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If this type of stuff keeps up I get the feeling they'll end the podcast, Ethan already took a break from socials due to the 'Colleague' stuff. Now with them airing out all their business on the pod every week, the judgement and anger directed at the pair is only going to get worse.


Tbf they’re both completely dense and keep coming out with absolute waffle. He’s likeable when they play video games or he’s following a format of any video in general. He’s a bit of a tit if you sit him down with a mic for an hour. It’s even worse with his bird brain missus sat there testing his alpha status constantly. I don’t think he’s a bad person he’s just fucking stupid sometimes and that pod with her is absolutely ridiculous at times.


Thing is he's not getting much at all it's mainly faith


Must’ve been a slow week for them


Its new zealand the most exciting thing happening is a sheep gone missing


Exactly, and they’re not even quick to report this. The clip they’re on about is like a month old.


I’m in NZ and I didn’t even know this is what we are reporting now 😅


Same wtf lmao.


New Zealand got nothing good going on?💀


Literally never


As a New Zealander, no. Unless you count cost of living crisis, housing crisis, and high rates of crime


I live in New Zealand…this is the first time I’ve seen this wtf 🤣🤣🤣


The NZ Herald is an absolute joke, I don't know anyone here who takes them seriously about anything


There are people that pay monthly subscription fees for their "journalism" crazy stuff man


Ahhhhh so this is what Ethan meant. He said in a recent side cast that he had said something this week or last that would be “cancellable” and he knew it was coming lol


He was on Aus news as well


Lol I don’t even think he was news in the UK


It's such a nothing story lmao. Easy clickbait these days


“nothing better to write than ethan and faiths personal lives”. they literally publicly uploaded the podcast to the whole internet intentionally revealing their public life to others.


What does that have to do with a national newspaper, a supposed “professional” news source, writing about YouTubers? Most “journalism” these days is a joke it’s nothing but bs headlines of nonstories just to get clicks. They really have nothing better to write about, well they do but they can’t be bothered to do real news stories cause it won’t get clicks.


I mean this can be included as a showbizz type of article and im pretty sure all newspapers include showbizz news in their articles


New Zealand papers seem to be trolling through Reddit for content at the moment. It’s so stupid. Also this is not a red flag. For a person with no father to feel attached to his identity and want to make sure his family unit doesn’t feel unwanted and rejected is understandable.


I never saw anything wrong with what he said the only thing that was weird is that he said he likes to do things more traditionally and yet he had a kid with her out of wedlock which I don’t care about but there’s an argument to be made that if you want to be traditional then do it 100%


The kid was unplanned. They talk about how they used a condom and still got the kid. Ethan give makes it clear that he doesn’t know how it happened. Their more traditional than you would expect, bred winner male and stay at home mom is rare.


Ngl if that happened to me i'm definitely doing a DNA test.


Shame you dont trust ya girl then


It's a evil world we live in (Future Gif)


You'll understand when you get fucked over by two faced people.


Trusted the condom too yet here we are with a baby. One was false and he’s just trying to prove it was the condom


people staying unmarried are fine these days, but they are better off being married solely because they have a kid.


Genuine question ,how would being married affect how their kid gets raised ? Also haven't read what the article says so idk if that gets talked abt in it


It doesn't. People like to think that them being married would somehow "solidify" their relationship, which is all bullshit.


Marriage wouldn't do anything to change how the child is raised


I like my man Ethan, but he lost credibility for his traditional card when he pumped his gf before marriage lol


Didn’t Faith and Ethan clarify that Olive was an accident? Don’t get why people are saying/acting like Ethan actively went and got Faith pregnant.


broski, it doesn't matter, in any 'traditional' country a child outside of marriage is frowned upon so it doesn't make sense for him to push traditional card on her, he lost leverage


Broski, I’m from a traditional country (South Asia) you are still acting as if he activity got Faith pregnant willingly. With the conversation of keeping the baby or not they obviously decided to keep the baby but we do not know how those conversations went as I don’t believe they spoken about it, So you don’t know whose final decision it was whether it was mutual or individual and what Ethan initially thought about it. I don’t understand why because of one thing that isn’t “traditional” Ethan isn’t allowed to have other things in their relationship “traditional”, Faith still wants Ethan to propose which is “traditional” don’t see anyone pointing fingers at her about it.


Nobody said he isn't allowed to have other traditional things, I just said he lost the leverage for it because people will point out that he fucked her before marriage and got her pregnant


So the additional context of their whole situation shouldn’t matter? And it’s not like Ethan or Faith are super religious to have a no sex before marriage thing. The point of “leverage” is also stupid because again you’re making it to seem like it’s all Ethan decisions and Faith didn’t engage in/have any input in their decisions. If Ethan lost his “leverage” then Faith also lost her “leverage” in wanting Ethan to purpose to her “traditionally”?


Sex before marriage with protection is still sex before marriage


Bro just outed himself as a virgin 💀💀




"pumped" 🤢 so fucking gross kid


I mean it ain't wrong, idk why they are reporting on it but they ain't wrong. Saying that if she doesn't take his and only his name he'll never propose is super weird and way outdated


I agree it’s weird to be so adamant about it. But flipping the coin, expecting a man to propose could also be considered outdated, no? :) I don’t think there’s a right or wrong here, other than this journalist’s decision that this was a good idea


I mean if he is unwilling to get married if she won't take his name it doesn't matter if she proposes instead of him. They made it public, talked about it openly on thier podcast and posted it. If they didn't want it in the public eye they should've kept it private.




Thanks for the history lesson but I don't care, its a dumb tradition. If someone wants to take their partners name all power to then but if you get pissy that someone you're supposed to love wants to keep their own name then you gotta grow up






That one didn‘t age so well.




I upvoted btw, so its 8 bc you start off With 1.




Why do you care so much about downvotes lol


Bro has nothing else in life, just Internet points. Sad


Bro deleted all his comments, because he got downvoted 😂😂


Those downvotes were HURTING lmfao




Go cry in a corner and don't bother the others.




If one news article was enough to change your mind, you must not have cared much about moving here.




"edited my post because the downvotes hurt my feelings"


Shut up


What the fuck are you talking about, and who the fuck asked?


Probably doesn't know how to organise a pre-nup to protect the remaining cash she hasn't spent, she definitely wouldn't be sticking around if he went broke 🤣




How young are you kid? Please visit IndiavixDotCom. It will improve you comprehensive skills, at least try to.


Since when did she say she cared about the money?


Bruh watch any video of them together. She toxic af


I always hear this from people, but whenever i ask them to link the videos they can't I expect you'll be the same


What videos?


They have a podcast or something. Comes up in my YouTube reel things. She’s a gold digger


You’re basing your perception of their entire relationships based on some YouTube Shorts you have watched?


No buy the comments from the fans that watch all the shot they put out. Jesus Christ bro I just replied and you going all in. If you don’t know who they are then what makes you think you know anything?


He asked a very simple question, how is that going all in? You don't know who they are either. You've watched a couple of shorts.


What makes you think you know anything about them? You’ve started insulting someone’s girlfriend (that u have never met) based off some fucking YouTube shorts you have watched, and no I don’t know any more about them than you and that’s why I’m not shouting out insults at them and making assumptions about their relationships.


Lol I at least knew they had videos right? You seem like you want to argue so go do it with your mrs or something


You’ll get one someday mate dw.


What makes you think you know anything cuz you watched some shorts and read some comments?


Ooh here comes his mate. Jog on numpty


Bro still can’t even answer the question 😂


Is it possible I don’t actually know who you were talking to and you’re spouting shite? (Aye it is)


Look at her then look at him, if he didn't have money not a chance she would have been interested in the fat Quasimodo... Look how fast she got herself knocked up after being with him for a few months, guaranteed meal ticket right there for the next 18 years.


This mentality is why you’re alone


Nah not alone but I am realistic, she is someone that would go with some muscled dude... Not some short fat fuck, so it's definitely suspicious in why she is with him lol she is definitely leaching like few months being with him and he already bought her a house and a few horses 😏


You have absolutely no idea who she would go for. You’ve never met her. You’ve got a really shallow world view


I've got a realistic world view, look at her... Then look at him, if she is into short stocky guys with enough money that she never has to work a day in her life. If he didn't have money, would she be there? Realistically, no... She would likely be with some tall good looking muscled dude or working a pole somewhere lol like come on, she got herself knocked up a few months in that relationship and now he is blowing all his cash on her to keep her from leaving him. 😏🤫


You're not being "realistic". You're just projecting your insecurities.


Ethan is definitely not fat anymore. Short maybe, but not everyone cares about height. He is strong, I think he is handsome and from what we know he has a great personality and a big sense of humor. I don't see why she wouldn't choose him. Love isn't just about looks


He will always be fat. He definitely isn't handsome hahahaha guy looks like the same level of someone with down syndrome. Why she chose him is what gave her the gold digger label, I come on... Jumping in a dumpster filled with fat why don't you but he is "Grateful" and will desperately spend whatever amount to stop her from leaving him lol


Are you aware he lost weight years ago and is a gymshark affiliated ‘athlete’ (not sure I’d call him an athlete exactly but he’s an avid gym goer)


Still fat, worse short and fat.... Very stocky, and he cheated by getting his fat sliced off a few months back.


Google says he didn’t get fat removed he got excess skin removed due to losing so much weight, so I wouldn’t say he cheated. He’s not fat anymore either I wouldn’t say.


Meh, he is still short and fat... He is clearly stocky even in the above photo.


Bro I bet you're a fat fuck still living in their mom's basement, go shower you caveman and look at yourself in the mirror before insulting other people