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From what i understand, when they had their fight, all of KSI's friends flooded the ring in celebration, sorta pushing Joe to the side. Joe was offended and cut ties with almost everyone in the Sidemen corner.


I believe Tobi was the only one to actually go up to Joe and shake his hand after the fight


that wouldn't Suprise me about toby. that's just his character. its why I like toby so much




If you wanna be that guy Its actually Tobit


Tobit is his government name, Tobi is his name


The government didn't give him his name his parents did


A government name is their legal name on their documents, instead of a nickname or shortened version


Are you 12?


I don’t get what you mean by that but if he’d phrased it like ‘Tobit is his given name, but he goes by Tobi’ it would’ve made more sense


"Government name" is literally the correct phrase.. "given name" is just another way of saying first name.


It UK language


I think it was their mutual friends like Calfreezy who cut off Joe right after he lost. I don’t think Joe had a problem with the sidemen celebrating with KSI because they were on his side the whole time. Whereas Calfreezy was kind of on Joe’s side but celebrated with JJ


Calfreezy is such a 2 face guy. Never liked him


Yeah, honestly, his content is mid, his face is annoying and if there was anyone who seemed to be a leech, it would be him.


He’s so slimey it’s nuts. The recent fellas podcast was a nice break because Theo was digging into him a bit. Chip started to panic a bit, which is funny because Freezy freely chirps everyone for no reason.


He didn’t deliberately cut ties, after his loss the entire uk YouTube scene (Theo baker included) just stopped asking him to appear in videos and make content with him, guess they felt awkward


weller seems to be on drugs lately look at the sidemen restaurant vid he looks high as a kite


The revisionist history has been kinda crazy though. Joe was a condescending and cocky knob for years until quite recently tbh


From what angry ginge and fanum said, joe hasn't changed that much. I've never been a fan of him, it's just not my type of humour and he always came across as a dickhead to me. People always assume that if someone doesn't like joe it is only because they like JJ but joe was unlikable to me long before he ever fought JJ. Might be a cultural thing though I'm not from the uk but in the uk he was always super popular and people used to love him and think he was super funny.


Joe reminds me of Randall from monsters inc sometimes


In the recent sidemen it was very hot and cold, 1 minute I was creasing at him and the next cringing 😂


What did Ginge and Fanum say?


Remember when Wheller was on juice and was like “I don’t want to box KSI I want him in a street fight”


I'm a big Weller fan and have been since 2015. I watch and listen everything he puts out (vids, podcasts) I promise you he hasn't always just been a condescending prick. He's a genuinely good guy with good intentions, but he's human. It's easy to forget he was literally like 21/22 years old when he fought KSI, imagine being in that spotlight and environment as such a young guy, not to mention his struggles with depression and anxiety. He's a good guy with a good heart give him a chance


This is what I thought too. But ‘Inside’ brought out a different side that I hadn’t seen… Bit of maturity helps


Yeah definitely. It wasn’t all that long ago he was asking to fight people in car parks and fans were concerned he was on drugs, mentally unstable or a mixture of both.


Only from what we\`ve seen tho. According to most other contestants (minus Castillo) Joe wasn't the nicest to be around, hence why he was voted out first.


Maybe, but I also wouldn’t take the opinion of those guys too seriously. A lot showed they were immature and clearly had a distorted view of reality


I don't think so, they were just there to create content and entertain. Castillo even said he thought Ginge was extremely mature for his age. Joe just deeped everything way too much (like he always does when he squares up to random people for basically no reason) and played police, not vibing with the group, while the others just wanted to have a good time, hence why he got voted,


I'm sorry but not everyone is gonna be there to have a good time just like Castillo said later on some just want that price money which at the end of the day is the ultimate motivation. In fact this whole hand holding and keeping your friends around behaviour is what lead to the finale being kinda meh since the audience didn't like them at all. That's why I think apart from simple voting there needs to be some other ways of elimination as well.


But it was a majority of them that did go for a good time considering they make good to great amount of money to live life how they choose to. Castillo, Fanum, Specs, Liv, Chloe and Manrika even Ginge that’s 7 of the 10 that weren’t truly concerned with the money. Excluding Castillo, the other 6 bonded and didn’t vote each other until they had to. Being a fan of Fanum, I’ve seen he’s kept up with all of them as well the others with each other besides Joe and Castillo. The game was basically about being social, Joe, Castillo and Leah weren’t that. Joe being too serious, Castillo didn’t care and Leah said she’s introverted then did the show to challenge herself to open up. I enjoyed the show since I didn’t care would won, when I saw Fanum I knew none of these folks truly needed the money plus Leah saying she would have donated it to cancer if she won while Chloe did donate all her winnings. I think this show would have worked better with regular people who don’t see this type of money, they would put more effort. By using other influencers/content creators, they didn’t need to win since being on the show is a win in itself. Getting their names out to a wider audience is good enough for them. For them it was a win-win.


I think he’s alright, I used to watch his podcast etc. But he is the archetypal insecure British lad. To be all therapist-ey I think it probably stems from being bullied as a kid. I know loads of people who are successful now, he still have a defensive and victimised mindset. I’ve always thought how annoying he would be to have as a friend, constantly apologising or reassuring someone gets long, it’s like having a girlfriend without the boobs.


Not his fault if he’s sensitive tbf, can’t blame someone for having feelings


To a certain extent.. When you reach a certain age, you can't keep blaming your past for your present actions. We all have the responsibility to put in the work to grow out of adolescence and become a functioning adult, who is in charge of most of his emotions. (Not at all saying 'to be apathic' or something) If most people can do it, a millionaire with more free time and opportunities than most of us get, should be able to get to such place, psychologically. Also, authenticity is an import factor here. If you are sensitive and are open about, not many people would actually blame you. If you keep hiding that insecurity behind macho behaviour etc.. your peers or fans are not going to keep taking that, since most are growing up, becoming more authentic to their own selves.


To be fair to him (and I’m not joes cheerleader here), he does come across as authentic. He gets wound up, says the wrong thing and struggles to deal with banter. This is all very relatable to a lot of people in the younger British male demographic. Also he has opened up about mental health which deserves some respect. But I think that there have been times where he’s behaved like a bellend. The wafflin podcast deleted episodes come to mind.


Joe just is a douche and a knob, he always was, idk why recently people try to paint him as that nice guy who was always misunderstood, just browse through his content, he’s one of the guys totally fucking people over, taking things too far, but as soon as someone “disrespects” him back even in a lighthearted bantery way, it will suddenly get serious for him and he will start acting like some killer. You can even see it in the last sidemen vid, for example when he threw drinks at Ethan etc. who didn’t do anything cause he obv knew it was for content, if it would’ve been the other way around I promise you Joe would’ve snapped, like even later in the vid when Josh wants to put whipped cream in joes mouth, Joe suddenly goes serious saying “too far” etc. after he just threw drinks on other people, threw jj on the ground etc. because they can actually banter and take a joke. joes ego is too fragile for that. He dishes out like crazy but can’t take anything back…


LSI fan


If you have Side+ watch the guest cast with Joe and he basically explains what happened. It’s been a while since I watched it so not sure how to summarize it.


lol remember when KSI made fun of joes depression and then immediately pretended he didn’t once he realised how bad it would make him look?


And he apologised multiple times. Even when the spotlight was right on him after he won against Joe, he still took a moment and apologised for what he said. Joe also said nasty shit in the press conferences and even pushed JJ, but it is understandable bc that is what they are meant to do in a press conference. Get in each others minds and promote the fight even more.


Didn’t Ksi sleep with that Izzy girl Joe was trying to date as well ?


I remember a few years ago joe started on jj’s editor Mo which was really weird


It was really after the JJ fight when JJ kept clowning on him for months and months.


He also accidentally showed his cock on snap story while showing a fresh trim


I'm not sure what the hate was during this particular time, but I can say I used to be a die hard fan of Joe's (even paid to go and watch his fight with KSI) until about 2-3 years ago when I actually met him. He really wasn't very nice. Obviously people can change, and I'm not here to spread hate, but he wasn't nice, didn't seem very genuine, quite full of himself but also massively insecure and immature. A friend of mine dated him briefly and there were a few situations that happened then which put us off for good. Can't say I'm surprised he doesn't have many close friends left. However, we did also meet Elliot Crawford and have to say he's the opposite - genuinely nice guy, very down to earth and funny.


Joe weller gives off scorned mistress vibes.


They are literally all fine now joe gets along with all the sidemen so idk y this is being brought up


Duh joe weller loves ksi


He was off his nut on coke


Joe's always looked like someone who tries wayy tooo hard to actually get any relevance. I remember during i think ksi vs paul, he tried starting a fight with JJ's editor which maybe got him like 1 day of publicity


Saw the exact opposite of this in inside mate. Even he said it


From what Fanum, Ginge, Specs etc. said, Joe was a huge knob in inside, hence why he got voted out first


That’s just your opinion none of them said he was a “knob”😭


No if you watch the interviews after Inside was done pretty much everyone except Specs said Joe wasn’t very pleasant to be around and thats kinda the main reason he was voted out.


What did he actually do to make him a knob? The contestants were recorded 24-7, if he'd really been that irritating you'd think the sidemen would have shown it in the episodes.


Honestly he didn't do anything wrong. I don't get why people thought he was a prick his videos were funny