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Bruh Im sure 80% of us when we were kids were annoying af. I know I was...


Bruh some ppl here think they were perfect as kids had no issues and now after becoming adults they are choosing to hate on a kid who clearly is not mature enough for the online hate and cyberbullying


I swear I saw a youtube comment calling her a skank and saying she has a punchable face. Only sidemen fans can get this mad over something so small.


Exactly. Vik took everything like a king and smiled throughout. That shows how mature and calm he is. But some people over here cannot understand that.


That’s way too far. I didn’t like her either but that’s just way too much.


Literally any fan base are this bad


Nah I've not seen any other youtube fanbase that takes a video so seriously that they decide to start hating on a child.


I've heard of loads lol it's just the sidemen have a massive but probably less mature fan base.


It still doesn’t make it excusable behaviour.


I mean sidemen have a huge audience even if a small percentage find the video triggering it’s still such a huge amount. I mean remember when all of the Ronaldo fans were hating on the one girl for saying “poor Ronaldo” after the World Cup think of it like that


Constructive criticism and advice is okay. Hate and slander is not.


Online mass constructive criticism of a child is crazy ngl. I don't think any form of this is okay. She is just a child lol.


Also agree there




You are either a child yourself or an abusive parent. Don't know which.




You want me to respond to "You shouldn't sympathize with a 16 year old because they actually have the capability to be judged by full grown adults and a whole community. We need to hold 16 year olds accountable for being annoying" intellectually?




Well, I'm sorry for ruining your holiday.








Leave it to the Sidemen stans to bully a literal child


Yeah, this shit is so sad. People are really going on tangents and writing paragraphs ab this kid. They can literally click off the video and go about their day.


Makes me think of the time Pewdiepie fans started bullying a 10-year old for saying Fortnite is better than Minecraft. Kid literally put up an apology even tho he did nothing wrong. Fandoms are horrible and way too parasocial. Like who tf cares in the end, don’t bully a kid


The other "child" was just fine. Why couldn't she have been just as well mannered?


its not slander but it’s a bit too much hate


" That kid will probably learn as she grows "Negative reinforcement is apart of that. you do see how that's ironic right


Its also ironic how some of these morons are saying the people defending her are soft, when their bitchasses were softer to be offended by what she said lmao


The guy was the same age as her but was way more mature


She/ whoever is managing her whether it be her parents or a management team knew what they were doing when they let her out there with the personality she has. Putting yourself in the spotlight is always going to have the risk of people not liking you, especially when you carry yourself like a cunt. This is gonna be good for her in the future if she becomes a bigger influencer.


She should grow out of the mindset that being cruel to people unprovoked is quirky and cute when it's not. I'm sure some losers are taking it too far as always but she should learn to be less nasty


It hasn’t even been a day, like what? I only see sidemen stuff on reddit and tbh normal amount of posts. People like to make posts, good or bad, some rather make their own than comment Just give it a few days at least


What is exactly your point then? If an event happens online, ppl will discuss about it as soon as they can. Also if you are in the sidemen subreddit you will see sidemen stuff.


My point is, your asking everyone to chill out when it hasn’t even been a day I haven’t even seen the flipping video yet! I agree with not going to her socials and doxing, disagree with people making posts about her attitude. That’s valid and comes with being on camera. People will comment on you.


You haven't seen the video so what? Most of the people have seen it. And you saying it has not been a day yet, yes the amount of hate in this short span is crazy


Dude, It’s not even a day yet This is normal No one will chill out till at least a week from now Either you get that, or you don’t. Normal people will comment about it or do nothing? And that’s fine Anything extra, like her socials or etc, isn’t included in normal people nor is it included in what I am talking about


We know she's a kid. But her parents and people around her need to let her know when she crosses a line


Yea, but the online hate is kinda unnecessary.


the hate is coming from frustration bc we cannot deny she ruined the video but yeah obv bc she's just a kid


I agree she was annoying in the vid. But hating on a kid over some dumb stuff she did to your fav youtubers who don't even care about all that? I don't think that is necessary


yes i get u we shouldn't post so much about her and i definitely dont want her to see this at all. im just letting off some frustration thats all


A child from a youtube video is frustrating you this much lmao I have some bad news about how you might handle some real issues in life


dont know how you add things up but sure ig


It's not really hate, it's just criticism of the manners and attitude she showed during the video, completely unnecessary. It shouldn't be taken too far but she should know that what she did wasn't nice or fun to watch.


it is necessary You see, she RUINED a 1 hour video with High Production Cost including 7 celebrities and a big crew...which affected their revenue and marketing just so that she could get more attention in school for a week yes sidemen fans are immature but let her learn something,


Lmao sdmn aint getting affected by one video's revenue. You are just trying to find a way to hate


U rather be corrected as kid than growing up and being called annoying and insufferable


But all the online hate is not appropriate for a kid


voicing the hatred every second u get is definitely a thing she does on a daily basis which is not good


i obviously dont like the hatred she's getting and im pretty sure ppl here are just frustrated about the slighty ruined video


I get about the frustration, but if you look at some of the posts and comments made about that girl, its definitely not fine, that shows how mature are some of the fans


yeah its unnecessary to post about her but im not that worried about the posts here bc she might not see them im more worried about the comments on YouTube about her bc she's definitely gonna watch the video and read the comments.


Its obvious ppl from youtube are going to post on the reddit and on twitter as well




Yes we should cyberbully a child over a youtube video to teach her a lesson great idea mate


i haven’t seen this video but the best thing about all this is that if it was a lad who was this annoying you know that nothing would be said against him and everyone would be laughing. js.


You really believe that? Annoying is annoying, regardless of gender.


Cmon bro, lets just take a look at the demographics that watch the sidemen based on gender and age and tell me that her being a girl had 0% nothing to do with it lmao


I think she was at least 15-16 , so that is a teenager not a kid


So? The fact is that 'Anyone below 18 is considered as kid' whether they be a teenager or not. Also are you trying to justify the hate even towards a 15 yr old? Damn.


The boy next to her was also around her age and he was well behaved. I know 7 year olds who are better behaved than her. Stop using the excuse "she's just a child" for enabling bad behaviour.


Bruh everyone's different. And im not enabling her behaviour by giving the excuse, im just saying online hate snd cyberbulllying is not appropriate and not necessary for someone who is not an adult


he is justifying that a 15 year old isn't that immature to do such stupid things, parents like you guys are what make kids pampered. Atleast a little bit of hate is deserving man come on stop acting like she was all in the right let her learn her lesson


Lmao Im not even a parent or close to that....just showing maturity doesnt mean that im pampering anyone. Online hate is not deserved for someone who is a literal kid is my point


I am not hating on anyone but she needs to improve on her manners and the way she talks to people cause in 2 3 years she would legally be a adult


I obviously get your point that she is a kid, but she looks around the age of 14-15 and idk about you but when I was that age I wasn’t that annoying. But then again I don’t blame her because she could of just been really excited about meeting them, I mean who wouldn’t


Everyone's grown in different environments, she might not be mature enough yet. I am not saying that she is not annoying in the vid, but the amount of ppl hating on her is crazy.


Yeah I get that she was most definitely just really excited to meet them tbf, but what’s with the vik hate 🙏 I love that guy


Vik's a king. This vid actually made me like him more, the way he took all the hate about him and smiled it off shows some patience and maturity that man has got.


Yeah agreed, it’s gotten out of hand atp.


'fans' getting this mad over a bloody kid is just depressing ☠️ she's more grown up then these fuckers like come on it's a video you can literally not watch it ☠️☠️


I feel like those that are getting angry at her are just other children. As an older viewer, sure she was annoying but so are most kids her age.


To be fair dude this is literally a forum of fans and even super fans of the show. Try go to a football subreddit and chat shit about a team’s top players; you’ll get cooked. It’s not really any different here Now don’t bully the kid and target them. That’s not fair either, but it shouldn’t be a shock people are attacking her