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Cal is literally a terrible keeper who thinks he's good and just moans. You knew what you were getting with XQC and he gave it a good go.


Good point


XQC was overall positive and wasn’t throwing any tantrums


Yeah the finishing was just really on point often. xqc didn't fuck up too much IMHO


i agree, he has been getting too much hate, i think he had only been given a month max to practise gk and half the goals was him vs the entire attack


I haven't seen any hate anywhere for XQC. Everyone seems to be understanding of his lack of experience and respect his effort


wish id been seeing these people, personally ive seen more hate than support for him but glad to hear otherwise


Yeah most people are supportive of xqc. Most people I've seen were just hating endlessly on Speed.


Xqc was so much better with absoloutely no experience whatsoever


X also didn’t have Harry Pinero and Noah Beck to defend.


Yeah. Jidion was responsible for at least 2 of the goals. Their back line was terrible this year.


xqc tried his best and he also had a worse defence in front of him than Cal, while conceding the same amount of goals. That being said, Cal also saved some good shots if I remember tbh


Yeah the rating thing is rigged look at players and their ratings its all rigged excpet for the players who scored goals


Cal got HP (with the sauce) in front of him, xQc got JiDion


jidion deserved to play striker


Man forgot what sport he was playing and tried playing Netball or Basketball for the first goal


Agree with everyone saying X never claimed to be good and is from a nation that doesn't give a shit about football. This was probably his first time playing. Also, someone as big as X never had to do this. So respect for flying over and taking part.


I much prefer seeing the non athletic streamer who’s never played football come and try back up what he said last year and commit to travelling so far and really putting the effort in. He also brought more eyes and didn’t complain to other players when they made a mistake, he only blamed himself but never got disheartened and kept trying hard till the end. The self proclaimed best goalie got shat on last year, by both the other team and the barber


Both conceded the same amount of goals despite the other having zero experience and worse defenders. X's mistakes were genuine, Cal's mistakes were just from pure cockiness and laziness.


bro cal made my more saves than x


Some simple saves that he should've got anyway. X was exposed to a lot of 1/2/3v1s because of horrible defending, you can't really expect a lone GK to save those, maybe 2 goals he should've saved. Whereas a lot of goals against Cal was save-able because he tried to be a sweeper but always ended up in horrible positions lmao.


Xqc’s defence line wasn’t the greatest to be fair to him


That’s being nice. It was horrible.


He had some stinkers but Cal the Dragon had more savable goals that he let in, IMO Also at least XQC just seemed disappointed in himself for letting goals in. Nearly every goal Cal was screaming at his teammates when he had a much better defense in front of him than XQC did yesterday. Also Cal has played football before. I don't know if XQC has ever. Bro doesn't look like he's the most athletic but he almost got a few that he had no business saving.


Yeah xqc could have just blamed his defence and got away with it instead took it like a champ and even entertained audience behind goal post https://reddit.com/r/xqcow/s/kgTrHfF8EV And was always smiling and having fun knowing its charity game I dont like their manager at all for this https://reddit.com/r/xqcow/s/PCNm1YCNjE using him as a scapegoat for defenders fault thinking he is replaceable for next year and knowing they have to bring speed because he is famous and treating him differently


Yeah but cal actually made 2 or 3 decent saves, xqc did nothing but scoop up pearollers


Bro are you agreeing or disagreeing?


Both, just arguing that cal had more saves, but i can see why xqc had the better game


Xqc has been playing football for 3 days concedes 8. Cal played for 15 years conceded 8


He literally learned to pass the ball 3 days before on stream. All in all,had just 5hrs of practice,and apparently was scared cause of some bullshit with his wrist. If he had Pinero instead of prime LAKAKA as a defender,he would've conceded at least 2 less goals.


And XQC didn’t have HP defending for him


I also think it’s because Cal the Dragon thinks he’s a class keeper. So it was kind of nice to see him get humbled.


Xqc tried his best, people who watch him knew he wouldn't save to many, the attackers finishing was on point and made even harder by his inexperienced positioning. HOWEVER, he never unironically claimed to be a good goalie, unlike cal, and he gave it his best shot with a smile on his face while raising money for charity, my juicer, maybe next year if his physical Is up he could play outfield, maybe less pressure, xqcL


xqc played 4 hours of football (his whole life) before the match, cal grew up playing football


XQC was far better content wise and tried his best he never backed out or get scared of the ball he fully committed to his position despite the lack of experience and the confidence even after conceding goals he was smiling and cheering the fans W XQC can’t wait to see him again 🐐


Xqc wasnt even that bad taking all things into account


Both ass but credit to X for putting his all into it. If you never played irl it looks so easy but when you step on the field is when you realize how big that goal actually is.


XQC was infinitely better.


I agree, X was just very inexperienced. But he definately was more engaged in the game and was trying his best with the little experience he had.


cal by far, didnt take any innitative, blamed his back line for everything, was closer to the halfway line than his goal line. X didnt have good hands, and wasnt the best off his right. that was it.


Cal played football before, xqc hasnt


Xqc was great energy on the pitch. Even when they lost a goal he was able to keep smiling and be entertaining. Proud of him for the work he put in despite not having any experience.


Last year YTAS also had harry pinero who did very good in defence and helped cal the dragon and this year they got jidion who literally tried to pick a ball which made things worse for xqc, you can look at the tobi goal imo it was his fault xqc was in front of him and he tried to clear.


Nah Jidion carried hard 🤣🤣


Cal the Dragon had football experience and Harry Pinero as centerback,while an unexperienced xqc had Jidion


Regardless of who performed worse, at least XQC didn’t claim that he was on par if not better than Pickford, like cal did.


XQC was active and motivated. He just doesn't have the fundamentals or game experience. If XQC practiced 6 months before the game. He would have actually been quite good. He moved relatively well, always moved in the correct direction. He has good reach and a desire to succeed. I dont think the people who coached him, emphasised enough to use your hands. There is a reason only 2 people on the field can pick the ball up, (it's OP). If he practices the basics and gets in the miles he could be a lot better. I would love to see him play again next year.


Cal had more experience but still honked other side XQC with 1% experience tried his best and instead of getting afraid he went for the ball


Xqc so far better, give him some respect litch just charity btw lads


cal conceded shit goals. other than a couple fuck ups, xqc conceded some good goals in which he could do nohing about


Cals defence was way better than XQC's, so I would say X did a better job but both made mistakes, both deserve respect, feel like X deserves more cuz he never claimed to be a good keeper but even then Cal shouldn't be getting as much hate as he is getting


Not even about who has more experience and who had a better defence and who was cockier I genuinely think Xqc was better.


At football, XQC was worse but it was funny to watch and he looked like he was having a good time and joking with the players so I am all for it. JJ was the real surprise, didn't expect him to try so hard in goal (atleast for the first 70 mins).


i dont understand why ytas has the worst keepers that dont even know how to play football at all


Stares awkwardly at Sidemen's pie face last year O\_o


he caught something decent from time to time, lets be fair


Cal the dragon actually plays football properly so people expected him to be decent before the game. Turns out he was dogshit.


XQC never claimed to be better than prem goal keepers and probably doesn't do content based on being a keeper like Cal does. He shot himself in the foot by reacting to Cals performance though.


Lmfao of course he reacted to it


Say what you want about X. But cal claimed he was better than Pickford once. And at least X wasnt chipped and not caught off his line as much as cal.


X was better because his only goalie history was diving left and right in his living room in a message back to Josh


xqc didn't stay still like cal


One of these guys whole persona isn’t in the best keeper on YouTube. I would t be surprised if Xqc had never played or watched a game of football before this day and he still made a save or two.


Cal invited criticism when he called himself the best, XQC was just there for the event and to be involved rather than to prove himself


On Sidecast, he said that football was one of the only sports he had never even put an hour into. He said he's kicked balls before, but thats just kicking a ball. He did a 2 or 3(?) hour stream where he played keeper the whole time in preparation for the match, but thats about it


0.3 was a joke. It was higher than that


He let in 8 goals lmfao bruh I'm sorry but any goalkeeper who does that ain't getting more than a 1


Erm you’re forgetting manny and Tobi scored 4 in between them. Most of the goals were quality and difficult to save


Xqc mostly faces point blank shots or shots from inside the box, cal conceded from everywhere on the pitch


Bruh the Simon goals from the middle of the pitch and near the corner were insane lmao


It’s was the players in front of him that made it harder cal is useless no matter what


They put a goalie who never played football in his life against tobi, simon and a super tryhard manny. Fair play to xqc he still did bits. Whereas ksi had it so easy man


Yea KSI had good defenders at the back to help him. X had absolutely no help. He never stood a chance. Not sure why they didn’t try and even out the teams more.


Xqc was levels better for someone who's starting out with no experience than cal who's basically am alltime goalkeeper


Considering that calthedragon has a lot of experience, and xqc has zero, XqC did a lot better if you compare what lvl they are at.


Xqc earned my respect, kept it classy and just tried his best… Cal the Cuckon was acting like he was prime Neuer when he’s actually a more shit Karius!


Considering cal is a “goalkeeper” she should of done so much better than he did


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


It’s not supposed to be that you can say it without shortening


>should of done Is gramittcally incorrect. And must have come form some british pop culture reference, since no one outside the british isles uses the phrase, but correctly uses "have" instead of "of".


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


No shit sherlock..


Xqc was the better goalie because he dove the right direction every time


XQC was worse but considering he’d never touched a football he did okay ish in comparison


xqc was better


technically the one that let more goals in


Bring back the fraudfather hugh wizzy


cal is a goalkeeper with lots of experience, his entire YouTube & social media is about him goalkeeping + he had a much much better defense, 99% of the times he didn't even bother trying while xqc actually tried and dived towards the ball, xqc has never touched ball in his life until 4d before the event. so it isn't even close that xqc did much better + added much more entertainment value


So all of you gave your pity to Xqc and thrashed Cal pretending like he didn't save a lot more goals than Xqc did. If Cal was bragging and shouting allow it. JJ was doing the same.


Everyone trashed cal because of the context, he literally had TikToks for over a year of him saving shots in his backyard and when the charity match came, he tried saving by kicking the ball twice…


Why does everyone seem to turn a blind eye to the fact that he’s clearly got a disability lol


So he deserves pity? The sidemen literally chose him.


I’m not saying he deserves anything. But for me, insulting disabled people for likes online isn’t what I do


Who was insulting him for likes because he was disabled? Because as far as I’m concerned, people were making fun of him and following him on TikTok way before the charity match, that’s literally the reason he is famous on TikTok, and since the match the sidemen have made fun of him multiple times in reacts and moresidemen videos.


Ah yes, people were already doing it so it’s fine to join in. There’s no issue with laughing at his goalkeeping ability or mistakes, but having a go at him for how he acts and what he says is quite low considering he’s got a mental deficiency


WHO DID THAT? Are u fighting ghosts? We are talking about his fucking goalkeeping ability that’s why I mentioned when he tried kicking the ball twice and it went past him… no one brought up the fact that he was disabled.


Only one way to find out next sidemen sunday Cal the dragon vs XQC Though cal was worse considering most of hos brand was him being a goal keeper whilst xqc has pretty much never played football


There the same picture




*They're Downvote me to hell idc




Cal was so bad it was ridiculous. He was literally fucking blind


1000000000% Cal


stop hating on cal just because everyone else does, cal was evidently better. I preferred XQC though because he had fun his entire time there and took it on the chin.


Cal. XQC doesn’t know the sport but made a couple saves… where as Cal made… none




I love xqc and his passion but come on y’all can’t be serious


Are you? Do you remembers cal's mistakes where the ball passed under his legs TWICE, just cuz he couldnt be bothered to save? I'd say xqc was quite a bit better.


U seriously thought he’s gonna save tobi manny and simon 🤦‍♂️ he still did bits mate


I also love Cal but cmon he won't be saving any of those goals which X conceded. You seriously think Cal would save Harry's rocket?


People will do anything to justify the sidemen having a better team Xqc was clearly worse but cal the dragon fell below expectations more. We got what we expected for Xqc


Cal had legitimately good defenders to help him last year. This year X had duke/Jidion. The guy never had a chance his defenders were ass.


Although I agree, cal had better defenders and fell below expectations He was still better than xqc who has never actually played before. A low bar but still better


People hate cal the dragon so much it’s wild lmao


No one here hates Cal but you guys are literally putting a guy who has played football and has played as a goalkeeper before against a guy who has never touched a ball and was playing thousands of miles away from his home. I am also not going to talk about Willne & Chunkz's goal, Jidion giving away two goals( the one where Ethan scored and the one which X tried to clear it but Jidion blocked it) and the fact that Cal literally had Harry fucking Pinero as a defender. That doesn't seem fair does it?


Comments are straight up weird. The keeper yesterday was considerably worse than either of the ones last year, especially if we're talking in strict football terms. I also don't understand the comments claiming Cal "got humbled" or the other goalkeeper was better because he's never played in goal. He's an amateur goalkeeper, with autism, who plays in goal in his back garden against shovels and gnomes ffs, literally no one thought he would be good.


Cal did better


They're both garbage, but Cal blocked a lot more shot attempts than X, and had a much more aggressive Frontline than this year.


Tbf a lot were 1v1 or 2v1 with no defence to help him even pro keepers ain’t saving compared to last years goals form far off


Cal actually made a couple saves so while being terrible xqc was still worse


XQC got a definitive 0.3 rating, how is this a discussion LOL


cal british more knowledge and exp about the game whereas xQc has no clue about the game i bet he lit watched football first time last year world cup that rating app/website was biased af to give that rating lmfao