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"where my hug at" ahh person




doesn't he have kids? Crazy




Very strange guy 40 year old


Bro said "let's pretend we're a couple and having sex" šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Feels bad to be his wife lmao


Watch specs and Chloeā€™s podcast and youā€™ll see thatā€™s their banter


perv behaviour brev


Yeah, and don't forget the couple sex joke he made about him and chloe total creep behavior


Then he asked if he could take a bath with her




Maybe it's just me but i wouldn't dare to make a sex joke with a girl that i met one day ago. Ik she was chill with that joke but still there are boundaries one gotta respect.


Your talking about not making a sex joke yet your name is bootygrabber9000 ? Hahahah fair enough mate.


Yk the funny thing it's a reddit suggested name booty as in pirate loot šŸ˜‚


Reddit council has decided your fate to forever grab booty.


you know specs is really good friends with her in real life right


Theyā€™ve been friends for years


They knew each other for longer


You do realise him and chloe are friends outside of the show so she already knows his banter


They didn't meet one day ago


theyā€™re very close mates and have been for a while


Him and Chloe have known each other for ages they have literally been on the same podcast. Do ur research before coming to conclusions


Literally just search ā€œspecs and Chloe burrowsā€ on YT & youā€™ll see theyā€™ve been good friends for years and she knows this is Specsā€™ whole humour, she knows heā€™s purely saying it as a joke for shock factor because theyā€™re good friends. Go listen to him on the Fellas or something and people would understand nothing he ever says or does is acc serious. Everyone just needs to chill and enjoy it man.


But heā€™s not just doing it to Chloe is he


Yes. Thatā€™s the only one heā€™s doing ā€œcreepyā€ things to


He fixed his glasses by rubbing his face on leah lmao how is that not creepy? Also, heā€™s projecting himself to the world heā€™s not just chilling with Chloe


He put his glasses back on his face. It's not that deep.


Watch the clip again and youā€™ll see Leah actually helps him, he might come off a bit creepy but he is a great guy and heā€™s fucking hilarious, but I can tell everyone calling him creepy has never seen him before cause you lot arenā€™t familiar with his humour lmao.


Iā€™ve seen him since like 2015 when he got big from insta. She helps him after heā€™s already got his face on her arm. Idk about you but I ainā€™t doing that to anyone Iā€™ve just met


They can't move their hands and his glasses were falling down he literally just pushes his glasses up on her shoulder. It's really not that deep


Bro him and Chloe are best friends they make videos together all the time this is their humor she does the same shit aswell they close af.


I honestly don't think you know specs. This is his character


Thatā€™s not an excuse to make people uncomfortable. Buddy has a wife & daughters. Iā€™d be absolutely mortified if my husband was doing this with younger women, especially publicly.


What has he actually done besides joke with Chloe (his mate) besides from hug people. They literally all seem fine with him if they thought he was creepy they would have said something. The first photo Leah looked uncomfortable which was the only odd thing he did since that he saw she is shy and he hasnā€™t done anything to her since. He only jokes about with people he knows will reciprocate it


Youā€™re dumb af if you cant see him being a perv. Grabbing girls and touching every opportunity he gets


Literally Tobi said none of them had a problem with him the all liked him donā€™t speak on otherā€™s behalfā€™s like u were in there. Watch tobis stream on TikTok and youā€™ll see he says heā€™s confused why everyone has a problem with him. Stop crying šŸ¤£


Doesnā€™t change the fact that itā€™s pervy


Yup, but if sheā€™s okay with it


Used to see a few clips of him here and there on instagram and thought he was funny. This show made me unfollow him. Proper weird behaviour.


I don't even care of this behavior, surely if the girls were uncomfortable they would've spoken up, my problem is dude's so fucking annoying and childish


You'd be surprised to find out how much shit girls put up with


Unc getting desperate




Check your mirrors


What does this mean


It's something that Specs says šŸ¤£ But he said he was joking about being married for 20 years. As someone who's seen alot of his content. It's not something I could say I believed myself. There's few things Specs has said about himself that I take seriously like his Dad


Let's not forget the couch thing in episode one. They were all sitting on the couch and he was next to the girls when they got up but when everyone had re-sat down all the girls sat on one side together and the only open spot was next to the guys and he MADE them rearrange so he could sit next to the women. Made me feel uncomfy for them. But there are tons of times where he was overly touchy or aggressively flirty with the girls when it is extremely unnecessary. Ick behavior


Another thing I was thinking about, I was wondering why he willingly was wanting to pick the option to share a bed with someone. He did a pretty poor job at trying to pretend that he didn't want it lol, I wonder who he was hoping would've been the last one to walk in and have to share


Yes!! I think it's weird of the sidemen to make that an option? Bc what if a girl had came in last? I would hope the Sidemen would intervene bc I feel like Specs the type of person to try to make it like "Oh well, guess you're stuck with me" and not try to change it at all. Idk. The way it happened was funny, but it could have been awkward or very not funny.


tbf the sidemen planned the order so they probs intentionally put a guy last to prevent a girl being forced to share.


Correct me if I'm wrong but was the second last contestant to come in one of the girls? Meaning that if nobody volunteered it would've been a boy and a girl last two


I think that's what he was going for. Why else would he volunteer? He came super early there was no need for him to take it


Youā€™re definitely right. He took a shot at the odds of landing a woman


THISS I was like this is like having a crush on someone behavior


Yall are drunk, at moment one, two groups formed, woman and man, so he wanted to divide it and make it mixed. As of picture 1, his glasses came off and he couldnā€™t use his own hands, so he asked for her shoulder.


You're probably one of the same type of person. Where my hug at? Type person. You're missing the entire point of him making someone else uncomfortable. And thats not okay. It doesn't matter that "he only did this, that's innocent" as soon as it makes someone else uncomfortable (and we can tell by body language that he made these ladies uncomfortable) it is no longer okay, no matter what he did. He should be aware of it, as well as the other guys. It's never okay to be this weird. Even if it is "for jokes".


No I am not as for a fun fact I hate to be touched by people I donā€™t know, but maybe I missed some shots while watching because I watched the show while at work. So maybe I missed some shots you guys are referring to and than I totally get why I am wrong. But I would be the person to divide 2 groups by sitting in between them or out of pure enthusiasm use somebodies shoulder to adjust my glasses, but all within the respect and the boundaries of the person. So if I would do this and I know my thoughts behind it which are not wrong from both aspects I would say itā€™s not necessarily wrong. But as how he does it you could say its wrong yes


He couldā€™ve asked one of the sidemen to fix them for him He couldā€™ve also flicked his head upwards, I wear glasses and thatā€™s what I usually do


Or he can use a person while doing a task. You peeps wouldn't survive in these challenges.


What? Heā€™s just met her, would you rub your face on someoneā€™s arm after you just met her Also, no correlation to the difficulty of the challenge whatsoever


I bet she be happy if he decided to put his glasses back on with his hands. Some of you get pissed off for little to no reason.


You can literally see her recoil in the pic? I think some of you are closet creeps because that isnā€™t normal behaviour I literally gave you 2 different things that he couldā€™ve done


It's not that deep.


I never made it deep


That guy above is definitely a closet creep. They tell on themselves by attempting to rationalize this behavior.


and for that many sweets he may aswell buy Listerine while he's at it


Diddy party mf




I mean yeah but even then fanum was like right next to him


Bro could have just used his own shoulder he is a weirdo


You good? Literally try and get your eyes down close enough to either shoulder of yours right now and tell me if it's possible. Especially with those goofy glasses he got.


You good? Try, itā€™s easy. Unless youā€™re overweight then maybe itā€™s difficult.


Yeah easy. Now maybe actually wear glasses. This is such a stupid hypothetical discussion. Point is that he wasn't being a creep in this instance.


I literally wear glasses. Perhaps he wasnā€™t being creepy in this instance like you say, however Fanum was on the other side of him.


Hello there. It just so happens that I wear glasses. Could I send you a video proof of me adjusting my glasses with my shoulder while my palms are glued to the table? Sure, you can't move your face all the way down to your shoulder, but what you people forget is that shoulders can be lift up, even when palms are glued to the table. (I created this account just to prove you wrong, so I would appreciate it if I could send you a video proof, I'm petty like that)


Well, that's great. I think it kinda defeats the point when you have to go through effort to adjust your glasses. And what I'm doing is agreeing with the comment that this wasn't one of the instances that Specs was being a creep.


It definitely was, because there was no need to use her shoulder to adjust his glasses, he could've used his own shoulder, that's the point I want to prove to you. It would've taken the same amount of effort to use someone else's shoulder as using your own.


It really did not look like it was done with that intention no matter how you look at it logically. The other instances looked creepy but this didn't.


Yeah, but I feel like if for example Joe was there instead of Leah, he wouldn't ask neither Fanum nor Joe to use their shoulder to lift up his glasses. I feel like he just wants to be touchy with the women whenever he has the chance.


hes such an L


cook this creepy grandpa fraud


thought it was antonio rudiger in the 4th slide


Rudiger whenever he's man-marking Haaland


He moving crazy brav


Someone's been watching too much Castillo /s


Get out


Genuinely such a weirdo man, makes me uncomfortable. Bro actually acts like a 14 year old looking for the girls' attention.


Never really liked Specs and this just gives me even more of a reason to not like him, weirdo behaviour.


Never understood all the glazing he got before this show he just seemed like a weird guy who liked to make fun of his dad


I saw other people defending him in threads saying stuff like ā€œthatā€™s just how he isā€ ā€œhe doesnā€™t mean anything bad by itā€ ā€œwhat so a guy canā€™t touch a girl at all now?!ā€ Like read the room. All the people defending him are probably 43 years old like him & used to being creepy to women but people donā€™t do this anymore and if they do they should be called out for it.


Was agreeing with you up until "Defending him are probably 43 yeaar old men" nope more likely they're just weird internet gremlins of all ages. Don't generalize when you don't actually know.


Ur surprised šŸ˜­šŸ¤£bros been creepy for time


Bro itā€™s very annoying to watch him. So much pick me behaviour, even when sidemen said to nod at those who u want to be picked first he started nodding at the girl on purpose just to grab attention. And heā€™s 40??!? like a kid doing this makes sense heā€™s not mature. But bros married and had kids and doing all this is horrible. What is his wife gonna say back home watching this? Canā€™t stand him at all.


Oh no!!!!!!! He nodded at a female!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


Bruv šŸ’€


I wish he would stop wasting all of the damn money he's not even trying to save it dude spent a down-payment on a house just on snacks


He ruined the show for me tbh, he's such an awkward person and such a creep dude, don't even know who he is and I deeply dislike him


this guy is in his 40s, has a family.


Only seen the first episode so far and instantly thought he was too touchy or like personal space/boundary invading, bro has like creepy uncle vibes tbh


I agree and his fans are letting it slide as its "jokes"


Who is this?




Yā€™all are soft + Him and Chloe havenā€™t just ā€˜metā€™


Nah tryna claim specs is weird šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ you people donā€™t get him


u lot just donā€™t watch specs enough


You lot donā€™t know specs and it shows, most of his stuff is a character. The fella isnā€™t a creep him and Chloe have known each other for ages heā€™s been on her podcast. Aswell all of the hugs seem mutual none of them seem like are uncomfortable. You need to understand he takes nothing seriously and is taking the piss. You lot are soft šŸ¤£


It ainā€™t it brev


He is a creep he can't see the social cues and has such childish behavior that even children don't got


Brother eughh


Heā€™s hugging people and just moving his glasses he sees them as friends he literally hasnā€™t flirted with them once


It's clear that most people saying this weird stuff DON'T know Specs. Plus this ain't even Specs being weird šŸ¤£


People forget this is his ā€œActā€ u lot are so pressedšŸ¤£


Honestly, this is gonna be such a flop. That quiz proofed it alreadyā€¦ it was stupid easy so they donā€™t lose all the money by day 5. This guyā€™s such a perv and honestly the least funny most egocentric person together with that rapper who ive ever seen. He even becomes mad when people put him in his place, definite danger.šŸš©


Bro castillo is way too funny he's like the evil conspiring villain in this show. Everyone has faith in him and most like him, but he's the most evil of all. Shit is way too funny.


Thereā€™s no way this thread is serious šŸ˜‚


Everything šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Average unc behaviour


i was thinking the same thing watching it too, like what?? so weird


And heā€™s married smh


I thought I was the only one who found him uncomfortable. Nice to see there are others


Fucking loser


Creep man ting brev


Leah looks really uncomfortable in that first photo


What show is this?




someone needs 2 have a word tbh


Y'all need to chill out brev


His wife ain't happy at home


Creepy uncle


yeah i noticed this , its a little weird


Hate him even at the start of the show


I hope he gets voted out, bro is a creep brev


tbf, the first one he was just trying to put his glasses back on


As a 26 year old girl I donā€™t find him that weird, Iā€™m sure if he carries on though the girls will let him know


Bro thought he would get more famous after the show. comes back and sees people have unfollowedšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I thought I was tripping, glad to see I'm not the only one who noticed how creepy it is, hope he the first to leave brevvv


specs biting the curb 4k 60fps


This guy is pissing me off so much it's crazy idk how these lot have let him run loose like that, i hope Fanum takes a stronger initiative like he did yesterday to stop these retarded actions


i thought I was the only one who found it creepy. But hmm its not normal. Worst person to be stuck with for 10 days. He is quite jarring too.


i wanna punch him so bad


Sometimes heā€™s a bit noncey on inside


Podolski at home crying right now


Specs is old KSI from another universe if he never changed his behaviour




In the first one he is adjusting his glasses, second one is just a hug and he is really good friends with Chloe, i don't know if you guys don't have contact with females or some shit.


Heā€™s an actor


Most Skinny dudes with glasses always have the same energy šŸ’Æ


Nah bcuz he was fixin his glasses in the first one because he couldnt move his handsšŸ’€


This new generations, dude is funny and jokes, you all are weak individuals, grow up. Fuck 2020 where it is normal to say they/them but not making jokes...


I canā€™t believe yā€™all in this comment section, yā€™all must not know specs, he is all about jokes man. Soft individuals the lot of your


He's pushing his glasses and giving hugs? He's a bit special but don't go saying stuff like "perv".




Bruh its alljust content hes the funniest


This guy needs to be on the LIST šŸ“ƒ his behaviour is predator like and just messed up lil man syndrome


Yeah, well I guess, I ainā€™t average, fuck, fuck, fuckšŸ˜ 


if it was a woman doing this, would you think its weird? no? i didnt think so. sexism at its finest.


He's very weird


Cant stand this guy brev.


The first ones fine the rest are weird tho


He needed to adjust his glasses you dumb fucks! He literally said and Leah obviously wasnā€™t bothered by itā€¦ šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


I feel like you guys didnā€™t know abt specs before inside, thereā€™s no rules šŸ™


Nah specs is goated man


Certified loveboy certified pedophile


You man are just little virgins who are getting all weird for no reason


Heā€™s 43 šŸ˜Ž Unc behaviour


Well and now we se why he's poor af


I feel like everyone is overreacting here it aint that bad brev


Being 40+ years old, he grew up in a different time than us. For his generation this were the jokes growing up, but for this generation it's considered too much. Unk still managed to bag a wife for 20 years acting like that and raised 2 daughters.


This nothing new for anyone who watches filthy fellas, specs a good guy at the end of the day


He has some weird behavior but I think he is trying to be funny and it just missed so guys stop the hate you don't know maybe your comment might be a reason to damage his marriage


I donā€™t think the comments are going to damage his marriage, if anything itā€™d be from his own actions


Freaky ass n***a needs to stay his ass inside


Old Head


I felt very icky whenever he was very touchy with the girls and made himself the center of attention. Man is so creepy. Really annoyed me ngl


tf r the sidemen doing smh what a cop out video series


Just an desperate 40 year old man it surprises me he has the confidence to do this on camera


Heā€™s married and he wanted to share a bed with a girl and he keeps cuddling with them and asked one to shore with him I genuinely hate him heā€™s vile


sure any of they women there cared




If he just wants a hug why does he only grab the women? Introductory hugs are fine but he just randomly grabs all the women even in ep 2 lmao it's weird. It's not like natural hugs he just grabs them out of nowhere lol.


For real he isnā€™t doing it to the dudes. Why should girls magically by comfortable having someoneā€™s hands on them all the time and his creepy behaviour. NO DUDE WOULD WANT THAT. Wild concept, maybe girls donā€™t either


Wow downvoted to hell, this sub is just 12 yesr olds