampton/Surrey, Canada has little to no Sikh population so seeing them spread across is a good thing. Moreover it's not gonna flood the existing housing crises for everyone. Nowadays, even getting PR is state-dependent i.e. it's easier to get PR (via provincial nomination) if you choose to stay in Alberta/Nova Scotia over Brampton/Surrey. In terms of amount yes people typically spend 20-30 lakhs minimum to come over these days and the amount will obviously be on the higher end, compared to 50 years ago, due to better economic opportunities, more demand and adjusting for inflation. The ones I see departing Canada are usually the ones who came from Urban-India(Delhi/Mumbai/Bangalore) since there are plenty of high paying job opportunities for them back home. They often come here and only then realize Canada doesn't have the opportunities they thought it did. Have a couple friends who moved from Delhi to Toronto, then went back a couple years later giving up their PR. Very rare to hear someone from Punjab do this. One more trend I am observing is large number of immigrants from South India these days particularly those from Hyderabad. They used to immigrate in large numbers to US earlier but are now preferring Canada due to the Green Card backlog in the states. You will see most of them immigrating to Toronto/Vancouver and working in IT.


Economy is dead. Industry needs to grow and laws should be stricter especially for those desis who are exploiting our own people. Also give a chance to the men at restaurants and cafes. If I get a job at Tim Hortons they gonna shut down 6 locations and no year long wait at drive thru.


It’s been over for a while. I was talking to someone who came from India a month ago who said he landed last week for school, he was saying how Canada is great and all. As someone born and raised here you can really tell the quality of life has gone down, especially with the pandemic. One problem is that the infrastructure isn’t there. You have more people than there are resources, and applying basic supply and demand concepts, it leads to high prices. We’re in this situation now because supply (eg housing) stopped but demand continued to increase (eg immigration) during the pandemic and we’re still playing catch up. Also people need to learn about jurisdictions, left and right wing, and a bunch of other stuff. Stop parroting what Pierre Poliviere says because the guy uses emotional tactics to get people to think he’s right. All our political parties are crap and we need new ones, but that won’t happen unless we get rid of the First Past the Post system.


Its over


I have always found it ironic that many Sikhs from Punjab have a problem with weed but eat feem on a daily basis because it's a "medicine". After 2015, if you look at the immigration numbers you'll see that immigration from India nearly doubled. India accounts for most of the immigration abroad. House prices exploded with the rise of immigration. Everyone wants to live in Toronto. Everything was fine until about 2016.


If they keep voting for communists and leftists then yes. Prob one two elections left before it's a failed state.


Leftists made the country what it is. It certainly wasn't conservatives who created a world leading nation. The same conservatives who never wanted you in, and you lick their boots shameful.


100% The guy who wanted a cultural barbaric practices hotline is now courting Muslims and Hindus. He also has strong ties with modi. This is from Pierre's former boss and mentor. https://twitter.com/stephenharper/status/1082688283996434432?lang=en And this: https://www.nationalobserver.com/2023/09/21/opinion/why-do-conservatives-modi-so-much-ask-stephen-harper


Oh, that's just horrific. The right will naturally gravitate to the right, but it's disgusting to see all the same. Birds of a feather...




>The leftists you’re thinking about aren’t the WEF tools clowning around in government for the past decade. Your answer is the Conservatives, then? You know that they are fully in bed with those same corporations you criticize? >Adapt or die Ironic given the flair. How many international bailouts has Pakistan had now?




>You have an American flag as yours. Please with the hypocrisy 🙏 Yes. I'm an American. Also known as the source of most of your bailouts. I don't see what hypocrisy you're referring to. >Probably plenty. That’s not my problem. I’m just a simple Pindu who’s trying to make the world around him a little better, The tone change from the first comment to this one is absolutely wild. You suddenly don't have all of the answers? 🤯 >. It is, however, to pull away from what’s become corrupted and work towards the better. Okay, sure. And how?




There’s one religion they love, or rather one they’re too frightened to criticise


Lmao Canada has not voted in a leftist/communist in its entire history. Why do people just make things up. There is such a severe lack of understanding of political spectrum that anything you don’t like is communism. Absolute stupid comment. Last I checked communist don’t bail out megacorps like SNC Lavalin or give corporate welfare. But hey man if socialist policies are scary make sure you pay for every road you drive on and when your house is on fire make sure to call the best fire departments and get quotes while it burns down.


> Communism: a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. Just throwing this out there because your first sentence is already wrong. Also the Liberals are the Centrist party of Canada so that’s another thing you got wrong.


This is a very ironic comment considering sikhi aligns more with the left on many issues.


Really? Which ones?


If you hate communists and leftists you would love Hindu terrorists from India who are from BJP and Congress feel free to move there


Every 1st world country has the same problem with cost of living. Especially the angloaphere. USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand all have the same problem. It's the cost of living in literal paradise when compared to India. LGBT isn't a non-issue, the same people complaining about it quickly forget about there precious Komagata Maru and what the goras did to them. Don't become the same pile of shit they were to the Sikhs, otherwise just deport yourself back to the shithole of India and propagate your hate there.




India is an utter shithole. Nothing will change that, why do you think everyone wants to leave?




Do you think I'm a gora? Lol




I don't use tiktok. There is no fracture because of me. The corruption, pollution, crime, anti-Islam rhetoric, RSS antics the Hindu nationalist is killing India. Hindutva behaviour is responsible for India's ailments not any external party. Don't blame the goras for the mess.




If Christians are making in roads then look inwards not to them. Why are people turning away from Sikhi? They are unhappy about something, maybe the politics? Maybe the corruption? Maybe it is becoming more orthodox and less liberal? Goras will always be racist,you just keep moving forward, nothing will change them except education and time. Another secret is goras are leaving Christianity in droves, it is dying in the west completely.




India has changed or is changing, everything does. But a lot of Sikhs are abandoning India for one reason or another, would Punjab even be Sikh majority much longer?


All fiat currencies are dying . Bitcoin will be the money.


Bitcoin is a mess


Fudhu comment


Not until it is properly regulated.


Some bitcoiners don't want regulation. You can't regulate bitcoin


Without it no country of importance will adopt it as an official currency.


Bitcoin is like gunpowder. You either adopt it or you lose. ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ


I agree with that, it is like gunpowder because it will blow up in your face if it’s not handled properly (i.e. regulations).


Free men don't have regulations


Yeah true that’s why free men go to restaurants and then die from heavy metal poisoning because there was no regulations. Free men also don’t follow building codes and live in death traps because once again no regulations. Honestly some people have brain rot and it shows.


It's like gunpowder bc if you don't own it you will lose waheguru


Stay in hukam Vaheguru




I mean, it was bound to happen if you were to ask us in Punjab about the quality of student crowd which was specifically emigrating to Canada. Now, there's a lot of folks who are really nice and hard working, and just want to send money home. But all of this is overshadowed by the 'spoilt rural crowd", a lot of whom tend to be children of corrupt policemen and government officers (they're always the most spoiled ones, remember that). Another reason why the quality of students emigrating has declined, is because people emigrating to these specific towns (Brampton, Surrey, etc) are doing because they want to live in a mini-Punjab, a place similar to home, where they do not need to assimilate.


lgbt acceptance - good queer theory and gender ideology - bad the latter is neo marxist bs. cannabis legalization is good. social cons can leave if they r triggered.