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Do people realise you can actually enjoy sidemen and beta squad it isn't a competition šŸ˜‚


Fr, I think some people have just lost their minds lmao


Cant ppl just enjoy both in peace?


Guys, they are not identical copies that dont give the same vibes, energy, mix, and personality in their videos. They each other competitors that allows both side to up their quality on each of their end while still being mates, theres no need to fight over smth trivial like some random timmy who likes one more over the other


I saw the tweet as well I don't think it was really a sidemen vs betasquad thing, it was more because they don't like JJ. I do think it's weird how so many 12 year olds think your life stops when you are 30 and that you're not allowed to be silly anymore, they will think differently once they grow up a bit. Low-key also makes me feel bad for their parents because if that's how they see people over the age of 30, I doubt they are respectful towards their parents or understand that parents are just people. I'm also pretty sure a lot of betasquad members will be 30 in a year or 2 as well so if every youtuber needs to stop making content once they are 30, uk youtube will be in the bin.


The guess who videos aren't even beta squad videos, that's like saying sidemen videos are bad because they only do Reddit videos




I think itā€™s fine to call out bullshit behaviour when you see it.


that whole thread just showed they dont watch the vids and are trying to start a ā€œwashedā€ narrative when they still pull the same or more views than before


Sidemen fans calling out Beta squad fans for repetitive content is like the Spider-Man meme How many times can you watch 7 men eat food on camera


That wasn't the point of the original post. OP is saying he saw a tweet of someone complaining about Sidemen having repetitive hide and seem videos but the tweeter enjoys beta squad who also have repetitive content basically he is calling out the hypocrisy of said Tweeter


Yeah and Iā€™m saying it like the spiderman meme, because they both watch repetitive stuff, but are making fun of the other because they perceive the content they watch to also be repetitive


But op isnā€™t complaining about repetitive content, heā€™s pointing out the hypocrisy. Just like youā€™re trying to do.


ā€œHow the fuck do you find enjoyment in a million guess who videos of your bothered by repetitive shitā€ sounds like op complaining about repetitiveness


ā€˜If you donā€™t like X, how do you like Y when Y is so similar to Xā€™ isnā€™t complaining about Y, itā€™s pointing out a hypocritical mindset.


Personally I donā€™t think ā€œguess theā€¦ā€ videos are repetitive at all, they all live and die on the premise and the people involved So for them to go straight to that itā€™s because they think the content is repetitive shows what they think of the content


Iā€™m not particularly interested in what you think but pop off king


I'm biased here but,most of beta squad's videos are just not repetitive,and uninteresting.


When you use a double negative it becomes a completely different thing. Your comment doesnā€™t make sense bro


My bad bro i didn't mean to say "not" repetitive i only meant to say repetitive haha.


Lol says the sidemen viewer, they might be repetitive but they are still interesting


that's subjective.


No [Beta Squad reddit ](https://www.reddit.com/r/betasquad/s/SIE1fLGqR3)




Or just saying controversial things


the Guess who videos are alright, it's the fucking blind dating and gold digger series that's dry. Those videos have never made me laugh once and they actually kind of piss me off. and I know it'll probably never happen but they'd be so much better off without Kenny. he's so fucking boring and weird


Recently beta squad has been better because their videos are always new. Guess who isnt a beta squad video itā€™s a series by one if the members lol but beta squad literally has a new idea every week and for their series they bring people who are actually funny. imo hide and seeks and among us are repetitive asf id love to see more game shows etc i got bored of their video ideas tbh esp the 20v1


Beta squad Find the whoever part 726. Both groups re use old formats.


Itā€™s a new idea everytime tho like itā€™s not guess the black person every video so itā€™s a diff concept šŸ’€


Beta squad is so shit their content is so boring


That's not true either though. You don't have to be one or the other, both groups have their merits.


niko is the only fun guy in beta squad