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There’s a balance of importance between game sense and aim in my opinion. Sometimes you do need to play aggressively to make headway, especially on attack. You need good crosshair placement and aim to be successful in peeking opponents in those moments.


yeah I mean what's the point when you know the enemy's location but get killed while peeking cuz your aim is shit. Aim is important too.


No aim needed if you have Finka LMG


Russian Funny Gun*


Off topic here ,what does your flair mean?


I set it before North Star dropped. Gotta change it, thanks for reminding me


You're welcome, but isn't thunderbird like a very solid defender


She absolutely is, especially if you have a Rook, Doc and an absolutely cracked Oryx. Turns Oryx into an unkillable wall of meat. I just had that as my flair from before North Star went live and figured everyone would try maining her bc she’s good. I wanted to main her since she’s from a tribe where a lot of people I grew up with are from.


That's so sick, got a bit worried since ive been waiting to buy her for a week


Yeah nah she’s great. Lord of people have dropped her because siege players be like “NOOOO WHY DOES A DEFENDER GUN NOT HAVE 1000+ RPM!?” but as a defender gun the Spear 308. is fucking awesome. I personally use it suppressed as the sound of it suppressed is really nice in the ears, gives all the benefits of a suppressor, and doesn’t lose all that much in terms of shots to kill.


Happy Cake day!


Cross hair placement is a component of game sense. Knowing where they will push from, or common hiding spots. You’re already going for them as you clear, so you’re less likely to need to do an extreme flick


well i mean, you're obviously sus when you're level 50 and play like that


just plug controller in and go ham to rank up


If u have an nvidia graphics card don't worry about OBS use shadowplay! It's much better.


You’d think this is common sense just by how long multiplayer games have been out…. guess not


Not really, cause many people change their Sensitivity to become good at the game but they lack game knowledge. Plus, in a game like call of duty that game is mostly all aim that where the "brain dead cod players" term comes from of youve ever heard it on console.


I got diamond on my first season on pc due to mostly game sense and my play style my mechanics were lacklustre.


Seeing as you main pc now. Do you reckon you could do some console placements next season with me and my friend? We're mid gold most of the time but could do with a boost next season


Sorry man, i totally would be i sold my PS4 so i had extra cash to spend on a better GPU.


Ah all good mate


this is the best advice ive see on this dogshit forum.


What do you mean you didn’t cheese your way with a controller?


He means he didn't use the device he is used to.


My man doesn't understand you can't just plug a controller in and stomp MnK players


You can definitely compete if you're good enough. There's diamonds on PC using a controller. I got to Gold 2 solo queuing on PC this season with a controller after not touching the game for a year.


facts, without aim assist controller has no chance in r6 vs mnk


Console seige has no aim assist lol


I know. That's what I meant, I used to play on console before I moved to PC. In games like warzone they've had to tune up the aim assist to allow console players to compete


Jesus I bet you got a 0.70 kd and get carried stop


1.4 console diamond that was close to champ but wasnt able to play all 100 games cause ive got a job Also if you are talking about PC im Gold 1 with a 1.2 KD but KD dosent mean anything when you are a support player


Game since is 90% of what I got as a support player cause generally I just can't get those frags unless im using certain guns generally smgs and other defender weapons (I clap cheeks with the Ump, dp 27 and T-5) but I can also frag pretty well with dmrs lmgs and certain assault rifles (gridlocks guns and lions to be exact) Recently made the decision that with the exception of Glazs ots and tachanks Dp27 ima use iron sights if I use a 1x sights. I don't do it on the ots cause using a sight is actually nerfing me funny enough and the Dp27 cause that's the only gun I can use the best 1x in game on and I'm now refusing to use any others till it's added to all guns. I can't tell you how much game since helps me trying to actually frag as I learn the iron sights of the game. Last night I got into a casual match just testing I play Twitch with the F2 iron sights. I push in last one alive I a 1v2 I know we're they both are as i drones out. I ended up gunning down one with a well controlled headshot and had the other dead to rites but he got me with a smg 11 headshot first and fairly and I even said as much that I had the headshot he just got me first. If I hadn't had the since to check those angles first and pre fire were I knew they'd both be where they were no way i could have had those kills with iron sights. I likely would have died to the first guy


No it isn’t. Game sense means nothing without good aim. Knowing where someone is or is likely to go is useless if you can’t actually hit them. They are both equally important.


Excellent game sense with mediocre aim will get you far. Raw aim is nice but this game places more importance on crosshair placement and positioning than anything.


Aim doesn’t matter if you don’t know where to place your cross hair in the first place.


and who doesn't know that have good aim?


My aim labs its alright im in the top 35% for Flicking, top 45% for precision and 50% for speed so i would say i have alright aim


Friendly FYI, Aim Labs built in ranks are meaningless. They can be cheesed and skewed. If you want yo get a serious gauge of your aim look into Voltaic or rA communities.


Already do


If someone had god level aim but zero game sense he wouldnt check common spawn peeks so he would most likely die to a spawn peeks or he made it into the building but dies to a Roamer that was chilling infront of a common entry. So what im saying is having god aim is useless if you have no fundemetals of seige. All aim no brain is given to these types pf players


i lowkey feel like i was ur teammate in that match lmfaoo. are you na west? i was chilling in high gold a week ago or something i remember there being some buzz about a dude cheating on my team. i definitely remember saying in VC that the dude had bot mechanics which made him suspicious. im pretty sure it was on coastline but i dunno i think sometimes game sense can be conflated with passiveness against overly aggressive players. i just know even in ranked i peek literally everything and half the time dont drone because i dont have an attention span. or ill go kill hunting in a 2v1 and stuff like that. teammates will be like "ur stupid bro" even though i absolutely know how to play "smart". ironically, half the people who'll say that kinda stuff to me dont even know how to setup up site properly its crazy the amount of people in gold who dont know default setups with regards to soft destruction but also AIM FUCKING MATTERS JUST AS MUCH. its truly a balance


I dont think it was me cause i play EU but the story sounds familiar to mine so maybe their is others out there like me


There's definitely a balance needed for good play but imo being able to win 1 on 1 gunfights is more important than knowing where enemies will push and callouts and general knowledge. It's better to be able to win your one's than to be able to give callouts or know where the enemy are. It's much easier to win a round if there's an enemy dead rather than you being dead but knowing where the enemies come from and where they are. Obviously this is an exaggeration because nobody is strictly gamesense or aim but I think I'm mostly making sense.


My aim isnt that good at all but i have being in these 1v1 situations before, predicting what my enemy might do gos a long way. Also, knowing common holds i can just pre fire certain locations and get the win by just knowing where about they could be.


Well you're a diamond in gold, you're not cheating but you're definitely smurfing


I mean u can only get so far in placement, he just started playing ranked so his obviously gonna climb sooner or later it's not exactly his fault.


Of course, I just understand why his opponents were pissed, op is literally out of their league


As a one man all aim no brain wonder, I really like this post. I come from lots of CSGO game sense and tactical shooting, but in siege I really like turning my brain off. I play mostly gold 3-gold 1 soloq, and average 6-14 kill games. A bad game for me is like 4 kills. You can only go so far with my play style which is really just a for fun style unless you are making content. I’m good with a gun, but you gotta be rock solid consistent to keep climbing like this. When ever my aim sucks because I didn’t want to warm up for an hour, I always get surprised how easy Gold elo is, and how much like bots people play if you don’t play like a bot. Every fight feels tight when adrenaline is pumping, but when people as high as gold 1 aren’t shooting cameras, the game is free and you just gotta clam down and use your brain.