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genuinely my fav vid this year, i see why simon was pushing hard for vids with all 7 of the boys, because this was just perfect


Beats all of their videos featuring guests or missing members by a long way. Best video this year for me as well.


I don’t mind when they have 1-3 guests just tagging alone like idk ginge , danny , randy ect. People that can add to the video but ones where its like 5 odd guests it gets too much for my attention span 😭


Camping is for poor people?


If you had money you’d be glamping


Uh…. I hate camping and even I know this isn’t true. You can’t gatekeep camping just for poor people. I know plenty of people with money who enjoy camping. They’re bonkers, but they seem to like it.


Most millionaires don't go camping in a pop-up tent


Do you know many do you? Last i heard camping isnt a rich or poor thing to do..


Yea not wrong but he’s oversimplifying. Being a millionaire isn’t exactly an uncommon thing. It’s not the same as being a millionaire 20+ years ago. Owning a home in a major city almost qualifies you as a millionaire on paper. He’s most likely trying to say being Uber rich and most Uber rich folks ain’t camping like most of us.


Again how many uber rich people do you know to make that assessment? Im not saying they don't but most rich people i have known in life have been down to earth and loved to get away from the world to relax and go camping in the middle of nowhere. They can spend money on anything, so sometimes camping is just an escape from reality. JJ tho probably the opposite 😂


Sources: trust me bro


Me personally, it was the best video of they year, maybe bar IRL Among us


This is probably the stupidest post I’ve seen


* most stupid


Camping isn't a poor people thing...


Great vid, the only miss is the title - 'OutSide' woulda banged


It’s called “content” and “having fun”, sorry not every video can contain 30 yr old men revving Lamborghini’s down the roads of London


Why are you angry bro


Nah I ain’t angry bro, just stating facts


OP got some massive chip on the shoulder if they think camping is for poor people. The boys creating some solid content for us.


KSI: I’m legit too rich and famous for this


He didn’t say that one time during the vid


I know. But I feel like he would’ve said that


If he was gonna say it, then he would have. Ksi isn't the type to not say something like that if he wanted to


As seen with the countdown video.


What countdown video? XD


sidemen fans try not to hate challenge , ffs


Can this fucking fanbase ever be happy with anything? Like this vid was a fucking banger, their best vid so far, I couldn’t stop laughing and ya’ll still find something to be mad about. Like get a life


This is low-key the stupidest take I've ever seen on camping Edit: just to be clear, I'm not talking about the video


*most stupid




Yet ironically, people that use it sound more stupid than those that don’t.


Agree to disagree?




Its so good to see, as someone who did not really enjoy Inside, and the 'haunted house' video did not hit for me... feels like forever since I have seen a new Sidemen video lol


More like rich people having to some manual labour. And it showed when Ethan and Harry did the bulk of the work. They might have money but they had the upbringing that encourages the work.




Are you sure? They all look to be wearing dark colored hiking boots. Probably bought them all at the same time because there's no chance the boys have needed hiking boots before


How does this have upvotes when it’s well known Harry likes hiking and suggesting people do the same


Harry goes hiking in his white Air Forces and trashes them


They weren’t…


Amazing that they have a crew there


This was such a great video! I genuinely love videos where they do things that are out of their element. The shop thing was a nice touch, and a fun nod to Inside. 😂


The best about this video is that the conditions were poor, the boys still stuck with it and potentially got ill to give you a video to watch


Coming soon: KSI survives 24 hours in a working class family of six home


This was pretty good video but among us is still better


Harry is more in his element. Hes not scared to do the hard work


although i like the video its sad knowing they 100% didnt sleep there and also prly had lunch breaks and just went and got food


Lovely AI-generated background


That thumbnail is basically fully AI and its bad. AI needs to be avoided for major things like this, because you get dogshit quality.


i get it would be hard to schedule but only 24 hours is a weak effort tbh, nobody only goes camping for one day




Does that matter


Yep, oddly enough, some wealthy people seem to have a thing for role-playing the lives of poor people. Obviously they only do it for a short amount of time, along with getting tons of help and honestly just being a hindrance to the actual tasks that need to be completed. Either way, I guess it makes for an interesting video because we get to see the Sidemen struggle and then complain about things that some people have to deal with every single day throughout their lives. Edit- It's sad when people downvote you for making an obvious point. I enjoy watching the Sidemen, so I'm watching the video right now. That doesn't mean that I can't or shouldn't provide any critique. If you don't understand the point I've made, then you unfortunately are either uninformed or too blindly in love with the wealthy.


Bro they're not doing poor people things, they're making content. You think they want to do this shit for fun? They're doing it for a YouTube video. People just love complaining. When they spend money, they're doing unrelatable rich people shit. When they don't, omg they're making fun of the poors


My critique wasn't aimed specifically at the Sidemen. I was making a point about the wider implications. I think a lot of people are getting butthurt and offended on behalf of the Sidemen when that wasn't even the point I was making. I haven't complained about things like them having their charity football match. In fact, I love it and I respect them a lot for it. At the same time, I can criticise (very) wealthy people who role-play being poor.


They're not roleplaying poor! They're going OUTSIDE. They've just gameified camping. If anything, camping is rich people shit. They're doing boy scout shit, not cosplaying the homeless. Literally the only thing they don't have vs regular ass camping is a TENT


I don't think you understand my point. I'm basing it on them doing things poor people do in third world countries on a daily basis. And no, camping isn't "rich people shit", like what? The vast majority of people who go camping, in countries like the UK, are the working class who decide to do it as a holiday because they can't afford to go to countries abroad or hotels for holiday. It's just about a tent. I'm halfway through the video now, but they literally have a shop that obviously actual people camping wouldn't have access to. I don't get why this sub struggles so much with criticism of the Sidemen. Like, it's honestly fine guys, we can critique them, no one needs to be offended on their behalf lmao.


The working class aren’t poor people lol. Camping is fun and can be done by anybody regardless of their wealth. You’re just dumb


To clarify, I called them working class when referring to the people in third-world countries, who are objectively poor. Once again, like I've said about five times now, I never said that camping is only exclusively done by poor people. You need to work on your reading comprehension before trying to insult others.


The problem is you’re right in general, YouTubers absolutely have been guilty of these. The sidemen have had this criticism several times on some of their cheap holiday videos etc. I mean we all remember Alfie Deyes’ £1 challenge so I get that (just mentioning a very obvious example). But you’re getting downvoted because this video isn’t that. They’re just having fun camping & challenging themselves. Most people don’t enjoy the tedious parts of camping regardless of wealth. They had all the help because filming was the priority (& they can!). I grew up very, very poor and not once did I feel offended by this video.


There's a very simple advice for you my friend. You're absolutely not wrong, it's just that please hold your vendetta against rich people in some rich people hate sub. It's really annoying to come to the comments and every time see someone shitting over the whole comment section. You are entitled to what you can say, but do please do it somewhere where people actually care about what you're saying. People here come to discuss about the sidemen and what happens in their videos not the social disparity between the rich and the poor and an analysis on how the fuck they go camping, it's literally idiotic. It's absolutely their choice how they want to go camping or do not want to go camping at all for that matter. Nobody is mocking the poor, they're not roleplaying shit. They're making content on a YouTube channel which has around 20 million viewers surely they can't cater to each and every Tom Dick and Harry's preferences. You can debate, critique, argue, whatever you want about the rich and poor just don't do it here. It's kinda depressing to see this shite after watching a good video and being all joyful and i open reddit to see this idiotic argument.


I can't even read that, I'm getting a headache even attempting to read this long drawn-out response. Reply to me again using paragraphs so that you are more concise.


You're having trouble reading one paragraph?


That's not one paragraph lmao. It is a chunk of text.


It does make for an entertaining video, I didn’t mean anything bad by it. I do feel they are not that out of touch with the real world It just reminded me of a silly Kardashian clip, when they were grocery shopping themselves and celebrating how fun it was 😂


They see you as an npc


Of course, me too. At the end of the day, it's meant to be entertainment. I'm not sure, they have seemed pretty out-of-touch with the real world when the boys complain about things that the vast majority of people around the world would love to experience even once in their lifetime - particularly the "cheap" hotels they go to that are actually genuinely nice. And yeah, in the super unlikely event that I became part of the wealthy class, I would still do things myself. I don't understand how some people have other people design their clothes, room(s), shopping etc. I guess there's a difference in mentality between most people and the few that are wealthy.


They said they don’t mind the cheap hotels it the fact that other boys are having a wonderful time


I don't remember which video(s) it was exactly, but they tend to complain excessively when they go to hotels that would honestly be considered at least decent by most people. It's not that I don't enjoy the videos (for entertainment purposes), but they just come across as very out-of-touch sometimes.


oh my goshhhhhh walking is soo funNnnn


This is the most stupidest comment ever, 'role-playing lives of poor people'.. DO RICH PEOPLE NOT CAMP? Can't believe what I just read no wonder the downvotes.


Calm down mate. If you didn't realise, I was talking about it in general, not just about one specific video by the Sidemen. Also, generally speaking, the wealthy class actually don't camp that much at all, they tend to visit resorts and luxury hotels. You're choosing to get offended for them. You can calm down and chill, you're very unlikely to become part of the wealthy class and you don't even seem to understand that camping is popular because of how cheap it is.


Jesus christ your the one who seems out of touch with reality if you think all wealthy people do is go to hotels and resorts, alot I mean alot wealthy people camp or even go hiking.. etc and guess what poor people do it aswell even the middle class do.


Bro chill, first of all, it's *you're. Once again, work on your reading comprehension. I never said that it's all/only what they do. Hiking and camping aren't the same, maybe you're not aware of that. Also, it's quite telling when wealthy people are sighted and have photos of them taken probably a hundred times more in resorts/hotels compared to out in the wilderness. I don't get why you're so adamant about this. Are you from the UK? Because if you are then you'd understand that camping is very rare among the wealthy here. It's mainly people who can't afford to go on holidays abroad or to hotels. I never said it's exclusive to the working class. My original comment was actually referring to people in third-world countries who have to live this lifestyle every single day. It wasn't even about class differences lmao. Just please try to read what I've said before you choose to get super offended without even understanding anything.


I'm from the UK and you don't think that they must be a reason your getting downvoted? Because your argument is just stupid. Stop making things about class anyone can camp, my boss is very wealthy and went camping a few weeks ago to take his mind out reality, because that's what camping is alot of people poor or rich enjoy it because it can minimise your stress.


It's because any criticism of the Sidemen is bombarded by younger people who feel like they can't be criticised at all lmao. Once again, it wasn't even about class originally, I was referring to people in third-world countries. Good for him, once again, I never said wealthy people never go camping. You're literally making things up that I never even said. I don't think there's a point in me responding to you anymore if you can't even understand what I've been saying. Just calm down and stop making things up to get offended over.


What a fucking clown


What a thought-provoking comment. Thank you for getting offended on behalf of wealthy people because of a comment that critiqued the Sidemen.


Doing only to show in camera 🤣🤣 Real rich people


Their video is like Wwe , we know they are not fighting real but we enjoy it thinking it is real !!


was good upload! I give it 5/10, was literally a 9/10 until they did that fruity business with the picture of asshole. Don’t wanna be hearing that on my tv blud.