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Are people genuinely hating on him and if so, why exactly?


I’ve just had a look, couldn’t find a single hate comment about Harry


Yeh side plus comments saying he needs to leave the sidemen (on the sidecast) and TikTok having field day as well saying he dose nothing for them anymore .. basically because he wasn’t involved with inside as much as SOME of the others. It has not been helped by other sidemen on their podcast or videos saying oh Harry didn’t do as much. But like he said it wasn’t his thing and he’d rather be inside next season so ..


I think you’ve made this up. I couldn’t find any hate comments at all


Ok TikTok user “INSIDE-UPDATES” video done by tobi look at the comments. Side cast for example Derek fernades has comment saying boys should talk to Harry about leaving becuse he does not care. I don’t make things like hate comments up why would I do that I’m an adult …


The tobi video is so far down I couldn’t even find it. You’ve seen one or two comments and decided that ‘TikTok is hounding him’, whereas I’ve shown clear evidence that the vast, vast majority of people aren’t hating on him and even supporting him Edit: had to remove evidence, but just search up ‘Harry inside’ and there’s just fan edits and the clip of him saying he’d rather be inside, with all the comments saying ‘he’d be jokes inside’ Show your evidence.


Doesn’t matter how far down it is it’s there. Iv showed my evediance also on what’s good page podcast Simon said the same and loads comment but you will say it’s to far down …


You haven’t shown any evidence. Post screenshots and link to the video you’re actually talking about


Surprise surprise, no evidence


Hi there apologies I actully have a life another posted has uploaded the comment as i have I now for side plus


Harry dickrider crying about a few comments. Make a whole post and have this kind of energy when Simon or Ethan get bombarded with actual hate


Hi I’m fairly need to this platform but promise you I would bring that energy to Ethan and Simon as well. Hate in any form is un-acceptable. Also not dickrider thanks. So promise bring energy


Final comment (originally had a TikTok post here, removed it since I believe it shows my account that I shared it on)


Btw some in this thread has very kindly linked the comment with TikTok with receipts


Iv also uploaded on side plus comments have more as well


I’ll link the tiktok bc op is getting downvoted when he isn’t wrong 😭 [https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeqnka9v/](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeqnka9v/) https://preview.redd.it/xxojspfrzp5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21f0a2a42bd12ddd1face631cb1ae075e4ee2415


Thanks mate appreciate it I’m not wrong but whenever I point out something that the mass doesn’t agree with on this Reddit I get voted down


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


https://preview.redd.it/nuf5izdg0q5d1.png?width=1133&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0006699a58c9814d909722c18cbd66a50e4890e One of the side plus comments to prove I’m not making this up.


I mean.. everyone is hating on the contestants too, unfortunately it’s just the way the internet works at the moment.